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Gunships Are Balanced and a Fun Part of the Game


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Because he can run back to the cap ship from scouts? That's the same as dying without the heal. And he can still get killed that way, it's just unlikely, and he is definitely contributing less than if he were sticking around a bit more.


A gunship is a good thing because it breaks the moronic turn fighting and node hugging that the game becomes without them. The bypass=killing spree is being taken out.


No because the effective cooldown on long duration Dfield is 16 seconds. A gunship using barrel roll can get far enough away that his Dfield will be off cooldown before the attack regains range, thus the gunship can kite indefinitely.


Of course you could argue that in essence a kiting gunship is not contributing, however at the same time the scout chasing the gunship is not contributing either. But if I want any other class of ship to become a non-contributor I can just kill them and move on.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I literally do not understand where the "gunship OP baaaw" people are coming from... I fly a Nova almost exclusively, and I tend to kill more gunships than any other ship type, simply because hunting them down is so *easy* >:D


I can only assume the ones crying about them are the types who attempt to charge them head-on across 20km of open space, and are (deservedly) immediately exploded.

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I literally do not understand where the "gunship OP baaaw" people are coming from... I fly a Nova almost exclusively, and I tend to kill more gunships than any other ship type, simply because hunting them down is so *easy* >:D


I can only assume the ones crying about them are the types who attempt to charge them head-on across 20km of open space, and are (deservedly) immediately exploded.


Proper tactics are essential, but step one is identify that there is a GS within 15km... Being that most if not all are running dampening sensors and will not show up until 15km... that is an issue.


Step two, get within your weapon range ASAP, preferably from cover/using distortion field.


Step three, do not allow the GS to face you... ever.



Ok now to address the GS is OP topic... GSs are not OP per se, but the AOE ion with massive power drain that can hit things behind objects (with the AOE effect) is redonkulous... There have been MANY posts about this and if you don't recognize that there is a legitimate issue with that, than ask how many GS players (of those who have ion to tier 4) don't use the right side tier 4 upgrade for the ion railgun. In other words, if a specific tier choice is used by 99% of the player population, something is driving that preference. Might want to look into that...

Personally, I would like to make that tier either AOE or massive energy drain... not both. (just get rid of crit... who cares about crit on a weapon that destroys shields with one shot anyway and does crap vs hull...)

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I literally do not understand where the "gunship OP baaaw" people are coming from... I fly a Nova almost exclusively, and I tend to kill more gunships than any other ship type, simply because hunting them down is so *easy* >:D


I can only assume the ones crying about them are the types who attempt to charge them head-on across 20km of open space, and are (deservedly) immediately exploded.


I agree GS are not as OP as the whiners would have us believe. I regularly kill gunships on my nova , pike and star guard - try swapping in barrel roll - you'll have no trouble hunting em down.

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GSs are not OP per se, but the AOE ion with massive power drain that can hit things behind objects (with the AOE effect) is redonkulous... There have been MANY posts about this and if you don't recognize that there is a legitimate issue with that, than ask how many GS players (of those who have ion to tier 4) don't use the right side tier 4 upgrade for the ion railgun. In other words, if a specific tier choice is used by 99% of the player population, something is driving that preference. Might want to look into that...


Yeah, that I understand, and agree entirely - that particular upgrade is rediculous.


I'm just saying that that a single feature of a single weapon doesn't mean the entire ship class is OP - which is what way too many people are either implying or stating outright

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I "noob farm" in a gunship regularly, and I can say this.


It takes nearly zero skill to rack up kills in a gunship. It just takes building the right ship, sitting on the outskirts of dogfights, then point-and-click your way to massive profit!


Can a very-skilled scout/fighter pilot take me down? Sure... that's why I stay the hell away from them and pick off the cannon fodder. It's a quick way to a 50-10 DM victory! xD


I like flying scouts, but I'm not a master at the game, so I pick easy mode so I can farm the purple points. Gunships are not balanced, as I am not nearly good enough to top the kill charts in my matches, but I do! xD

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I literally do not understand where the "gunship OP baaaw" people are coming from... I fly a Nova almost exclusively, and I tend to kill more gunships than any other ship type, simply because hunting them down is so *easy* >:D


I can only assume the ones crying about them are the types who attempt to charge them head-on across 20km of open space, and are (deservedly) immediately exploded.



The problem actually is when there are 2-3 gunships covering eachother. Hell...that's even worse on DeathMatch cause they are ALWAYS near their capital ship so they can run like b*tches every time they get a scratch.

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The problem actually is when there are 2-3 gunships covering eachother. Hell...that's even worse on DeathMatch cause they are ALWAYS near their capital ship so they can run like b*tches every time they get a scratch.


if they are near the capital ship then why don't you and your team just move away from it so they are forced to go after you if they want to snipe you :rak_02:


Solutions people, think of solutions, and stop saying they all gunships are always at the capital ships, whenever I am in deathmatch I go into the center of the fray and take out as many drones, mines, and imps as I can, whats with people thinking gunships are all a bunch of cowards who stay next to the capital ship? In case anyone hasn't noticed to actually be able to do anything we kind of have to move away from the ship and a lot close to the imps.

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