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If she is feeling Nauseous then she isnt pulling on her full strength by definition of not being able to concentrate.


As for your assessment of Malachor..... I dont remember any of the people on it dieing there was an entire sith academy they never died. I also dont recall a single Elightenned light sider ever setting foot on the planet and being turned to the dark side. We have found the problem you all seem to think that Malachor V can insta kill anything and everything that lands on it that isnt a dark sider. This is purely false. How many of Meetra's allies landed on the surface with her.... all of them survived, none were turned we get comfirmation of that at the end of the game. They werent protected by a Wound in the Force. Clearly Malachor ISNT what you think it is. If you have examples of pure light siders falling when they went there please share it. If you have an example of some one Non-force sensitive or other wise dieing the moment they set foot on the surface please show this. I have played the game 6 times (once light male, dark male, neutral male, light female, dark female and neutral female) to get as many of the cut scenes that were released with the original game. I do not recall seeing a single example of this.


All i see is a misunderstanding of what Traya said leading some one to believe a description of a Dark side Nexus "It corrupts all that walks on its surface—drowns them in the power of the dark side. It corrupts all life, and it feeds on death." is more then it is.


What is the Force? A mystical energy field created by all living things.


What is the Dark Side? A corruption of the Force.


By that definition what would a Dark side Nexus be? A place drowned in Dark Side energy where life is corrupted and the more death there is the stronger the Nexus gets.


Sound Familiar "It corrupts all that walks on its surface—drowns them in the power of the dark side. It corrupts all life, and it feeds on death." it should.

If you are just going to ignore my points then there is really no point continuing this debate, help yourself out and try to actual take into account every point - rather than nick-picking - else your asking for a broken picture.


You didn't even answer my question - which was important. But I'll give it another shot. Here is what you overlooked:


Malachor V is a wound in the Force that makes it categorical different from all other dark side nexuses. Namely these other nexuses do not feed on your very life force and corrupt you in such an adverse way. Malachor V does.


Try to understand this, as a wound in the Force that means that anyone in near proximity will have their life force drained. This is a fact, quit trying to refute it and quit claiming that Traya is talking about dark side nexuses in general. Unless you can provide evidence of other dark side nexuses corrupting all life and feeding on death in the manner in which Malachor V does. I bet you cannot find a single comparable example.


Remember there is a gosh darn city of Dromund Kaas filled with civilians! If Malachor V = Dromund Kaas why aren't they hearing the echoes and screams of the dead? Why haven't they been corrupted? Why aren't they slowly having their life forces siphoned away? Because that is what would happen if they were on Malachor V.


But you want some examples? Take a look at Darth Nihilus, as I said before he is a living embodiement of Malachor V, a wound in the Force steeped in the dark side. And do you recall what happens to those in his presence? They were slowly transformed into hollow husks. Remember Colonel Tobin? That would be everyone.


Maybe I exaggerated when I said they would die, but when your life force is slowly being siphoned away and when as a non-Force sensitive you cannot draw on the dark side, eventually you'll empty and die. Or else be like this.


Of course this would not happen instantly, I never said that.


Concerning the Sith Assassins, recall what Vrook Lamar said: "It is the teaching of these new Sith, to feed on others, on other Force-sensitives. They are symptomatic of the wound in the Force." The reason why the Sith Assassins were so good at what they did was because of Malachor, Malachor ate away a part of them and created a blank spot where everything around them would be drained. Which is the very technique they use.


Again, if what you are saying is so, why is is that all Force sensitives on Dromund Kaas are capable of this? Clearly there is a difference, clearly there would be as Malachor V is a totally different ball park. And, as a wound in the Force, draining the life force of others, that makes is stronger and more steeped in the dark side. This is why Revan used Malachor V as opposed to other planets, an argument you also overlooked.


But why is this even relevant? We've already put forward categorical evidence that demonstrates that "enlightened light siders" have their ability to call on the Force significantly dampened when in the presence of powerful dark side nexuses. Yoda. Yoda went to Kaas and he could barely call on the Force, if he went to Malachor V, a planet equally if not more steeped in the dark side, logic would indicate he would feel the same effects. And yet the Exile does not? Why? If you can answer this question with something other than the fact she is a wound in the Force then come back to me. While your at it come up with some proof that she was negatively effected, because I never said she was. Remembering that being nauseous and having your ability to draw on the light stifled are not the same.


And really, at the very least you cannot argue that Malachor is significantly less powerful a nexus than Dromund Kaas, there is nothing that suggests it. It is at the very least of equal strength, it a place "where the dark side of the Force runs strong", the planet is steeped in the dark side. Period. And in such places light siders have a diminished ability to draw on the Force. That is also a fact. Now concerning the Exile's companions and why were they were not negatively effected. We have to remember that these effects happen slowly, your life force is slowly drained away not instantly. They would not be reduced to husks immediately, but Colonel Tobin is proof that if they stayed, they would.


And of course, they are not highly attuned to the light, so we cannot expect them to be considerably effected. Not that we actually can be sure, whereas considering that Meetra took on the entire academy, we can be sure.


So lets review my argument, so you don't miss all my points:



  • Malachor V is a wound in the Force, and that means it saps at the life force of others and transforms them eventually into deadened husks or else forces them to sustain themselves with the dark side.
  • Malachor V sustains itself and becomes more steeped in the dark side by feeding off the life force of others - therefore making it an extremely powerful nexus of the dark side that Revan used to crush Jedi.
  • At the very least, Malachor is as equally steeped in the dark side as Dromund Kaas - there is no evidence to suggest otherwise, in both instances it has been claimed that the dark side of the Force runs strong.
  • In the presence of dark side nexuses Force Users strongly attuned to the light have their ability to draw on the Force stifled, Yoda's visit to Dromund Kaas is irrefutable proof of this. Yet the Exile did not on Malachor.


The most logical explanation here is that the Exile's wound protected her from the worst of the effects, a wound which later would have closed thanks her close attunement to the light and retraining as a Jedi. As such on Dromund Kaas, a planet at the very least equally steeped in the dark side and known to cause suffering to those attuned to the light, would have almost certainly dampened the Exile's ability to draw on the Force.


The idea that "the effects just weren't that bad" doesn't hold weight at all when all evidence suggests that she would have been stifled and incapable of assaulting and defeating an entire Academy of Sith. Its just flawed.


