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Post-ROTJ characters have been replaced.


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but... but... but, the Star Wars Universe needs Mara... she's the most capable, yet complex Female Lead in the Star Wars Universe, before her most were rather 2 dimensional with the exception of Leia and Aayla Secura (another favorite character of mine)... these 3 were multi faceted gems that shined in the Star Wars Universe... there are a few more leads like this now but, none stick in my mind like they do...



oh and i agree with Infernixx about Thrawn... Zhan did give us some multi-layered characters...



gawd now i wanna read them again...


I fully expect them to have Mara Jade in the new canon.


That said, I don't think you'll see live-action movies with her in her youth in them, I suspect we'll see her as his wife, years after they settled their issues and fell in love....


However, Mr. Hamill is renown for his voice-acting work in the field of animated movies. It makes insane amounts of sense to see a trilogy of movies with Hamill voicing Luke Skywalker as he runs into Mara Jade, the assassin sent to kill him...

Edited by Infernixx
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I fully expect them to have Mara Jade in the new canon.


That said, I don't think you'll see live-action movies with her in her youth in them, I suspect we'll see her as his wife, years after they settled their issues and fell in love....


However, Mr. Hamill is renown for his voice-acting work in the field of animated movies. It makes insane amounts of sense to see a trilogy of movies with Hamill voicing Luke Skywalker as he runs into Mara Jade, the assassin sent to kill him...


agree, given the relative age of the actors (60+) and time lines I would expect the movies to take place somewhere 40+ABY Which puts well past Thrawn and even the New Jedi Order and firmly in the Legacy Era which means no Chewie and depending on when No Mara. So if you are going to include those, you'll need to either "rethink" some of the New Jedi Order time line (and the entire Vong war) or perhaps not have Jacen go all evil. Which again, just as likely since that is basically just rehashing the original trilogy.


Currently Harrison Ford would look more like Han Solos grandpa than Han solo, so you really need to have a younger set of young actors.


So my guess 3 solo kids are all well and "good", as is Chewie, toss in Mara and Ben Skywalker as well as the original three. Add in some evil entity that isn't Thrawn or the Vong. Shake and stir until a story pops out and make a movie out of it.

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agree, given the relative age of the actors (60+) and time lines I would expect the movies to take place somewhere 40+ABY Which puts well past Thrawn and even the New Jedi Order and firmly in the Legacy Era which means no Chewie and depending on when No Mara. So if you are going to include those, you'll need to either "rethink" some of the New Jedi Order time line (and the entire Vong war) or perhaps not have Jacen go all evil. Which again, just as likely since that is basically just rehashing the original trilogy.


Currently Harrison Ford would look more like Han Solos grandpa than Han solo, so you really need to have a younger set of young actors.


So my guess 3 solo kids are all well and "good", as is Chewie, toss in Mara and Ben Skywalker as well as the original three. Add in some evil entity that isn't Thrawn or the Vong. Shake and stir until a story pops out and make a movie out of it.


Oh, it's simpler than that. Just completely disregard the abolished timeline and have Thrawn show up 20 years years after the defeat of the Empire.


We can fill in the 20-30 year gap between the movies with animated movies/shows, games, and live action movies based on other characters like Rogue Squadron, Boba Fett and what have you.


In my fondest dreams, Disney hand-waves away the prequels and remakes them.

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agree, given the relative age of the actors (60+) and time lines I would expect the movies to take place somewhere 40+ABY Which puts well past Thrawn and even the New Jedi Order and firmly in the Legacy Era which means no Chewie and depending on when No Mara. So if you are going to include those, you'll need to either "rethink" some of the New Jedi Order time line (and the entire Vong war) or perhaps not have Jacen go all evil. Which again, just as likely since that is basically just rehashing the original trilogy.


Currently Harrison Ford would look more like Han Solos grandpa than Han solo, so you really need to have a younger set of young actors.


So my guess 3 solo kids are all well and "good", as is Chewie, toss in Mara and Ben Skywalker as well as the original three. Add in some evil entity that isn't Thrawn or the Vong. Shake and stir until a story pops out and make a movie out of it.


Real age does not mean a thing in Hollywood. If their roles are going to be "pass the torch to next generation", it is really easy to mask them to appear younger.

And yes, most of the content in its original form will be scrapped, but possibly remade into new content. So it will not be the heroes of books going up against Thrawn, encountering Mara Jade or forcing Chewbacca to wash himself, but the new generation...

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Real age does not mean a thing in Hollywood. If their roles are going to be "pass the torch to next generation", it is really easy to mask them to appear younger.

