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Balance needs to happen in GSF


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On my server the republic loads up a whole team of 4 to 5 ship players in almost every game. The same ones over and over that appear to be in premade groups. The Impire however is 90% 2 to 3 shipers. This is creating an over 90% loss for the Impire. Some may say the answer is to get better but when 90% of the games are losses and the republic defends there 9 turrets the whole time while racking up 10-20 kills each while your whole team is lucky to get 3 kills it is difficult to gain any requisition and thus upgrade at all much less keep pace with them. You can't catch up getting 100-250 requisition every match while those you are supposed to catch up to are pulling in 1,000-2,000 requesition.


I believe that the under dogs should get the lions share of the requisition granted after a match win or lose so that they might one day actually catch up and balance the game.


A simple way to do it would be to average the total requisition EVER earned by each team and award 1% of it it to each pilot on the other team in addition to what they get normally.


This way the noob team's average lifetime requisition earning would be small and there enemy would gain little due to the lack of challenge.


On the other hand the new players that stick it out against the all 5 ship premade ace team would get a ton of requisition even if they lost because 1% of what the Aces had ever earned would be huge which would allow them to catch up and balance space pvp.


Even matched games at all skill levels would award slightly more to the winning team which would be small if both teams where new and huge if both teams where masters.


I recommend doing this until the wins and losses across all servers where running 50/50 and then cutting it off to stop inflation until such a time should arise when it was out of whack again.


To many people have given up on GSF already due to this imbalance and more are quitting every day. Or worse they have switched and now play pub in space so they can win. Fix this please before GSF becomes a pub only thing.

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Here's a real solution, it's even more radical but super easy to implement. It's a little exploit in the game called patience.


Crazy stuff you gotta hear about. Turns out that there is a maximum where all ships in the game cannot upgrade anymore, Crazyness. Can you believe that you can even catch up to them and have a maxed out ship of your own.


Whoa! I just realized something else, seems your player base will totally get better over time equaling out win/loss ratio. Nutty!


Ok that was condescending but your spelling and grammar were hard to read through.


Here's the thing, it sounds like you have the classic diluted player experience base. This problem has plagued PvP for ages eternal. Only time will solve it unfortunately, I could throw requisition at your factions players all day and they will buy badder ships that they still don't know how to use. L2P is L33t in GSF gear is only 20-30%, you seem to be loosing but a much larger margin then 30%.

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Welcome to what warzones are like all the time for republic (at least on my server). If Bioware still hasn't gotten it right for warzones, which have been around since launch, what makes you think they'll have a different solution for Starfighter? The queuing mechanism seems identical.
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There are a few things you are missing. The most important of which is that win/loss doesn't really affect your requisition gain that much. Work the objectives. Kill turrets, cap points, defend points. It doesn't matter if your whole team is getting flattened, if there are some turrets up, jump in your free scout, boost over there, and kill them with blasters/rockets. Often you can end up capping because there's nobody defending, but if you can't, leave and move on to the next one. Don't fight away from the nodes, don't dogfight at all, focus on the objectives, and you will get plenty of requisition. I easily use up my daily bonus on most of my ships in one match, whether my team is winning or losing.


Another thing is that blowout matches are short, so everyone gets less medals and less req (but keep in mind medals and req are independent, for slightly different things). A three cap from the beginning match won't get many rewards, but it also won't take up much of your time.

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Why do people not understand that matchmaking isnt switched on yet? Until it goes live next month, there is no point, as if it was switched on now, hardly anyone would get a queue pop.

This is incorrect. You can clearly see that it matchmakes on the group (4man) level, as people with lots of ships are almost always grouped together. They have it prioritized to start matches quickly rather than wait forever for perfect matchups, which is good because any kind of matchmaking in this game with this population will be approximate at best.

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This is incorrect. You can clearly see that it matchmakes on the group (4man) level, as people with lots of ships are almost always grouped together. They have it prioritized to start matches quickly rather than wait forever for perfect matchups, which is good because any kind of matchmaking in this game with this population will be approximate at best.


You do know thats not matchmaking, but a premade team right?

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GSF has lost it's luster for the Imp side on my server as well (shadowlands). It doesn't take a seasoned veteran to know the winning team the second you see how many ships each side individually averages.