Now if in your next response you ignore half of my arguments then I don't think I'll have the will to reply.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Revan Tutaminis'd a Dark Councillor, impressive.


The Exile cut Darth Traya off from the Force in mid-combat(unprecedented), whilst her opponent had the Trayus Core running through her, just as impressive.


Revan used Oneness with the Force to combat the Emperor, impressive.


The Exile could center herself in the Force using Moving Meditation to unleash the full power of the Light Side of the Force on a horde of Sith, then beat Darth Sion five times in a row and then went on to battle and defeat Traya successfully in the center of a Dark Side Nexus and not just any Nexus at that, equally impressive.


But we aren't actually going to compare the two with this kind of debate are we?

I'm not sure about this assessment.


Revan Tutaminis'd a Dark Councillor, not impressive, unprecedented. The Exile cut Darth Traya off from the Force in mid-combat, whilst her opponent had the Trayus Core running through her, not unprecedented, just impressive.


Nodoby has ever done what Revan did, individuals such as Luke, Leia and Nomi have done what the Exile did.


Revan totally dominated Darth Nyriss without any prior conflict in a place steeped in the dark side, the Exile in a place equally steeped in the dark side had to weaken Traya considerably first before she was able to sever her from the Force. There is of course something to be said about Traya's likely superiority to Nyriss, but I doubt the margin is vast, which would indicate Revan would be much more able to defeat Traya.


The former is complete domination, the latter is not. I would therefore give the former more merit, and in reality I feel that Revan would be able to defeat Traya with much less difficulty if he can handle such raw power with ease.


And I don't think the latter is really an accurate comparison. Though it should be noted that Meetra never purposefully entered a state of oneness to power through the academy. But again, they can hardly be compared.


All in all however you've only managed to define Meetra as Revan's equal, which is hardly surprising as I expect the gap between them is minimal, but I still feel that Revan takes the lead, he just has superior showings.

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Then why doesn't this happen to everyone living on Dromund Kaas? Malachor is quite different.


Remembering that in order for your argument to hold water, you're going to have to provide proof that Malachor is a weaker nexus than Kaas, or not even a nexus at all. As you can imagine that is quite a silly argument.


Actually I said Malchor was a stronger Nexus then Kaas...... as Meetra seemed to feel its affects more then she felt the affects of Kaas.

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Actually I said Malchor was a stronger Nexus then Kaas...... as Meetra seemed to feel its affects more then she felt the affects of Kaas.
Well that seems to go against everything you just said about Malachor being like any other nexus... though again I'd be interested to see on what basis you are making the assertion that the Exile's abilities were hampered on Malachor V. Edited by Beniboybling
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If you are just going to ignore my points then there is really no point continuing this debate, help yourself out and try to actual take into account every point - rather than nick-picking - else your asking for a broken picture.


You didn't even answer my question - which was important. But I'll give it another shot. Here is what you overlooked:


Malachor V is a wound in the Force that makes it categorical different from all other dark side nexuses. Namely these other nexuses do not feed on your very life force and corrupt you in such an adverse way. Malachor V does.


Try to understand this, as a wound in the Force that means that anyone in near proximity will have their life force drained. This is a fact, quit trying to refute it and quit claiming that Traya is talking about dark side nexuses in general. Unless you can provide evidence of other dark side nexuses corrupting all life and feeding on death in the manner in which Malachor V does. I bet you cannot find a single comparable example.


Remember there is a gosh darn city of Dromund Kaas filled with civilians! If Malachor V = Dromund Kaas why aren't they hearing the echoes and screams of the dead? Why haven't they been corrupted? Why aren't they slowly having their life forces siphoned away? Because that is what would happen if they were on Malachor V.


But you want some examples? Take a look at Darth Nihilus, as I said before he is a living embodiement of Malachor V, a wound in the Force steeped in the dark side. And do you recall what happens to those in his presence? They were slowly transformed into hollow husks. Remember Colonel Tobin? That would be everyone.


Maybe I exaggerated when I said they would die, but when your life force is slowly being siphoned away and when as a non-Force sensitive you cannot draw on the dark side, eventually you'll empty and die. Or else be like this.


Of course this would not happen instantly, I never said that.


Concerning the Sith Assassins, recall what Vrook Lamar said: "It is the teaching of these new Sith, to feed on others, on other Force-sensitives. They are symptomatic of the wound in the Force." The reason why the Sith Assassins were so good at what they did was because of Malachor, Malachor ate away a part of them and created a blank spot where everything around them would be drained. Which is the very technique they use.


Again, if what you are saying is so, why is is that all Force sensitives on Dromund Kaas are capable of this? Clearly there is a difference, clearly there would be as Malachor V is a totally different ball park. And, as a wound in the Force, draining the life force of others, that makes is stronger and more steeped in the dark side. This is why Revan used Malachor V as opposed to other planets, an argument you also overlooked.


But why is this even relevant? We've already put forward categorical evidence that demonstrates that "enlightened light siders" have their ability to call on the Force significantly dampened when in the presence of powerful dark side nexuses. Yoda. Yoda went to Kaas and he could barely call on the Force, if he went to Malachor V, a planet equally if not more steeped in the dark side, logic would indicate he would feel the same effects. And yet the Exile does not? Why? If you can answer this question with something other than the fact she is a wound in the Force then come back to me. While your at it come up with some proof that she was negatively effected, because I never said she was. Remembering that being nauseous and having your ability to draw on the light stifled are not the same.


And really, at the very least you cannot argue that Malachor is significantly less powerful a nexus than Dromund Kaas, there is nothing that suggests it. It is at the very least of equal strength, it a place "where the dark side of the Force runs strong", the planet is steeped in the dark side. Period. And in such places light siders have a diminished ability to draw on the Force. That is also a fact. Now concerning the Exile's companions and why were they were not negatively effected. We have to remember that these effects happen slowly, your life force is slowly drained away not instantly. They would not be reduced to husks immediately, but Colonel Tobin is proof that if they stayed, they would.


And of course, they are not highly attuned to the light, so we cannot expect them to be considerably effected. Not that we actually can be sure, whereas considering that Meetra took on the entire academy, we can be sure.


