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Too many abilities


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How about no. I like the number of abilities we have, it adds an element of unpredictability to fighting other players. You can never be too sure what the guy in front of you wants to do, hell most of the time you aren't even sure what you want to do next (in PvP. I don't do high-end PvE, so I have no clue).


I remember talking with a friend of mine who is a GW2 fanboy. He talks about how there's 10 abilities and how "tactical" it gets for them. I just laughed and mentioned how Focus spec (widely called the easiest and dumbest spec in the game) takes more abilities to play well than any GW2 toon. :cool:

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There are way too many similar abilities for each character.


Can we cut down on the ability spam?




Not an issue, choose abilities you need on your hot bar, put up two more quickbars, put abilities that are useful but not used all the time on these (like your buff, vehicle, and stun droids).


No class has too many abilities (I have played them all except shadow/assassin) you just need to learn how to manage them, even the sage doesn't have too many.

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I don't know. As long as we have the sort of interfaces we use now (as opposed to say kinetic movement interfaces), I'm not a fan of MMOs with dumbed-down rotations.


Everyone has different tastes interface-wise, personally I prefer the one ability per button technique, and dislike ones were the ability changes as I'm moving, but hey it would be boring if everyone was the same.

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There are way too many similar abilities for each character.


Can we cut down on the ability spam?






You by my guess haven't played FF14 or GW2? To me one reason I can't play these games anymore is cause of the "lack" of abilities! I love having all these abilities! It isnt just the same 4 button mash as the games I mentioned!


I completely look forward to more abilities being added as the lvl cap rises!

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The slight variance in skill abilities makes a big difference OP. You may have more than one skill that can interrupt for example, but how it is done can make or break a fight. It is very situational and one of the strengths of this game IMO. The combat in this game shines because of it.


TBH, I would suggest, and trying not to L2P you here OP, that you look at those abilities you think are similar and hardly use and start using them. Soon you will see the need and situations in which they become more than relevant.

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I actually find there's not enough abilities, games with limited quickbars like GW2 are dreadfully boring using the same 6 moves over and over and over..


Yeah GW2 combat is extremely boring , spend half the time rolling around avoiding attacks. I think the amount of abilities is just right. Of course i played a warlock in wow so i'm used to having alot of skills to use. My advice for everyone is to get a logitech G13 gamepad , been using it for a couple years. Makes gaming a hundred times easier.

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There are way too many similar abilities for each character.


Can we cut down on the ability spam?




So... don't use them all.


Problem solved.


This is how player choice works. ;)


The number and versatility of skills enables players to have much more control over how they choose to play then most MMOs to be honest. How many, and which ones you use is completely up to each player to decide. Again.... this is how player choice works.

Edited by Andryah
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op has to be a troll,noone can be this dumb...


Why is it that every thread with an opinion has to have some clown come in and say something stupid like this? It's obviously not a troll thread, it's a matter of preference.


If this is someone's first MMO it could seem like there are a ton of abilities. I thought it as well for a while, but I'm used to it now and don't mind it anymore. But more doesn't automatically mean better. I've played tons of Skyrim and that game couldn't be simpler in terms of combat.

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You by my guess haven't played FF14 or GW2? To me one reason I can't play these games anymore is cause of the "lack" of abilities! I love having all these abilities! It isnt just the same 4 button mash as the games I mentioned!


I completely look forward to more abilities being added as the lvl cap rises!


You by *my* guess haven't played GW1. I mean, you can only take eight skills on your skillbar at any given time. And while I understand the want and the need for more abilities in SWTOR, it is my opinion that the game should focus more on how those abilities work with one another.


The "builds" and abilities in SWTOR work within an AC on a rudimentary level. There is almost no synergy between abilities of other classes and the best we can hope for is that the slinger or the commando has the decency to fire off his armor debuff or that the sentinel uses his Inspiration. This synergy between classes is where SWTOR fails miserably compared to an ancient game such as GW1.

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Buy a Naga, or similar, and play warzones, PvP forces you to react faster.


