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New class ideas


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So a lot of folks would like to see new classes added to the game at some point with a future expansion and I'm curious what they could take the shape of. I have hard time coming up with ideas myself, as it seems all the iconic star wars characters can already be categorized into the existing 8.


So post your suggested new class ideas here. I will update this post at some point to show the best suggestions.


Off the top of my head ill say maybe a Pilot class. They would have mostly ranged abilities, but would primarily be a utility class that provides unique buffs and abilities to a group. Their ship would look a lot like the existing starfighter models. Advanced classes could be Starfighter or Captain, being tank/dps or heal/dps respectively. Its not a fully fleshed out idea yet, I'm just spitballing here.


Any good ideas?

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I have seen a lot of good ideas and have some of my own but in the end it's pointless. They've said time and again no more class stories, which I take to mean no new classes. The best you could hope for is more ACs on current classes. Edited by hadoken
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I have seen a lot of good ideas and have some of my own but in the end it's pointless. They've said time and again no more class stories, which I take to mean no new classes. The best you could hope for is more ACs on current classes.


It may indeed be pointless, but I still think its interesting to think about. What are some of the best ideas you've heard?

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I think your more likely going to see existing AC's be tied to existing classes. Trooper being able to select sniper, Agent being able to be a spy using a single blaster pistol, Smuggler using rifle and give them a catchy name, or a Bounty Hunter using a cannon. The hard part would be force users having a 3rd AC to choose from. A new AC would incorporate existing voice work for class quests and re-use existing animations from other classes, since we have so much adaptive armor animations would not be too difficult. When ever a game adds a new class you have to spend way more time than needed with balance and such and there are a lot more things that could be added to the game vs new class balance/expansion.
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It may indeed be pointless, but I still think its interesting to think about. What are some of the best ideas you've heard?


With the caveat that it will never happen...


I would love a droid class. Something alone the lines of Directive 7, where I start out as a subserviant droid doing my master's bidding, but maybe I have always been special or maybe something happens that changes me, but at the end of Chapter 1, I break free and go out on my own.


Chapter 2 is my old master hunting me down - maybe I know too much because they thought I was a mindless drone? Kill them at the end of Chapter 2, and then Chapter 3 I have some higher purpose - what happened to me has the potential to spread to all other droids. Maybe that's a good thing and I can free my fellow droids, or maybe it will cause chaos - there could be some good LS/DS options for the outcome.


But hey, I'd settle for a droid species. Although the latest armour set with the right headgear means I can have a droid in my head now :)

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I think we are unlikely to see new classes any time soon (if at all) since it would involve recording 5-7 hours of cutscenes for every new class to make them on-par for story with the original classes.

And yes, I am talking about solely storyline cutscenes here. No sidequests or anything like that, but those voice lines would also have to be recorded...

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It may indeed be pointless, but I still think its interesting to think about. What are some of the best ideas you've heard?


Well as long as we're going pure fantasy what I wish had happened was the non force classes have been directly available for each faction - since smugglers and bounty hunters are more neutral than anything, and troopers and agents exist on both sides (imperial troopers, SIS agents, for example).


In terms of a new class I like the idea of a buff/debuff class, some kind of non-heal support role like a 'bard' in other games. Lot of modern MMOs don't include such a class, as they tend to go the rock/paper/scissors trinity approach on everything.


From a story perspective having some kind of hybrid force/tech user could be an interesting concept. Saber in one hand, pistol in the other kind of thing :p

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In terms of a new class I like the idea of a buff/debuff class, some kind of non-heal support role like a 'bard' in other games. Lot of modern MMOs don't include such a class, as they tend to go the rock/paper/scissors trinity approach on everything.

Support class concepts also tend to be exclusive to playing in a group. With SW:TOR's companion system they'd somewhat work in solo play, but it's difficult to make it not boring without also making the companions overpowered compared to other classes. At the very least it would need to be included from the beginning to get any semblance of balance.

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In terms of a new class I like the idea of a buff/debuff class, some kind of non-heal support role like a 'bard' in other games. Lot of modern MMOs don't include such a class, as they tend to go the rock/paper/scissors trinity approach on everything.


I haven't been interested in any MMOs before this one but I can kind of picture this based on a few abilities that the current classes have. I just recently noticed that my Sniper (currently level 32) is going to learn an ability at 42 which can put up a defensive shield that protects nearby allies as well instead of only protecting myself. (Which is going to be great since that character always plays in a dedicated group with some friends anyway.) Or this also makes me think of the riot gas (or whatever it was called) ability that my Vanguard uses to reduce a bunch of enemies' accuracy. So your bard type class for SWTOR would be something with a lot of those types of moves.