So lets review my argument, so you don't miss all my points:



  • Malachor V is a wound in the Force, and that means it saps at the life force of others and transforms them eventually into deadened husks or else forces them to sustain themselves with the dark side.
  • Malachor V sustains itself and becomes more steeped in the dark side by feeding off the life force of others - therefore making it an extremely powerful nexus of the dark side that Revan used to crush Jedi.
  • At the very least, Malachor is as equally steeped in the dark side as Dromund Kaas - there is no evidence to suggest otherwise, in both instances it has been claimed that the dark side of the Force runs strong.
  • In the presence of dark side nexuses Force Users strongly attuned to the light have their ability to draw on the Force stifled, Yoda's visit to Dromund Kaas is irrefutable proof of this. Yet the Exile did not.


The most logical explanation here is that the Exile's wound protected her from the worst of the effects, a wound which later would have closed thanks her close attunement to the light and retraining as a Jedi. As such on Dromund Kaas, a planet at the very least equally steeped in the dark side and known to cause suffering to those attuned to the light, would have almost certainly dampened the Exile's ability to draw on the Force.


The idea that "the effects just weren't that bad" doesn't hold weight at all when all evidence suggests that she would have been stifled and incapable of assaulting and defeating an entire Academy of Sith. Its just flawed.


Now if in your next response you ignore half of my arguments then I don't think I'll have the will to reply.


Disclaimer Did not read the whole post before posting this I have read it now and while there is some things to go over it I doubt its truly relevant to the point as of right now.


Just going to go over your bullet points real quick (you will find we arent that far off from a consensus)


1. I never saw this happen to any one at any time through out its history I dont know where you are getting this information. I have to see an example of this happening to any one.


2. Sounds about right. See nothing wrong with this statement at all.


3. No no correction Malachor is a stronger Nexus then Kaas (if you go over my posts and read them i NEVER claimed other wise, the only thing i have been claiming is that it is a Dark Side nexus and not some wound in the force and it behaves like a dark side nexus, cant insta claim it most powerful though as no one ever stated it to be as such and we cant just go making leaps that way)



4. Absolutely and this whole arguement started because I said she wasnt affected by Malachor and then some one piped in and said.... "oh no she was greatly affected by it she felt Naesea and could hear the voices of the dead, she wasnt at full power when she faced the Triumviate"..... So it forced me to respond well if thats the case her wound didnt do anything to protect her from it and she would have been weaker on Malachor then she was on Kaas because Malachor was clearly the stronger Nexus and clearly having a more profound affect on her since Kaas didnt make her Nauseas. If her powers were not affected by malachor and she could just sense the destruction there, but when push came to shove and it was time she was able to call upon her full powers then obviously her wound protected her... possibly empowered her. In which case we have no problem.


As I have said I would think her wound would allow her to use the Nexus like any dark side user since they are both a "corruption" of the force and are in fact a corruption formed by the same event, so by that extent the corruptions would likely find each other highly compatible.


If Malachor was in fact a wound and not just a Dark Side Nexus like i believe it is. (the whole turning people into husks i never saw an example of that so waiting for that.) Then no one bar the Exile should be able to use the force on it at all. If a planet is a wound in the Force there is no force for you to draw on while you are on it, instead it would draw on what ever little Force energy you brought with you. For any one to be able to use it, it would have to be a Dark Side Nexus which is what it describes itself as. Its an incredibly powerful one this is true, but its just a Dark side Nexus.



As far as people in Kaas city goes. Well you see I see the same things happening to them (to a vastly lesser degree then on Malachor) as happens on Malachor. I dont see their life draining away, but i have never seen an example of that happening on Malachor. I see them slowly being corrupted which is why so many even citizens are fairly dark side. I also see the local life getting corrupted, this is a pure sign of life corruption as the native life is more and more twisted by the Dark Side, and it just takes a very long time showing that it is not on the same level of Nexus as Malachor is.



Edit: the person you get to thank for all of this is Selenial and Rayla.


"Not to mention she was uniquely not negatively affected by said Dark Nexus which i have several theories as to how that could come about but that will likely be in my series on The Force and Midichlorians as it will delve into some of this." I said


and then Sel responded


"Thank's for picking up the fight Rayla, but I had to point this one thing out.


She's stated to have been affected horribly by that, constantly feeling as if she was about to Puke, and that the Darkness was constantly trying to corrupt and invade her mind."


Confrimed by Rayla


" Erm you did read the Revan novel right?


Not only did she feel the anguish and pain of the hundreds of thousands.that had died there, she could feel the Dark Side trying to corrupt her and it failed immensely which is incredibly impressive because and I quote: "Revan knew the immense corruption of the planet and merely walking upon it could turn the most vigilant Jedi Knight into an agent of evil."


She also was suffering from the immense dark gravity that the Mass Shadow Generator had been spewing forth for a decade.


Far from not effected."


If Selenial's and Rayla's statements are true. Then her wound did nothing to protect her from malachor V and she was weaker on Malachor then she was on Kaas. If its false then we need to go back to original arguements where i was argueing Sateele over Meetra based on powers displayed and not any of the rest of this convoluted BS. Fact of the matter here is now the same people saying she wasnt at full power at malachor and was being affected by it are now the very people saying she was at full power.... Well was she or wasnt she. Which is true Sel's and Rayla's statement about how she was horribly affected an hindered at malachor or my original statement that she was uniquly not affected by the planet.


Oh also in response to Revan quote there. A character is Falable Revan is no exception, unless we have an example of full on Vigilant Jedi stepping on the planet and near insta falling then his statement doesnt ring true.

Edited by tunewalker
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Well that seems to go against everything you just said about Malachor being like any other nexus... though again I'd be interested to see on what basis you are making the assertion that the Exile's abilities were hampered on Malachor V.


read the above you will find we are pretty darn close to a consensus here :D. When I say like any other nexus does not talk about the strength of the nexus and more so that it is a nexus and not something else.

Edited by tunewalker
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If you are just going to ignore my points then there is really no point continuing this debate, help yourself out and try to actual take into account every point - rather than nick-picking - else your asking for a broken picture.


You didn't even answer my question - which was important. But I'll give it another shot. Here is what you overlooked:


Malachor V is a wound in the Force that makes it categorical different from all other dark side nexuses. Namely these other nexuses do not feed on your very life force and corrupt you in such an adverse way. Malachor V does.


