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Gunships Are Cowards, Retreat to Command Ship


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We've all seen it, a gunship starts taking fire, they retreat to the safety of the command ship for their team which enemy players can't follow or they'll get torn apart by the ship's guns because they're cowards who don't know how to actually fly a scout or a strike fighter and dogfight like actual skilled players.


The solution? Cause retreating the the command ship to count as a suicide as if they'd self-destructed by running into something, or boot them from the game entirely. Plain and simple.

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We've all seen it, a gunship starts taking fire, they retreat to the safety of the command ship for their team which enemy players can't follow or they'll get torn apart by the ship's guns because they're cowards who don't know how to actually fly a scout or a strike fighter and dogfight like actual skilled players.


The solution? Cause retreating the the command ship to count as a suicide as if they'd self-destructed by running into something, or boot them from the game entirely. Plain and simple.

The solution is have one player keep them pinned there and let the rest of your team proceed to 3 cap them.

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We've all seen it, a gunship starts taking fire, they retreat to the safety of the command ship for their team which enemy players can't follow or they'll get torn apart by the ship's guns because they're cowards who don't know how to actually fly a scout or a strike fighter and dogfight like actual skilled players.


The solution? Cause retreating the the command ship to count as a suicide as if they'd self-destructed by running into something, or boot them from the game entirely. Plain and simple.


You seems to have a pathologically hatred for an inanimate, intangible object. I'd suggest professional intervention, but I don't care that much.



Get Sniped.

Edited by NotThatOne
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ok first, thank you for the generalization that we are all cowards. Second, dude, they ran like cowards away from the node, as long as you don't chase them like a moron and run right into the capital ship turrets then it should be fine, its funny though seeing them run. Third, before I am accused, I don't do that, I just fly extremely close to asteroids to clear any baddies on my tail, you would be surprised how easy it is to make someone destroy themselves :D
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ok first, thank you for the generalization that we are all cowards. Second, dude, they ran like cowards away from the node, as long as you don't chase them like a moron and run right into the capital ship turrets then it should be fine, its funny though seeing them run. Third, before I am accused, I don't do that, I just fly extremely close to asteroids to clear any baddies on my tail, you would be surprised how easy it is to make someone destroy themselves :D


Firstly, you are a coward because it takes not even half the skill to sit still from far away and shoot at enemy ships like ducks at a carnival vs. chasing them down, outmaneuvering them and STILL lining up a kill shot. And if not it just means you suck with a scout or strike fighter. Second, I'm not stupid enough to follow them to the capital ship, I turn around when I realize I'm getting too close. Third, asteroids have nothing to do with this conversation, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to avoid a large chunk of rock if you know how to steer a ship and not overexert yourself to kill gunships that like to hide near them.

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Stop crying because you can't be the spawn camping internet bully you were dreaming of. The gunship retreating to cap ship is a good strategy, and often enemies fly into the turrets, then come here and blame the gunships or the devs for their foolishness. Get over it and play the game, not the one in your head.
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Firstly, you are a coward because it takes not even half the skill to sit still from far away and shoot at enemy ships like ducks at a carnival vs. chasing them down, outmaneuvering them and STILL lining up a kill shot. And if not it just means you suck with a scout or strike fighter. Second, I'm not stupid enough to follow them to the capital ship, I turn around when I realize I'm getting too close. Third, asteroids have nothing to do with this conversation, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to avoid a large chunk of rock if you know how to steer a ship and not overexert yourself to kill gunships that like to hide near them.


can't tell if you are trolling or not, but clearly what you want is nerf gunships and are disguising is as a "run to capital ship" thread. Also you are clearly a narcissist if you think SAYING that I am a coward means I actually am, considering I pilot all 3 type of ship, scouts I like to start off with to cap node early, I got the best engine upgrades and also good for hunting gunships. Second, I have a strike fighter I upgraded completely to both serve as to take out 3 turrets quickly using upgraded reverse thrusters to get back and start a new attack run each time and take out all the turrets while capping and also while having upgraded communication sensors to help my team out and missiles and upgraded laser cannons to take out other ships of all types out. So yeah, I am not a bad pilot of the other ships either. Also, you must be confused, gunships are NOT able to outmaneuver the other ship classes who have far superior engine capabilities and power unless of course the pilots screw up, which they do, I just fly at aseroids or into tight spaces quickly, take some sharp turns and hope that the person wipes, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, but hey, I am just good at piloting in between short spaces. Also, you think being a sitting duck within a 15000 meter range which is not as far as you think and can be closed in on in seconds while the glow of your railgun points out your position entirely is being a coward then fine, think whatever you want. And lastly, a gunship cannot "hide" at an asteroid, let me explain why. Gunships need line of sight to do their job, but that also means the other ships have a line of sight on the gunship too doesn't it? well explain how someone can "hide" while firing? And with the railgun glow that just makes the position even more obvious. In conclusion, you clearly have some preconceived notions about gunships, you clearly think anyone who plays them is skill less for playing them as they were designed, and anyone who does not agree with you is wrong in YOUR opinion, clearly.


And FYI, calling someone a coward just seems like a cheap excuse to attempt to justify losing to them.

Edited by Sangrar
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ahem... RAGE!.


Just wanted to let you know how I see the vast majority of your posts.

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I agree that it's sad that they can shoot you from 15k away compared to your 5k and when you get within about 8k they throw a reverse and run back to their capital ships with a big yellow stripe painted down the middle of their ship! About the only thing you can do is hope they aren't too aware and focus TOO much on the node and don't watch their flanks. Sometimes you can flank them and take them out. A halfway competent gunship though will see you and still follow the same strat.


I guess right now it's just part of the game. You can't really take away flying back to the capital ships though because technically EVERYONE can do that.


So again we are back to the flanking thing. Try and get a couple of you and flank from each side. But we all know nobody talks after the match actually starts! Except to complain that is. :(

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