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Please make datacrons legacy bound!!


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The worst part of rolling alts to me is going through and recollecting datacrons. I see no reason why you should have to do that over and over and over again. I myself would probably have 2 or 3 more alts if they were legacy bound. Please consider it and make it happen Bioware!
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The worst part of rolling alts to me is going through and recollecting datacrons. I see no reason why you should have to do that over and over and over again. I myself would probably have 2 or 3 more alts if they were legacy bound. Please consider it and make it happen Bioware!


If you want the stat bonuses on all your characters, then there is way you can have them on all your characters. It's called stop being lazy and find the datacrons on all your characters and EARN those bonuses.

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I work and run Operations about four nights out of my week. Have three nights where I am committed outside of the game. And spend family time on Saturday and Sunday afternoon while teaching Sunday School on Sunday morning after Church. And work out an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening so that I don't become a big ol' blob sitting enjoying a game. I doubt asking this has anything to do with my being lazy or anyone else's. And doing all of those on a dozen characters would not be fun. And playing the game is suppose to be fun not a job.:rak_03:
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I work and run Operations about four nights out of my week. Have three nights where I am committed outside of the game. And spend family time on Saturday and Sunday afternoon while teaching Sunday School on Sunday morning after Church. And work out an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening so that I don't become a big ol' blob sitting enjoying a game. I doubt asking this has anything to do with my being lazy or anyone else's. And doing all of those on a dozen characters would not be fun. And playing the game is suppose to be fun not a job.:rak_03:


I have limited play time as well.


The datacron bonuses though are meant to be PER CHARACTER. Work done on ONE character should not be REWARDED for ALL characters.


Should the player who gets a piece of gear in an OPS run on ONE character get an equivalent piece of gear for every one of his characters, present and future? After all, he already did it once, why make him go through all the time and effort on every character? He might even work and have commitments outside of the game three nights a week, spend family time on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, teach Sunday School after church on Sunday mornings, work out an hour in the morning and an hour in the evenings. This might have nothing to do with his laziness or trying to get something without putting forth the effort.


Should the player who gets a piece of PVP gear with ONE character get an equivalent piece of PVP gear for every one of his characters, present and future? After all, he already did it once, why make him go through all the time and effort on every character? He might even work and have commitments outside of the game three nights a week, spend family time on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, teach Sunday School after church on Sunday mornings, work out an hour in the morning and an hour in the evenings. This might have nothing to do with his laziness or trying to get something without putting forth the effort.



Should the player who leveled ONE character to max level and obtained BIS gear and got all his companions to max affection and all companion unlocks be able to create max level characters with BIS gear, all companion unlocks and all companions at max affection? After all, he already did it once, why make him go through all the time and effort on every character? He might even work and have commitments outside of the game three nights a week, spend family time on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, teach Sunday School after church on Sunday mornings, work out an hour in the morning and an hour in the evenings. This might have nothing to do with his laziness or trying to get something without putting forth the effort.

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I may agree with you in part on the Datachrons as you don't have to get all of them for the stat bonuses only the ones you need for that particular characters increase in stats. However, most of my OP's toons don'ts have them and it doesn't really hurt them in anyway. Their torparse numbers in dps, hps or threat on my tank are all excellent. So I can I it isn't necessary to go through all the trouble to get them. If you want the Datachron Master title you'll need to get them all. Since the Lore Objects don't add anything to the character I'm still going to say getting them on one toon is good enough. I like the Lore personally. Again... something you really have to have in the game for it to be enjoyable? No. Especially if you read EU Novels you really don't.
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I may agree with you in part on the Datachrons as you don't have to get all of them for the stat bonuses only the ones you need for that particular characters increase in stats. However, most of my OP's toons don'ts have them and it doesn't really hurt them in anyway. Their torparse numbers in dps, hps or threat on my tank are all excellent. So I can I it isn't necessary to go through all the trouble to get them. If you want the Datachron Master title you'll need to get them all. Since the Lore Objects don't add anything to the character I'm still going to say getting them on one toon is good enough. I like the Lore personally. Again... something you really have to have in the game for it to be enjoyable? No. Especially if you read EU Novels you really don't.


If I was not clear, I do support legacy codex entries for the datarcons and even lore objects.


I just think the datacron stat bonuses should have to be earned per character.

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Oh yeah the stat bonuses if you choose to do them are per character. Not all the datachrons help a particular class. So unless you really have to have that title on particular toons you really only have to get the datachrons specific to the class. So it's not really all that bad.


The lore objects are just things you read. So if someone is interested in getting all of them and reading them just get them on one toon. It should show up though for all toons in the legacy since its just something you read.


If you don't get 'any' datachrons I'd suggest getting the plus 10 all stats on the fleet. That one is worth it.

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If I was not clear, I do support legacy codex entries for the datarcons and even lore objects.


I just think the datacron stat bonuses should have to be earned per character.


Why do you support that? Why should you be allowed to read the entries on a character who didn't earn them? You didn't get the achievement on that char so it shouldn't show up in your codex.

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Why do you support that? Why should you be allowed to read the entries on a character who didn't earn them? You didn't get the achievement on that char so it shouldn't show up in your codex.


Think logically:


I can read a codex entry and then tell my friends and family all about what I just read. I can even write it down on some parchment and pony express it to anyone I want and they can read all about it.


But once I "absorb" the stat bonuses, just like a stim, then it's inside *me* and only *me*. Think of it like a stim, when I resolve stim myself none of my other characters get the stim, right? That's why Legacy codex entries make sense but Legacy stat bonuses from a consumable item do not make sense and why he, and many others, support codex but not stats.

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Think logically:


I can read a codex entry and then tell my friends and family all about what I just read. I can even write it down on some parchment and pony express it to anyone I want and they can read all about it.


But once I "absorb" the stat bonuses, just like a stim, then it's inside *me* and only *me*. Think of it like a stim, when I resolve stim myself none of my other characters get the stim, right? That's why Legacy codex entries make sense but Legacy stat bonuses from a consumable item do not make sense and why he, and many others, support codex but not stats.


Ok, but maybe make some of the Datacrons easier to get, like the Tattooine ballon datacrons, they are just a real pain, and don't involve any real skill. Once is more than enough for these ones.

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It is an interesting idea and I really don't have an opinion either way.


With a few exceptions, it doesn't take long to get the various datacrons. Once you know where they are you can easily collect them on a new character as you quest on the various planets (or, as I often do, as a final task before leaving for the next planet). Even the ones that do take a little longer due to waiting for insert-floating-transport-here, aren't that much of a deal (unless you fall off said transport ;)).


On the other hand, once you have unlocked all the datacrons and gained the title, it would be interesting if you could unlock the bonuses you get from the datacrons on other toons. Something like a Legacy "Character Unlock" that costs a hefty amount (1 million credits?), requires that you have the title and a high Legacy level (tempted to suggest, level 50 (the max level)). That way, the option to unlock it would be there for those that want it and the requirements would (should?) be enough to ease even Ratajack's desire that you "earn it" ;).

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Has anyone added up the stat bonuses for each class? And what are the totals? I just curious if they make any 'real' difference for someone like me running HM OP's. And I mean significant not just a minor increase in torparse numbers.
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i get your point sep


but have to change from republic to empire is a pain

so maybe to the answer is to debind faction only and make availible to both factions

but then youv still got the problem of the ones on faction only planets


so maybe just make faction only datacrons legacy save all that switch factions to read thru

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