1. Yes they do, its the very reason the emperor had Luke brought before him to facilitate his fall to the dark side. It is the very reason why any Sith takes a jedi to a Nexus to help facilitate their fall. A dark Side Nexus corrupts that's its point.


Try to understand this, as a wound in the Force that means that anyone in near proximity will have their life force drained. This is a fact, quit trying to refute it and quit claiming that Traya is talking about dark side nexuses in general. Unless you can provide evidence of other dark side nexuses corrupting all life and feeding on death in the manner in which Malachor V does. I bet you cannot find a single comparable example.



2. For comparable examples look at every single Nexus were life has become twisted mishappen or misformed or creatures of dark side have started popping up there where before they did not live. This is a corruption of Life and it happens on all kinds of Dark side Nexi through out the universe.


Remember there is a gosh darn city of Dromund Kaas filled with civilians! If Malachor V = Dromund Kaas why aren't they hearing the echoes and screams of the dead? Why haven't they been corrupted? Why aren't they slowly having their life forces siphoned away? Because that is what would happen if they were on Malachor V.


3. because the dead didnt all die at the same time in one big tragic death as well as they arent force sensitive so they cant hear it (i see no evidence that a non-force sensitve would hear the screams of the dead on Malachor). Who says they havent been corrupted, many of the civilians are just as evil as the sith they work for. Again who says they arent, I have seen non-force sensitves on that planet who have Dark side corrupted faces. Whats to say that wasnt cause by slowly drained life force?


But you want some examples? Take a look at Darth Nihilus, as I said before he is a living embodiement of Malachor V, a wound in the Force steeped in the dark side. And do you recall what happens to those in his presence? They were slowly transformed into hollow husks. Remember Colonel Tobin? That would be everyone.



4. What proof do you have that Nihilus is an Embodiement of Malachor.... if he was would Malachor not insta kill every one that walked on it just like Nihilus did any time he "fed" the planet cant conciously not do so to people its wants around.



Maybe I exaggerated when I said they would die, but when your life force is slowly being siphoned away and when as a non-Force sensitive you cannot draw on the dark side, eventually you'll empty and die. Or else be like this.


Of course this would not happen instantly, I never said that.


5. Picture of Nihilus slave not of some one that had Malachor do it to them


Concerning the Sith Assassins, recall what Vrook Lamar said: "It is the teaching of these new Sith, to feed on others, on other Force-sensitives. They are symptomatic of the wound in the Force." The reason why the Sith Assassins were so good at what they did was because of Malachor, Malachor ate away a part of them and created a blank spot where everything around them would be drained. Which is the very technique they use.


6. I dont think I trust the word of a Jedi Master on Sith teachings. And we already know that Traya was obssessed with the Wound in the Force why would she not teach them an ability that to her was similar in ways. The planet is a Dark Side nexus of course its going to highten their skills and expidite their training why do you think padawans are brought to Korriban. Beyond that the rest is speculation.


Again, if what you are saying is so, why is is that all Force sensitives on Dromund Kaas are capable of this? Clearly there is a difference, clearly there would be as Malachor V is a totally different ball park. And, as a wound in the Force, draining the life force of others, that makes is stronger and more steeped in the dark side. This is why Revan used Malachor V as opposed to other planets, an argument you also overlooked.


7. Revan used it AND other planets. He still used Korriban, any place that was steeped in the dark side he used. Different training is different thus Kaas and Malachor trained people arent going to be the same.


But why is this even relevant? We've already put forward categorical evidence that demonstrates that "enlightened light siders" have their ability to call on the Force significantly dampened when in the presence of powerful dark side nexuses. Yoda. Yoda went to Kaas and he could barely call on the Force, if he went to Malachor V, a planet equally if not more steeped in the dark side, logic would indicate he would feel the same effects. And yet the Exile does not? Why? If you can answer this question with something other than the fact she is a wound in the Force then come back to me. While your at it come up with some proof that she was negatively effected, because I never said she was. Remembering that being nauseous and having your ability to draw on the light stifled are not the same.


And really, at the very least you cannot argue that Malachor is significantly less powerful a nexus than Dromund Kaas, there is nothing that suggests it. It is at the very least of equal strength, it a place "where the dark side of the Force runs strong", the planet is steeped in the dark side. Period. And in such places light siders have a diminished ability to draw on the Force. That is also a fact. Now concerning the Exile's companions and why were they were not negatively effected. We have to remember that these effects happen slowly, your life force is slowly drained away not instantly. They would not be reduced to husks immediately, but Colonel Tobin is proof that if they stayed, they would.


And of course, they are not highly attuned to the light, so we cannot expect them to be considerably effected. Not that we actually can be sure, whereas considering that Meetra took on the entire academy, we can be sure.


So lets review my argument, so you don't miss all my points:



  • Malachor V is a wound in the Force, and that means it saps at the life force of others and transforms them eventually into deadened husks or else forces them to sustain themselves with the dark side.
  • Malachor V sustains itself and becomes more steeped in the dark side by feeding off the life force of others - therefore making it an extremely powerful nexus of the dark side that Revan used to crush Jedi.
  • At the very least, Malachor is as equally steeped in the dark side as Dromund Kaas - there is no evidence to suggest otherwise, in both instances it has been claimed that the dark side of the Force runs strong.
  • In the presence of dark side nexuses Force Users strongly attuned to the light have their ability to draw on the Force stifled, Yoda's visit to Dromund Kaas is irrefutable proof of this. Yet the Exile did not on Malachor.


The most logical explanation here is that the Exile's wound protected her from the worst of the effects, a wound which later would have closed thanks her close attunement to the light and retraining as a Jedi. As such on Dromund Kaas, a planet at the very least equally steeped in the dark side and known to cause suffering to those attuned to the light, would have almost certainly dampened the Exile's ability to draw on the Force.


The idea that "the effects just weren't that bad" doesn't hold weight at all when all evidence suggests that she would have been stifled and incapable of assaulting and defeating an entire Academy of Sith. Its just flawed.


Now if in your next response you ignore half of my arguments then I don't think I'll have the will to reply.


Reponses are in the quotes number 1-7 and have itilics and underline to highlight them. Sorry this was a response to those points since I didnt read them before the last one my bad :o. The rest of it was i believe properly responded to in the last post again my bad.



