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Ebon Hawk RP Hate Thread


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/e Bibifhet raisers her blasters, her biceps glistening with sweat from the alderaan heat.


/e As the tracer missiles fly toward her target she can't help but thing to herself... "Sucks to be you"


/e Suddenly the cold grasp of death surrounds her vision as an unseen Scoundrel attacks from the shadows


/e as death sinks its claws in, she can't help but think... "damn, this WZ just started... I'm going to have to RP dead for 10 more minutes!"

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Normal, Code abiding Jedi are the best Jedi, imo.

When they struggle with the Code and still follow it, then it's even better. :D


Those are people who actually know how to RP. sadly, most "RPers" just want the coolness of being an awesome good-guy with a lightsaber.

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Those are people who actually know how to RP. sadly, most "RPers" just want the coolness of being an awesome good-guy with a lightsaber.


It's how I play my Jedi; a Corellian that struggles with her upbringing of 'Family comes first' and the Jedi Order of the Republic, which really doesn't approve of such things. She has an ego and charm of a Corellian spacer, without the sex appeal and ruggedness that comes with a spacer and the harmony of a Jedi trying to protect the galaxy. It's an interesting concept that has been very fun to play. (if you want to read more about her and my husband's Jedi who is slowly killing himself to win the war, take a look here!)


Nothing inherently wrong about being an awesome good-guy with a lightsaber. Who doesn't want to be a Luke Skywalker some of the time? But it's so easy to just throw the Code to the side because we, as real people, have never had to live a life like that. It's completely and utterly foreign.


I know this is an 'rp hate thread', but I believe the best way to 'deal' with the people who play Jedi in a way that cheapen the ideals and lifestyle of the Jedi Order is to 'be the change we want to see'. I'm sure if enough people were visible enough and showed that Jedi aren't these emotionless droids people think they are, people would be much more interested in a character like that. Jedi are SO interesting and have such great potential!


well, I rambled there for a bit. Sorry!

Edited by Lanuria
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It's how I play my Jedi; a Corellian that struggles with her upbringing of 'Family comes first' and the Jedi Order of the Republic, which really doesn't approve of such things. She has an ego and charm of a Corellian spacer, without the sex appeal and ruggedness that comes with a spacer and the harmony of a Jedi trying to protect the galaxy. It's an interesting concept that has been very fun to play. (if you want to read more about her and my husband's Jedi who is slowly killing himself to win the war, take a look here!)


Nothing inherently wrong about being an awesome good-guy with a lightsaber. Who doesn't want to be a Luke Skywalker some of the time? But it's so easy to just throw the Code to the side because we, as real people, have never had to live a life like that. It's completely and utterly foreign.


I know this is an 'rp hate thread', but I believe the best way to 'deal' with the people who play Jedi in a way that cheapen the ideals and lifestyle of the Jedi Order is to 'be the change we want to see'. I'm sure if enough people were visible enough and showed that Jedi aren't these emotionless droids people think they are, people would be much more interested in a character like that. Jedi are SO interesting and have such great potential!


well, I rambled there for a bit. Sorry!


Yes, but there's one thing you're forgetting. Force sensitive children are taken at a very young age, and are raised by other Jedi. Not there parents.

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Yes, but there's one thing you're forgetting. Force sensitive children are taken at a very young age, and are raised by other Jedi. Not there parents.


Oh, I know that. But on Corellia, they have the Green Jedi, which is where Gevi was trained at until she was about eight. I had always thought that since family is important to Corellians, the Green Jedi would allow a home-life and that is how Gevi grew up. Of course, the Green were much more philosophical and Gevi was a fighter. Her Master, who was part of the Jedi Order, recruited her and she made a choice after her Knighting to stay with the Order.


Thus, she is torn between two lives, basically.

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Oh, I know that. But on Corellia, they have the Green Jedi, which is where Gevi was trained at until she was about eight. I had always thought that since family is important to Corellians, the Green Jedi would allow a home-life and that is how Gevi grew up. Of course, the Green were much more philosophical and Gevi was a fighter. Her Master, who was part of the Jedi Order, recruited her and she made a choice after her Knighting to stay with the Order.


Thus, she is torn between two lives, basically.


Ahh, it makes sence now.

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Ahh, it makes sence now.


Except, the Green Jedi order was always much more 'hands on' and less philosophical compared to the Tythonian Order . . .


Also, I really hate RPers who don't do their home work.


For instance: This game takes place about 3643-3641 bby. 'The Jedi Code' changes a lot over that time period. For instance, during this time period Jedi could get permission to marry from the order. It was frowned upon in most cases but it doesn't become such a complete taboo outlaw until well after this game ends. For instance, Satele is Bastila and Revan's grand daughter and her mother was Tasiele Shan. Also a Jedi. Satele also had a son.

Edited by Ordo
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Except, the Green Jedi order was always much more 'hands on' and less philosophical compared to the Tythonian Order . . .


Also, I really hate RPers who don't do their home work.


