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See you around Alex.


Who knows, it may be here again. I know sometimes taking a break and coming back with fresh eyes makes a difference. And who knows what this game has in store for us?


The cool thing, is you can peek in here, log into the game and check things out from time to time. So, I'll just say see you later.


BTW, I do love Oricon, and I fine with Makeb. Like most things in games such as these, once you know the ins and outs these areas are options and not requirements.

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The issue with Makeb is not the difficulty, but it is full of trash. You can't walk without being attacked, and difficult to enjoy the scenery (not much of that also) like other planets. Feels like lazy design to me, rushed and unfinished.
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Although the reason for leaving is a head scratcher, we all have reasons for eventually shutting it off and moving on. Its rarely ever one thing, but lots of little things that add up over time.


Those who have stayed tend to feel its worth the effort (for them) and tend to disagree with people leaving over "petty" things.


Wish you luck, hope you find it worth the effort in the future to come back, odds are you may not. But, please find something to replace it. PC gaming is the best there is and the more we are willing to play the more companies are willing to keep making them.

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Although the reason for leaving is a head scratcher


I actually hear the main complaint a lot in game, from people who are nearing the end of going through their story experience. Granted they're mostly approaching the game as a BioWare single player RPG, but that's hardly their fault if the leveling method is pretty much designed as such.


The main thing that makes this game better than other MMOs is the part that isn't like MMOs at all :p

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I actually hear the main complaint a lot in game, from people who are nearing the end of going through their story experience. Granted they're mostly approaching the game as a BioWare single player RPG, but that's hardly their fault if the leveling method is pretty much designed as such.


The main thing that makes this game better than other MMOs is the part that isn't like MMOs at all :p


I would guess it's probably the most common one for those leaving on good terms (AKA not rage quitting over something - like hard to get datacrons :p).

Edited by Callaron
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Granted they're mostly approaching the game as a BioWare single player RPG, but that's hardly their fault if the leveling method is pretty much designed as such.


Very wise words my friend. I wonder what was the initial expectation. I know they didn't think people would level up so quick but they were going to level up eventually.

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Very wise words my friend. I wonder what was the initial expectation. I know they didn't think people would level up so quick but they were going to level up eventually.



(...) Based on BioWare's pre-launch metrics, the team expected players to get through the content in three or four months. This assessment might seem obviously wrong to an experienced MMO player, but we are talking about a game with extensive voiceover and literally thousands of cinematic cutscenes adding up to about 170 to 180 hours of content.


So the devs anticipated that TOR would take more consecutive days to complete than the average MMO. But according to BioWare's metrics, players were tearing through the content an average of 40 hours a week; some players spent more than 120 hours a week in the game. "Within four and five weeks, we suddenly had close to a half a million people at the endgame," Ohlen said. "It was something we didn't expect at all." Players were unsatisfied and began to exit the game. (...)

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I would guess it's probably the most common one for those leaving on good terms (AKA not rage quitting over something - like hard to get datacrons :p).


Not with the intent to hijack Alex's departure thread.....


You have to admit though... seeing someone allow themselves to get griefed to the point of quitting over datacrons is perceived as kind of funny to some players.


I can only imagine what happens in real life when the toilet paper roll is found to be empty. :p

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Very wise words my friend. I wonder what was the initial expectation. I know they didn't think people would level up so quick but they were going to level up eventually.


There were a number of people (most perhaps?) at launch that blasted through the story stuff on one character then found there wasn't really an endgame to be had beyond the leveling game. They were basically treating this game as people do most MMOs (leveling is a job to get through to get to the 'real' game). BioWare had honestly designed this as the leveling being the 'real' game. They actually said in one of their development things that 'legacy' was an endgame consideration of theirs (the ability to reroll and play another class).


You basically have two types of players, those that DO play that way and those that do not. I have done some raids and endgame stuff here and there but I mostly fall into the first category. Which is why I find their abandonment of the class story stuff to be rather tragic. It's the thing for me that keeps me coming back. Eventually that's over.

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Sorry to see you go. I'll miss seeing you around the boards.