Edit: I am hoping I am not upsettng you guys right now, i am equally frustrated by this i wish to understand it as much as wish to give understanding on it. At this point all i am doing is giving my understanding of the information provided and trying to find the information you all seem to have that isnt getting share that would make me obviously wrong, but if that info doesnt exist then its a point to be argued. I am sorry if i am pushing any of your buttons you all know how KoToR 2 is to me its really hard to follow the events when i just played the original release so I had to take the little info it gave on the events and my understanding of it + Wiki and anything you guys tell me here and fit it into my understanding of the world. Thats all I am trying to do. At this point the arguements continue more for my sake of trying to understand all of this then it is for any kind of real list revisal. Though even if all this comes out I will likely still argue Sateele over Meetra just based on feats not associated with Nexi.

Edited by tunewalker
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Just going to go over your bullet points real quick (you will find we arent that far off from a consensus)


1. I never saw this happen to any one at any time through out its history I dont know where you are getting this information. I have to see an example of this happening to any one.


2. Sounds about right. See nothing wrong with this statement at all.


3. No no correction Malachor is a stronger Nexus then Kaas (if you go over my posts and read them i NEVER claimed other wise, the only thing i have been claiming is that it is a Dark Side nexus and not some wound in the force and it behaves like a dark side nexus, cant insta claim it most powerful though as no one ever stated it to be as such and we cant just go making leaps that way)



4. Absolutely and this whole arguement started because I said she wasnt affected by Malachor and then some one piped in and said.... "oh no she was greatly affected by it she felt Naesea and could hear the voices of the dead, she wasnt at full power when she faced the Triumviate"..... So it forced me to respond well if thats the case her wound didnt do anything to protect her from it and she would have been weaker on Malachor then she was on Kaas because Malachor was clearly the stronger Nexus and clearly having a more profound affect on her since Kaas didnt make her Nauseas. If her powers were not affected by malachor and she could just sense the destruction there, but when push came to shove and it was time she was able to call upon her full powers then obviously her wound protected her... possibly empowered her. In which case we have no problem.


As I have said I would think her wound would allow her to use the Nexus like any dark side user since they are both a "corruption" of the force and are in fact a corruption formed by the same event, so by that extent the corruptions would likely find each other highly compatible.


If Malachor was in fact a wound and not just a Dark Side Nexus like i believe it is. (the whole turning people into husks i never saw an example of that so waiting for that.) Then no one bar the Exile should be able to use the force on it at all. If a planet is a wound in the Force there is no force for you to draw on while you are on it, instead it would draw on what ever little Force energy you brought with you. For any one to be able to use it, it would have to be a Dark Side Nexus which is what it describes itself as. Its an incredibly powerful one this is true, but its just a Dark side Nexus.



As far as people in Kaas city goes. Well you see I see the same things happening to them (to a vastly lesser degree then on Malachor) as happens on Malachor. I dont see their life draining away, but i have never seen an example of that happening on Malachor. I see them slowly being corrupted which is why so many even citizens are fairly dark side. I also see the local life getting corrupted, this is a pure sign of life corruption as the native life is more and more twisted by the Dark Side, and it just takes a very long time showing that it is not on the same level of Nexus as Malachor is.



Edit: the person you get to thank for all of this is Selenial and Rayla.


"Not to mention she was uniquely not negatively affected by said Dark Nexus which i have several theories as to how that could come about but that will likely be in my series on The Force and Midichlorians as it will delve into some of this." I said


and then Sel responded


"Thank's for picking up the fight Rayla, but I had to point this one thing out.


She's stated to have been affected horribly by that, constantly feeling as if she was about to Puke, and that the Darkness was constantly trying to corrupt and invade her mind."


Confrimed by Rayla


" Erm you did read the Revan novel right?


Not only did she feel the anguish and pain of the hundreds of thousands.that had died there, she could feel the Dark Side trying to corrupt her and it failed immensely which is incredibly impressive because and I quote: "Revan knew the immense corruption of the planet and merely walking upon it could turn the most vigilant Jedi Knight into an agent of evil."


She also was suffering from the immense dark gravity that the Mass Shadow Generator had been spewing forth for a decade.


Far from not effected."


If Selenial's and Rayla's statements are true. Then her wound did nothing to protect her from malachor V and she was weaker on Malachor then she was on Kaas. If its false then we need to go back to original arguements where i was argueing Sateele over Meetra based on powers displayed and not any of the rest of this convoluted BS. Fact of the matter here is now the same people saying she wasnt at full power at malachor and was being affected by it are now the very people saying she was at full power.... Well was she or wasnt she. Which is true Sel's and Rayla's statement about how she was horribly affected an hindered at malachor or my original statement that she was uniquly not affected by the planet.


Oh also in response to Revan quote there. A character is Falable Revan is no exception, unless we have an example of full on Vigilant Jedi stepping on the planet and near insta falling then his statement doesnt ring true.

1. It is a fact. Wounds in the Force drain the life force of those around them. That is how they work. I don't need examples to prove this. Regardless there are many examples to support this:



  • Kreia described the Exile as "feeding" off others.
  • Everyone on board the Ravager i.e. in the presence of a wound, was a deadened husk.
  • The Sith Assassins on Malachor V were all in part "symptomatic of the wound in the Force" it had drained a part of them and in the void that remained was a hunger that allowed them to leech of others.
  • Darth Nihilus himself became a wound by being consumed by Malachor V when trapped on its surface.


Most of these examples I have already conveyed, who know how you missed them. Remember however what is important is that because its a wound, it consumes the power of others and becomes more powerful in the dark side.


But if you accept Malachor V as a powerful dark side nexus, then the fact that it drains the life force of others is irrelevant. Meetra would have been totally immune to this anyway, nor is it a factor on Dromund Kaas.


3. Oh is that so? I quote: "ESPECIALLY with that quote you just gave of Malachor V. It DOESNT say it was the most powerful Dark Side Nexus of all time all it does is describe a Dark Side Nexi." that was after I claimed Malachor V to be one of the most potent dark side nexi in the galaxy. By which I meant more powerful than most, its not the most powerful dark side nexus in the galaxy, but is is very potent. Then you used that as a springboard to make the argument that the Exile did not feel the effects of Malachor because and I quote again:


"The world isn't as corrupt as you seem to believe it is, its a dark side nexus but no where does it say its more powerful then your average Nexus, your misinterpreted what Traya said."


