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It's your fault if you're on a PvE server and you get yourself flagged.


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I'm not trying to troll? :confused: I'm looking at it with a realistic approach.


Looking at wasting your breath.

There could be a sticky on the page from the devs with bold letters saying this is how it is, and even that would not stop this.

I understand what you're trying to do, but its just poking a hornets nest that's better left unpoked. ;)

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It's not fighting with one hand behind your back because the Rakghouls you fight die pretty easily with basic attacks to where AOE isn't needed.

If you're swarmed by four rakghoul using a smoke grenade, one of those blinding grenades, an orbital strike or one of those push-backs seems like a pretty obvious tactic to me, but one you can't use. So, it does seem like fighting with one hand behind the back to me. I don't think an average level 25 Sniper can kill a normal same rhakgoul with a single one snipe (arguably a level 25 sniper can't use an orbital strike either)... You can't really use a tanking companion to keep them out of melee either because those rely on area effects...


Sure you don't absolutely "need" it. You don't really have to take cover at all, but it's a limitation not being able to do so, you will take more damage and need more time for a fight.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Looking at wasting your breath.

There could be a sticky on the page from the devs with bold letters saying this is how it is, and even that would not stop this.

I understand what you're trying to do, but its just poking a hornets nest that's better left unpoked. ;)


I'm fearless. Besides I was stung twice last year by two wasps.

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If you're swarmed by four rakghoul using a smoke grenade, one of those blinding grenades, an orbital strike or one of those push-backs seems like a pretty obvious tactic to me, but one you can't use. So, it does seem like fighting with one hand behind the back to me. I don't think an average level 25 Sniper can kill a normal same rhakgoul with a single one snipe (arguably a level 25 sniper can't use an orbital strike either)... You can't really use a tanking companion to keep them out of melee either because those rely on area effects...


Then why is it me and Kaliyo went and did the dailies just fine? The Rakghouls themselves dont hit that hard except for the Gold Elite but even then he's a push over still.

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I've only gotten accidentally flagged a few times myself (each time was in the thieves den actually). I'm on a PvE server because I DON'T want or desire to participate in PvP. But I also won't back down from a fight. So if you get me flagged & attack me, I'm not running. If you kill me & then stay in the area, I'm coming for ya....that's the attitude I come in the game with. I'm not gonna whine, cry, or complain....but you better watch yo back. Lmao
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Well, Reno opened up a can of worms, but... it had to be said.


Ok, I did a little experiment since I have several alts and had the day off.


First, ran through the dailies on my Shadow tank including the heoroic. I use a lot of aoe, Force Breach, and Slow Time, and I ran through with a Slinger who liberally uses Flyby. Our goal was to see if we would get flagged by this AOE exploit and to that end we had our companions out. The result? Nope. Didn't get flagged. There were attempts to do so, most notably an Operative that not only ran into a Flyby but jumped between me and the champ I was fighting at the time. No. Nada. No PvP flag and that little Operative was definitely disappointed as he stood in front of me when the fight was done waiting for me to make a move. Lol. I blew him a kiss and QT'ed.


Second. I decided that maybe two manning it wasn't enough. So jumped on my Sent and ran things as a 4 man group. Again, liberal use of force sweep, Flyby by a Scoundrel etc. No incidents at all until we got the the H4. Some flagged Imps were camping, waiting. We saw them and went straight over to some mobs nearby and engaged hoping they would take the bait. They did. So, they tried everything. They ran into AOEs, the engaged our mobs, threw down their own aoes etc. I held back a little and stepped back and watched. I wanted to see the moment which we would get flagged and while the mobs were up nothing happened. But the second all the mobs dropped dead, we got flagged. And it wasn't the aoe exploit that did it. It wasn't the Imps who were trying so hard. It was Auto Target, and Auto Attack. Without meaning too our other dps attacked as an auto target/attack. We were out of combat for a split second. Had he not attacked we would not have been flagged. The Imps were temporarily happy, but we where prepared. Lol. They weren't so happy after others watching jumped in and they all had to medcenter.



So, net, net of my unscientific experiment is this. The AOE exploit isn't the real culprit here. Turn off your auto attack, and quit targeting after the fight is done. Be aware of your surroundings and you will not get flagged.

Edited by Rafaman
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Well, Reno opened up a can of worms, but... it had to be said.


