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PVP Hacks


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First things first, I never called you a bad player, but , is what I wrote. So if you're fighting against somebody who's BiS PvE gear, they might take that kind of damage since they won't even be bolstered to 1000 expertise.


You have your reasons to not enjoy PvP, I have mine to not enjoy PvE, seeing how I find it too mechanical and after a certain point too repetitive. Let's be honest, end-game PvE raid bosses have patterns to them, and once the boss loses a certain % of HP you enter a phase in which you HAVE to change your play style if you wish to survive and actually succeed, it that sense it's always the same fights. I can't handle that, but that's just me, and you liking what I don't like is nowhere near wrong, nor can I argue with you to prove that what I like is better. And don't assume I've farmed my butt off for PvP gear please, I actually took some time to get a full set. :D


My main point, was that those numbers you just stated happen very rarely, as opposed to what you were suggesting. In a WZ or Ranked Arena where everybody has their gear properly min/maxed, you won't be hitting 7k obliterate crits often, most likely at all, in fact. Any dedicated Smasher knows this, unless they have several buffs on them (Inspiration/relic procs/ set bonus 10% dmg boost, heightened power from the Focus tree, etc.) they will not be hitting such high numbers. Rage jugs can often hit 10k smashes with the relic procs, that's true, I've been on of the people who does those kinds of hits when my relics proc as I leap at somebody. Yet, it's not your everyday type of smash hit, 8-9k's are common ( smash crits with singularity/shockwave stacks are pretty much never below 7k unless you're fighting someone with an AoE mitigation passive), but 10k+ hits happen, but not very frequently.


Off topic, I can't really call u a FotM'er since my first character was a Carnage Marauder lol.


The fact that they can happen at all is why I mentioned them. If you're so concerned with details, why side with the OP? Are you suggesting that you actually think it was two 7k hits? That he totally did not in any way tell us the numbers were higher because they 'felt' higher to him and he wanted people to believe him? Welcome to humans -- joke's on you.

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The fact that they can happen at all is why I mentioned them. If you're so concerned with details, why side with the OP? Are you suggesting that you actually think it was two 7k hits? That he totally did not in any way tell us the numbers were higher because they 'felt' higher to him and he wanted people to believe him? Welcome to humans -- joke's on you.


Oh, never mind that, I didn't really side with the OP because I kinda figured out that he was going "Z**** I GOT HIT FOR TOO HIIIIGH!!!!", higher than he most likely got hit for...I was just trying to tone down your numbers because you know what new players do when they hear about a class that can hit for so high...especially some of the new PvP'ers who want to instantly dominate without really putting in any effort...

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Oh, never mind that, I didn't really side with the OP because I kinda figured out that he was going "Z**** I GOT HIT FOR TOO HIIIIGH!!!!", higher than he most likely got hit for...I was just trying to tone down your numbers because you know what new players do when they hear about a class that can hit for so high...especially some of the new PvP'ers who want to instantly dominate without really putting in any effort...


A just cause. In the end, however, the joke's on all of us, including me... Saving a buffed smash until after a ravage and then following said ravage with the smash could easily make for two 7k hits. Why no one thought of that yet, I have no idea. :D

Edited by idnewton
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A just cause. In the end, however, the joke's on all of us, including me... Saving a buffed smash until after a ravage and then following said ravage with the smash could easily make for two 7k hits. Why no one thought of that yet, I have no idea. :D


It lowers dps.

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Why no one thought of that yet, I have no idea. :D

I answered your question. Other classes have no need to break rotation. And if you were following the thread you would know that the OP said somebody turned around and hit him twice. Ravage is casted and not something you just turn around and hit somebody with.

Edited by Puissant
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I answered your question. Other classes have no need to break rotation. And if you were following the thread you would know that the OP said somebody turned around and hit him twice. Ravage is casted and not something you just turn around and hit somebody with.


At this point we're talking about something on the side. The OP's insubstantial PvP experience is ancient history by now. I was not talking to you originally, so I do not care whether you answered my question or not. I said to follow the conversation, not the thread. At this point we're theorizing how many ways he could be wrong. Whether he is or not, at this point, is entirely out of the question. That's old news. As I said, follow the convo.

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Please note I have never done rated, and apart from my main most of my pvp experience is while leveling up.


I have seen a few speed hacks. Apart from that I have only ever seen 1 person I have thought could be hacking. I have done 1000's of warzones.


I understand that there will always be better players than me, ones who get lucky for a few big crits in a row etc. It happens.


Due to the recent ban wave in wow (something like 500k accounts) I went and read some hackers forums. One well known one has a swtor section, it is very empty,. A teleport hack and not much else (compared to the wow section full of hacks and bots etc). My guess is that there are not many hacks around for swtor (or a demand for it) In one thread someone asked for a swtor bot similar to the wow one which caused the recent banwave there, the responses indicated it would be very difficult if not impossible to make one.