Wrong in many many ways. Malachor V is a more powerful nexus or at least as powerful as Dromund Kaas, a planet upon which Yoda himself had his ability to call on the Force hampered. So how on earth did the Exile managed to defeat an entire academy on a world that should have effectively blocked her from the Force? Hmm? Because she was a wound in the Force, that's the only difference aside from power between herself and Yoda.


But now if you accept Malachor is more powerful, the above argument is even harder to stand by.


But wait a minute, are you actually now claiming Malachor is not a wound in the Force? Or is that typo? Wounds in the Force are formed when a massive loss of life happens, which is exactly what happened on Malachor V. Creating a massive wound in the planet and spreading echoes across the entire galaxy:


"Now we shall see if you can overcome the weight of Malachor, and silence the echoes that beat from its heart."


Echoes only reverberated from wounds in the Force, Meetra Surik for examples spreads echoes:


"You are a breach that must be closed. You transmit your pain, your suffering through the Force. Within you we see something worse than the teachings of the Sith. What you carry may mean the death of the Force..."


Malachor V is alive with pain and suffering, I'm baffled how you missed this when playing KOTOR II.


Look up wounds in the Force, you'll find Malachor is repeatedly used as an example. And that is why I claimed it one of the most powerful, because unlike other nexuses it fuels its own power by draining the life of others. I never claimed it was the most powerful, my point simply was that it is potent, and probably more potent than Kaas.


Which you seem to agree with! So drop the argument!


4. Well lets look at the reality here, on Malachor V she takes on and entire academy of dark siders, defeats Darth Sion five times and then defeats Darth Traya who for all we know might have been siphoning Malachor's energies. Then, on Dromund Kaas, she gets slapped down by one Force User with ease. Which sounds weaker?


Anyway, concerning this dialogue, you missed one key thing:


Not only did she feel the anguish and pain of the hundreds of thousands.that had died there, she could feel the Dark Side trying to corrupt her and it failed immensely which is incredibly impressive.


How is this possible when even Yoda couldn't resist such power? She was assaulted yes, and the echoes likely made her nauseous and what not. But her connection to the light side of the Force remained as strong as ever. Its the only possible way she could have defeated scores up scores of Sith and two powerful Sith Lords.


What Lady and Sel were trying to express here, is that Malachor was trying to oppress the Exile, but partly because she was a wound she was able to resist its power, else she would have found her powers nullified. Remembering the fact that this is foreshadowed by the fact that she is able to resists Nihilus, Malachor in 'human' form.


Drew does not convey her feelings in the novel of course, because Drew is the problem here. As a theoretical argument we can't expect it to be self evident else they're would never be a problem in the first place. Its a plot hole.


But your confusion concerning wounds it seems is more extensive. Wookieepedia makes it more clear:


Wounds in the Force were created whenever a massive loss of life occurred. All life in the galaxy was interconnected and when a significant number of lives were suddenly ended, the Force sustained a localized injury much like a sentient who had lost a limb. The epicenter of the wound became a dark place, filled with the reverberating echoes of the pain, terror, and suffering of the life forms who had lost their lives. Wounds in the Force were most often centered in astrographical locations where traumatic events took place, such as Malachor V or Alderaan, but they could also form within individuals such as Meetra Surik or Darth Nihilus.


Remember, Malachor V was originally a dark side nexus. When the mass shadow generator was activated all that collosal loss of life punched a wound in its very heart. But it did more than that, from that wound emanated echoes of pain, terror, suffering and it is those echoes the fueled the already dark side presence surrounding the planet. These negative emotions propagated dark side energy and made the nexus stronger and stronger.


This is why people can use the Force on Malachor - the Force still exists there but you have to cut through all the darkness to get to the light, or else simply draw on the dark side. Meetra, being a wound in the Force, could do this, because those waves of dark side energy would just have hit an empty spot. Remembering that Meetra has a wound inside her, and so does Nihilus, yet they can still draw on the Force. However I doubt Meetra's other companions could draw on the Force without succumbing to the dark side, but then they never do much.


P.S. Revan brought many Jedi to Malachor and turned them, I expect some of them were "vigilant" else he would not have come to this conclusions. But again, and a thousand times again, Yoda. Stop ignoring Yoda, its tiresome.

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Because Tune is trying to claim that Nyriss > The Exile & Traya, it is most relevant to a debate surrounding the Exile, unfortunately. (Damn it Drew.)


And that Malachor is not a powerful Dark Side Nexus that drains force energy.


Conveniently right before his faction faces Traya and Malachor V in a Kaggath :rolleyes:

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And that Malachor is not a powerful Dark Side Nexus that drains force energy.


Conveniently right before his faction faces Traya and Malachor V in a Kaggath :rolleyes:


I don't think it will matter. I mean, if Luke and Leia defeat Darth Krayt on Byss, what's to stop them from ROFLstomping Traya and the Trayus Academy? :rolleyes:

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I don't think it will matter. I mean, if Luke and Leia defeat Darth Krayt on Byss, what's to stop them from ROFLstomping Traya and the Trayus Academy? :rolleyes:


Oh, So many things :p


Besides, even Byss isn't Malachor. I'd say Malachor is the one place, that the Wall of Light cannot be called upon.


Edit: Not that Tune should have won that Kaggath anyway.

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Oh, So many things :p


Besides, even Byss isn't Malachor. I'd say Malachor is the one place, that the Wall of Light cannot be called upon.


We'll see...


Edit: Not that Tune should have won that Kaggath anyway.



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1. It is a fact. Wounds in the Force drain the life force of those around them. That is how they work. I don't need examples to prove this. Regardless there are many examples to support this:



  • Kreia described the Exile as "feeding" off others.
  • Everyone on board the Ravager i.e. in the presence of a wound, was a deadened husk.
  • The Sith Assassins on Malachor V were all in part "symptomatic of the wound in the Force" it had drained a part of them and in the void that remained was a hunger that allowed them to leech of others.
  • Darth Nihilus himself became a wound by being consumed by Malachor V when trapped on its surface.


Most of these examples I have already conveyed, who know how you missed them. Remember however what is important is that because its a wound, it consumes the power of others and becomes more powerful in the dark side.


But if you accept Malachor V as a powerful dark side nexus, then the fact that it drains the life force of others is irrelevant. Meetra would have been totally immune to this anyway, nor is it a factor on Dromund Kaas.



