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Please have some decency when it comes to Rakghoul Champion Mobs


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This thread has taught me a valuable lesson. From now on, i'll let someone else take the lead and the aggro that way all I have to do is hit the champion and get all the reward for their effort. This tactic will earn me so many new friends and colorful compliments. I can't wait to see it in action. Edited by Nickious
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What if the invite isn't accepted?


Not that I don't agree with you that it's bad design to make players compete over resources, mind you. Personally, I think missions should stay as close to 100% instanced as possible.


This, exactly. The Devs have designed the game for mobs and objectives to be a free-for-all. No one is "entitled" to anything. I agree that a design change would be nice, but for now all we have is debate on the forums to perhaps let them see the error of their ways. Until then there is really no use in getting mad about it because you are only hurting yourself.

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Why are you trying to force people to be social when they may not want to? Why should I group up with some random person I'll never see again, when i can get my item or tag and move on?


Maybe to not be a giant douche? Do unto others and all that good stuff.


What if the invite isn't accepted?


Not that I don't agree with you that it's bad design to make players compete over resources, mind you. Personally, I think missions should stay as close to 100% instanced as possible.


What would seem fair to you there? Whisper them, offer to help, throw the invite. If they don't accept, game on?


This thread has taught me a valuable lesson. From now on, i'll let someone else take the lead and the aggro that way all I have to do is hit the champion and get all the reward for their effort. This tactic will earn me so many new friends and colorful compliments. I can't wait to see it in action.


This works much better as a stealth class, apparently. Just stealth in, tag the mob, done.

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Clue for you.. Its an MMO. MMO's are about grouping and being social. Its not Christmas, this isn't Walmart.


Please point to me in the rules where I am forced to be social because it's an MMO, go on I'll wait.


Here's a clue for you, stop trying to force people to be social if they don't wish to.

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Maybe to not be a giant douche? Do unto others and all that good stuff.




What would seem fair to you there? Whisper them, offer to help, throw the invite. If they don't accept, game on?




This works much better as a stealth class, apparently. Just stealth in, tag the mob, done.


It's not being a giant douche, it's called being a efficient gamer. Maybe you'll stop being so upset at people "stealing" stuff you actually have no claim to, lol.

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What would seem fair to you there? Whisper them, offer to help, throw the invite. If they don't accept, game on?


Well, I can't speak for what's "best", but speaking as someone who plays Stealth classes pretty much exclusively these days, that's more or less what I do usually when I am in a situation like what's being described here. I sometimes start with the invite, though (plus a few jumps in the player's face so they'll hopefully realize I'm standing right there), if it looks like the other player is trying to "beat me" to an objective anyway. Likewise if I'm already engaged and I see someone else walk up. If they don't want to join me, their loss.


Then again, outside of the first couple planets and endgame Dailies, I also make an effort to ignore the majority of missions that don't utilize instances or phase tech anyway, unless I 'm particularly enamored with the rewards.

Edited by JLazarillo
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Sorry, If you don't tag it, you don't bag it. Snooze you lose. Open world Mobs and Items are fair game to everyone.


It's dog eat dog.


First come, first serve.


I'll never understand these entitled people who think they own something because they're near it in MMO's.


So according to you, if you're not a stealth class you're basically ****ed then. There isn't enough room in the area I had it appear to sneak around the mob, and fighting the Gold mob that spawns AND the Champion mob at the same time isn't something I can do. So then I tag it, die, and the other person just walks in and takes the now free mob anyway.


So it's Lose Lose for me no matter what by your logic, the only time I get to Win is when there isn't some smuck around.



On the subject of stealthers, that's a fair point, but also realise stealthers are revealed when you get close enough to them. In the range of the Champion mob/s even fighting the nearby mobs is close enough to reveal stealthers going past, and while poor form they got there first (if a stealthier goes past mobs I'm about to fight and goes right to the Champion, then good for them they get the boss).



However in both my instances I was already right next the Champion and literally seconds/less than seconds away from engaging, simply because I was readying an ability or in the latter case healing back to full health since I had to fight all the mobs in the way to get to it. Both times someone who hadn't been around until literally that second walks up, spams their fastest ability and hits the boss half a second before I do, completely locking me from all the loot.



There's no excuse for that except they themselves were too damn lazy to risk themselves fighting the mobs and saw someone else do it so walk on through as they're about to engage. That's just being an ***, especially in the case of the Catalyst mob.

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Please point to me in the rules where I am forced to be social because it's an MMO, go on I'll wait.


