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BioWare, time to hear it from the subs...


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This is partially a rally for the community of SWToR as well as a wakeup call for BW..


Honestly these last 2 weeks of pure and simple un enjoyable gaming due to glitches disconnects and plain alpha grade coding have by this point has definitely made me reconsider my subscription for next time its up..


And honestly I really think others should as well at this point in time, this community needs to stand up and say enough is enough, fix what's been broken since day one and get your **** together already. Take a break from making packs and focus on the damn players and issues that are still in the game and been there for quite some time now.


As a comparison, we're buying their service to play (yes Bioware owns your characters, not you), now if you had any other service you pay money for wouldn't you like to see it improve the quality over time or at least give you a satisfying return to what you pay? Of course you would!


I've spoken to plenty of people and most of them are sick and tired of the poor management of the game.

By management I don't mean the cartel market, seeing that is what they make sure works first if anything faults.

No, I refer to their debugging staff.. do you even have one anymore? one sure start to wonder.. and if you do you may want to give them a shock collar and get them working on something that actually makes this game better not worse. You can put as much content in as you want but if the core is rotten you sure wont make a good apple...


And your PvP developer team.. do they even lift? I seriously laughed at one live feed you guys had. It made it blatantly obvious you have no idea on what goes on in your live servers or in pvp. As for your balancing for both PvP and PvE I admit its a challenge but if you'd listen to your players more or even maybe PLAY the game (god forbid) you might figure out a few things..


F2P or preferred status is a joke as well, and only reason I paid for the sub was to enjoy the freedom it gives. But at the same time I'm sure a lot of f2p and preferred players wont come back once they move else were to better maintained games.


Now SWToR has huge potential but you are really missing the big parts of what good mmorpg has..

A development team that actually listens to the community and acts in THEIR favor not a PROFIT margin.

Thank you EA for ruining a good game.

Disney were are you when we need you??



Annoyed subscriber

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It seems from your post that you are incredibly frustrated at the game's management and to a degree I agree that have been slack. However, I will say that I believe that have made progress in the right direction especially since Eric took over as community head. We have seen more communication then we have ever have and at least to me makes the game's future a bit more bright.


I would also like to say that you as a sub are entitled to feel you are not getting your monies worth, but rather than just point out the flaws of the game, how would you fix it? You said at the end of the your post that you want a team that cares and I actually think this team does care they just need to continue. Also I would like to point that I feel you should be wary of using the terminology community. To me that can infer that you are speaking for everyone and that is not exactly the best way of getting a message across. Players will have always have different views on the game some will like it and accept it the way it is, some will want it better and make suggestions to improve it, and others will simply hate on the game. I myself enjoy the game for what it is. I know it is not perfect and has its issues but I still find enjoyment in it and that is enough for me. That does not mean I will not point out flaws when it is needed but for the most part I am happy.


I do not think you fall in the 3rd category, I believe you do like the game and wish it to succeed so therefore I am asking you how would you fix it? What changes would you bring? I say this with no disrespect.

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@OP :ph_disagree:

My game has been working fine.

I would like to rally around your second point but,I am not sure what broken things you are referring to.

Universally telling them to gyst is pretty unfair, as many think that they have been adhering their fecal matter much better recently. Also the entire development team does not sit around and design cartel packs (I know you don't really think that, right?).


As for the rest,

you kind of start trailing off in a sort of vague hyperbolic rant, full of assumptions and finger wagging.

and then you plea for help from Disney? :rak_02::rak_confused::sul_confused::i_confused:

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A lot of the lagging everyone seems to be suffering through, myself included, has been proven by many many many people that 90% of the lag problem is not BW's fault. The truth is our network infrastructure world wide is one big traffic jam now.


For instance, how many people have smart phones? How many of those same people also have the internet on a home pc? How many of those same people compete with EVERYONE else for streaming data?


Now i'm no tech expert or anything, but i know that when I try to run water from ten six-inch water mains into a SINGLE one-inch mains i'm gonna get some overflow somewhere. Am i just going to get a leak or is my system gonna explode somewhere?


Analogies aside, don't put ALL of the blame on DC's and lag on bw and SWTOR. Millions of people and hundreds of ISP's all tried to get their foot in the door with cheap service. OH your isp doesn't charge an installation fee for anyone, and it doesn't require a contract? Chances are you got a shoddy 3rd rate ISP who leases the line you use and has no real power to fix any lag or latency's you are seeing.


Again put blame where it is due, Bugs and Glitches, that's BW/SWTOR's fault.

Lag and DC's, that's mostly your ISP's fault.


Blame the country you live in and those countries you are connected to for having crappy infrastructure.


Oh and btw, i live in Kansas, we have really crappy net here. Point your finger where it belongs.

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  • Helllo,
    i have just returned (and sub again) from a long break. By break i mean i played for the first few weeks then left, as i was into another well known Star wars MMO (which i miss terribly :( ). I have been back for about 1week and im loving the game atm. I have only experienced lag once, this morning but i put it down to my side not BW. Im sure i ll get more, do i care about it yes and no. it will spoil a small amount of play time then ill forget all about it. "move along nothing to see."
    im loving the game in general, still getting used to it and ill stick around for quite awhile i think!

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