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So, how about these Tactical Flashpoints, huh?


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To me, it says that BioWare has heard the Damage Dealer's cries of woe that groups are slow to find via Group Finder and that those same damage dealers too lazy, stupid, or stubborn to roll tanks or healers or to learn to play excellently to get on friend lists of tanks and healers to solve the problem themselves.


In response to those pleas for Mommy and Daddy BioWare to solve their DD's problem for them, BioWare has implemented dead nuts simple mechanics and easily defeatable foes.


However, in their wisdom, BioWare has also kept the "old ways" alive for hard modes.


I think that's a fair and reasoned response on BioWare's part. DD's who can't manage to be anything but a fail DD can go into these new Tactical Flash Points and feel like they're superior. Players who can manage to play well and behave in a socially responsible manner get the benefits of a bit more challenging content and greater rewards.




Bet someone's going to complain though. Oh, look, someone already did! :rolleyes:


If the HM requires a tank and healer, at least that's something. It still won't even be remotely as good as the original FPs were.


The new FP has little to no story, group-play is barely required - just go in and kill some mobs and a boss with no mechanics at the end.


Do it a bunch and get a cab with arms for a mount.


EA really has moved on from this game, even though they commented it was a "miss" and then "profitable." With the money they made last year, I was hoping we'd see some return to what made the initial release great. This clearly isn't the case.


Make alts and/or enjoy what you like about SWTOR. New additions are generally not going to live up to the original release, operations aside. They still put effort into the latter, even though some players may be dissatisfied with how long it takes for new ones to arrive. At least EA still backs your favored portion of the game.

Edited by arunav
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It'll be a great tool for folks leveling!


But given that it doesn't drop commendations worth having at level cap, it really doesn't change much. I guess it'll give something for DPS to do while they wait for a HM FP to pop, but tanks and healers will just keep queuing for HM's.

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It'll be a great tool for folks leveling!


But given that it doesn't drop commendations worth having at level cap, it really doesn't change much. I guess it'll give something for DPS to do while they wait for a HM FP to pop, but tanks and healers will just keep queuing for HM's.


Agreed - leveling, you'll be able to get good experience and skip some missions you don't enjoy. That's something good to come from it.

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I Dont think I know what I am going to do with planetary coms on a level 55, Where are the drops? Whats the point? Grind for some ugly set of armor?


I don't know it seems like a way to level toons but offers next to nothing for a max level character.


I like the idea but it doesn't feel finished to me, kinda par for the course with this game unfortunately.

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i understand that dps dont want those long ques but this to me is dumbing down the game .

no need for tactics or awareness etc just run in and kill stuff, a mechanic were you learn absolutly nothing.


^This is the problem.


There is nothing "tactical" about these tactical FPs. It is jump and kill stuff, no mechanics, no difficulty, nothing. In 72 gear and above you can probably solo these. Then of course the rewards suck. Who needs 10 basic comms and basic gear anyway. These "tactical" FPs serve no purpose, except if you just made it to level 55 and need gear, then after a week they will be 100% useless. In addition the lack of challenge devoid them from any value.


All I see is a half *****ed solution to make sure that dps can que for FPs fast, but with no rewards or challenge there would be no reason to run them.

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The new flashpoint is a huge FAIL!. It's a complete zerg fest. Group members are just running around pulling and doing their own thing. Doesnt even feel like being in a group.


Seems like they wanted to create a "Warzone" experience in PVE :)

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I don't mind it on my dps or healer toons that have 45 minute queues, but I still land in a FP as dps on my tank. I'm at work, but if these new tacticals are easy enough for 15-54s to group together and not need taunts, interrupts or any real heals... that seems TOO easy. Mind you, the Czerka 55s, I've had groups with 4 dps, 3 heals, and 3 tanks and never have a problem, but I do have to use all of my healer toolkit in Meltdown.
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72 gear and above you can probably solo these.


Some of the Dulfy site comments were basically, ding 55 and you can solo 95% of it, might be a bit harder for the last boss due to deeps.


I will certainly try these out on many toons when I get home. Due to the lack of impressive rep rewards, I will probably just do these on my DPS toons but it might depend on what the XP gains are like.

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My opinion:


They're fun. Face-roll easy and relatively quick. I like the mount and the pet and I'll be running KDY until I get enough Construction kits for both of these.


They're 'very' useful for leveling toons as they have a ton of bonus quests in there along with the basic ones.


Incidental notes...The cutscene flight from the Harrower to the KDY space-ring is very well done and I'm pleased to see that they're expanding on the new visual tech from the revamped Fleet cut scene. I like the random nature of the fights, and the fact that one of the bosses is a SINGLE TROOPER is a nice touch and shout-out to Republic players and the Trooper class.