Here's a clue for you, stop trying to force people to be social if they don't wish to.


Well, "social" does mean different things to different people anyway. I find actually having to play with other people and deal with resource competition to be pretty peevish a lot of the time, but if I'm on a planet and there's an actual discussion going on in General chat that isn't, say, about politics, I am usually participating, and I love answering newbie questions when I'm futzing around on the fleet.

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So according to you, if you're not a stealth class you're basically ****ed then. There isn't enough room in the area I had it appear to sneak around the mob, and fighting the Gold mob that spawns AND the Champion mob at the same time isn't something I can do. So then I tag it, die, and the other person just walks in and takes the now free mob anyway.


So it's Lose Lose for me no matter what by your logic, the only time I get to Win is when there isn't some smuck around.



On the subject of stealthers, that's a fair point, but also realise stealthers are revealed when you get close enough to them. In the range of the Champion mob/s even fighting the nearby mobs is close enough to reveal stealthers going past, and while poor form they got there first (if a stealthier goes past mobs I'm about to fight and goes right to the Champion, then good for them they get the boss).



However in both my instances I was already right next the Champion and literally seconds/less than seconds away from engaging, simply because I was readying an ability or in the latter case healing back to full health since I had to fight all the mobs in the way to get to it. Both times someone who hadn't been around until literally that second walks up, spams their fastest ability and hits the boss half a second before I do, completely locking me from all the loot.



There's no excuse for that except they themselves were too damn lazy to risk themselves fighting the mobs and saw someone else do it so walk on through as they're about to engage. That's just being an ***, especially in the case of the Catalyst mob.


No one to blame but yourself. Sorry, but that's life in video games, especially MMO's.

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Well, "social" does mean different things to different people anyway. I find actually having to play with other people and deal with resource competition to be pretty peevish a lot of the time, but if I'm on a planet and there's an actual discussion going on in General chat that isn't, say, about politics, I am usually participating, and I love answering newbie questions when I'm futzing around on the fleet.


I have no problem joining in discussions in General Chat, but I prefer to quest alone, since I can get them done at the speed I want.

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No one to blame but yourself. Sorry, but that's life in video games, especially MMO's.


Then what exactly is your suggestion, then? Just don't even bother? "If I turn up you're ****ed"? Should've only played a stealth class so you can mess with other players?


Come on, something constructive instead of "LOL sucks to be you"

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It's not being a giant douche, it's called being a efficient gamer. Maybe you'll stop being so upset at people "stealing" stuff you actually have no claim to, lol.


No, I'm pretty sure that in your case and many others in this thread, it's being a giant douche specifically because nobody can pop you for it.


If you wouldn't do the same thing face-to-face, then it's giant douche-dom.


Would you jump to the front of the line at the DMV? How about at a roller coaster park? McDonald's?


If you saw someone was working really hard at removing a cap from a bottle of beer, would you grab it, twist the cap off, and drink it?

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No, I'm pretty sure that in your case and many others in this thread, it's being a giant douche specifically because nobody can pop you for it.


If you wouldn't do the same thing face-to-face, then it's giant douche-dom.


Would you jump to the front of the line at the DMV? How about at a roller coaster park? McDonald's?


If you saw someone was working really hard at removing a cap from a bottle of beer, would you grab it, twist the cap off, and drink it?


None of those examples are applicable in the game...


There are no lines in this game. Do you wait behind people at the GTN or at one of the vendors before right clicking on them to do business? Do you see how silly your examples are?


This is just a game. This isn't real life. I'd suggest you stop treating it as such. Honestly are you really going to be butthurt because someone took your space pony before you could in a online video game?



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So for example if I set out to do the CZ daily quests, and I happen to see someone run down the hallway before me, would the appropriate and morally just thing be to just wait there until I see them run back out so I don't accidentally grab any mobs they may have wanted? Or perhaps just stand at the top of the stairs until they use the elevator, but how would I know when morally it would be ok for me to use the elevator myself? What if they use quick travel out? Just curious what the morally right thing to do there is.
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Then what exactly is your suggestion, then? Just don't even bother? "If I turn up you're ****ed"? Should've only played a stealth class so you can mess with other players?


Come on, something constructive instead of "LOL sucks to be you"


If you want to be successful at questing and avoid being hassled by people, you'll learn to tag and click first. Otherwise, no one to blame but yourself for not being quick enough.


Again, dog eat dog.