Actually... Is there anything that a class like that could do that isn't already covered in the abilities of one or another of the current classes? We've got all sorts of ways to slow or stun enemies for a few seconds, reduce their accuracy, reduce their damage, etc. I think at least one of the Marauder's buffs that consume their 30 stacks of fury have an effect on allies as well? (The speed boost.) Mercenary can occasionally add a shielding effect to their kolto missile that protects allies after healing them. Sorcerors in the right tree can upgrade their 60 second stun to tie up multiple enemies at the same time.


But yeah, gather a few dozen fancy support gadgets (grendes, drones, holoprojectors, etc.) together into one character's arsenal (maybe even give them multiple 60 second stuns and multiple pulls and knockbacks to play around with) and you'd have something pretty different there. The only thing is it needs to be just as viable for single player questing as any of the other classes. I think it sounds like it might be tough to accomplish that. They'd need their fair share of offensive abilities too.


But among other reasons, it is kind of unlikely to happen so long as so much of their potential is already spread out across the abilities of the current classes. I suspect that a lot would have to be rebalanced and a lot of characters would lose some of their support type abilities to give the new class more purpose.

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Support class concepts also tend to be exclusive to playing in a group. With SW:TOR's companion system they'd somewhat work in solo play, but it's difficult to make it not boring without also making the companions overpowered compared to other classes. At the very least it would need to be included from the beginning to get any semblance of balance.


Well with the presence buffs you get for maxing companion affection, companions actually become gods over time. But I do get your point initially. That said on a new server (fresh legacy) I was rather surprised to stick Kira on an elite (gold) and see her not only kill it but have more than 50% life remaining after. I'm not sure the companions actually need much of a buff :p

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Actually... Is there anything that a class like that could do that isn't already covered in the abilities of one or another of the current classes?


There's plenty of offensive and defensive effects that aren't in this game I've seen in others. Stuff like slowing the attack speed (cast time and 'auto attacks' or global cooldown) of a mob would be something I'm not aware of anyone doing right now. For the party buff side, aside from the Sentinel/Marauder one is there any short time, longer cooldown party damage/crit buff that anyone applies? I don't mean on a target but on the party. That's the kind of stuff a 'bard' class does, area buffs/debuffs.

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When we discuss adding "a" class, I assume we really mean two classes: Republic and Imperial versions of the same class. I mention this because, in the other thread about adding a class, someone raised the issue of voice acting. Adding a class requires EA to hire two new voice actors to record material for EVERY mission. Adding a third Advanced Class to the current classes would require EA to bring back all eight original voice actors to record the new content. I confess, although I've played both Sage and Shadow, I don't recall whether they get any different dialogue in side missions. For that matter, since Story Missions are based on core Class, if side missions are all the same dialogue, would EA even need to add any voice acting if they gave us a third Advanced Class for each core Class? Just trying to figure out which is less costly to EA.


What I don't want to see is some repackaging of a current class simply as a ploy to generate more interest in the game. Pragmatically, is there any game-mechanic role that could be filled that isn't with the current classes? The idea of a dedicated buffer/debuffer is attractive, but I wonder if it's not a luxury role in a game limited to four-character parties. I also wonder how such a class would require all of us to adjust how we play our current classes. With a party member buffing and debuffing, would my Sage healer need to heal as much? Would he have to start DPSing more in group play to make up for the damage shortfall (assuming the new standard four-person group would convert from Tank-Healer-DPS-DPS to Tank-Healer-DPS-Buffer) since he's not using his healing full time? Would the addition of such a class require that I rework my Sage's gear, skills, etc.? I suppose that is all part of the "balancing" issue.


Personally, I'd rather Turbine just offer new Story content for the current classes, but I understand they do not intend to do so.

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When we discuss adding "a" class, I assume we really mean two classes: Republic and Imperial versions of the same class. I mention this because, in the other thread about adding a class, someone raised the issue of voice acting. Adding a class requires EA to hire two new voice actors to record material for EVERY mission. Adding a third Advanced Class to the current classes would require EA to bring back all eight original voice actors to record the new content. I confess, although I've played both Sage and Shadow, I don't recall whether they get any different dialogue in side missions. For that matter, since Story Missions are based on core Class, if side missions are all the same dialogue, would EA even need to add any voice acting if they gave us a third Advanced Class for each core Class? Just trying to figure out which is less costly to EA.


There is no requirement for a voice actor at all to add a new AC in. The AC has no bearing on the story whatsoever.


