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Disable PVP Flag option in Preferences


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Allow us to disable the PVP flag via preferences, so we don't have to worry about it being activated when we use area effect attacks (or when our companions do).


Edit- repeated from further in

Edit - Has been revised since

Here is a brief summary of the various responses I've gotten.


  1. The PVP flag should still work in Warzones and PVP area's, but reset when you leave if the PVP flag is disabled in Preferences.
  2. The ability to disable or enable the PVP flag in preferences should be time limited (ie once a day).
  3. If the PVP flag is disabled, you shouldn't be able to attack or heal anyone, but you can still heal and interact if in a group and in an instanced area, so social aspects aren't affected.
  4. As an alternative to point 3, in you disable the PVP flag you can't heal anyone in combat with the PVP flag toggled on.
  5. If the PVP flag is disabled you can't interact with flagged players, and they can't interact with you.
  6. Set up single faction instances on each planet, so it doesn't matter if you are flagged, since the enemy can't see you.


Please let me know if you have any other idea's or disagree with any given.

Some of these bits of feedback are mutually exclusive, but they embody the same idea (an opt out option), so rather than trying to form a compromise I'm listing them, the devs will know which are doable, and as long as we can choose most of us will be happy.

Hopefully the Devs will consider this.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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^^^ what Soul_of_Flames just said.


I just made a reply to another topic in general discussion about undesired PvP flagging. Repeating the suggested solution here in suggestions:


Using a skill/ability, whether it be AoE or not, should never flag anyone, period. If you're not flagged, your skills should never affect anyone who -is- flagged, be it for the good (healing) or ill (damage), regardless of faction. So an unflagged healer's heal should not work on a flagged teammate, and not flag the healer. AoE damage set off by an unflagged player should not damage any players at all, flagged or not, and again, the user of said AoE would not be flagged.


This solves every instance of undesired flagging and insures that any PvP is intentional and consensual. The only way you get flagged is by specifically switching the flag on manually, or entering a PvP-designated zone.

Edited by Ayradyss
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I only think AOEs shouldn't flag you. But you should be able to flag yourself by directly single-targeting an enemy player or healing a friendly PC/NPC who is currently engaged with an enemy player. Also reviving a flagged player shouldn't flag you. Likewise, healing a flagged player shouldn't flag you either unless they are, at the time of your healing, engaged with an enemy player.


The reason I say this is because in situations where you do actually want to start open pvp with someone, you should be able to do it just by attacking them. There are cases were one flagged person in my group will be attacked and I'd want to help defend that person. But if I have to waste time toggling my pvp flag, my group mate will likely have already been defeated by the time I'm ready to enter combat.

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I think a person should have to manually toggle their flag on or off. When questing in a dual faction area, targeting can screw you. I tab target usually, and I imagine many others do too. The way it is now, if you tab and there just happens to be an opposing faction member with their flag turned on and you force leap or use your ranged attack, you have just engaged in a pvp action. It shouldn't be this way. When the pvp flag is off, the opposing faction player should not be targeted unless you specifically click them, and then you should still not be able to engage in pvp unless your flag is turned on which you did by manually turning it on. It almost seems like the game crams pvp down people's throats not considering that some people just flat out don't want to do world pvp. Edited by Badovinatz
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i agree with Alex's idea more... i'd rather play on a PvE server without PvP zones at all, like i thought i'd be getting when i signed up for a PvE server... the ability to turn it off completely via options would give me just that, an ability to access everywhere the PvPers can go on a planet without the price of griefing and ganking, as though i were on a true PvE server and not some 90/10 hybrid server... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Or, just make it so that AoE attacks/heals can't affect other flagged players and therefore can't flag you.


They have already said they aren't going to do this, which is annoying, which is why I suggested an option to just disable the PVP flag. This way people who want to PVP can, and those of us who don't won't be forced to.

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Agreed. I stopped doing a few quests due to forced pvp flagging. If I wanted to flag and pvp, I'd be on a pvp server. I want the option to NOT flag. Biofail is so big on not hindering a person's gaming experience well, having to flag to complete a popular and fun quest for something I truly need or want is ruining mine. Edited by Darkwords
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Been wantng a no auto flag option since the game began, no excuse for a pve server to have such a griefer friendy system. And aoe is not the only problem, there is a much more simple method for griefers to exploit and there is no avoiding it if they know it.
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I only think AOEs shouldn't flag you. But you should be able to flag yourself by directly single-targeting an enemy player or healing a friendly PC/NPC who is currently engaged with an enemy player. Also reviving a flagged player shouldn't flag you. Likewise, healing a flagged player shouldn't flag you either unless they are, at the time of your healing, engaged with an enemy player.