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Please note I have never done rated, and apart from my main most of my pvp experience is while leveling up.


I have seen a few speed hacks. Apart from that I have only ever seen 1 person I have thought could be hacking. I have done 1000's of warzones.


I understand that there will always be better players than me, ones who get lucky for a few big crits in a row etc. It happens.


Due to the recent ban wave in wow (something like 500k accounts) I went and read some hackers forums. One well known one has a swtor section, it is very empty,. A teleport hack and not much else (compared to the wow section full of hacks and bots etc). My guess is that there are not many hacks around for swtor (or a demand for it) In one thread someone asked for a swtor bot similar to the wow one which caused the recent banwave there, the responses indicated it would be very difficult if not impossible to make one.


I agree with the main point of this post. I don't really know about the specifics in regards to WoW -- I never played it. As far as hacks in SWTOR go, though, yes they do exist. However, they are very uncommon to find. PvPing since launch, I have only seen one hack I can confirm. Someone in Voidstar in a known hacking guild was fighting us, then used force speed to get over to the door quickly. Literally ran up to the door, placed it, and ran away. No cast. Insta-place. I know speed-hacks exist and I've heard of others (I might've seen a speed hack once in huttball, but I'm not really sure).

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A just cause. In the end, however, the joke's on all of us, including me... Saving a buffed smash until after a ravage and then following said ravage with the smash could easily make for two 7k hits. Why no one thought of that yet, I have no idea. :D


Yeah, or how the game calculates dmg that occurs during the same second awkwardly...I once just finished the last tick on a Gore->Ravage then followed with vicious throw while I still had gore...I saw an 11.1k hit (Which after closer examination was due to the game actually ADDING (WTH!?) the dmg values of my last ravage tick and Vicious Throw because it considered them as having occurred "simultaneously"). So if the OP was actually looking at the red numbers popping as he was attacked, he might have seen two big 7k numbers since the game sometimes adds damage values of the same type (White/Yellow dmg) if it considers them as occurring in the same instant.


Off Topic: Have you seen the amount of QQ'ing generated by the new Operative changes...I mean it's not even been 24 hours and people are already going "Z**** NUUURF" while Operatives still die in 2 seconds...

Edited by Tevzz
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow have you played much go to youtube and you will find a ton of hacks being used. You don't understand it is not normal for guys to be twice your speed or attack 3 times to your 1.

Jimvinny you need to wake up and shut up



dude, you haven't been around very long. More than likely, what you think are hacks are simply abilities that you do not know of or do not understand. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, but do something about it. Learn what other classes can do. Not only will it help you understand what you are seeing, it will also help you counter those abilities.
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Wow have you played much go to youtube and you will find a ton of hacks being used. You don't understand it is not normal for guys to be twice your speed or attack 3 times to your 1.

Jimvinny you need to wake up and shut up


Wow, you can prove that hacks exist. Grats. I also guarantee that if you go to torparse.net, that site exists. See? I can prove irrelevant points too. Looking at my achievements, I've played 635 PvP matches and counting, since 2.0. I already had four valor 50 characters by then. I have seen one single hack that I can confirm, someone walking up to the door in voidstar and planting the bomb with absolutely no cast. I also saw some kind of speed-hack-looking thing in Huttball, but I didn't get a good look at it. Both over a year ago. Do hacks exist? Yes. Common? No.

Edited by idnewton
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But when I firing on a lower level person and they absorb all my attacks and then turn around and hit me for 7K twice and I am dead.


Yeah, that falls under "class abilities that you do not know of or understand".


On my assassin I can do EXACTLY what you just described. All I do is use Force Shroud to grant 3 seconds of 200% force/tech immunity and then hit you with a Recklessness Discharge and Duplicity Maul. I can do that every single time. No hacks here.

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  • 1 month later...

Hacks I have seen in WZs.

1) Speek Hack - people running from one end of the hutball map to the other at at least force speed speeds. I saw one guy who seemed to keep hold the line up for a minute.


2) Classes without stealth stealthing. I was in a warzone with 2 guildies who will verify that we saw a known hacker on the other team stealthing as a Sage.


3) I have seen a Jug seem to use more than one medkit in a one on one fight. Or healing somehow without any other players in the area.


4) Extended invulnerbility - I seen various classes be invulnerable for 1 to 2 minutes. I pretty sure there's no defensive cool downs that last that long. Most are 10 seconds or less.


5) Lag Spikes. - I seen these a far bit and I know they are possible but it's hard to know if a lag spike is caused by a cheat or just process on your system or the server being blocked.


6) Jumping off the Shuttle in Void Star before the barrier comes down. I know they claimed to have fixed this one but I am pretty sure it still works.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I doubt you actually saw any hacks.


