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Scout (Flashfire)


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Frequency capacitor does not work well with burst lasers, as it does not capitalize on burst's strengths. I can get 1500 crits with a damage capacitor.


This is what I personally use, albet it varies from the typical FotM builds you see. I also use directional shields and light lasers from time to time.

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Oops, fixed it


Also here is a light laser and directional build that I use, designed to be good for dogfighting and head to heads. (Dfield is only really good for head-on, the active is generally wasted in a dogfight.)

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I think if you swap frequency cap to damage cap you pretty much have it.


Some of your secondary choices are confusing to me. For instance, I think you would do better swapping the top tier of retro to turning, and then having speed thrusters. But that can really be your playstyle there.


Frequency capacity is clearly the best for dps. But not only do you expend your energy faster (you don't get more bang for your blaster battery buck), you also rarely have a compliant target- and when you do, you rarely need the frequency cap to get the kill. Often you will score a hit and the opponent will readjust and your next shot will not be able to hit him with available. A good test is if you are on a target, do you just HOLD the button down, and hit with 2-3 shots with no misses? If so, freq cap might be helpful. But try damage, for reals.

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Question: why do you use booster recharge over blaster overcharge? i feel boosters charge well enough on their own, but my blaster pool runs dry after ~10 shots.


The energy management problem is likely stemming from you using freq capacitor. Because freq makes your fire faster it also increases your power consumption. That's why Damage capacitor is best used with high power draw weapons. I will also point out that bursts should never be fired outside 3km range and should only ever be fired if your certain you have it aimed perfectly. If its aimed right you will likely never fire more than four shots anyway.


I use booster recharge for two reasons. The first is objective play, where I can boost from A to C immediately go into fighting, and then boost back to A and instantly jump into the fighting there. The second reason is survivability as any scout regardless of build has a life expectancy that is only as long as their engine power pool.

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Question: why do you use booster recharge over blaster overcharge? i feel boosters charge well enough on their own, but my blaster pool runs dry after ~10 shots.



The reason why i like booster recharge is that upgraded, it will save your hide after a gunship ion blast completely drains your engine pool. Hit recharge, get 20% of your engine pool back instantly, then immediately hit barrel roll.


Overcharge on the other hand isn't really needed, if i can get a clear shot burst cannon is deadly even on it's own, and if i can't get a clear shot overcharge won't help.

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For instance, I think you would do better swapping the top tier of retro to turning, and then having speed thrusters.


Ok, I haven't actually bought the last tier or RT yet, need 3k more Req, but that's what I was planning, does turning speed really make that much of a difference? i was told that turning thrusters we're not worth it and i should go for regen, so thats why this decision was made.

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I've gone a bit of a different route on my Flashfire. I have more Shields and hull then both linked specs. My shield capacity is 1560, and hull is 1140 in comparison, but do have less evasion. Using the Large Reactor for larger shield capacity, and have both Engine, and thruster set for more Turning rate, so my Pitch is 2.16 degree's, and Yaw is 1.30 degrees per second.



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is reinforced armor worth it? I had it originally, but ...

Directional shields could be a good shout, depends how much power they actually transfer tho ... is it significant or?


Not sure but I can tell that directional shields plus large reactor allows you to eat a fully charged slug with minimal hull damage. The number that I have seen thrown around is 75% increase on the arc that is chosen.

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I've gone a bit of a different route on my Flashfire. I have more Shields and hull then both linked specs. My shield capacity is 1560, and hull is 1140 in comparison, but do have less evasion. Using the Large Reactor for larger shield capacity, and have both Engine, and thruster set for more Turning rate, so my Pitch is 2.16 degree's, and Yaw is 1.30 degrees per second.




Why didn't you take the three second reduction in delay on directional? With your current setup your waiting 6 seconds to begin any shield regeneration. You either take the 3 second directional or you are practically forced to use turbo reactor otherwise.

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Why didn't you take the three second reduction in delay on directional? With your current setup your waiting 6 seconds to begin any shield regeneration. You either take the 3 second directional or you are practically forced to use turbo reactor otherwise.


the simple answer is with the 10% regen rate on Shields and my manueverablility the 3 sec reduction isn't really all that needed. I can easily get out from another ships guns and get on their tail, using turns, and engines. The only time I can get in trouble is in fights when I'm way outnumbered. 1v1's unless I'm out of engine power (Gunships been hitting me with ion railgun) i'm good to go. 3v1 It's only a matter of time either way. The only thing I could see the 3 sec reduction would be good for is making turret runs continually,

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the simple answer is with the 10% regen rate on Shields and my manueverablility the 3 sec reduction isn't really all that needed. I can easily get out from another ships guns and get on their tail, using turns, and engines. The only time I can get in trouble is in fights when I'm way outnumbered. 1v1's unless I'm out of engine power (Gunships been hitting me with ion railgun) i'm good to go. 3v1 It's only a matter of time either way. The only thing I could see the 3 sec reduction would be good for is making turret runs continually,


The three second reduction in delay will actually mean you regenerate your arc faster than having a longer delay but faster regeneration. There is no way the regeneration boost is beneficial over the 3 second delay.

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The three second reduction in delay will actually mean you regenerate your arc faster than having a longer delay but faster regeneration. There is no way the regeneration boost is beneficial over the 3 second delay.


Simple math is simple... and true.


3 second delay reduction = 30 seconds worth of +10% regen. Does it EVER take you 30 seconds to regen your shields? (from one damage burst)

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