I have to agree with just about everything you said, and I hope you will give your feedback to the company.


The individual class stories and companion relationship stories need to be extended in a meaningful way, and I also feel that crafting should be improved upon so that people can have fun with it again. If they made player housing and let each type of crafter have decorations and furniture they could craft for the homes, I think that might help quite a lot.

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Yes but it does not say what was the plan if they leveled up in 8 months instead of 4. Were they going to continue single player style leveling or move to Ops style end game we have today?


Well, Makeb and Cathar were already planned (or possibly that other datamined planet people were talking about in Zion's thread a while back) - so more story was definitely part of the plan too.

I expect they were going to do a mix or Ops, Flashpoints and storylines on a schedule based on their initial expectations of how long it would take people to go through it.

Most of that was probably reworked or outright dismissed when their calculations turned out to be wrong.

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Yes but it does not say what was the plan if they leveled up in 8 months instead of 4. Were they going to continue single player style leveling or move to Ops style end game we have today?


If the early datamining was any indication, we'd be getting what we came to get to thus far, even though at a far more accelerated pace. Some of the stuff we've seen in Q3 and Q4 of 2013 was actually meant to be released around Q2 of 2012.


But then again, datamining can only takes us so far and if anyone knows for sure, that would be Bioware.

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Yes but it does not say what was the plan if they leveled up in 8 months instead of 4. Were they going to continue single player style leveling or move to Ops style end game we have today?

I could swear I read somewhere that they had plans (or at least hopes) to take the class stories to chapter 12. But, as with having 500 planets by 2025, that must have been based on hopes of a much larger subscriber base.

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I could swear I read somewhere that they had plans (or at least hopes) to take the class stories to chapter 12. But, as with having 500 planets by 2025, that must have been based on hopes of a much larger subscriber base.


That was courtesy of James Ohlen I believe, the dude who gave this interview I posted in the previous page...




Remember the former Minister of Information of Iraq, namely Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf? Ohlen is pretty much up there with him, when it comes to completely outlandish remarks.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Best of Luck Alex!


Great feedback and I hope more "Farewell".. points constructively made (Like this one) are viewed by BW.


+1 on Crafting needing some serious love (Couple threads on that even).


Good luck on future games and hope to see you in another MMO one day. (This one or another)

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That was courtesy of James Ohlen I believe, the dude who gave this interview I posted in the previous page...




Remember the former Minister of Information of Iraq, namely Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf? Ohlen is pretty much up there with him, when it comes to completely outlandish remarks.


Is James Ohlen still with Bioware?

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That was courtesy of James Ohlen I believe, the dude who gave this interview I posted in the previous page...




Remember the former Minister of Information of Iraq, namely Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf? Ohlen is pretty much up there with him, when it comes to completely outlandish remarks.


He was always an optimistic one.

I remember watching him speak on the Guild Summit when a friend and I eagerly watched the stream.

I'm hoping the twelve chapters of Class stories was never really the intention, because if that's true... it'd be really depressing to know that's permanently scrapped now. :(

What ever happened to Ohlen anyway? Is he still with Bioware and just being quiet after his original enthusiasm was strangled to death by an MMO community that couldn't appreciate the things the game did? Or was he replaced?

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Is James Ohlen still with Bioware?


Some people have said that he left but I don't remember ever seeing any news covering that. Also, his twitter page still suggests he works there even though he hasn't posted in a while now....



As someone suggested previously:


Dude's probably gagged and kept in the basement, at Bioware's HQ in Austin. :D


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Some people have said that he left but I don't remember ever seeing any news covering that. Also, his twitter page still suggests he works there even though he hasn't posted in a while now....



As someone suggested previously:


Dude's probably gagged and kept in the basement, at Bioware's HQ in Austin. :D


Has an EA level gig now I believe, and that is vaguely confirmed at linkedin. His linkedin grooming is kind of subpar, so hard to tell for sure.




He's been pretty quiet since the interviews last spring about the fall and recovery of SWTOR in 2012.

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In other words... he's been assimilated!

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