As others have pointed out it's really an ideological issue the developers have in assuming solo pug players would have some kind of enjoyable game against premades and their voip/guild advantage.


I like PVP and GSF for the quick matches which fit perfectly with my limited schedule. If losing repeatedly to premades is all my GSF time will consist of, I'll probably cease to play it just like so many other Imps on my server have with the exception of the 2-Ship-Noobs that don't realy help the effort.

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I want to thank those who have joined the discussion. My idea was kind of off the cuff and most likely needs work but it's just that, an idea. I did not expect to come up with a perfect solution but rather spark conversation about a very real problem so that we might collaborate and find that a solution may materialize. Then with some luck it may get noticed and considered by the devs. This imbalance could be the failing point of GSF, which I love. I mean it's no "Jump to Lightspeed" But it is a baby step in the right direction so lets save it. As far as patience I am not voicing this concern on my own behalf. My sting is almost mastered and what more would I need? It is a real concern about a terrible imbalance that is driving people away in droves that brought me to start this conversation. Anyone who has a constructive idea that could actually make it better and who wishes to have that idea heard should put in your two cents on the topic. those who just want to troll and bash should ask themself if they are part of the problem or the solution. And those in the grammar gestapo should give patience a try and if that fails give up on being a gamer and go watch Downton Abby or join a book club instead as it more adequately suits their grammatical needs. That's just another off the cuff idea but it may save them grief. I mean poor spelling and grammar online is not a crime yet and they must feel incredibly powerless having chosen this as there source of literature. When they do issue badges to the spelling/grammar police I will support them getting the very first one.
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I think there is confusion in this thread and many others in the forums about the number of ships and what that means in terms of matchmaking. I have 10 ships unlocked on my main. They were unlocked as follows:

1 Free Scout and 1 Free Striker That everyone gets = 2

1 Gunship Unlocked for being a subscriber before Nov 1st. (2 + 1 = 3)

1 Scout bought with CC ( 3 + 1 = 4)

1 Striker bought with CC ( 4 + 1 = 5 )

1 Gunship bought with CC ( 5 + 1 = 6)

1 Gunship from the Dogfighter's Pack [bought with CC] ( 6 + 1 = 7)

1 Scout bought with fleet req by using CC to convert ship req to fleet req (7 + 1 = 8)

1 Striker bought with fleet req by using CC to convert ship req to fleet req (8 + 1 = 9)

1 Gunship bought with fleet req by using CC to convert ship req to fleet req (9 + 1 = 10)


That brings me to a total of 10 ships. I fly a S-12 Blackbolt. It's mastered. The rest are just there. They in no way contribute to my quality as a pilot, and their existence says nothing about me as a pilot except that I'm willing to spend some CC to have extra ships in my hanger that I don't usually fly. I know people are looking for a way to determine at a glance the quality of pilots and gear based on the pre-match ready screen, but the number of ships unlocked is not an accurate indicator.

Edited by JediJeffP
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You may just be observing premades. Premade groups are typically put in the same 4-man flight.

Nope, I queue solo and get put in groups with random other people that have a lot of ships. The premades are obvious because it's the same people all the time, this is not that.


The bottom line is the numbers aren't there outside of weekend primetime for any granular matchmaking. At most there seem to be two to four match rotations going at once (given the queue times), and that can't change without cross-server queuing or an order of magnitude more players. At least on Pot5 you never know what you are going to get, there are blowouts both ways, and a decent amount of close matches.

Edited by XavinNydek
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That brings me to a total of 10 ships. I fly a S-12 Blackbolt. It's mastered. The rest are just there. They in no way contribute to my quality as a pilot, and their existence says nothing about me as a pilot except that I'm willing to spend some CC to have extra ships in my hanger that I don't usually fly. I know people are looking for a way to determine at a glance the quality of pilots and gear based on the pre-match ready screen, but the number of ships unlocked is not an accurate indicator.

The number of ships says less about the quality of player with all the ships and more about the players who only have 2-3 ships. Anyone serious about GSF will have their 5 slots filled quickly, only people who rarely play will not. Until 2.6 there isn't a way to make slots empty once they have something in them, so it's a good noob indicator.