Caveat - when you choose your AC there is a npc you go to first who I think might talk a little bit about each AC. That specific guy would have to be reworked/revoiced. Your character wouldn't though.

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There is no requirement for a voice actor at all to add a new AC in. The AC has no bearing on the story whatsoever.


Caveat - when you choose your AC there is a npc you go to first who I think might talk a little bit about each AC. That specific guy would have to be reworked/revoiced. Your character wouldn't though.



Adding advanced classes would require no more voice acting except for maby the part where you pick your AC.

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Well with the presence buffs you get for maxing companion affection, companions actually become gods over time. But I do get your point initially. That said on a new server (fresh legacy) I was rather surprised to stick Kira on an elite (gold) and see her not only kill it but have more than 50% life remaining after. I'm not sure the companions actually need much of a buff :p

Could you play through the entire storyline with only your companion doing damage though? I sometimes get frustrated at how long it takes for my sorceress healer to kill anything with Xalek, even though I'm throwing lightning around myself half the time.

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Could you play through the entire storyline with only your companion doing damage though? I sometimes get frustrated at how long it takes for my sorceress healer to kill anything with Xalek, even though I'm throwing lightning around myself half the time.


I think you could design a class that's a good party buffer and still has passable enough damage to level with. I'm pretty sure you could complete most if not all the story content in the game just using your #1 attack and a companion with some healing ability. It might take forever, but it'd be doable :p


The story stuff isn't really designed to be challenging, with the exception of a few specific chapter bosses I see people have issue with here and there.

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When we discuss adding "a" class, I assume we really mean two classes: Republic and Imperial versions of the same class. I mention this because, in the other thread about adding a class, someone raised the issue of voice acting. Adding a class requires EA to hire two new voice actors to record material for EVERY mission. Adding a third Advanced Class to the current classes would require EA to bring back all eight original voice actors to record the new content. I confess, although I've played both Sage and Shadow, I don't recall whether they get any different dialogue in side missions. For that matter, since Story Missions are based on core Class, if side missions are all the same dialogue, would EA even need to add any voice acting if they gave us a third Advanced Class for each core Class? Just trying to figure out which is less costly to EA.

The conversations related to choosing the advanced class would need to be recorded again, but nothing else I think.

What I don't want to see is some repackaging of a current class simply as a ploy to generate more interest in the game. Pragmatically, is there any game-mechanic role that could be filled that isn't with the current classes?

Buff/debuff, as already mentioned.

Crowd control specialist.


There are also some possibilities in fulfilling the existing roles in different ways. In particular I'm thinking of a "droid mechanic" class, which would build or summon droids to do various tasks. Think of a Necromancer in Diablo II, a summoner spec in Path of Exile, or Meta-physicist in Anarchy Online. I'm pretty sure WoW has something to this effect, although not having played the game, I don't know which class it is.

The idea of a dedicated buffer/debuffer is attractive, but I wonder if it's not a luxury role in a game limited to four-character parties.I also wonder how such a class would require all of us to adjust how we play our current classes. With a party member buffing and debuffing, would my Sage healer need to heal as much? Would he have to start DPSing more in group play to make up for the damage shortfall (assuming the new standard four-person group would convert from Tank-Healer-DPS-DPS to Tank-Healer-DPS-Buffer) since he's not using his healing full time? Would the addition of such a class require that I rework my Sage's gear, skills, etc.? I suppose that is all part of the "balancing" issue.

To keep healer and tank roles relevant, the buff role would have to replace a DPS. That means they'll have to be able to boost the damage output of the remaining DPS and tank enough to make up for the lost DPS, which I think falls somewhere around +60%. Maybe more, to keep the buff role more desirable than another DPS. Now think what this means in the context of a 16-man ops group. If the buff applies to everyone in the ops, you could boost the damage output of nine DPS and two tanks at the cost of a single DPS, resulting in a rather massive increase in damage output. Either the scope of the buffs would need to be artificially limited, or the HP of every mob in all ops would need to be increased accordingly.


Then there's the question of how to keep a buff role interesting and engaging to play in all situations, ranging from solo to a single group to a full ops frame. All other roles are pressing buttons pretty much constantly. To keep the same intensity, the buffs would need to be very short in duration. If they were also single-target, the buffer would need to rotate between players and enemies unlike any other role to keep them refreshed. This could also partially solve the balancing issue in large groups. The hardest gap to bridge is the difference between a solo fight with you and your companion against 1-3 enemies, and a four-player group against up to 7 or so enemies.


