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Why are harbinger imperials so bad


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The majority of my time in GSF has been on my republic characters, and aside from the occasional defeat because my teammates were being absolute idiots, I've won the majority of my matches, and scored fairly well compared to the other players in those matches.


Every time I go to my characters on the imperial side, though, we wind up with landslide defeats. My personal scores (kills and whatnot) are still fairly good, but I'll see 0 kills from 50-60% of the other players on my team, and for the majority of the match we have no satellites or only one that's being quickly recaptured by the enemy.


The ships on both sides are identical, upgrades aside, so this is obviously not a game mechanics balance issue. The fault lies in the players... I just cant understand how players on one faction can be so good compared to players on the opposing faction -all the time-. It's infuriating how terrible the imps are at GSF when I'm forced to rely on them to get my wins.



Ranting aside, are there any GSF-focused imperial guilds on harbinger that run premades and actually know what the hell they're doing? I cant stand the pug matches anymore.

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it has nothing to do with PvE players, they're way more organized than you give them credit for...


it's like that on almost every server apparently, from what i've been seeing on these forums, most Imperials just aren't organized for some reason, and frequently say to hell with y'alls plan... it feels like all the organized players are on Republic side and all the Cowboys are on Imperial, that is until i get grouped with some pilots that actually have strategy beyond chase the bait and shoot at it, but that's a rarity...

i've been hoping that going against good Republic players would teach the Imperials something about strategy, but apparently most are incapable of learning from their mistakes, watching others, or taking advice... i know the winning strategies of the good republic players and it blows my mind when i see the rest of my team doing everything and anything except combating the painfully obvious Republic strategies, like they're blind to their instruments and flying with tunnel vision...

i'm half tempted to put the call out for all Objective Oriented Imperial GSF pilots to join my guild and form an organized Republic Stomping machine on Jedi Covenant for some squadron based play... tired of being stomped cause the team you get put with is all Cowboys?.. join the "Shadows of Teras Kasi"... lol, sounds like a cheap TV ad...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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It's a PVE server so there isn't really an emphasis on PVP competition, I suppose. Transfer to Bastion.


Ya depending on the time the Imps are good on Bastion same could be said for Pubs, at the best times there are actually good matches between both teams :D.



Edit: warning though if you are on Bastion and you are good we will remember your name and if you are really good we will focus on shutting you down.

Edited by tunewalker
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The ships on both sides are identical, upgrades aside, so this is obviously not a game mechanics balance issue. The fault lies in the players... I just cant understand how players on one faction can be so good compared to players on the opposing faction -all the time-.


Crew members are NOT identical. Slight in variation, but it makes a difference in build strategies.


Way to endear yourself to your player-community. Ever think of playing on the other side, maybe help them out?

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Yea, which is odd considering that the imperial fleet always has two or three times more players than the pub fleet.


That doesnt matter. If imps get railed in GSF, theyll stop queuing. On ToFN, we normally let them keep 1 sat at all times, so it prolongs the match, they get extra rep, and now and again a second sat gets capped by them which keeps things moving.

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Well, this isn't just a phenomenon on Harbinger and a guildie recently explained me why: Since the Galactic Empire dominated ground combat, while the Rebel Alliance had the better pilots and thus dominated space in the original trilogy, it has to be like this throughout the whole earlier history of Star Wars. Since the Empire stands for the Empire and the Republic for the Rebels (tough technically... never mind) it must be, that the Republic is much stronger in GSF.:csw_xwing:


More seriously: Elly_Dawn's first post probably contains the main reasons. Many Imps don't seem to learn the strategies and are unwilling to take any advice. Recently I tried to split the three squads up to the three satellites on Imp side, only to get the reply (paraphrased and translated):

'Nah, all focus on one, otherwise this won't get anything.'

The saddest part was that almost the whole team did exactly that. There isn't much you can do against such... tunneled determination, even less when you have to type in chat and fly at the same time.


