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Thank you to a helpful player


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Just wanted to publicly thank a particular player. I play on POT5 pub side, and have been rolling a star guard since early release. Over the last few days, I kept getting put in the same group with this guy, so I decided to watch his scout play and see if it is maybe something I wanna try. After seeing him in action, I whispered him on the fleet for a few pointers. To my surprise, he actually took the time to give me his load out and the reasons why he chose what he chose. He said it fits to how he wants to fly. But my overall point is this: I ask for help on the fleet, I get trolled. I ask for quick tips in a GSF match, I get silence or told to uninstall the game. I walked out on a limb, whispered a player who caught my eye directly, and he was extremely helpful and nice to boot! Maybe to him, it was no biggie. But to me, in a game with a lot of trolls and elitist jerks, it meant a lot that there are still nice people online. And, I'm getting the hang of my scout. Edited by Ayershole
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Devil is a crazy bastard and a great guy to fly with. Our scout play is TOTALLY different though.


To everyone out there that wants to ask questions, ask all you can! Ignore the trolls and haters and eventually you will find someone willing to help you, even enemies!

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Stumbled across this reading forums. We could really use more helpful people for those new to GSF. I always try to do the same if people ask, but most people are afraid to ask. Don't worry, everyone was terrible at GSF once.


On a side note, we should all discuss builds again sometime. I've changed mine a decent bit and am having a lot of success with it. I'd like to hear what you all are doing as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Devil is a crazy bastard and a great guy to fly with!


Okay, noticed earlier that he is also on the imp side. He tore the match, (and me) a new one! I bombarded him with more questions earlier, and by god he took time to assist me! Then he gets on his imp (assuming it's his imp, as it's an identical name) and lit me up! It was a fun match, and Devil'dog is nothing but respectful and helpful. To those that fly with him, does he run the same name on both sides of the server? Bad enough seeing him on a pub v pub, now I have to see him in an imp? In all seriousness, he's once again gone out of the way to assist me when I have bombard him with MORE questions. Devil, if you are seeing this, thanks man. You truly are a good guy!

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To everyone out there that wants to ask questions, ask all you can! Ignore the trolls and haters and eventually you will find someone willing to help you, even enemies!




pretty much all the top pilots are hoping some of the nubs stuck with GSF long enough to give them a run for their money.


everyone prefers a 990-1000 scoreline to a 1-1000 scoreline.

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To everyone out there that wants to ask questions, ask all you can! Ignore the trolls and haters and eventually you will find someone willing to help you, even enemies!


I fly both sides: (Pub - Gerrik and Brèn / Imp - Jordinn) so if you fly on The Ebon Hawk, find me and I will be happy to point you in the right direction to learn GSF.

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Just wanted to publicly thank a particular player. I play on POT5 pub side, and have been rolling a star guard since early release. Over the last few days, I kept getting put in the same group with this guy, so I decided to watch his scout play and see if it is maybe something I wanna try. After seeing him in action, I whispered him on the fleet for a few pointers. To my surprise, he actually took the time to give me his load out and the reasons why he chose what he chose. He said it fits to how he wants to fly. But my overall point is this: I ask for help on the fleet, I get trolled. I ask for quick tips in a GSF match, I get silence or told to uninstall the game. I walked out on a limb, whispered a player who caught my eye directly, and he was extremely helpful and nice to boot! Maybe to him, it was no biggie. But to me, in a game with a lot of trolls and elitist jerks, it meant a lot that there are still nice people online. And, I'm getting the hang of my scout. So, to the player named Devil'dog on the pub side of POT5 server, I publicly thank you for taking your time to answer my questions to the best of your ability. God knows I asked a lot. :)


I will help you also if you need scout information. I have a mastered sting (imp heavy scout) and a mastered blackbolt (imp light scout) and do well in them both. If my load outs are different than his i can tell you why i chose what i did and how it works for me to give you a different perspective. If they are the same then it would be 2 in favor of that build and it might be really good lol.

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Devil dog is one of our top's and we all play imp and pub mostly pub but do fly imp when the need for pilots arrises on that side just to keep it intristing and keep it going.

I am Lytewraith on both side's and like kasl said we ave all been there on the reciveing end of being totally owned

and we know it is not fun to be done that way all the time and there is a huge learning curve

as a new pilot to gsf comeing is going to be hard yes but not impossible knowledge is your friend and ally

so the more you know the better you will do but they better you will preform as a whole squad and wen a squad works well it is like watching a great action movie and it is a lot more fun the one side battles have 1 benefit to tem they are over fast and no they are not enjoyable for the victor or the other the most fun comes from the very hard fought 999-1000 when you are on the edge of you keyboard and your figners are flyiong so fast you think your keyboard is going to come apart


biggest thing we as vet's can tel you is keep your head on a swivel and don't sit still unless your fireing a shot with a rail gun on a gs and even then move after you shoot or soon after

try to fly with your teammates in the match and assist on targets till you get your upgrades

and most of all try to have fun and enjoy it because at the ed of the day it is a game to enojoy

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pretty much all the top pilots are hoping some of the nubs stuck with GSF long enough to give them a run for their money.


everyone prefers a 990-1000 scoreline to a 1-1000 scoreline.


agreed. we feel kinda guilty when we stomp a group of newbies honestly.

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