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Looking For High rated Ranked Arena/WZ guild


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Afaik <Ho Lee Fuk> is the best PvP guild there is, they are imperials. Not sure who is the gm of it though, and they also have a formed arena team.


Ho Lee Fuk is an arena team, like someone said, play soloranked, play with good players when they feel like normals, get known by people.

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Haha thanks for the replies. Yeah I guess you're right, I shouldn't have expected decent players to invite me to their groups purely based on my experience in another game.


Infamo #1 maaayunnnn, deyza dem military men bruh PECKS, GET DEM PECKS #Streamin 14h/aday #personal trainer #Martial artist #Sergeant in the army #DISPLAY!


Safe to say that nobody is as good as him.

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Infamo #1 maaayunnnn, deyza dem military men bruh PECKS, GET DEM PECKS #Streamin 14h/aday #personal trainer #Martial artist #Sergeant in the army #DISPLAY!


Safe to say that nobody is as good as him.


Everyone's different you know man, just gotta be who you are.

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They're worse in the sense that they're gathering and forming premades with sub-par players. Sure, there are a lot of equally bad pugs out there but by going in with a premade they're eliminating the chance of getting better pugs, they're also ruining it for the other four. Their w/l ratios would probably have gone up if they had solo queued.


Additionally, a lot of those horrible premades have tactics that don't correlate with their skill. If you have weak players it's better to stick togather but those people are doing the exact opposite by consistently branching off for offnodes and whatnot. To make things worse, I don't think anyone of them is ever looking at what classes the other four players on their team are playing. You do not branch of if the other four consist of sages and commandos or even shadows, since those shadows could have done the "branching off" part way better. They basically lack all forms of logic and will execute their crappy "game plan" regardless of the circumstances.


The most annoying part, once in a while they'll actually manage to win this way. That's however only a reflection of how bad the opponents were and not that they did something right.


Best description of the bad premades EVAR! :rak_04:

Edited by GNWP
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Haha thanks for the replies. Yeah I guess you're right, I shouldn't have expected decent players to invite me to their groups purely based on my experience in another game.

Actually, I think rating in "other game", as you call it, means a lot. IMO at least.

Example: any player who has 1800+ in 3v3 in WoW knows at least what "fake cast" is.

In SWTOR - maybe a dozen out of a thousand who plays WZs. I don't take SWTOR ratings into account because of such a little players pool it can't be considered as a real "skill-meter" like it is in WoW. IMHO.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On Rep side look at MVPs/Tattoo Inn/VEKTOR.


I know they're all pretty close knit and best of /w a member on fleet in the combat area who will no doubt play a couple with you before deciding if you cut it :)


First of all, such old thread. Second of all, VEKTOR top ranked arena/wz guild? Tattoo Inn and VEKTOR? Not Ad Victoriam, MVPs and Galactics, but VEKTOR? VEKTOR?

Edited by Bonsaikitten
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First of all, such old thread. Second of all, VEKTOR top ranked arena/wz guild? Tattoo Inn and VEKTOR? Not Ad Victoriam, MVPs and Galactics, but VEKTOR? VEKTOR?


Vektor doesn't have an arena team. The attempts we've made haven't been optimal. But thanks (to mrkmcknz) anyways for even mentioning us as if we were a top ranked team. Vektor is a pvp guild, plain and simple :cool:

Edited by Spaceheart
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First of all, such old thread. Second of all, VEKTOR top ranked arena/wz guild? Tattoo Inn and VEKTOR? Not Ad Victoriam, MVPs and Galactics, but VEKTOR? VEKTOR?


First of all, 'wz guild' would more than likely imply that OP was looking for PVP guild. Second of all, I mention guilds that you see steamrolling regualr wzs.


My condolences if I managed to offend you in anyway by implying that PVP extends beyond ranked arenas. ;)

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First of all, 'wz guild' would more than likely imply that OP was looking for PVP guild. Second of all, I mention guilds that you see steamrolling regualr wzs.


My condolences if I managed to offend you in anyway by implying that PVP extends beyond ranked arenas. ;)


I just saw the "High rated Ranked Arena/WZ" in the thread title, thinking he might be referring to "High rated Ranked Arena/WZ" guilds ;) And hehe, no offense taken, I was just surprised that anyone would mention that particular guild (and no offense to them) as being a top PvP guild. Maybe they've just moderated themselves from doing that steamrolling when I've seen them! And I agree that PvP extends well beyond ranked, seeing theres hardly any teams queueing for ranked judging by streams from the server.

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I just saw the "High rated Ranked Arena/WZ" in the thread title, thinking he might be referring to "High rated Ranked Arena/WZ" guilds ;) And hehe, no offense taken, I was just surprised that anyone would mention that particular guild (and no offense to them) as being a top PvP guild. Maybe they've just moderated themselves from doing that steamrolling when I've seen them! And I agree that PvP extends well beyond ranked, seeing theres hardly any teams queueing for ranked judging by streams from the server.


This ^^^


Anyone can mention a guild that can queue with a premade and stomp bads, the "best" guilds can have 3players in a group without teamspeak and make a difference. Generally if theres 1/2 of them in the warzone, even if its a loss, they will still be at the top of the board. Those type of players generally are the ones who stand out.

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