Naga is nowhere near required for this game.


Simple X7 mouse with X7 keyboard is more than enough.


To the OP: ESO is coming out in April. I fyou wan't 5 abilities, change games in April and for now stop asking for dumbing down what is already an easy game.


Reminds me of what happened to LOTRO. People who couldn't cope with abilities were crying for so long and so much that Turbine finally cut more than half of abilities and made the game's difficulty lower than what you would expect in games for 7 years old :rolleyes:

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You by *my* guess haven't played GW1. I mean, you can only take eight skills on your skillbar at any given time. And while I understand the want and the need for more abilities in SWTOR, it is my opinion that the game should focus more on how those abilities work with one another.


The "builds" and abilities in SWTOR work within an AC on a rudimentary level. There is almost no synergy between abilities of other classes and the best we can hope for is that the slinger or the commando has the decency to fire off his armor debuff or that the sentinel uses his Inspiration. This synergy between classes is where SWTOR fails miserably compared to an ancient game such as GW1.


I get what you are saying, but I think the main idea is that no group (or individual) should be at a disadvantage because he lacks a companion of a said class. As for only having eight Abilities, it would drag the variation in fights down to nil, and there isn't much variation at the moment (I use five/six abilities in all fights on my marauder).


Give how this game is set up, the number of abilities is about right, if anything we need a few more on some classes.

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I have to agree with what a few others have said. We don't need more abilities, they need to add to the abilities we have so that our classes can work together better.


Class synergy needs to go up by quite a bit to add some complexity back into the game.

A sage/sorc drops their dps aoe, a tank uses an aoe taunt within the radius and it causes the taunt to also slam the enemy with a high damage attack along with the taunt effect.

Aoe heals go off and an aoe attack that is instant (not channeled) is used within it, and the attack gets a heal effect added to it so that whatever the damage of the attack at double the radius heal effect will heal any allies in said radius.

BH/Trooper using any channeled ability gets hit with a beneficial effect from someone else (heal, cleanse, buff, temp buff, etc) shares their gas canister effect with everyone in the group (NOT raid...group) for 15 sec or so.


Give direct attack skills a chance to place a specific (by skill) debuff on the target that can be consumed by other class' attacks to cause an additional effect. These debuffs will do nothing on their own and cannot be consumed by the class that places them.


These sort of synergies would help, add something to the game that is critically missing. The classes don't actually interact...outside of taunting/tanking/healing...there is almost no interaction at all. Nothing actually shows people setting up combos to act as a team.


This is one thing from GW1 and 2 that is missing in TOR. GW has limited abilities...true...until you play with a group. Say you are a warrior...all of your skills are attacks of some kind that are direct and weapon based. Your elementalist lays down an aoe fire attack. The warrior can do any of the following using that aoe; cause an aoe fire explosion, grant every ally inside that fire aoe extra damage for 20 seconds, grant every ally in the aoe one attack lined with fire fore extra damage against specific creatures, alter a buff to instead be a debuff on the enemies in that radius. The warrior has seconds to make the decision yet the right decision can change the course of a fight. This is only what the warrior can do with it, and only if it is a fire aura...there are also water, earth, air, light, dark....the synchronizing with other classes is vast. Now imagine that kind of synchronizing of classes in TOR...it is ripe for it!

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I think there are a few to many per class and most are well redundant. Alot could simple be combined with others to make it so all our abilities fit on two action bars. I don't want to be stuck choosing just 6 or 8 abilities like some games make you do but having so many that you need 3 or 4 action bars is a bit much personally. Maybe it is just me being lazy but I can't imagine how much of a pain this game would be for someone with a disability just from all the moves you end up scattering throughout 3-4 action bars. I honestly can say some classes need certain moves or abilities added but at the same time alot of moves are barely worth mentioning and could be combined with other skills to make it a bit simpler and make our action bars less full. Nothing worst then having a skill that you need once in a blue moon so you have to put it on toolbar then when you actually need it you've used it so little that you have to stop in combat and remember where you stuck it off to the side lol.
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