The reason I say this is because in situations where you do actually want to start open pvp with someone, you should be able to do it just by attacking them. There are cases were one flagged person in my group will be attacked and I'd want to help defend that person. But if I have to waste time toggling my pvp flag, my group mate will likely have already been defeated by the time I'm ready to enter combat.


There needs to be a complete OPT OUT of PvP when NOT in Warzones or PvP areas. What these FLAGGED players do is stand in the middle of mobs an unflagged player is fighting and hope for Companion or accidental TAB-TARGET-ATTACK.


The solution is to NOT permit unflagged players to become flagged without CONFIRMING (opting in) for PvP.

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There needs to be a complete OPT OUT of PvP when NOT in Warzones or PvP areas. What these FLAGGED players do is stand in the middle of mobs an unflagged player is fighting and hope for Companion or accidental TAB-TARGET-ATTACK.


The solution is to NOT permit unflagged players to become flagged without CONFIRMING (opting in) for PvP.

I support this idea. I'm on a PVE server, and I only PVE. I've been ganked on planets by AOE, and companion, exploits. I was not flagged for PvP until the exploits. I've been on World Boss PuGs, and gotten flagged for PvP after joining the group, and buffing, because a player flagged for PvP joined the group. I'd love to have a system where I'd get a confirmation asking whether or not I want to opt-in for PvP.

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I very much support this. I don't care how it's achieved so long as it's done.


I settled in a PVE server for one reason: I have ZERO interest in pvping in any way shape or form. I expect that when you roll on a PVE designated server the only pvp will be in the warzones you have to queue up for.


No one should be forced to pvp on a pve server. After all if you're going to go thru the trouble of designating server types, then as a company you should at least live up to that promise or people are going to be frustrated, angry and disappointed...things you don't want people to feel if you want them to spend their money on your game.


If people want open world pvp so much, let them go play on a pvp server. That has no business on a pve server.

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There needs to be a complete OPT OUT of PvP when NOT in Warzones or PvP areas.


Yes, this is the idea, you opt out via the preferences, and never have to worry again.


Edit- Just agreeing with people so you know I haven't abandoned thread.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Or, just make it so that AoE attacks/heals can't affect other flagged players and therefore can't flag you.

or in this case:

Allow us to disable the PVP flag via preferences, so we don't have to worry about it being activated when we use area effect attacks (or when our companions do).
let it be so what you couldn't turn it back for a week or even a month to prevent exploiting this option
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Allow us to disable the PVP flag via preferences, so we don't have to worry about it being activated when we use area effect attacks (or when our companions do).


I agree. It should ALSO, for symmetry, prevent heals on a flagged Friendly player without turning the PVP flag on.

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let it be so what you couldn't turn it back for a week or even a month to prevent exploiting this option

Fair enough, although once a day should be enough to prevent exploitation of it.

I agree. It should ALSO, for symmetry, prevent heals on a flagged Friendly player without turning the PVP flag on.

With the obvious exception of being in a group, otherwise Heroics and flashpoints would become impossible.


Thanks, Alex. I hope they implement it.


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I really hope they implement such a setting as proposed by Alex. I'm on a PVE server because I don't want to PVP -- so why is it I am often tricked / forced into PVP, on a PVE server? Bioware should really implement this and make their PVE servers real PVE servers!

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An opt-out option is sorely needed.


The option should prevent the character or their companion from affecting any flagged player (hostile or friendly) until the character's player disables it. The only time it should automatically be disabled is when that character enters a PvP zone (OW, WZ, Arena) and then reset to the player's preference when they leave the area.

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I support this, because whatever you have now is not working. I will continue to report anyone who tries to force me to flag, whether it works or not, and whether I kill them for it or not. Not only does the current system allow for abominable behavior, it also strongly reinforces a culture of victim-blaming that is completely inappropriate. It is NOT my fault for being flagged - I did not flag myself. Being subjected to an exploit is NOT MY FAULT, but the game and some of the people playing it make it seem that it is. It is NOT. Please change this.
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This is a great idea! :)


If you group with people that PvP, and want to be able to heal them or quickly help them in case of attack, you leave on the option to auto-flag yourself by using abilities.


But if you simply do not wish to engage in PvP for any reason, there should be a check box that lets you disable auto-flagging caused by abilities. Attempting to, say, heal a flagged player would then result in some sort of error message telling you that you have to manually flag yourself for PvP before you can do that.

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An opt-out option is sorely needed.


The option should prevent the character or their companion from affecting any flagged player (hostile or friendly) until the character's player disables it. The only time it should automatically be disabled is when that character enters a PvP zone (OW, WZ, Arena) and then reset to the player's preference when they leave the area.

To ensure that people don't exploit the option by entering a WZ, attacking, leaving when they are ready to die, healing, and then coming back; they may need to change that one aspect.


For the rest, I fully agree.

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