Another problem is giving them enough interesting abilities. DPS and tank classes easily have 5-7 abilities they're using constantly, and two dozen that they use at least occasionally. Healers have a bit less if they only concentrate on healing. A starting point for a buff role might be buffs for each primary and secondary stat, and respective debuffs. Throw in some CCs, and we're at about 30 abilities, roughly the same amount as other classes. Would they all be used though? I expect mainstat, power, defense, absorb and the CCs would be the popular ones. Variety could be forced by putting cooldowns on the more desirable buffs, but that would necessitate making the good ones even more powerful since they couldn't be applied to everyone all the time.


All of the above would probably also widen the gap between good and bad players. With extremely powerful, short-duration buffs available, a buffer and DPS could coordinate to put out some awesome damage. In a less cohesive group, as many PUGs tend to be, damage would be lackluster. This would easily make content either too easy for the good players or too hard for the bad ones. You could perhaps draw a line between SM and HM/NiM, requiring good coordination in the harder modes to beat enrage timers.


That's something to think about. I'm not drawing any definite conclusions about a buff role being viable or not, but there's definitely a lot of issues to address.

Edited by DataBeaver
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It may indeed be pointless, but I still think its interesting to think about. What are some of the best ideas you've heard?


Then how about putting it in the Suggestion Box next time instead of the General Discussion area? There are already a number of these "new class" threads in the forums so starting a new one up is unnecessary.

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Then how about putting it in the Suggestion Box next time instead of the General Discussion area? There are already a number of these "new class" threads in the forums so starting a new one up is unnecessary.


^^ definitely where they belong IMO. :)

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It may indeed be pointless, but I still think its interesting to think about. What are some of the best ideas you've heard?


I've always liked the idea of having Imperial Smuggler, and Imperial Trooper...mainly cause I play Imperial side. I think it would be cool if people could change their faction (like a Dark Side jedi goes Sith..A light side sith goes Jedi for example, or Imp agent goes full on SIS or RepTrooper goes Imp Trooper)...but I realize that this is likely a nightmare to programme in and do.


I think it might be easier to have a third neutral faction, and put your Smugs and BH's in that, or let them choose which side they want thru each quest, like free lancing...and depending on if you earn more for the Imps or Reps, you'd get reputation points for either side.


Lots of ways it could be done...question is, can these people stop cranking daily crunches in disguise long enough to do something innovative...

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With the caveat that it will never happen...


I would love a droid class. Something alone the lines of Directive 7, where I start out as a subserviant droid doing my master's bidding, but maybe I have always been special or maybe something happens that changes me, but at the end of Chapter 1, I break free and go out on my own.


Chapter 2 is my old master hunting me down - maybe I know too much because they thought I was a mindless drone? Kill them at the end of Chapter 2, and then Chapter 3 I have some higher purpose - what happened to me has the potential to spread to all other droids. Maybe that's a good thing and I can free my fellow droids, or maybe it will cause chaos - there could be some good LS/DS options for the outcome.


But hey, I'd settle for a droid species. Although the latest armour set with the right headgear means I can have a droid in my head now :)


Not only would this make a legit new class it would also create an awesome new RACE option. The customization options for a humanoid droid are endless. Male or female(Scorpio) likeness. Colors. Appendages. Etc. Bioware would make a KILLING in the Cartel Market with droid customizations.

Edited by kimdante
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Not only would this make a legit new class it would also create an awesome new RACE option. The customization options for a humanoid droid are endless. Male or female(Scorpio) likeness. Colors. Appendages. Etc. Bioware would make a KILLING in the Cartel Market with droid customizations.


Sadly I think class is out... and I suspect droid species is out too. They have given us a full armour set now - which I suspect is to pacify the droid enthusiasts without having to address the tricky "can droids use the force?" question which always plagues any droids-as-a-species suggestions. People feel quite strongly about it, so BW may be compromising by letting us dress up.

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Sadly I think class is out... and I suspect droid species is out too. They have given us a full armour set now - which I suspect is to pacify the droid enthusiasts without having to address the tricky "can droids use the force?" question which always plagues any droids-as-a-species suggestions. People feel quite strongly about it, so BW may be compromising by letting us dress up.


What if said Humanoid Droid Race was restricted to non force user classes? A massive droid trooper or bounty hunter, a lithe and deadly Imperial droid agent, a space-cowboy droid gunslinger?


Alas, you are right, it will probably never happen. Although I love contemplating the possibilities. /sigh

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swashbuckler - main hand lightsaber, offhand blaster. can heal tank and dps. imperial side has a sith prefix, republic side has a jedi prefix. it is a hero class, so if you have a level 55 toon, this one will start at 55. this class uses cunning.
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