There is one other thing that might disadvantage the Empire (currently). Since there are more Imperial players, there are also more people who have no experience with GSF. Therefore the usual GSF-group on imperial side will contain more newbies than Republic side. So even if they learn something, in the next match you will be grouped with several other newbies who still have to make the same mistake to learn from it.

I'm not sure if this issue - if it is an issue at all - will disappear once GSF is a bit older, because every new player can access it immediately and as far as I know the number of newbies that start on imperial side is larger than the number of newbies on republic side. So the high accessibility of GSF might create an imbalance between the factions.

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My first 1000:0 match was on the Imp side playing against Pubs. I don't think all Imperial players are bad. There are some good Imperial pilots. I think there are just more republic players serious about GSF. I do think it is sad when all the players go to one satellite because they are just accepting defeat from the beginning of the match. You can't force people to get better. Same faction matches will probably become the norm.
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There are Imperial GSF players on Harbinger?! :eek: Lately, it seems like I always end up in Pub vs. Pub matches.


yup. i usually fly Imp side on Harbinger.


i've started looking at teh results and adding the better imp pilots to my /f list, really helps with queue priority!


basically, us imps need to start doing the same as teh 'pubs: co-ordinate. get together as groups of friends with voip comms.


i almost never see any attempt at co-ordination on Imp side. my attempts have basically dwindled to: "scoutin <insert which node I feel like racing to>". It's rare for more than one or two others in a match to even do that much.

Edited by dancezwithnubz
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Well I can only speak for Progenitor but here its due to several factors combining:


1.Majority of good and active pilots are all on Republic side.

2.Republic side have more organised in terms of teams of pugs and premades.

3.Smaller server population makes the two above points more pronounced as you will be facing the good players, teams and premades .

4.Imperial side has less good and active players.

5.Far higher amount of players trying out GSF for the first time on Imp side (population in general is 2:1 Imp to Rep).

6.Imperial side with majority new players tends to lose majority of their matches.

7.New Imp GSF players get discouraged after a bad losing streak and don't bother playing GSF anymore.

8.Smaller amount of Imp players stick out for the long run gaining experience, more ships and upgrades.


Due to factors 1-3 combined with 4-5, its leads to 6-8 and it just a snowball effect from there since start of this month unfortunately. Rep vs Rep games happen as often as Rep vs Imp games I am told and I'm not surprised as there aren't many newer Imps who persevere with GSF.

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Wow, I really feel for you folks. On Bastion the imp pilots are some of the best on the server, the pub pilots are also some of the best. We have epic matches that very often go down to the wire. When GSF first came out all we heard was how good the pilots were on your server now it makes me wonder if your leader board numbers were inflated for lack of skilled Imp pilots. I would encourage you to find balance by teaching the Imp pilots how to fly so you may have balanced GSF. Good Luck...
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it has nothing to do with PvE players, they're way more organized than you give them credit for...


it's like that on almost every server apparently, from what i've been seeing on these forums, most Imperials just aren't organized for some reason, and frequently say to hell with y'alls plan... it feels like all the organized players are on Republic side and all the Cowboys are on Imperial, that is until i get grouped with some pilots that actually have strategy beyond chase the bait and shoot at it, but that's a rarity...

i've been hoping that going against good Republic players would teach the Imperials something about strategy, but apparently most are incapable of learning from their mistakes, watching others, or taking advice... i know the winning strategies of the good republic players and it blows my mind when i see the rest of my team doing everything and anything except combating the painfully obvious Republic strategies, like they're blind to their instruments and flying with tunnel vision...

i'm half tempted to put the call out for all Objective Oriented Imperial GSF pilots to join my guild and form an organized Republic Stomping machine on Jedi Covenant for some squadron based play... tired of being stomped cause the team you get put with is all Cowboys?.. join the "Shadows of Teras Kasi"... lol, sounds like a cheap TV ad...


If I may offer a theory...


I think I can apply some anecdotal reasoning here. Likely the majority of Empire players (like Horde players In That Other Game) are individualists, whereas Republics might be better team-players.


