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Requisition calculation is quite illogical


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Earnt 11 medals, did 50k damage, destroyed 8 turrets and got 600 requisitions with the daily double buff as a subscriber. Working as intended?


Also, it is quite dumb that I get nothing if I am there for 90% of total time required to capture a satellite, but miss the last tick, whereas if I only arrive for the last tick, I complete objectives.

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I think they need to fix that sat req.



Ex: I snipe four targets on a gunship, first with ion, then with slug. I win a dogfight versus one. The scout turns the node green. Great job us! Req goes to: him.


Ex: I hug white node with my strike. Three bad bandits try to peel me without success. I'm occupying a lot of them and preventing their points. Req goes to: no one.


Ex: I hug contested node with my scout. Eliminate enemies. I pull off node to harass gunship. Without his cover, node turns, but I wasn't there for that. Req goes to: people who didn't peel off node, even though we were all doing the right thing.




The req feels punishing.

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Doesn't win -to lose-margin and how far up/ down you are in the points ranking also make a difference? - It still needs A LOT OF work cor clarity.


- How much would everyone value a simple look-up table for how much Req we gain per match and what for - but there are proabably many other facors involved. - Though wasn't there an announcement somewhere on the forthcoming patch/game notes IIRC?

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i got a late-pop into a game yesterday, opposition was inside 20 points of victory and my squadron had, well, ~200 points?


anyways, boosted straight to center node, blasted one turret, got a couple of shots into a gunship guarding the node, game ends.


183 Ship Requisition + 18 Fleet.


In 10 seconds for taking out ONE turret?



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Doesn't win -to lose-margin and how far up/ down you are in the points ranking also make a difference? - It still needs A LOT OF work cor clarity.


- How much would everyone value a simple look-up table for how much Req we gain per match and what for - but there are proabably many other facors involved. - Though wasn't there an announcement somewhere on the forthcoming patch/game notes IIRC?


On the PTS, 2.6 includes a breakdown of all the Req you earned in the match, which should help us figure out what all actually counts towards earning req.

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5 req per kill


100 req per sat cap


1 req per second for sat defence.



Those are the main req points, there are things like turret kills etc. Remember the golden rule. Defence = more req. So grab those sats and get humping them. If you go out of your way to get the highest number of kills or dmg in the battle, you wont get much req.

Edited by renegadeimp
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Sounds right to me all you did was fly around and hunt. Which while useful and beneficial to the team is not the real goal of domination. I will give you they should increase the radius around satellites for defense.


Oh have you seen the patch notes?

Bioware is pleased to announce they fixed huttball!



Activities such as passing, or killing players no longer reward warzone comms. Activities like killing players, while useful and beneficial to the team is not the real goal of huttball. I will give you they should increase the distance from which you can score.



But back to the original poster, here's his thoughts:


Activities useful and Beneficial to the team winning SHOULD be rewarded with req.


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Each of these scenarios are ones in which Bioware could find ways to award ship req to deserving parties without also encouraging people who ignore objectives and chase kills.


I think they need to fix that sat req.


Ex: I snipe four targets on a gunship, first with ion, then with slug. I win a dogfight versus one. The scout turns the node green. Great job us! Req goes to: him.

Defending a satelite for the purposes of ship req need not be tied to the single activity of "capping". Killing a ship that has recently done damage to a node should reward ship req. That way, if you get attacked at a node, and run off and kill that guy, you get rewarded. If you lose the cap, you just lost your 1 ship req per second defense ship req. Additionally "hunters" who are legitimately hunting things the team needs hunted (like all gunships targeting nodes) they will get ship req.




Ex: I hug white node with my strike. Three bad bandits try to peel me without success. I'm occupying a lot of them and preventing their points. Req goes to: no one.

Neutral flying within cap radius should reward req! Why does it not reward objective points or req? I have no idea. This is similar to before 1.2 when passing a huttball didn't give a medal. It's a no-brainer addition of ship req.



Ex: I hug contested node with my scout. Eliminate enemies. I pull off node to harass gunship. Without his cover, node turns, but I wasn't there for that. Req goes to: people who didn't peel off node, even though we were all doing the right thing.

Being at a neutral node should give req, and combined with extra req for killing a satelite-sniper, winning will be the rest of the incentive you need.

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Sounds right to me all you did was fly around and hunt. Which while useful and beneficial to the team is not the real goal of domination. I will give you they should increase the radius around satellites for defense.


No, it is absolutely not right for even in a domination map each ship has their own task to do.


As a classic scout, my job is not to defend and engage in dogfights (special scouts and strike fighters are far better for that), but to travel great distances quickly and prepare takeover by eliminating turrets and help protecting our satellites by destroying incomming gunships before those snipe the defenders.


That is my job and while I am doing it, I spend little time around the satellite, but by no means does it mean I have less importance in overall success; on the contrary, without good scouts you lose.

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Ex: I snipe four targets on a gunship, first with ion, then with slug. I win a dogfight versus one. The scout turns the node green. Great job us! Req goes to: him.


Ex: I hug white node with my strike. Three bad bandits try to peel me without success. I'm occupying a lot of them and preventing their points. Req goes to: no one.


Ex: I hug contested node with my scout. Eliminate enemies. I pull off node to harass gunship. Without his cover, node turns, but I wasn't there for that. Req goes to: people who didn't peel off node, even though we were all doing the right thing.


Ex: I hug node draw in lots of enemy ships. My team gets a break and captures a different node. Req goes to: them.


I've actually started a few threads on this one hera and one on the PTS forum.


The fact that more medals come from defense means that the system favors the premades, Because always winning and massive kills/damage numbers weren't enough we need to throw more sand in the wound of the losing team and not even let them get a chance at offensive objective medals.