It's a nice addition. Well done.

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This is an interesting observation, making the tanks and healers less desirable would stink, but the again on the greedy side I only play tanks so if there are less tanks then I will always have a group for content where it's needed :rak_05:


Yes, but this is not end-game content. The FP was brought into the game in order to give us an introduction to GSF not to gain gear and advance in operations.

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I'm fine with them for story content, actually I think they are fantastic for story mode content. Just as long as they keep them out of harder stuff.


But how will people learn tanking if they skip it during SM? Also Imho, this will increase the problem of finding tanks and healers in other FPs more because less and less people will be tanks and healers

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As an aside, what does this 'role-less' functionality say about the future of the game? Indeed, does it say anything? Are we looking at a future where the trinity is slowly phased out in lieu of faster queues and and freedom of specialisation? Would you guys be cool with that?

It says that they are tired of listening to people whine about queue times. A.D.D. is rampant throughout the player-base and they are catering to it.


What I think? These tactical flashpoints are a start. I too, agree that they should been here at launch like SO many other things. Unfortunately, company policy dictates EA bring in new features in years late and half assed.

These are watered down, simple versions of flashpoints. They basically have to dumb down this content so people can get through it without a tank or healer. So, no, something like this should not have been in the game at launch. They are just throwing a bone to the very casual players and the people who have a stroke if they are in the LFG queue for more than 30 seconds.

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This being a "watered down," over-simplified, even solo-able FP would be fine...... if there was also a Hard Mode available for people who are looking for a more challenging gameplay mode or some variety in how they can earn gear or their weekly allotment of comms.


I'm honestly a little baffled that they didn't launch this with a Hard Mode like they did with the CZ-198 Flashpoints, which I see are now labeled as "Tactical Flashpoints" as well (am I right that BT/Ess SM is also listed as one for people in the appropriate level range? I only checked on my main and don't have any alts around lvl 10 right now)


As it is, without a HM, this is a nice addition for people looking for more leveling content or a new little story piece, but doesn't seem to really add anything worthwhile for those looking for more engaging gameplay content at 55.


Now I agree that not every content patch has to have content for every type of player (although the 9 1/2-month gap in warzones for PVPers was a bit much), but it seems like they missed a fairly straightforward opportunity to broaden the appeal of this content that they were already putting the effort into developing anyway.

Edited by DarthDymond
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My only real "gripe" is with the dialog Republic side. The dude on the holoterminal said the Imps were going to violate the treaty of Coruscant by attacking Kuat.


Seems odd, given that by Act II in the story quest the war is back on and is in full swing.

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My only real "gripe" is with the dialog Republic side. The dude on the holoterminal said the Imps were going to violate the treaty of Coruscant by attacking Kuat.


Seems odd, given that by Act II in the story quest the war is back on and is in full swing.


I may have not been paying attention but I dont recall hearing that on my 55. Maybe its just for players early on in story progression.

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This FP is actually a bit too easy. I know someone is gonna pop up and say go do Hardmodes if you want a challenging time, but hell even the Storymode FPs had some degree of challenge. I can't go around randomly soloing mobs in the normal Storymodes (without being overlevelled), but in this one, it's a walk in the park. With the park authorities holding your hand for you.


I propose Bioware try and up the FP's difficulty a tiny little bit.


And since these are tactical FPs, why not go a different route? Like, Lost Island. Make it heavily mechanics based, to the point. I know that's hard to do with no holy trinity, but still, I'd love a mechanics heavy role-netural FP.

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I'm not sure who thought that tieing reputation to a flashpoint was a good idea.


So in order to gain reputation I have to compete against 3 other people for tokens. Really? That's the kind of stupid decision that reminds me why this game bombed and went F2P so fast.

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I'm not sure who thought that tieing reputation to a flashpoint was a good idea.


So in order to gain reputation I have to compete against 3 other people for tokens. Really? That's the kind of stupid decision that reminds me why this game bombed and went F2P so fast.


Because it's hard to repeatedly run SM content for all the tokens you need.

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HM/NIM will always be part of the game, why not let casuals enjoy **** too? It won't bother either type of player so why worry about stupid **** like this?


Why is it taboo to get "casuals" to work a little bit? Learn their class, learn their role, learn to work it as best they can?


That builds a sense of accomplishment, of having "earned one's stripes."


I for one, enjoy that, too, and I am certainly not "hardcore" by any means (I got EVE-Online for my hardcore fix.).


MMOs need to stop catering to the lowest common denominator of 1337-speaking Call of Doodie kiddies, it's leading nowhere good.


This is especially true of TOR, as it's tied very strictly to the role-trinity model, IMO there's only so much wiggle-room here.

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