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Azshara not romanceable for dark side?


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Playing as female Sith pureblood so I couldnt care less about her as romance option [got Andronikos for that![been rather enjoyable so far & I'm lvl36 atm] I heard she was LS?

But anyway, I dont even have her yet :p so my question is when/where/how do you get to know her?..:ph_thank_you::sy_empire:

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Yeah it kinda sucks that you can't turn her to the dark side when she said she is sticking to her jedi teachings right in my face i was like ***.


:eek: what the heck, as Sith I'd kill her, or atleast put her through rigorous torture for an extended period of time...what was BW thinking?..Ye you need som extra headache to keep you going?..


Havent come that far yet so this makes me rather curious still :cool:

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you get to know her some what during the class chain quest you get her...that is of cause you don't shock her all the time. If you do that, well she would be too busy being shocked to talk!


during the quests you get to know her and even slowly push her from light to gray, but she never fully gives in, being either that cause it was the only life she had/her long family history of jedi, or not lore wise, bioware never fully managed to finish her on time, and was forced to only make her ligh gray

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I am glad that haven't gone with the same sex stuff atm, I would hate to see Khem and my character in an relationship outside of the normal.


Khem isn't a romance option for females so don't worry lol. Though he SHOULD be for males after chapter one!!!

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Did I mention she's also the most useless companion you have for any kind of combat support? Why isn't she a healer? Light Jedi, hello? If she's light let her be a healer, if you could turn her, then let her do damage.


You get a doc to heal, she's dps and good at it.

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I gave her a courting gift: +0 affection. She says, "Don't take this the wrong way, but no thanks."




Courting gifts only work when you ar to the point of courting them (ie you are starting a romantic relationship). You just cant give them out of the blue (its kind of creepy). Ashara loves Military Gear, Republic Memorabilia, and Cultural Artifacts, and likes Weapons (gift items), Luxury, and Technology.

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I'm fully Dark Side, and Ashara is at max affection for me, and I fully romanced her.


I just had to use some gifts to balance out horrifying her when I do cruel stuff. But otherwise, Ashara doesn't necessarily approve of Light Sidedness; she approves of logical, rational decisions.


If what you're doing is violent, she at least wants it to make sense, and not simply be violence for the sake of violence. She likes logical, thought-out, intelligent actions. Some of which are violent.

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Unfortunately, the dev class lead for the Sith Inquisitor did not really have the companion/romance option thought out for a male SI. I end up using that as my excuse why my SI is so fully dark side - he is just hacked off that my Sith Warrior has two great looking babes vying for his affection. He ends up keeping old Khem Val around who is also a grouch and together they just end up taking their frustrations out on the masses :).
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Getting a jedi foisted off on you as an SI is even worse than getting Gault foisted off on you as a BH companion. Neither one of those characters would have suffered either of those companions to live, let alone join my crew.
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Thats funny, im full Dark Side and i romanced her without a problem... If you kept her from visiting the Jedi she won't marry you.


It's a shame they didn't, you know, tell you that one random choice that has absolutely nothing to do with your romantic connection with her would lock the entire storyline away from you. I never got a single flirt option with her and every conversation I have with her (she's at around 7k affection for me right now) skips over all the relationship parts. A nice little popup saying "If you choose this option, you will not be able to romance this companion", or just not make this one choice a gate to the whole bloody storyline.

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Yeah i also got 10 000 max but i cant romance. Have you done it or are you just maxed out on her? I am darkside lvl 4.


i havent even hit max level or maxxed her affection yet, am dark side 4 and have already doinked her.


shes been going on about loving me for ages but she wouldnt put out until recently.


didnt do anything special, just got her affection up by having her out in conversations and giving her gifts, levelled.. and talked to her when the icon came up.

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