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Guild aside, if you could have played a Sorcerer would you? Posting in the Sorc form.


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Guild aside, if you could have played a Sorcerer would you? I'm going to post this on the in the Sorc form too.


Besides the stories, bad, but edge Inq, and edge Val over wimpy looking predator thing, Are they different? Are there many much differences in the class?



Rocks have a stealth quality to them in pvp for a sec or two, whereas the lightening is a beacon giving away your placement.

Rocks actually giving you a game advantage.


two: cool factor: Bad: ROCKS in Corsicant are stupid. Couldn't they color them grey there to be metal and bolts? Good: "Unlimited Power!!!!!"


I know there are much more technical pvp or high end ops 54 -55 differences I could get comments on.


I have a 38 inq and a 35 sage and simply can't decide.


Any help might solve this dilemma. Thanks.

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I like the Telekinetics and the Seer animations a lot better than the Lightning and Corruption animations. Though, Madness goes the other way, with animations that are far superior to Balance. But…why would you play Madness? :-)


I have a sorc. I would actually rather have a sage.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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I like the Telekinetics and the Seer animations a lot better than the Lightning and Corruption animations. Though, Madness goes the other way, with animations that are far superior to Balance. But…why would you play Madness? :-)


I have a sorc. I would actually rather have a sage.


Played a Balance Sage since 10 minutes after launch and this is the first time I've heard that Balance has animations. :jawa_wink:

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I like the Telekinetics and the Seer animations a lot better than the Lightning and Corruption animations.

I have a 55 TK sage and a 41 Lightning sorc. They're both worth playing, IMO. FWIW I also have a 55 sintank and have finished the Inq storyline already. Story wise I prefer the consular's.



The First Son was a real threat to the Republic and who he was was an interesting twist. Yes it was fairly predictable especially if you did the vision mission on Voss. The Inquisitor Ch.2 and Ch.3 was ultimately a schoolyard fight. It wasn't a bad story, but not one with a lot of depth or meaning to the setting.


Of course maybe the point of it was to explore how fractious the Dark Council was/is. In that sense it certainly accomplished that.


There's something too satisfying about tossing out lightning bolts and Force Storm is one of my favorite animations in the game. That said, I prefer the sounds of Disturbance (thump, thump, thump-thump) and Turbulence (like a big old cargo jet flying low). On the Sorc side, the proc animations are much more apparent without having to stare at the buff bar.


I prefer tank companions when I play rDPS, so I've used both Qyzen and Khem Val. I've also used Iresso (ranged tank) but I think I prefer melee tanks since they tend to group up mobs better in my experience. My sage mostly runs with Nadia thanks to bubble and I'm considering switching to Ashara on my sorc.

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I have both. I'm more Repub inclined, so I tend to play my sage more. For me, that was the major deciding factor. However, I do still play my sorc. I'm working on leveling him right now (51 - 55). I consider my sage my main, but my sorc is my empire main. The downside with TT is that sometimes it's not immediately apparent that it activated. The upside is that it's less obvious who/what/where you are, like you mentioned. That is a slight factor in being able to be left alone at times, but melee generally don't have too hard a time finding and harassing my sage.
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Well In the Beta I played Sorc and I wanted to play Sorc but Gild was pub so Sage it was. I do have a Sorc though, level 10 Heals'to'full on Korriban.

Too good of a name to not level that dude. :D The inquisitor story is pretty decent, so it may be worth it.

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They are both worth playing for different reasons and I have both classes leveled up to their thirties.


I prefer my sage to my sorcerer at times in the fact I like to spec up the Telekinetic/Lightning tree, and I'd rather hurl boulders, high velocity stones the size of ball bearings which tear through armor and flesh, or force energy waves then say.... 4-5 slightly different colored variations of lightning .


Although Inquisitors do get a better story, and better companions IMO. And I so love channeling my inner emperor at times, I jump at the opportunity to demonstrate my unlimited powah.


So the answer to this is why not play both? :D

Edited by kimdante
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Lol they really gotta do something about that TK throw animation.. People have been complaining about it since launch. Personally i could take it or leave it.. (idc) but yea lightening is a bit cooler by comparison. At least give us an option.


Lets play CoX Star wars style! XD

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