I say this as a person that did play Hord nearly exclusively ITOG, and now main Empire... I love my chosen faciton, but it's just something I see. Endemically Imperial PVPers don't work that well together in a PUG, where as you can toss a bunch of Republics into an objective-based PVP scenario and they seem to be better at backing one-another up.


Another issue is the matchmaking system and how lopsided the teams can be in terms of experience and ship upgrades. I've been in some pretty horrific matches playing from either side - if you are on a team of starter stock ships, against even a PUG of maxed advanced vessels, it's just going to be painful. ^^u

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I would add that at least on Jedi Covenent there doesn't appear to be many prebuilds with voice so you end up with alot of disorganized play. But if someone is working on a guild/group with voice for that server please add darkspice to your friends list cause I am deffinately looking for a good team to play with there.
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Like this on Shadowlands also. There maybe one small group of pilots that know there stuff. Beyond that if the pubs dont know what there doing you got a GREAT chance of getting rolled in GSF if your a imp


Not only that, but it just seems like there are more consistent GSF players Pub side in Shadowlands. I play GSF on both factions, and it's easy to tell the imbalance by the number of ships per player on the startng screen that the Republic usually has a large or very large experience/ship advantage over the Imps. When I queue Pub side almost half of my matches are Republic vs Republic, which increases the advantage. I think I've been in an Imp vs Imp match twice out of about 200 times queuing as Imp.


I also wonder if many of the Imperial players have given up because the imbalance is so big and since the first month was so dominated by a couple of groups of Republic players on Shadowlands.


I consider myself a good pilot but not elite. Pub Side I am usually in the top third in a match. Imp side I am usually the top or 2nd best in any match. A typical match Imp side has us with 12-15 kills, and I get 8-10 of them.

Edited by ptwonline
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The majority of my time in GSF has been on my republic characters, and aside from the occasional defeat because my teammates were being absolute idiots, I've won the majority of my matches, and scored fairly well compared to the other players in those matches.


Every time I go to my characters on the imperial side, though, we wind up with landslide defeats. My personal scores (kills and whatnot) are still fairly good, but I'll see 0 kills from 50-60% of the other players on my team, and for the majority of the match we have no satellites or only one that's being quickly recaptured by the enemy.


The ships on both sides are identical, upgrades aside, so this is obviously not a game mechanics balance issue. The fault lies in the players... I just cant understand how players on one faction can be so good compared to players on the opposing faction -all the time-. It's infuriating how terrible the imps are at GSF when I'm forced to rely on them to get my wins.



Ranting aside, are there any GSF-focused imperial guilds on harbinger that run premades and actually know what the hell they're doing? I cant stand the pug matches anymore.


I play on my imp quite often for the increased challenge. Hit me up if you need a group.

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This is not only the case on the server you are discussing.


I think a good amount of people that liked this kind of game before GSF prefer the Republic ship style to the Imperial ships. This has created an early dominance for the Republic. When this happens MMO players who are the type to seek any advantage a good number go to the side that wins more. This creates a deficit of good players on the Imperial side. Combine the fact that losing gives you less requisition the issue is compounded.

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Combine the fact that losing gives you less requisition the issue is compounded.


as a general rule, you're right.


but, if you play smart, you can still walk out of a thumping defeat with north of 1,000 ship req.


my trick: if my team is getting completely smashed by an obviously well-co-ordinated opposition, i just go Bunker Busting. grab a fast scout with rocket pods & booster recharge and destroy as many turrets as you can. if you can cap a node or two while you're about it, so much the better.

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as a general rule, you're right.


but, if you play smart, you can still walk out of a thumping defeat with north of 1,000 ship req.


my trick: if my team is getting completely smashed by an obviously well-co-ordinated opposition, i just go Bunker Busting. grab a fast scout with rocket pods & booster recharge and destroy as many turrets as you can. if you can cap a node or two while you're about it, so much the better.


Totally agree, this also tends to split up the enemy (some notice you and start chasing) to give the rest of your team some breathing room.

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