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Faster changes need to be applied


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(1) Award a lot more requisition to the under dogs and less to those that outmatch there enemy based on the level of challenge they face. That would balance it in no time.


No, no, no. I'm already toying with the idea of going for fleet admiral on every server. You don't need to encourage me by telling me I can afk while doing other things and get better rewards than if I actually try.


(2) Force even matches by bracketing the que's, noobs fight noobs, masters fight masters ect. this can be based off requisition amounts earned by account or toon.


This would essentially be ranked. I would like that, but realistically I don't expect it.


(3) Remove the same faction "War game" Mode from the game which would force the huge republic GSF population to either wait on an imperial team or go play imp. This would make all those pilots that switched sides so that they could win come back bringing skill with them.


Hello from POT5. What's this pub imbalance you're speaking of?

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Seriously? There was a thred not to lonog ago that tracked wins by faction via the achievements tab, and most of the people where reporting between 40-60% win rates. That's pretty even. The only anomalies where a 87% and a 90 something % And the latter was posted by a imperial from Pot5


congratulations, you guys have been wining a lot since then. Things have changed since the 60/40 ratio days. I wish we could have a live tracker on the subject day by day because the empire has been losing more and more by the day. during peak hours my server is close to 100% republic wins. it's all premade master groups during that time on the republic side. the imps win close to 60% between say 2am and 10am it seems but matches are hard to come by thus i'd say pretty close to 90% on the day for you guys.

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No, no, no. I'm already toying with the idea of going for fleet admiral on every server. You don't need to encourage me by telling me I can afk while doing other things and get better rewards than if I actually try.




This would essentially be ranked. I would like that, but realistically I don't expect it.




Hello from POT5. What's this pub imbalance you're speaking of?


Who wins more matches in pugs your imp pilot or your republic pilot? Be honest and i'm not talking kill count or personal score but matches won.

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Who wins more matches in pugs your imp pilot or your republic pilot? Be honest and i'm not talking kill count or personal score but matches won.


*checks Anmondd's sig...Sees that he is from Pot5. *


His imp pilot wins more in pugs.


Server problems. Kinda like how nearly all servers imps win more in ground pvp, but then again I guess this breed of QQ is from imps who are used to always winning being abruptly subjugated to the harsh truth that they are not entitled to always winning.

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This is just not true. It's a shotgun in a world of atlatls.






BLC isn't a zero skill weapon or anything. It does require flying close when other weapons do not. But the payoff for this mild inconvenience is WILD. Also note that the other things BLC has going for it- such as a very low tracking penalty- mean that EVERY weapon has a pretty narrow window of truly effective ranges. It's not like heavy laser is going to be that rewarding at 800m with nothing but misses if your opponent is anything but straight on center, for instance.



Saluting people for using the best weapon is silly.



BLC only has a very low tracking penalty at close range. It's very easy to miss even if you're dead on, when you're 2km+ away from your target. I've emptied my entire weapon power pool into someone and not scored a single hit.


You have to be naturally accurate to make the best use out of BLC. Now - heavies. Those I tend to get 60-75 percent accuracy ratio with, as opposed to my 33-50 percent with BLC.

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You don't have the excuse about balancing around PvE with GSF so your changes need to be implemented faster than 4-6 months.




As more new players start playing GSF, Gunships and Scouts will be one shotting all of them and they will not stick around. With F2P getting access soon you have a really short window to fix this.


GSF has been live for all of, what, two months now? (Assuming you count early access as release.) And to top that off, there are balancing changes coming in 2.6 next week. They are hardly on a 4 - 6 month change schedule, and are in fact addressing balance issues.


So I have to say, aren't you glad they are already doing what you are saying they have to do?

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I agree with the OP. Small changes on the live server do not decide life and death. I don't see how a few tweaks to stats on abilities and components require months of testing to verify they don't crash the game. The more tweaks you can make the faster you can find the balance.
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Counter to the BBB build.


Get strike with Heavy Lasers + concussion. Line up scout as he charges. Nail him with lasers while getting lock. Just before he passes hit retro boosters. Keep lighting him up and release concussion, preferrably with bypass. Result is toasted scout. Works for me every time even against distortion/evasion builds. If he sneaks up on me or gets the jump on me I have to run get backup or die but that's his reasonable counter to my stated tactic. That's game balance. To be fair there are good strikers out there topping leader boards. Perhaps people haven't tried adjusting tactics enough yet to truly gauge whether BBBs are OP.


I'm not the best pilot but I usually end up in the top half or third regardless of ship build I use so all these people crying that you're gimping yourself without the BBB I'm inclined to disagree with. I find burst lasers to be a tad overpowered in the dmg department but really close to being balanced on the whole. Strikers are far from useless when played correctly.


To the OP, slow and steady wins the race here not knee jerk reactions. The game isn't even fully rolled out. Calling for changes to happen quickly without proper analysis is very unwise. The game actually is fun, mostly balanced and new content is coming...relax.

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