Are you being honest here? Do you genuinely believe that no hacks are being used, despite youtube footage proving it? The hacks are freely available on the net and Bioware hasn't take a particularly tough stance against cheaters in the past so it continues.

Edited by malachyg
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There are entire websites dedicated to MMO hacks, and SWTOR sections aren't filled with guesswork. They're filled with developers, feature requests, changelogs, and, of course, well-documented working hacks themselves.


The only reasons they aren't as common as in some other games is people don't care about SWTOR PvP enough to risk getting banned - as bans are being handed out for most known hacks - for a few dishonest wins, when they can get 90% of what they want by simply afk'ing in stealth on a laptop, win or lose.

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Hacks I have seen in WZs.

Uh huh. Bet I can disprove every one.


1) Speek Hack - people running from one end of the hutball map to the other at at least force speed speeds. I saw one guy who seemed to keep hold the line up for a minute.

Speed boost powerup in the pits in front of the goals. Plus, Hold the Line only increases your speed while in combat. It replaces Sprint, whether it's intended to or not, and for that reason will actually decrease your speed by 5% while outside of combat.


2) Classes without stealth stealthing. I was in a warzone with 2 guildies who will verify that we saw a known hacker on the other team stealthing as a Sage.

This is a very tricky one to resolve and I have to admit it had me fooled to the point of confronting someone directly about it. If you keep thinking about it, about the abilities, about the classes, about the mechanics, it still doesn't make sense. Easy solution? Leave the warzone. Not even kidding. You can't log out, but you can literally right-click the warzone button and leave, in combat. Stupid, probably a bug, but possible. I'd qualify it as an unconfirmed exploit, but it's not the kind of 'code exploit' that a hack would be. In addition, the reason I even feel like it's worth putting on these forums (I wouldn't put a real and dangerous exploit here) is that the player who does it gets nothing progression-oriented out of it. They get, what, a few seconds of humor? If that? They don't get warzone rewards though, so they're hurting themselves more than anything else. Again, I can't hold that one against you though. Had me fooled too, and quite thoroughly I might add.


3) I have seen a Jug seem to use more than one medkit in a one on one fight. Or healing somehow without any other players in the area.

Juggernauts (and guardians) have an ability (Endure Pain for Juggernaut, Enure for Guardian) that 'heals' them whenever they use it. It gives them, as I recall, 30% HP back for a certain period of time, which is similar if not identical to a Warzone Medpac. However, you'll notice a buff on their bar with the same icon as the ability, and when it wears off they will lose the HP. However, since you've said this occurs in the middle of a fight, I can understand how it would be hard for you to know that HP was actually taken away because of the ability, not simply because they got hit by a giant Ambush or something else like that. This ability, unlike Medpacs, does not have a limited use per fight (outside of its cooldown)


4) Extended invulnerbility - I seen various classes be invulnerable for 1 to 2 minutes. I pretty sure there's no defensive cool downs that last that long. Most are 10 seconds or less.

Judging by your definition of 'invulnerable' and your uncertainty of general abilities, I do have to wonder how long you've played and why the majority of these 'hacks' are just abilities that certain classes and specs have.


No class is 'invulnerable' for any period of time except Sages and Sorcerers, and they cannot move. The main way to tell if a target is invulnerable is if your damaging attacks say 'Immune' when they hit the target. Anything else, things like Resist, Dodge, Miss and Parry, are all standard methods of failing to hit your target. Remember, tanks stack a lot of defensive stats and at least two of the three healers have armor buffs tied to certain heals, so an unusually-durable player is not all that unusual.


5) Lag Spikes. - I seen these a far bit and I know they are possible but it's hard to know if a lag spike is caused by a cheat or just process on your system or the server being blocked.

I have to say, I did see this in one Novare a long time ago, and it was pretty obviously some kind of program doing it. I only saw it once, and haven't seen it in a very long time.


And considering I've played about 400 warzones in the last six weeks, I'd say I'm somewhat up-to-date on what's going on :p


6) Jumping off the Shuttle in Void Star before the barrier comes down. I know they claimed to have fixed this one but I am pretty sure it still works.

I think I might've seen this a single time before it got fixed. Never seen it since.

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I see two camps here:


1. Those with egos who refuse to fathom the idea that the vehicle of their self esteem could be so easily manipulated, which would result in a complete annihilation of any self worth in a video game. They cry L2P, when if you look at the complexity of this game and class spells and talent tress, not very complex at all, esp in PvP. I mean really guys? You act like it's a super complex series of events with spells. It's not, actually quite easy, and most classes don't even have to use half their spells to hit their opponent hard in PvP. No, your ego's will not allow you to seek out any truth to hack possibilities. So, maybe you should listen to these folks are are trying to so hard create awareness of such manipulation in this game with hacks and exploits. What if what they say is right? Then what?