I have already said I know its a powerful dark side nexus only your misinterpratations of my words has lead you to believe other wise, you can quote me all day it wont matter I know what i said and it doesnt relate to power its talking in general. I dont want to have to explain the meaning of my use of the english langauge. Until I straight out say "its not a dark side Nexus" I am not talking about its relative strength to other Nexi. Except for in cases when i specifically state another Nexus. And every time i have made a direct comparison between Malachor and Kaas i have always said Malachor was the stronger nexus.


3. Oh is that so? I quote: "ESPECIALLY with that quote you just gave of Malachor V. It DOESNT say it was the most powerful Dark Side Nexus of all time all it does is describe a Dark Side Nexi." that was after I claimed Malachor V to be one of the most potent dark side nexi in the galaxy. By which I meant more powerful than most, its not the most powerful dark side nexus in the galaxy, but is is very potent. Then you used that as a springboard to make the argument that the Exile did not feel the effects of Malachor because and I quote again:


"The world isn't as corrupt as you seem to believe it is, its a dark side nexus but no where does it say its more powerful then your average Nexus, your misinterpreted what Traya said."


Wrong in many many ways. Malachor V is a more powerful nexus or at least as powerful as Dromund Kaas, a planet upon which Yoda himself had his ability to call on the Force hampered. So how on earth did the Exile managed to defeat an entire academy on a world that should have effectively blocked her from the Force? Hmm? Because she was a wound in the Force, that's the only difference aside from power between herself and Yoda.


I am so glad i can say the same thing a million times and never have you understand it a single time..... i mean what do you I have to do create a video of song and dance that spells it out for you. I have literally said the same thing over 30 posts I am not saying it again go back and re-read the Edit it says right there where I got the idea.


according to the information given by selenial and Rayla here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=656494&page=102 at numer 1019 and 1021 she was affected by malachor, her powers were diminished JUST LIKE YODA'S were on Kaas, but even though she was affected she still beat them, meaning that Malachor doesnt diminish Light siders as much as is thought, still more so then Kaas dont misunderstand, and Nyriss was just plain better then Sion and Traya.


But now if you accept Malachor is more powerful, the above argument is even harder to stand by.


no its not, if she was affected by it and she beat the other 2 then that means the other 2 were weak by comparison to her.


But wait a minute, are you actually now claiming Malachor is not a wound in the Force? Or is that typo? Wounds in the Force are formed when a massive loss of life happens, which is exactly what happened on Malachor V. Creating a massive wound in the planet and spreading echoes across the entire galaxy:


"Now we shall see if you can overcome the weight of Malachor, and silence the echoes that beat from its heart."


Echoes only reverberated from wounds in the Force, Meetra Surik for examples spreads echoes:


"You are a breach that must be closed. You transmit your pain, your suffering through the Force. Within you we see something worse than the teachings of the Sith. What you carry may mean the death of the Force..."


Malachor V is alive with pain and suffering, I'm baffled how you missed this when playing KOTOR II.



Look up wounds in the Force, you'll find Malachor is repeatedly used as an example. And that is why I claimed it one of the most powerful, because unlike other nexuses it fuels its own power by draining the life of others. I never claimed it was the most powerful, my point simply was that it is potent, and probably more potent than Kaas.


Which you seem to agree with! So drop the argument!


You are correct its potency is not in question you are failing humongously to understant what is in question which i have already stated in the previous responses and in this one so respond to the stuff actually in question as all of these points are entirely irrelavent to the points being made.


4. Well lets look at the reality here, on Malachor V she takes on and entire academy of dark siders, defeats Darth Sion five times and then defeats Darth Traya who for all we know might have been siphoning Malachor's energies. Then, on Dromund Kaas, she gets slapped down by one Force User with ease. Which sounds weaker?


Anyway, concerning this dialogue, you missed one key thing:


Not only did she feel the anguish and pain of the hundreds of thousands.that had died there, she could feel the Dark Side trying to corrupt her and it failed immensely which is incredibly impressive.


How is this possible when even Yoda couldn't resist such power? She was assaulted yes, and the echoes likely made her nauseous and what not. But her connection to the light side of the Force remained as strong as ever. Its the only possible way she could have defeated scores up scores of Sith and two powerful Sith Lords.


or you accept option 2 and the dark siders werent that strong. She was affected, just like Yoda there is no inconsistancy there. Either she was affected or she wasnt, it failed to corrupt her.... great that doesnt mean her power wasnt dimished by its attempt. There is no inconsistancy between Yoda on Kaas and Meetra on Malachor. Stop using that arguement its irrelevant hasnt shown nor will it show any kind of inconsistency no matter how many times you spout it. Yoda was weakened on Kaas. Meetra was weakened on Kaas and Malachor, conclussion Dark side Nexi weaken light side users. No inconsistency.... are you getting it yet.



What Lady and Sel were trying to express here, is that Malachor was trying to oppress the Exile, but partly because she was a wound she was able to resist its power, else she would have found her powers nullified. Remembering the fact that this is foreshadowed by the fact that she is able to resists Nihilus, Malachor in 'human' form.


NO I SAID that the exile's power wasnt affected by Malachor and they felt the need to come in and say SHE WAS so no according to the info THEY provided she was in a WORSE STATE on Malachor then she was on Kaas. Malachor is the more corrupt and powerful Dark Side Nexus so this what we would expect.... guess what thats not an inconsistency, thats not room to believe her wound protected her. Again i have said this..... multiple times in a single post in every post having to do with this


Drew does not convey her feelings in the novel of course, because Drew is the problem here. As a theoretical argument we can't expect it to be self evident else they're would never be a problem in the first place. Its a plot hole.


But your confusion concerning wounds it seems is more extensive. Wookieepedia makes it more clear:


Wounds in the Force were created whenever a massive loss of life occurred. All life in the galaxy was interconnected and when a significant number of lives were suddenly ended, the Force sustained a localized injury much like a sentient who had lost a limb. The epicenter of the wound became a dark place, filled with the reverberating echoes of the pain, terror, and suffering of the life forms who had lost their lives. Wounds in the Force were most often centered in astrographical locations where traumatic events took place, such as Malachor V or Alderaan, but they could also form within individuals such as Meetra Surik or Darth Nihilus.