Ok, I did a little experiment since I have several alts and had the day off.


First, ran through the dailies on my Shadow tank including the heoroic. I use a lot of aoe, Force Breach, and Slow Time, and I ran through with a Slinger who liberally uses Flyby. Our goal was to see if we would get flagged by this AOE exploit and to that end we had our companions out. The result? Nope. Didn't get flagged. There were attempts to do so, most notably an Operative that not only ran into a Flyby but jumped between me and the champ I was fighting at the time. No. Nada. No PvP flag and that little Operative was definitely disappointed as he stood in front of me when the fight was done waiting for me to make a move. Lol. I blew him a kiss and QT'ed.


Second. I decided that maybe two manning it wasn't enough. So jumped on my Sent and ran things as a 4 man group. Again, liberal use of force sweep, Flyby by a Scoundrel etc. No incidents at all until we got the the H4. Some flagged Imps were camping, waiting. We saw them and went straight over to some mobs nearby and engaged hoping they would take the bait. They did. So, they tried everything. They ran into AOEs, the engaged our mobs, threw down their own aoes etc. I held back a little and stepped back and watched. I wanted to see the moment which we would get flagged and while the mobs were up nothing happened. But the second all the mobs dropped dead, we got flagged. And it wasn't the aoe exploit that did it. It wasn't the Imps who were trying so hard. It was Auto Target, and Auto Attack. Without meaning too our other dps attacked as an auto target/attack. We were out of combat for a split second. Had he not attacked we would not have a been flagged. They Imps were temporarily happy, but we where prepared. Lol. They weren't so happy after others watching jumped in and they all had to medcenter.



So, net, net of my unscientific experiment is this. The AOE exploit isn't the real culprit here. Turn off your auto attack, and quit targeting after the fight is done. Be aware of your surroundings and you will not get flagged.


Thank you for the valuable information Rafaman. I'm shure everyone here will be pleased to know you can use AOE safely without fear of being flagged now.

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Because I'm trying to help people avoid getting flagged by informing them on what not to do.


I wouldn't lose anything if aoe stuff didn't flag you but this is how it's been in so many other MMO's why does it need to be any different?


If you're interested in helping folks, it may be helpful if your thread didn't start by telling them that if they get flagged it's their fault.


Under your logic, if a girl walks into a dark ally she deserves to get raped for doing something she knows carries risk. PVE players should be able to use they AOE on mobs without being preyed upon by PVP griefers looking for an easy flag and kill just like that girl should be able to walk through that ally without being assaulted.


Yes, one is a game and one is a horrible real life situation, but the ethical parallel is there nonetheless.

Edited by Elfa
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If you're interested in helping folks, it may be helpful if your thread didn't start by telling them that if they get flagged it's their fault.


Under your logic, if a girl walks into a dark ally she deserves to get raped for doing something she knows carries risk. PVE players should be able to use they AOE on mobs without being preyed upon by PVP griefers looking for an easy flag and kill just like that girl should be able to walk through that ally without being assaulted.


Yes, one is a game and one is a horrible real life situation, but the ethical parallel is there nonetheless.


Please stop trying to compare a video game with a rape scenario. You arn't going to suddenly get pregnant or scarred for life after being ganked in World PvP.

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I'm not trying to troll? :confused: I'm looking at it with a realistic approach.


Blaming in title, blaming victims for others exploits... yep you are not trying to troll. :cool:

Do it better next time...


Realistic approach to any exploit (no need to even rise a case, system logs could show everything if someone do proper parser) would be at least week ban, but they cannot afford doing this in fear of loosing money.

They also doesn't want by some reason to redesign whole flagging system to have 1 more state - no F***ing way = that would mean your character and companion is not able to interact by any way with flagged one (no matter the faction).

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Please stop trying to compare a video game with a rape scenario. You arn't going to suddenly get pregnant or scarred for life after being ganked in World PvP.


I wasn't comparing PVP to rape and you know it, I stated very clearly I was comparing the ethical parallels of being a victim of predatory behavior. Face it, you are coming down on the victim and blaming them instead of going after the predator in this situation which is the stealth PVP griefer. Let's guess which one you are.


The fact is that a person should have to manually flag themselves before they are allowed to fire on any player.

