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Please Open Up the New Human Hairstyles for Other Races

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The title says it all. Please let us purchase the new hairstyles for other species that use the same hair as humans (basically all of them except Zabraks, Cathar, Rattatakii and Twileks) I'd love to get that braid look on my Miraluka, but I can't. I realize that there would be clipping issues, but I think most players would be willing to deal with it.


Perhaps you could increase the price of the unlock or include it as a separate unlock if you wanted.

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  • 1 month later...
Sort of necroing the thread because I still don't understand why the new hairstyles are human only when they use the same basic model for the other species/races. It's been months, and still no word on this. Why not just update that unlock to include other races that also have hair in them? O_o this is so annoying and illogical on BioWare's behalf. Edited by Jesira
Because I can.
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Yes please do this, I would even happily ignore my zabraks horns clipping through them if everyone (barring twis and rats of course) could actually use them. At this point id pay per racial unlock just for some hairstyles I actually like on my non human chars.
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Yeah, I don't really understand their logic on this. Maybe they were planning on giving each race/species a set of unique hairstyles to create more race/species diversity but so far it's just been a long period of time and only humans, who have already had the most abundant amount of choices as is, get the new ones exclusively lol. Not to mention they get the white eyes thing which to a much lesser degree is also annoying. If the logic was what I stated, then they should of had the others close to being ready as well, if not then its just a big WTH
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  • 10 months later...
And those human color options too, please.


Indeed. It's not like humans are the only species with access to peroxide and dye.


I really don't understand why they haven't done this yet. It's in the engine already, clearly. People would buy the unlock. So why hasn't it happened yet?

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Yeah, it's now been over a year since those first 'new' hairstyles came out. And, while we've seen more hairstyles come out that aren't limited to just Human characters, we still haven't seen anything come out to unlock those first 3 for Mirialans, Chiss, Miraluka, and Cyborgs yet.


And it would be nice to see the 6 'new' hair colors that first came out as 'Human Only', be able to be unlocked for Miraluka, Chiss, and Cyborgs. Mirialans might not go for having green hair, since they already have green skin (in most cases), but I guess those colors could be unlocked for them too.

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Yeah, it's now been over a year since those first 'new' hairstyles came out. And, while we've seen more hairstyles come out that aren't limited to just Human characters, we still haven't seen anything come out to unlock those first 3 for Mirialans, Chiss, Miraluka, and Cyborgs yet.


And it would be nice to see the 6 'new' hair colors that first came out as 'Human Only', be able to be unlocked for Miraluka, Chiss, and Cyborgs. Mirialans might not go for having green hair, since they already have green skin (in most cases), but I guess those colors could be unlocked for them too.


Actually if you go into the Appearance Designer you can LOOK at the older ones on the miraluka, chiss, cyborg, and mirialan but you can't finalize it... it says error or something like that. They all look just fine. No more clipping issues than with the default hair, so there's really no reason other than... they refuse to flip the switch? I really don't know... when it's possible in the appearance designer but not able to be finalized... that's just dumb

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There actually was a couple of hair styles I wanted for my Miraluka Guardian, but unfortunately they weren't available because of her mask, even if I did the simpler ones( like there's one or two that are similar to the cyborg "sunglasses" ). But I figure there's enough clipping with Twi'lek lekku when it comes to some clothes, so why would it make a difference for a Miraluka and hair?
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Sadly, I've a nasty feeling the only reason we're *not* getting this at the moment, is the community.


It was added as a viewable option in the Appearance Design kiosk- and, yes, unselectable- but, you can't view it on Zabrak, Cathar, etc, just selected, compatible species, so someone went to the effort of adding it in as an option- which I don't believe happened just because someone got bored and came back from lunch break early.


Recent unlocks of hair have been for all species with compatible skulls.


So... why hasn't this one been made live, we ask?


One possible answer is because they're stuck on *how* to do it.

Logically- we paid for a *human* hairstyle unlock, back in the day. Some people misread it, or hoped it would apply to other species, or felt that treating cyborg as a different species from human is silly (which it is, but, *consistency* demands that if the game treats it as a different species in some things, it has to across the board)- but, that's what it was sold as.


Personally, I'm fine with that, and I'd have absolutely no objection to paying a hundred or so cartel coins to purchase it as a new unlock for the additional species... however... after SlotMachineGate, and various other instances of the community getting rather... vocal with Bioware, I don't think there's any doubt that there would be a certain number of very loud individuals protesting their entitlement to have this unlock for free, claiming that they were being asked to pay again for something they'd unlocked 'already' (which they hadn't), and pointing to the pricing of the later all-compatible-race unlocks to try to justify that the first one should have been all-race and so they shouldn't pay again. (Which doesn't hold water, there's absolutely no requirement for items of equal (subjective) value to be of equal price).


As such, Bioware end up with two paths.


1) Inflame this section of the community *again* over a non-essential improvement.

2) Establish a precedent that vocal customers can 'bully' their way into having the terms of sale and, in fact, the very nature of an item sold expanded after sale.


Much as I'd *love* to have those hairstyles available for other races- mainly because the human hairstyle unlock 1 female 'long' hair is rather superior to the 'braids' or the 'shaggy' all-races hair, in my opinion, anyhow (and also doesnt' mess up the colours)... I can understand why Bioware might well be hesitant to open the box.

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Yeah, they really are in a damned if they do, damned if they don't situation. But then again, when you are in that situation sometimes it's best to do what you need to do and take your lumps. Haters gonna hate. Those players with the screwed up sense of entitlement will find something else to complain about if it's not this.
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Or... they could make the change as a gesture of good will to those who have already bought that unlock, and all the people who never bought it because it was limited to humans only may buy it now that it interests them, and it will still make them money. Especially as they appear to have already done the work of adding them (at least to the character changer screen) And even if that number is smallish, there will still be all those people with different races that can now use the hair style paying the CC fee to change their character to have it (like I would on my Mirialan). Edited by Karaiblis
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Or... they could make the change as a gesture of good will to those who have already bought that unlock, and all the people who never bought it because it was limited to humans only may buy it now that it interests them, and it will still make them money. Especially as they appear to have already done the work of adding them (at least to the character changer screen) And even if that number is smallish, there will still be all those people with different races that can now use the hair style paying the CC fee to change their character to have it (like I would on my Mirialan).


Well, yeah just straight up including it and then changing the name of it in the cartel market would work.. then those that already bought it would have it, and those that didn't buy it cause they don't play humans would now buy it...

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