2. Those who are getting frustrated at the game play because of hacks, exploits, glitches, and any abuse other players bring inside the game. Yes, some may be new to the game, but like I said, the complexity of this game is a far cry from being hard, and I assure you, even a 10 year old, if taught, can easily master these classes in PvP. These people simply see a game that's broken, they see a company who doesn't care, who doesn't seem to want to fix such issues. They are frustrated. I don't blame them. I haven't seen an MMO without hacks, cheats and exploits. So, their case is legit.


YES, it would be nice if more players took time out to help others, show them things, teach them, help them become better players, but the high-minded will never do that because it would destroy there self esteem making them not special anymore. YES, this game does harbor hacking, sorry, but it does, and a list was provided here on some of the more common ones. But I also want to note too, that 'bolster' is very broken and very glitchy and also contributes to some of the freaky things seen in WZs they may be construed as hacks. Perhaps instead of brushing what they say off, maybe do some homework of yourself on what they say, since you claim to be so smart, do your homework, see if maybe what they say is true.


HUTTBALL: I am near the end-zone, I am jumping up and down, "pass the ball! no one is here!" They pass the ball to me, and I take one step, and I am dead, chat window reads "defeated by with 640380 damage." I was like, What!!!??" I did take a screenshot, and did submit a bug report. Odd thing is, it never said by who or what killed me for all that damage. Yes, that was probably a glitch, and only time I saw that happen, but it does show that the game is not stable. The thought of it being a hack on a player's part, would disturb me greatly, so I chalked it up as a glitch.


So, honestly guys, don't shrug off stuff, listen, do your homework, don't just scream L2P, it's a cop out



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Uh huh. Bet I can disprove every one.

And I can post a link to... 3 out of the 6. But I won't, because this forum has moderation, and I'm pretty sure it won't go well for me if I post such links.


All right, I know what to do - I'll post a link that will let you find at least 2 of these:



Speed boost powerup in the pits in front of the goals.

Yes. And also, the well-known software that I'll only refer to as "E" has a big red button that says 'Speedhack'... OK, jk, it's gray and not red, and it's a menu item, and it's too detectable to be useful, but the rest is true - it's that easily accessible.


Judging by your definition of 'invulnerable' and your uncertainty of general abilities, I do have to wonder how long you've played and why the majority of these 'hacks' are just abilities that certain classes and specs have.

There are no true invulnerability hacks in SWTOR. Damage is delivered server-side, so you can't simply tell it not to change your "health".


All of the abilities, however, are handled client-side. If you want to pop a medpac every second, even if you don't have a medpac, or you want to pop a DCD every GCD, or if you want to use 10 abilities in one GCD, all you need is for your client to report to server that you did.


When you use an ability, the client tells the server to apply the specified effect to you. It can't make up a new ability; but the client can do it regardless of whether that ability is available, on cooldown, or not allowed for your class at all. It can also do it regardless of whether you have force/ammo/rage for it, it even has to tell the server to change your force.



I think I might've seen this a single time before it got fixed. Never seen it since.

Available online for free, but it's detectable and people get banned for this hack.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Hacks exist.


99.9% of what people complain about as 'hacks' are just people using in-game abilities, or the results of network latency.


Video or it didn't happen.


Edit: Like many hardcore PvPers, I've lost count of the number of times I've been accused of hacking. Usually by people who are REALLY ANGRY that I killed them repeatedly. I wear those accusations like a badge of honor now. This is why shouting 'hacks' on the forum is liable to get you mocked - Wolf has been cried far too many times.

Edited by Jherad
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Look at elite pvper forums (search under google for SWTOR hacks) and you'll find a website with forums that have videos, links, ect. People showing that they hack and exploit this game. Bioware is just lazy imo. I've played for two years and I've seen the same things since day one and nothing being done about it. They're just now fixing the blue mods exploit ffs. Yes, sometimes people cry h4x when they get killed. However. I am a fully geared 55 Sorc min/maxed Obroan and I get 11k hits from Commandos and PTs in PvP. I stun them and they hit me with rockets for 3k a piece 5 times in a row. This game is horribly unbalanced, PvP wise. Some of us ARENT crazy.


As for FRAPS. People can't afford the 40$ it cost to buy fraps. Unless you're going to pay for it. You shouldn't demand video evidence. You should also stop being such trolls when people are frustrated.

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Hacks exist.


99.9% of what people complain about as 'hacks' are just people using in-game abilities, or the results of network latency.


Video or it didn't happen.


Edit: Like many hardcore PvPers, I've lost count of the number of times I've been accused of hacking. Usually by people who are REALLY ANGRY that I killed them repeatedly. I wear those accusations like a badge of honor now. This is why shouting 'hacks' on the forum is liable to get you mocked - Wolf has been cried far too many times.


100% agree with this post, in every which way. Good thing I still click to show the occasional post from peeps on the iggy list, you probably just redeemed yourself for me :D

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