And yes, most of the content in its original form will be scrapped, but possibly remade into new content. So it will not be the heroes of books going up against Thrawn, encountering Mara Jade or forcing Chewbacca to wash himself, but the new generation...


may not mean "much" but when you are a nimble 19 year old geek goddess one movie,

Then suddenly : Not


Its hard to maintain any sort of actual continuity with their original chars that we know without taking into account actual chars. Unless you are going to recast or make them CGI, you are going to have to take the current reality of the chars into account when making a sequel almost 30 years after the originals.

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may not mean "much" but when you are a nimble 19 year old geek goddess one movie,

Then suddenly : Not


Its hard to maintain any sort of actual continuity with their original chars that we know without taking into account actual chars. Unless you are going to recast or make them CGI, you are going to have to take the current reality of the chars into account when making a sequel almost 30 years after the originals.


Without a doubt, they're setting the movies 30 years after Endor. That said, I'd be shocked if they didn't put out movies set in the 30 year gap between VI and VII. And I'm betting it'll be a lot of, like you said, animated stuff and movies based lesser known but very viable characters and plots from the EU. I mean, they've already confirmed a Boba Fett movie.

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may not mean "much" but when you are a nimble 19 year old geek goddess one movie,

Then suddenly : Not


Its hard to maintain any sort of actual continuity with their original chars that we know without taking into account actual chars. Unless you are going to recast or make them CGI, you are going to have to take the current reality of the chars into account when making a sequel almost 30 years after the originals.


Well of course, there is a difference, but still a Hollywood can make magic happen and easily make someone look years younger (in face at least). So they do not really need to be restricted by real age of the actors, but can easily place the movies 10 years after RotJ, not 30...

Edited by Aries_cz
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This confirms what I've said from the start of the whole wiping out of the EU: The best characters and ideas will be saved for the movies and related lore content.


The rest will be trashed.


Good...because almost everything post movie era in EU is full of horribly Mary Sue-esque characters and an exceeding high amount of deus-ex-machina even for StarWars.

Nevermind that I have never met one person that actually liked the Yusong Vong.

The pre-movie era EU tends to have less deus-ex-machina.


Also...given the fact that post movie EU loved to completely ignore things that were etched in stone as far as lore goes, aka Boba Fett died in the sarlaac pit...thus everything in EU that relates to him after that point is...at best...fan service fantasy and not even close to being canon, makes it hard for many to even care that they are rendering it all moot now.

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Also...given the fact that post movie EU loved to completely ignore things that were etched in stone as far as lore goes, aka Boba Fett died in the sarlaac pit...thus everything in EU that relates to him after that point is...at best...fan service fantasy and not even close to being canon, makes it hard for many to even care that they are rendering it all moot now.

Riiight, because between the guy with the Jet Pack being able to escape the pit that was supposed to devour people "over a thousand years" on one hand, and on the other hand having him just so happen to be intimately connected to the plot of the Clone Wars with all of the Stormtroopers being genetic copies of him... clearly the EU is the culprit when it comes to Boba Fett fan service fantasies.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I suggest you re-watch those movies...it was damaged. It also is not armored, as such the machinery in the jet pack would be destroyed by the crushing nature of the maw anyway.


Jango was the template for the clones...not Boba, try again. The entire focus on Boba is rather amusing really given that it just so happened they used that cut in the movie where Vader pointed and said "..and no disintegrations!" Every take of that shot he pointed to a different character. When making the movie they basically flipped a coin on which take they used...that is literally where the entire Boba Fett thing started. He never talked, we never SAW him do anything special, and in all honesty he wasn't even close to being menacing. The armor design was cool...that is about it. The character was completely designed as a throw away bad guy with a unique look, that is all. Thus he was killed off in a pit...fulfilling his need.

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The entire focus on Boba is rather amusing really given that it just so happened they used that cut in the movie where Vader pointed and said "..and no disintegrations!" Every take of that shot he pointed to a different character. When making the movie they basically flipped a coin on which take they used...that is literally where the entire Boba Fett thing started.


Hmm.. I'm afraid I'll have to ask for a link to that, otherwise it just ain't so. I've never heard such a rumor, and I've been floating around Star Wars fandom for quite a long time. Because it was never a toss-up as to which bounty hunter tracks and captures Han Solo and who takes him away in carbonite -- that was always Fett. I think what we have here is you just making up something to fit your theory.


The character was completely designed as a throw away bad guy with a unique look, that is all. Thus he was killed off in a pit...fulfilling his need.


