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Major Props to Bastion GSF


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Re-subbed in early December from a half year break from SWTOR, despite my short time back in the game I have fallen in love with GSF. This is due largely in part to Bastion GSF pilots (both Imperial and Republic). From the start playing a handful of matches I spotted some of the ace Imperials and started to watch / learn / get organized. I must say that through the patience and help of strangers (not to mentions thousands of space sim hours logged) I have managed to become a decent scout pilot and a major thorn in the side of any republic pilot on Bastion.


Especially in the last couple weeks im seeing more and more decent pilots who know what they are doing (due in part to growing interest / new GSF guilds etc). There doesn't seem to be any one sided-ness either, both factions have good pilots (and bad ones) and the wins and losses (for me) feel appropriate. Yes there are games with half the team circle jerking away from obs, but in the majority of them there are enough of us to at least "try" to do something.


Just wanted to give a shout out and a thank you to all GSF pilots on Bastion. The level of competition here and the (most of the time) sportsmanlike conduct of its pilots is astounding, and really makes the game fun.


- Pincer

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Ya I love the games when I see names on both sides I recognize, because I know its going to be one heck of a slobber knocker. And just about any game you can almost know how its going to come out by getting in it just based on the names. Both Pubs and Imps have some great pilots and its fun to play on Bastion.


(you all might know me better as Aquilon see ya in my sights soon ;). )

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Lets hope we see the community get even larger, I have highish hopes for post free-to-play GSF.



~ C-Humping Scout Graventhel.


As do I, I hope the new imps play with you the good imps a few times and same with the new Pubs this way they will stick around learn and we can get faster que times. I like some of the close matches we can get. Though have admittedly both been apart of and on the end of a major butt kicking.

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See this is what makes our server better at GSF than all the others. We really appreciate a good butt kicking. To Pincer great match the other night and great strat also in switching to the gun ships and taking us out, well played son. To Aquilon, dam it man stay off my tail, I liked it better when you were new, lol...;) IT is better when you explode not so good when I do..





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See this is what makes our server better at GSF than all the others. We really appreciate a good butt kicking. To Pincer great match the other night and great strat also in switching to the gun ships and taking us out, well played son. To Aquilon, dam it man stay off my tail, I liked it better when you were new, lol...;) IT is better when you explode not so good when I do..






I will see how much I can do about staying off your tail...... It depends how much your on the satelite :p. lol


Edit: thinking about some fights I think there are some Dog fights that turn into some of the most beautiful dances of death we can run into lol. Where both of us are just so close and just a half second screw up one way or another can end in a fiery explosion.

Edited by tunewalker
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