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So for example if I set out to do the CZ daily quests, and I happen to see someone run down the hallway before me, would the appropriate and morally just thing be to just wait there until I see them run back out so I don't accidentally grab any mobs they may have wanted? Or perhaps just stand at the top of the stairs until they use the elevator, but how would I know when morally it would be ok for me to use the elevator myself? What if they use quick travel out? Just curious what the morally right thing to do there is.


According to these people, you'd have to wait there the entire time until you get the all clear from the other player to continue questing when instead you could just go on ahead and grab what you could and not worry about what other people are doing.

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So for example if I set out to do the CZ daily quests, and I happen to see someone run down the hallway before me, would the appropriate and morally just thing be to just wait there until I see them run back out so I don't accidentally grab any mobs they may have wanted? Or perhaps just stand at the top of the stairs until they use the elevator, but how would I know when morally it would be ok for me to use the elevator myself? What if they use quick travel out? Just curious what the morally right thing to do there is.


Make a shrine to Malgus, burn some incense and bang a gong 5 times and pray to Revan for guidance.

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None of those examples are applicable in the game...


There are no lines in this game. Do you wait behind people at the GTN or at one of the vendors before right clicking on them to do business? Do you see how silly your examples are?


This is just a game. This isn't real life. I'd suggest you stop treating it as such. Honestly are you really going to be butthurt because someone took your space pony before you could in a online video game?




That's exactly my point though. It's a game. You hide safely and securely behind your computer screen. Nobody knows who you are. You don't have to look anyone in the eye when you take the antisocial action. You also don't have to worry about the victims of that antisocial action retaliating in any meaningful way, say setting you to the back of the line, throwing you out on your ear, or bloodying your nose.


That is the line of thought of a weak, frightened, self-righteous snot-nosed douche nozzle.


Nice job of showing that side of yourself.

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So for example if I set out to do the CZ daily quests, and I happen to see someone run down the hallway before me, would the appropriate and morally just thing be to just wait there until I see them run back out so I don't accidentally grab any mobs they may have wanted? Or perhaps just stand at the top of the stairs until they use the elevator, but how would I know when morally it would be ok for me to use the elevator myself? What if they use quick travel out? Just curious what the morally right thing to do there is.


Not morally - decently. Please read the title


;) j/k

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That's exactly my point though. It's a game. You hide safely and securely behind your computer screen. Nobody knows who you are. You don't have to look anyone in the eye when you take the antisocial action. You also don't have to worry about the victims of that antisocial action retaliating in any meaningful way, say setting you to the back of the line, throwing you out on your ear, or bloodying your nose.


That is the line of thought of a weak, frightened, self-righteous snot-nosed douche nozzle.


Nice job of showing that side of yourself.


Just like you're doing right now? I mean arn't you sitting behind a computer screen right now throwing insults at me because you know no one is going to do anything to you.


Your hypocrasy is hilarious. Please continue, this is just priceless.

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That's exactly my point though. It's a game. You hide safely and securely behind your computer screen. Nobody knows who you are. You don't have to look anyone in the eye when you take the antisocial action. You also don't have to worry about the victims of that antisocial action retaliating in any meaningful way, say setting you to the back of the line, throwing you out on your ear, or bloodying your nose.


That is the line of thought of a weak, frightened, self-righteous snot-nosed douche nozzle.


Nice job of showing that side of yourself.


The bigness of one's e-peen is directly proportionate to it's real life counter part's smallness.


The amount of douchebaggery one inflicts on other on a computer game is directly proportionate to the amount of douchebaggery one takes in real life.


lol at computer game alpha males.


also, OP, an online game is not a place to look for comprehension, common sense, or even general niceness.

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Just like you're doing right now? I mean arn't you sitting behind a computer screen right now throwing insults at me because you know no one is going to do anything to you.


Your hypocrasy is hilarious. Please continue, this is just priceless.


The insults are embedded within your own posts. I'm just running a highlighter over them..

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The bigness of one's e-peen is directly proportionate to it's real life counter part's smallness.


The amount of douchebaggery one inflicts on other on a computer game is directly proportionate to the amount of douchebaggery one takes in real life.


lol at computer game alpha males.


also, OP, an online game is not a place to look for comprehension, common sense, or even general niceness.


General Niceness? Isn't he a subordinate General to Garza? I haven't completed the trooper storyline, so I'm not sure.

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You know, I did get hit with a bit of irony, though. My latest alt is almost to Alderaan, and I thought to myself "man, it sure will be nice to have Alderaan instances filled with people all doing the event, because it will mean fewer people per instance doing the story missions, and thus, I'll be more free to do all the regular content there without having to worry about other players".
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