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Why No Component Changes During Queue?


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Theoretically, if you knew who else was queueing, you might be able to change your components to counter them.


Realistically, it's probably a technical limitation.


I think it is mostly a copy & paste issue from ground PvP in the code more than by intent. Also I thought I read somewhere that some of those limitations were going away in 2.6.

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I think it might be a result of the matchmaking system. It most likely takes into account the components you have on your ship, specifically how upgraded they are, when trying to decide who to match you with. It probably ignores the components you don't currently have equipped (so trying out a new, unupgraded component won't hurt you if you have a maxed out component in the same slot). Switching components while queued would probably screw w/ the matchmaking system if you swapped from an unupgraded component to a mastered one.
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I think it might be a result of the matchmaking system. It most likely takes into account the components you have on your ship, specifically how upgraded they are, when trying to decide who to match you with. It probably ignores the components you don't currently have equipped (so trying out a new, unupgraded component won't hurt you if you have a maxed out component in the same slot). Switching components while queued would probably screw w/ the matchmaking system if you swapped from an unupgraded component to a mastered one.


I'm pretty sure that's not it. I've gotten brand new starfighters that had no upgrades and gone into battle with them against players who were clearly decked out. Good thinking though.

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I'm pretty sure that's not it. I've gotten brand new starfighters that had no upgrades and gone into battle with them against players who were clearly decked out. Good thinking though.


I never said the matchmaking actually worked :p, just that it is there and trying to do something. It's not entirely the game's fault - if there's only a dozen people on each faction queuing for GSF at a given time of day, it doesn't have much choice but throw them in a match together regardless of their upgrade levels. I definitely notice more balanced matches at server primetime, where there are more people queued simultaneously, thus giving the system more flexibility in organizing teams.

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They need to allow it to be honest. The queue takes a while and I like to sit and make sure everything's upgraded because I'm always forgetting.


At least allow us to upgrade while queued. :p How bad would that be? Maybe it'd screw up the matchmaker or something?


If they want to lock switching, okay. But let us mess with our points at least... Queues on Begeren are around 7-15 min and because of my RP on Lancer I'd like to sit and tinker with my ship, plus it's just plain clean fun.

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The reason is either:


"Hey guys, DudeA and DudeB are here, everyone make sure your flashfires are in your hangar"




"I saved up 10 million req at the low bracket, and then, after eleventy thousand games, I popped them all while in queue and got to farm noobs"




Both of these are dumb and don't matter. It should 10000% be allowed. Most of this game is queue time and playing with ships.

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totally agree, i support the no changes during ground or space pvp but seriously in queue? cant even change cosmetic stuff lol


so for those like me that log on for gsf, we spend our how ever long checking every bit of each ship, what set ups to use etc, and then queue lol


why hell cant we do that while queued saves time, and makes pops for games even more regular.

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totally agree, i support the no changes during ground or space pvp but seriously in queue? cant even change cosmetic stuff lol


so for those like me that log on for gsf, we spend our how ever long checking every bit of each ship, what set ups to use etc, and then queue lol


why hell cant we do that while queued saves time, and makes pops for games even more regular.


You totally can change cosmetic stuff while queued. You can also change crew and co-pilot assignments.


Also, remember that while we only have one gametype currently, we are getting Deathmatch on Tuesday, and we're likely getting additional gametypes down the road. Datamining has hinted at some kind of "cargo carrying" game. And lots of people hope for some type of capital ship assault gametype too. That's when ship/component changes during queue might become troublesome.


For hypothetical example, I might determine that for Domination, I like having Burst Laser Cannons, Blaster Overcharge, Cluster Missiles and Distortion Field on my Scout. But for Deathmatch, it turns out it's better for me to be good at long range combat, so I prefer to have Quads and Rocket Pods and Retro Thrusters. And then if some "cargo carrying" gametype comes along, perhaps I instead want Booster Recharge and Directional Shield and Barrel Roll.


All I need is one team mate to enter the match first, tell me what is required, and then I can change my ship before entering. I could use one or two ships for all of my needs. My personal speculation is that this is against BioWare's design goal. I think they give us 5 different Readied Ship slots because they eventually want us to have to commit to having a stable of 5 very different ships, suitable for different gametypes and to counter different opponents.


So maybe in the above example I commit my Sting for close-up fighting, my Blackbolt (or Ocula) to hit-and-fade tactics or cargo-running, a Mangler for long range combat, a Legion for defending a node, and a Quell for blowing up capital ships.


All that being said, even if you could make changes while queued, I don't think anything would be broken. Not in the same way that Ground Respec was for warzones (i.e. spec tank for Huttball, DPS for Novare). But again I just think it might be against BioWare's design goals for the Readied Ships slots.


That's all my speculation though.


P.S. Remember you can always use http://dulfy.net/2013/11/16/swtor-galactic-starfighter/ to mess around with builds while queued :)

Edited by Nemarus
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