I'm currently a solo quer, my Guild unfortunately does not have any GSF interest atm. I've developed tactics that exploit weaknesses that a 4 man premade has. We still mostly lose but boy do we make them work for the win, and it's not 1000 : >100 and sometime as high as 1000 : ~700 against one of the best premades on the server . That was actually a good day.


My solution I've proposed is that points be yielded every time turrets Don't Spawn because your hugging the node and blocking their spawn. I've suggested both attackers and defenders get objective points for this too.


As for the GS, Well I'm torn. Yes they get screwed out of points because of their range nature, however they also when flown right with a good team that allows them to perform their role, they rack up excessive kill/numbers numbers far beyond anything others can do. Perhaps lack of objective points is the balance to that.

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183 Ship Requisition + 18 Fleet.


In 10 seconds for taking out ONE turret?




I'm guessing a turret is worth about 50 requisition baseline for a kill. The way requisiton is rewarded is kind of odd sometimes.


Basically at the end of a match you get the base requisition you earned. That amount is doubled for a subscriber. You get additional requisition up to the base requisition if you still have available points on your ship bonus. So you probably got 61 requisition for that match, 61 subscriber requisition, and 61 ship bonus requisition. So likely 50 requisition for a turret kill, and 11 more points for either the time you spend in game and the damage you managed to inflict on the gunship.

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What requisition calculation lacks is transparency with in game information or info officially posted by Bioware. Somewhere in the GSF forum there a thread where someone, RenegadeImp I think, explains a pretty good approximation of how to efficiently earn requisition points.


Bottom line, if you fly to earn requisition you should be earning at least 1k requisition per match no matter what kind of ship you fly. As a subscriber when I'm flying with the daily bonus requisition boost I feel that if I get less than 1500 requisition it means that I didn't fly very well. (It's also about the amount of requisition you need to get the whole daily bonus for one ship with one battle).


Flying for requisition really doesn't interfere with flying to win. There are ways to win though, that can significantly reduce your requisition gain. Crushing the opposition and having a spawn camping kill-fest is a good way to get very low req for example.


Sure, they could make some improvements to the structure of requisition rewards, and there are a lot of good suggestions in this thread. I think that the biggest problem at this point though, is that it is not at all obvious to a new player how they should go about maximizing requisition gains if that is what they want to do.

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Earnt 11 medals, did 50k damage, destroyed 8 turrets and got 600 requisitions with the daily double buff as a subscriber. Working as intended?


Without a screenshot I am gonna have to call shenanigans... That sounds more like a 1100-ish match (with some daily double requisition on that ship) to me.

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Without a screenshot I am gonna have to call shenanigans... That sounds more like a 1100-ish match (with some daily double requisition on that ship) to me.


It would have been extremely stupid and pointless to create this thread if it had not happened.

Edited by varietasplus
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It would have been extremely stupid and pointless to create this thread if it had not happened.


I'm not saying that you are happy with the current rate of earning requisition, just that your initial statement that he earned 600 (while under daily double) during a match where you clearly were very active - is likely a gross exaggeration.


Lastly, I offer that there are indeed stupid and pointless people (AKA trolls) that do things which make no sense to the rest of us. Not saying that the you are a troll... but you could be.


*edited after seeing that this was the OP that replied, to change pronoun usage*

Edited by Zharik
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I'm not saying that you are happy with the current rate of earning requisition, just that your initial statement that he earned 600 (while under daily double) during a match where you clearly were very active - is likely a gross exaggeration.


Lastly, I offer that there are indeed stupid and pointless people (AKA trolls) that do things which make no sense to the rest of us. Not saying that the you are a troll... but you could be.


*edited after seeing that this was the OP that replied, to change pronoun usage*


I am not a child to find fun in trolling, nor would waste my time with exaggerated statements.

The only reason I am active on forums is for the sheer fact I like this game - though less and less every passing day - and I hope it is getting better with time - or at least I used to hope.

I wish I had taken a screenshot of the result, but I thought I was not the only one to experience this problem.

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Without a screenshot I am gonna have to call shenanigans... That sounds more like a 1100-ish match (with some daily double requisition on that ship) to me.


Well it wasn't specified how MUCH double req was left. If it was only 30 points or something like that it's an entirely plausible score. Racking up big numbers on the final scoreboard and getting little rep is quite easy if you don't play to objectives.


It's one of the ways that GSF is really true to the old X-wing series. You can obliterate every enemy ship in range and still UTTERLY FAIL the mission by ignoring the mission objective. Req is basically the reward for completing steps needed to progress toward completing the mission. Unfortunately at this point there are useful steps that are not tracked or rewarded, but that may be partly a matter of difficulty in automating recognition of good play in such a way that it can't be fooled and exploited for req farming.


Unlke the X-wing series though, the preflight briefing and post battle scoreboard in GSF are terrible at telling you what those steps are and whether or not you did a good job of carrying them out. Supposedly with 2.6 at least the post battle score board will tell you how much req you got for which actions.


Of course there's a completely different issue confounding this. Players who think that damage and kills are evidence of being a good combat pilot. Getting them to understand that successful mission completion is the only measure of a combat pilot skill that actually counts in the end, well, it's probably a lost cause.

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Well it wasn't specified how MUCH double req was left. If it was only 30 points or something like that it's an entirely plausible score. Racking up big numbers on the final scoreboard and getting little rep is quite easy if you don't play to objectives.


I had full (500) double req before I did that battle (it was after reset).

Again, I did my job pretty well as a scout (destroying turrets and stationary gunships at which classic scout is best).

That ship is not really suited for dogfight or defense.

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