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Moment of silence


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It's ridiculous that those ranged DPS classes can do more damage then a Jedi. Watch the movies and see who's more dangerous :p

PSA: This guy is joking. Hence the :p


Sarchasm: the rift between the person that is being sarcastic and the person who's not getting it. ;)

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no, it is the simple truth. Not saying anything about the necessity or value of each..just that they were both rebalancing


Oh, you were going for shock value in trying to say that the OS nerf is similar to that other thing. The OS nerf was a necessary thing. If it annoys a few PVPers, that's a shame, but they'll get over it.

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Ah yes. A moment of silence, yes. But a short moment because since the CD has been diminished, you will likely be in the middle of a green AOE target before long.

Yeah, but you won't care. Each tick is going to be doing about 1300 if the guy is in full 78s.


OS is just fine. It's still useful, just not the one-shot-kill for whole packs of mobs.

It is not really even that useful as an AOE skill anymore. It takes too long to deal its pitiful damage, even Cybertech grenades do more damage quicker. The only thing it is marginally useful for is keep weaks in one spot, the only time I can recall seeing a weak in a OP boss add pack is Corruptor Zero's healers.

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Yeah, but you won't care. Each tick is going to be doing about 1300 if the guy is in full 78s.



It is not really even that useful as an AOE skill anymore. It takes too long to deal its pitiful damage, even Cybertech grenades do more damage quicker. The only thing it is marginally useful for is keep weaks in one spot, the only time I can recall seeing a weak in a OP boss add pack is Corruptor Zero's healers.


OS remains a fire-and-forget AOE. It'll be fine. The only thing that changes for PVEers is that it will be woven into the rotation more often.

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Sounds like most AOE abilities then for DPS classes.


Most hard-hitting AOEs are channeled effects. That would have been 'my' choice of solutions for OS. Leave the damage alone, but make it a channeled effect so that it can't be cast and then jump back into the rotation while it decimates everything on its own.

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So prediction on how long before PvPers say it's now OP in PvP (the smart ones) because it now has a faster cast time and can be used more often.


If anything this was a nerf to it in PvE ONLY (MAYBE...like some others say I think it'll just be moved into rotation for AoE only as it should be...haven't gotten in game to try it yet to see if they over-nerfed the dmg but I admit it was OP and I've been an Operative since launch).


Its purpose in PvP for me has always been to keep people from capping objectives/planting bombs etc and with faster cast time and usable more often it's going to be better for that now.


Once again showing why skills should be separated completely in PVE and PVP and have completely different rulesets for at least some skills.

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OS remains a fire-and-forget AOE. It'll be fine. The only thing that changes for PVEers is that it will be woven into the rotation more often.


Which is exactly what BW said they wanted to stop, they said they did not want AoE skills being used rotationally...Good job their change had the exact opposite effect they wanted. When is smash going to get hit? It does a pre-nerf OSes damage instantly and upwards of 4 times as often. How about Death Field, it does about the same damage as pre-nerf OS over time and buffs the Sorc's DoTs. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

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I propose that the abilities be renamed either Orbital Wet Noodle or the Orbital Hug for Agents and XS Big Smootch or XS Freighter Flip-off. Having the abilities called the OWN or the XS BS fits their weak<redacted> state.


Orbital Hug. I'm going to have to share that with our Sniper. XD

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It getting nerfed isn't the problem- the problem is the laughably ill-designed way in which it was nerfed.


I concur, I wouldn't have minded an increase in energy cost, casting time, cooldown or even a decrease in damage along with the pvp set bonus swap, but not like this.

I used OS for my dailies today and it was so underwhelming... doesn't feel like an Orbital Strike anymore. I'm better off just throwing grenades...

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OS remains a fire-and-forget AOE. It'll be fine. The only thing that changes for PVEers is that it will be woven into the rotation more often.


Which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what Bioware wanted to do with OS/Flyby. They wanted to remove it from single-target rotation, not make it a stand-in for Snipe.


So all in all, 0/10 change, GG Bioware.

I guess this means I have something new to throw in my lethality rotation occasionally! Yay? :w_rolls_eyes:


This ain't real life and OS and FFB weren't meant to be in a single target rotation. Balance happens, get over it.


I encourage you to read Paowee's theorycrafting on the subject of post-nerf OS. The consensus was that we'll STILL be using it ST, and all it did was neuter our damage without changing anything radical.

Edited by Beslley
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This ain't real life and OS and FFB weren't meant to be in a single target rotation. Balance happens, get over it.

Air Strikes get called in all the time on single hardened targets. Which oddly enough are what OP bosses are.


And tell that to the MM tree where the talents make OS and Sniper Volley match up perfectly. That was too good a synergy to have been on accident.

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They had to rework the damage because they are bringing back Open World PvP. :mon_angel:

A duo of Agents with their companions out and chapter 3(?) (2?) completed, was too over powered because of the Legacy OS. Meaning they had access to 4 OS's in a short amount of time every 15 mins or so. This is also over powered for non-Operation PvE.

I mean ... this has to be the reason, right?... right :jawa_confused::jawa_eek::jawa_confused:

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