OMG this seems to explain things so much better then i have been getting apparently when digging through Malachor V info i missed this one. So if i am to understand this any planet with massive loss of life would be a wound...... only one issue came to my head when i thought about this is they seem to be formed the same way a natural Dark side Nexus is form, so i guess we can say a wound is another version of teh corruption of the force and as such is another variant on a dark side nexus. Again this is my understanding. :D


Remember, Malachor V was originally a dark side nexus. When the mass shadow generator was activated all that collosal loss of life punched a wound in its very heart. But it did more than that, from that wound emanated echoes of pain, terror, suffering and it is those echoes the fueled the already dark side presence surrounding the planet. These negative emotions propagated dark side energy and made the nexus stronger and stronger.


This is why people can use the Force on Malachor - the Force still exists there but you have to cut through all the darkness to get to the light, or else simply draw on the dark side. Meetra, being a wound in the Force, could do this, because those waves of dark side energy would just have hit an empty spot. Remembering that Meetra has a wound inside her, and so does Nihilus, yet they can still draw on the Force. However I doubt Meetra's other companions could draw on the Force without succumbing to the dark side, but then they never do much.



again got to say this stuff combined with the above is starting to make sense, still confused as to how in the balls Meetra would have felt the corruption and not felt the corruption simultaneously which is it was she affected by it or wasnt she. If she was then ya Traya and Sion werent that strong if she wasnt then her wound protected her Then i go back to my previous statement about how she was uniquely largely unaffected by Malachor which is it.


P.S. Revan brought many Jedi to Malachor and turned them, I expect some of them were "vigilant" else he would not have come to this conclusions. But again, and a thousand times again, Yoda. Stop ignoring Yoda, its tiresome.


Ok if they were vigilant how did he get them there? I was under the impression he brought jedi who fought with him or even people who were already at least talking to him. I find it hard to believe he brought vigilant people there.

I have not once ignored Yoda and since that line was the first one i read before posting any of this stuff it irked me a lot which is why the start of this stuff is so hostile. The over arcing problem is an inconsistency with arguements provided was Meetra Affected by Malachor V or not? Which is it, if she was then she is having the same response Yoda's having thus no inconsistency with the info Provided by Sel and Lady this is the assumption i am working under and thus basis of my whole arguement the Yoda is irrelevant as he DOESNT have an inconsistency with her.



Please Read this first


Ok I know there is a lot of this especially at the top that is likely to upset you beni for that I am sorry I was responding how i felt at the time because i Read the one line that irked before reading the rest. Thus each response to each passage is done in the mood i was in at the time. I did not read the whole thing at once I read each part as I responded to it.


Please understand the start I was upset and became much calmer towards the end.


My whole thing is this, the only argument thats relevant is a simple 1 question


Was Meetra Affected by Malachor V or Not? It has been this singular question for the last i have no idea how long. Everything about malachor's affects not truly being that strong about Meetra not being that strong about Traya and Sion being weak every single assertation made was made under the assumption that the Info provided by Sel and Lady was spot on and Meetra WAS affected Malachor meaning her wound did NOT protect her. If that was the case then there had to be some explanation of how a lightsider can take out an entire Academy of Dark siders, and it couldnt be 1 thing it had to be all of it to me. Do you understand what i am saying at this point.


I dont expect an entirely civil post on the next one honestly my tone is very hostile at the start just understand as to why. I tried to be not hostile in the post you responded to and I felt like my head was bitten off for my trouble.



Edit: made some edits to better state my position though many of the irked tones are still at the top i didnt feel like going and readjusting the tone of it when the information in it is still what i felt so while i appologize for the tone I did respond in a manner of which at the time and even now to a degree i felt i was talked to in.

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Yes we did, but some people just love to perpetuate dead arguments for the sake of their own.


Lets recall how we settled this.... by saying that Meetra was protected from Malachor V thanks to her wound and with her wound shut at Kaas she was no longer protected.


In an arguement about Meetra and Sateele (which is a perfectly reasonable arguement to be had as they are currently 8 and 9) I said


"Not to mention she was uniquely not negatively affected by said Dark Nexus which i have several theories as to how that could come about but that will likely be in my series on The Force and Midichlorians as it will delve into some of this."


Which would be in lines with the conclusion about her wound that was originally used to settle said dispute.


Your response was.


"Erm you did read the Revan novel right?


Not only did she feel the anguish and pain of the hundreds of thousands.that had died there, she could feel the Dark Side trying to corrupt her and it failed immensely which is incredibly impressive because and I quote: "Revan knew the immense corruption of the planet and merely walking upon it could turn the most vigilant Jedi Knight into an agent of evil."


She also was suffering from the immense dark gravity that the Mass Shadow Generator had been spewing forth for a decade.


Far from not effected."



Which goes to show her wound did jack **** and that original conclussion we came to now has no ground to stand on. You did it to yourself and thus only have yourself to blame for these arguements. Give credit where credit is do :D. Patt yourself on the back.

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And that Malachor is not a powerful Dark Side Nexus that drains force energy.


Conveniently right before his faction faces Traya and Malachor V in a Kaggath :rolleyes:


Dont bring the kaggath into this. it has nothing to do with it, i am not so petty as to try to sabatoge some one before a Kaggath I do it in the Kaggath so they dont see it coming.


Ya I "shouldnt have won" just like I shouldnt have Lost to Aurbere in round one, now of course people will disagree fact of the matter is those matches are over the winner is the winner and those that dont like it dont need to go tearing some one down for it. You guys want to attack me then come out an attack me dont converse with one another say it to me.


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Which goes to show her wound did jack **** and that original conclussion we came to now has no ground to stand on. You did it to yourself and thus only have yourself to blame for these arguements. Give credit where credit is do :D. Patt yourself on the back.


This post is exactly why we said you haven't understood a Single word we have typed.

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This post is exactly why we said you haven't understood a Single word we have typed.


Whats the misunderstanding? Was she affected by it or not? Yes or no its as simple as that.


If no then "Not to mention she was uniquely not negatively affected by said Dark Nexus which i have several theories as to how that could come about but that will likely be in my series on The Force and Midichlorians as it will delve into some of this."



If yes then well obviously Malachor wasnt so much stronger then Kaas and Traya and Sion were massively weaker then Meetra and Meetra in turn is weaker then Nyriss.


Its simple as yes or no. Which is it.

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