This is actually completely untrue. Fett was designed long before TESB as a SPEAKING character - yep, it was in the Star Wars Holiday Special which came out the year after Star Wars. So you're dead wrong here. He was clearly NOT a throw-away character.

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Good...because almost everything post movie era in EU is full of horribly Mary Sue-esque characters and an exceeding high amount of deus-ex-machina even for StarWars.

Nevermind that I have never met one person that actually liked the Yusong Vong.

The pre-movie era EU tends to have less deus-ex-machina.


I'm guessing that you really have no idea what a "Mary Sue" character is and are just throwing it around here to "try" to make you seem like your point is valid.


In fact, everything published post movie era was created by PROFESSIONAL writers either under the specific direction of Lucasfilm or with their explicit approval. It's not fan fiction, they aren't Mary Sue characters written by fans trying to put themselves into Star Wars stories. Sorry, just because it serves your point here doesn't make it

accurate or true.

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Um. Get over it. The EU was never movie canon and never will be. They'll take the best ideas from the EU and create movie characters based on them.


I don't know why this surprises anyone. Lucas always said ( and he's kind of a jack &$@ but still) that the movie canon is the only "real" canon that exists.

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You guys do realize, if ALL these rumors are true, this game goes the way of an expensive lesson in fanfiction?


If Korriban is out, like another report said, that means they are screwing EVERYTHING up.


The EU is the reason Star Wars is still popular. They are what made Star Wars jump from a major movie series, to a universe.


The EU is the reason Disney paid $4 billion for EVERYTHING.


I for one, if this is true, will be an ex-subscriber if this all comes to pass. Who, in their right mind, would spend money to play someone's fan-fiction?


That being said, I don't think this will end up being true. I think we'll see a lot of post-ROTJ stories removed and pruned, but outright re-writing characters? It doesn't make sense. If they end up doing that, what moron would buy new games and new books with the promise they are "official?" Official until when? Until they decide not to make them official. Star Trek is dead because of they had no "EU" to support them. Then, they turned around and killed the original universe. That isn't working so well for them.


Disney already has books, merchandise etc it can market and sell. Why re-invent the wheel for the sake of re-inventing it?

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You guys do realize, if ALL these rumors are true, this game goes the way of an expensive lesson in fanfiction?


If Korriban is out, like another report said, that means they are screwing EVERYTHING up.


The EU is the reason Star Wars is still popular. They are what made Star Wars jump from a major movie series, to a universe.


The EU is the reason Disney paid $4 billion for EVERYTHING.


I for one, if this is true, will be an ex-subscriber if this all comes to pass. Who, in their right mind, would spend money to play someone's fan-fiction?


That being said, I don't think this will end up being true. I think we'll see a lot of post-ROTJ stories removed and pruned, but outright re-writing characters? It doesn't make sense. If they end up doing that, what moron would buy new games and new books with the promise they are "official?" Official until when? Until they decide not to make them official. Star Trek is dead because of they had no "EU" to support them. Then, they turned around and killed the original universe. That isn't working so well for them.


Disney already has books, merchandise etc it can market and sell. Why re-invent the wheel for the sake of re-inventing it?


What now? They are changing / scrapping post RotJ content. No one said anything about deleting Korriban from the canon, or even touching the Old Republic events.


I assume this is about the whole Korriban/Moriband thing (which I found by accident in comments and then googled it)? Sith had lots of homeworlds during the ages, and I think that this is more likely some error on the side of TCW writers, as Korriban has been established in crapload of works (or it is another name for the planet, like the Calamari homeworld)

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What now? They are changing / scrapping post RotJ content. No one said anything about deleting Korriban from the canon, or even touching the Old Republic events.


I assume this is about the whole Korriban/Moriband thing (which I found by accident in comments and then googled it)? Sith had lots of homeworlds during the ages, and I think that this is more likely some error on the side of TCW writers, as Korriban has been established in crapload of works (or it is another name for the planet, like the Calamari homeworld)


They're only clearing out the post-Endor stuff. The KOTOR/TOR era is not only safe, but very likely to be the focus of more stories, games and possibly even 'movies' in the future.

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They're only clearing out the post-Endor stuff. The KOTOR/TOR era is not only safe, but very likely to be the focus of more stories, games and possibly even 'movies' in the future.


I agree, this is entirely based around one line in the description of some planned TCW episode, where Yoda is set to travel to Sith homeworld of Moriband (instead of Korriban). And As I stated, it is either a different name for the planet, or an error from TCW writers

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