For instance: This game takes place about 3643-3641 bby. 'The Jedi Code' changes a lot over that time period. For instance, during this time period Jedi could get permission to marry from the order. It was frowned upon in most cases but it doesn't become such a complete taboo outlaw until well after this game ends. For instance, Satele is Bastila and Revan's grand daughter and her mother was Tasiele Shan. Also a Jedi. Satele also had a son.



'Like most of the Green Jedi, Master Arfan focused primarily on philosophical studies and research into the non-martial uses of the Force.'


Trust me, I do do my homework.


For Revan and Bastila, their story is a little different and the Council DID NOT approve of their marriage.


In response to Satele Shan; when she found out she was pregnant, she didn't tell anyone but the father until she showed signs of it. Then she went to her Former teacher, told him and he made up a story to the Council about why she'd be gone for some time while she had a kid.


I know that the Council can allow marriages, as few and far between as they are for this time period, but each time a relationship is shown in game, it is frowned on. The quest on Tython with the two Padawans is a good example of that and there is a relationship later on in the Jedi Knight storyline that expresses those same sentiments. Thus, my character has to deal with the fact the Council is not too keen on the idea of letting Jedi get married or even be in relationships. She follows these rules not because they are rules, but because she knows it would be best if she didn't form those attachments. She still wishes she could.


I would like to think I've done my homework on the character, but if you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I really enjoy talking about them.

Edited by Lanuria
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Except, the Green Jedi order was always much more 'hands on' and less philosophical compared to the Tythonian Order . . .


Also, I really hate RPers who don't do their home work.


For instance: This game takes place about 3643-3641 bby. 'The Jedi Code' changes a lot over that time period. For instance, during this time period Jedi could get permission to marry from the order. It was frowned upon in most cases but it doesn't become such a complete taboo outlaw until well after this game ends. For instance, Satele is Bastila and Revan's grand daughter and her mother was Tasiele Shan. Also a Jedi. Satele also had a son.


Also Satele actually hides her kid in fear of her relationship being discovered by the order, hence why Satele doesn't even know about Theron Shan being her son until VERY recently.

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Lots of lulz from Mortissya of N I H I L U S for this gem;


Just QT'd to the academy and walked up the steps. I saw Mort and did an inspect, viola, 2018 expertise, so I sent a duel request. That's it, didn't say anything or what not, just a friendly duel challenge. Proceed to get a decline, fine, that's cool, probably just not in the mood to duel. As I walk past I see said person put into genchat:


"Get a life Saeari" So, out of curiosity for the random s**t talk, I ask what his problem was which prompted "You f**knuts, not everyone has to prove how hard they are on a game". So since Mort was being an a** for no reason, I just decided to spam the duel request button a few more times for lulz and that's when it finally came "One more annoyance Saeari and I will put a deathmark on you so large u will have to change servers"


So, an IC threat of a death mark (w/e that even would amount to) for a few duel requests. Was so hilarious I just had to bump this thread for it.

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Lots of lulz from Mortissya of N I H I L U S for this gem;


Just QT'd to the academy and walked up the steps. I saw Mort and did an inspect, viola, 2018 expertise, so I sent a duel request. That's it, didn't say anything or what not, just a friendly duel challenge. Proceed to get a decline, fine, that's cool, probably just not in the mood to duel. As I walk past I see said person put into genchat:


"Get a life Saeari" So, out of curiosity for the random s**t talk, I ask what his problem was which prompted "You f**knuts, not everyone has to prove how hard they are on a game". So since Mort was being an a** for no reason, I just decided to spam the duel request button a few more times for lulz and that's when it finally came "One more annoyance Saeari and I will put a deathmark on you so large u will have to change servers"


So, an IC threat of a death mark (w/e that even would amount to) for a few duel requests. Was so hilarious I just had to bump this thread for it.


Question is... did you do it again? I would've. :rak_03:

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People who run away when you tell them "No eRP."


People who think because they are always IC, everyone else should be and get mad at you when you aren't. I am cool if you are, but that is not my thing.


RPers who cannot answer simple OOC queries put IN brackets without getting uppity, shooing you away or pointing the way to an OOC channel. I am talking IN BRACKETS like {{"Is this an open channel for anyone who would like to RP?}} or {{Hey do you mind if I join in, or is this closed?}} The first one legitimately happened to me. I had accidentally joined the RP channel imp side while trying to create one and have been watching for awhile and I decided to ask today if it was open just like I did here... Then once I was properly informed I said {{Thank you for that information.}} and got pointed to the OOC channel.


That pretty much covers it for me.

Edited by SenaZane
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People who run away when you tell them "No eRP."


People who think because they are always IC, everyone else should be and get mad at you when you aren't. I am cool if you are, but that is not my thing.


RPers who cannot answer simple OOC queries put IN brackets without getting uppity, shooing you away or pointing the way to an OOC channel. I am talking IN BRACKETS like {{"Is this an open channel for anyone who would like to RP?}} or {{Hey do you mind if I join in, or is this closed?}} The first one legitimately happened to me. I had accidentally joined the RP channel imp side while trying to create one and have been watching for awhile and I decided to ask today if it was open just like I did here... Then once I was properly informed I said {{Thank you for that information.}} and got pointed to the OOC channel.


That pretty much covers it for me.


So you're saying I shouldn't pick you up at 8?

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