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The number of ships says less about the quality of player with all the ships and more about the players who only have 2-3 ships. Anyone serious about GSF will have their 5 slots filled quickly, only people who rarely play will not. Until 2.6 there isn't a way to make slots empty once they have something in them, so it's a good noob indicator.


Sweet, I'm only going to load up two ships after 2.6.

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i am so tired of threads like these,


1) having 2-3 ships DOES NOT mean that person is a noob when it actually might still be fully modified ships he has, i have a char with 3 ships but its fully maxed almost.


2) more reqs becuase u lose? hell no, why should loseing be rewarded further, we all had to put the time and losses in. im a empire player on red eclipse and we lose alot of matches also but i wouldnt expect bigger reward for lsoeing, this can lead to loseing on purpose to gain more reqs for anyones new alt they want in gsf,


3) it takes no time at all to get ships maxed, im running 7 chars (2rep / 5 emp) in space pvp only and of them 7 theres 5 that either have 1 or more maxed ships or close to maxed. i on average play 2 times a week.


the balence of space pvp is almost bang on, its all down to skill, i rarely ever finish out the top 3 of any match with a fully modiefied ship or a none modified ship.


as for the wicked premades everyone hates, and i talk as a pug player, if your team plays as 8 single players disreguard instructions theres not a damn thing bioware can do to help you. i see regulars on my team sometimes drop them whispers and team up,


Also the new commers, try helping them, i ask every match any new commers and ill drop them some help after match to learn from what they done.


this is not a bioware i9ssue, majority of these issues have been around in most forms of pvp and alot of it comes down to player skill and player commonsence.

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i am so tired of threads like these,


1) having 2-3 ships DOES NOT mean that person is a noob when it actually might still be fully modified ships he has, i have a char with 3 ships but its fully maxed almost.


2) more reqs becuase u lose? hell no, why should loseing be rewarded further, we all had to put the time and losses in. im a empire player on red eclipse and we lose alot of matches also but i wouldnt expect bigger reward for lsoeing, this can lead to loseing on purpose to gain more reqs for anyones new alt they want in gsf,


3) it takes no time at all to get ships maxed, im running 7 chars (2rep / 5 emp) in space pvp only and of them 7 theres 5 that either have 1 or more maxed ships or close to maxed. i on average play 2 times a week.


the balence of space pvp is almost bang on, its all down to skill, i rarely ever finish out the top 3 of any match with a fully modiefied ship or a none modified ship.


as for the wicked premades everyone hates, and i talk as a pug player, if your team plays as 8 single players disreguard instructions theres not a damn thing bioware can do to help you. i see regulars on my team sometimes drop them whispers and team up,


Also the new commers, try helping them, i ask every match any new commers and ill drop them some help after match to learn from what they done.


this is not a bioware i9ssue, majority of these issues have been around in most forms of pvp and alot of it comes down to player skill and player commonsence.


First of all I am not suggesting more requisition for losers. I am suggesting more requisition for underdogs that launch and stick out a match at a severe disadvantage with no hope of victory which needs to happen so they can catch up and bring more factional balance to GSF. There are hardly enough players participating in GSF right now because so many have been disillusioned because there faction rarely ever wins.


Secondly your whole post sounds like "Shhhhhhhhh I am exploiting noobs here don't blow the lid off it I have a good thing going!" Don't be selfish!


As far as you being sick and tired of posts like this... good, give into your emotion and let the dark side consume you.


Look I am trying to get something done here to save GSF are you going to help me?


Are you going to come up with some ideas of your own?


Are you going to improve upon some one else's idea?


Or are you the problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...
They've got to fix the matchmaking or at least give some sort of bolstering effect. It seemed to be working ok last night but I've just played two matches where it was entirely 5 ship veterans on the Republic side vs 2/3 ship rookies on the Imperial side. Both matches ended 50-0.
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They've got to fix the matchmaking or at least give some sort of bolstering effect. It seemed to be working ok last night but I've just played two matches where it was entirely 5 ship veterans on the Republic side vs 2/3 ship rookies on the Imperial side. Both matches ended 50-0.


Sing it loud and often brother man. The only way to get it balanced is for people like you and me to get enough talk about it going to make them listen. And the people that farm you will also try to shut you down talking about it because they don't want us to mess up there good thing they have going.

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