Edited by Elfa
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Blaming in title, blaming victims for others exploits... yep you are not trying to troll. :cool:

Do it better next time...


Realistic approach to any exploit (no need to even rise a case, system logs could show everything if someone do proper parser) would be at least week ban, but they cannot afford doing this in fear of loosing money.

They also doesn't want by some reason to redesign whole flagging system to have 1 more state - no F***ing way = that would mean your character and companion is not able to interact by any way with flagged one (no matter the faction).


Why would I be trying to troll, when I enjoy this game? :confused:

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I wasn't comparing PVP to rape and you know it, I stated very clearly I was comparing the ethical parallels of being a victim of predatory behavior. Face it, you are coming down on the victim and blaming them instead of going after the predator in this situation which is the stealth PVP griefer. Let's guess which one you are.


The fact is that a person should have to manually flag themselves before they are allowed to fire on any player.


I avoid World PvP because I don't like to pvp, especially during dailies. I simply wish to do my dailies and move on.

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Wither, discharge, lacerate, flamethrower, death from above, explosive dart, fusion missile, dual saber throw, and smash (off the top of my head). I also had Treek up for much of this, who uses both AOE heals and AOE attacks.


Well take a moment to scroll up and lookat Rafa's posts. It seems AOE isn't the cause here.

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Well take a moment to scroll up and lookat Rafa's posts. It seems AOE isn't the cause here.


I agree, because that was the same result of my experiment, using the abilities I just listed off (remember to follow the quote trail).


This is of course ignoring the odd instance of a flagged player suddenly turning red despite me not being flagged, and me consciously not attacking him, with AOE or otherwise, until he went back to yellow.

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Well take a moment to scroll up and lookat Rafa's posts. It seems AOE isn't the cause here.


It is and it isn't, but I'm not going to lay it out here how they are doing the exploit.

I will say this though, Its to do with the npc mob, it needs the person to be using an AOE to trigger, but what rafa said is correct in that if you just drop an aoe over the opposing faction while not targeting them it wont trigger your flag.

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It is and it isn't, but I'm not going to lay it out here how they are doing the exploit.

I will say this though, Its to do with the npc mob, it needs the person to be using an AOE to trigger, but what rafa said is correct in that if you just drop an aoe over the opposing faction while not targeting them it wont trigger your flag.


Seen some time flagged player runs thru AOE of non flagged burning mobs down, no flag seen.

(Last time non stealth Assassin run thru Sage AOE with 3 mobs in it)

As tank I need to use some AOE to keep multiple targets, no flagging because of that.


Some wery strange combo/bug we have here if AOE is the cause (I suppose auto target is more exploited and would suggest as easy solution AT to not jump to flagged players if player is not flagged ATM).

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It was Auto Target, and Auto Attack.

I stood around watching people yesterday while doing the event on my sawbones, slinger and watchman. I had target of target on (like everyone who runs end game should have) and auto target off (like everyone that runs endgame should have). I have watched 6 players get flagged no over the event and 4 yesterday and 2 the day before and all 6 were either from auto target or the tabbed to the wrong target.


I also used flyby and twinsaber throw every chance I got, I even used heroic moments and all the attacks (knight, smuggler, trooper, agent, warrior, BH, Shadow) from it durning the heroic and never got flagged.


While this proves nothing, I am very comfortable using AoEs now during the event. If I get flagged, I will just chalk it up to experience, but I highly doubt I will.

Edited by mikebevo
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I stood around watching people yesterday while doing the event on my sawbones, slinger and watchman. I had target of target on (like everyone who runs end game should have) and auto target off (like everyone that runs endgame should have). I have watched 6 players get flagged no over the event and 4 yesterday and 2 the day before and all 6 were either from auto target or the tabbed to the wrong target.


I also used flyby and twinsaber throw every chance I got, I even used heroic moments and all the attacks (knight, smuggler, trooper, agent, warrior, BH, Shadow) from it durning the heroic and never got flagged.


While this proves nothing, I am very comfortable using AoEs now during the event. If I get flagged, I will just chalk it up to experience, but I highly doubt I will.


It certainly backs up my experience. But... again, we may be missing something. Nevertheless, those worried about this should turn off Auto Target and stop spamming tab at a minimum. My guess is that the incident rate on the issue will drop significantly.

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