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Ship respec


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There is no ethical reason to deny ship respec from players.

There is no reason to have them either.


You never loose an upgrade, so no ship req will ever be truly wasted. On the branched upgrades you even get both skills at the cost of one and can at any time change the setup of your ship to use the left or right skill in combat.


As there is no limit to the ammount of ship req. to get, you will eventually have all skills that are available to the ship, so there is no reason to respec ever.

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Starfighter is new for most of us.

There is a learning curve on which upgrades suits our playstyle best, but in the progress/process we sometimes pick wrong upgrades, wasting our ship requisitions.

There is no ethical reason to deny ship respec from players.


The base upgrades are very cheap for a reason, to allow you to experiment and get a feel for the component before you commit large amounts of requisition into it.


It costs ~35000 requisition to fully upgrade your primary weapon, but only a fraction of that to unlock the weapon itself.(1500 or 2000 cant remember)


Buy several, give them a whirl, then focus on upgrading the ones you like most.

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cant say i support this idea.


its a new feature having space pvp to the game, but those of us that got to well beta test it on live had to try difrferent set ups, then try another etc we didnt get anything back, or free, so in my eyes no one should get free upgrades.


if they were to give them free they wouldnt give the rest of us our req's back so no thanks.

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When you're starting up a ship, hoarding your few requisitions, it can be disappointing to feel you guessed wrong when you spent them all. So I can understand the view OP is coming from. I've "wasted" reqs.


But you do earn more pretty quickly, so you can switch tracks. Allowing respecs woudl severely reduce the reward incentive to players of earning reqs in mid-to-long term, because you could automatically max out any loadout you want not long after starting.


So, while I understand wanting reqs back to respend, it doesn't hurt so bad once you earn a few more. And you can always earn more to try new options out, unlike talent points that have a set pool to distribute.

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There was no need in respec character as well, still it made it to the live servers, so I don't see any reason why it will never happen.


Honestl,y I don't have anything against respec. And it's easy to get req points back. And developping a weapon that is not quite effective against another one can truly puts you backwards (thinks of those that did not chose distorsion fields but any other equipment in this category, or went using weapons that aren't that effective...


Sure base weapons aren't that expensive, to a certain extent. because 2K is 2 games if you're decent playing it. It might be 4 games if you're being farmed (which happens to tons of people right now). And if you try every weapons on a ship before deciding, it's around 3 or 6K just for lasers. Not counting missiles. Add this the defensive part of the ship and any other equipment, and that's already a bunch of req points that are used, it's something along 15 to 20K which is already a quite upgradedd weapon. Which really makes the difference.


On a character, a spend points will ever be useful at least in one way. In GSF, points spent on equipment that isn't loaded on your ship is lost points.

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There was no need in respec character as well, still it made it to the live servers, so I don't see any reason why it will never happen.

When you make choices in the PvE skill tree you are locked into that choice until you respec. In GSF you are always just unlocking additional options, you can swap back and forth at any time for free.


Sure base weapons aren't that expensive, to a certain extent. because 2K is 2 games if you're decent playing it. It might be 4 games if you're being farmed (which happens to tons of people right now). And if you try every weapons on a ship before deciding, it's around 3 or 6K just for lasers. Not counting missiles. Add this the defensive part of the ship and any other equipment, and that's already a bunch of req points that are used, it's something along 15 to 20K which is already a quite upgradedd weapon. Which really makes the difference.

It takes 107,000 ship requisition to master a ship if you stick with the default components. Spending even 10-15k trying out different components is not going to change that in any noticeable way.

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When you make choices in the PvE skill tree you are locked into that choice until you respec. In GSF you are always just unlocking additional options, you can swap back and forth at any time for free.


I already stated that choices you make in the PvE tree are always useful IG. In GS, only weapons and equipment you embark are useful. Others are lost points for the upcoming game.



It takes 107,000 ship requisition to master a ship if you stick with the default components. Spending even 10-15k trying out different components is not going to change that in any noticeable way.


So 10% in the end is not noticeable, considering the way you earn points? 107k is around 150 games if you only plays with the X2 bonuses... Much more without it. That's a huge difference.

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The equipment you buy for your ship is more like the gear you buy for your character in that you can swap them around whenever you want (outside a match.) I see no reason for respecting in GSF because whatever I buy, I can use when I want and use something different another time.


FWIW, the basic cost of an additional primary or secondary weapon is 2000, A different shield or engine is 1500 and the minor components are all 1000.

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There was no need in respec character as well, still it made it to the live servers, so I don't see any reason why it will never happen.


Derp. Of course you need to respec your MMO character. There would be no need if you could simply continue getting every talent point- then a misspent talent point wouldn't hurt you at all, you'd just buy them all eventually anyway.


There's no need in this game, because every single thing you buy is still yours. You just continue buying the things you WANT.


Respec is silly and unneeded in this game. Just keep earning req, and buy every component eventually!


On a character, a spend points will ever be useful at least in one way. In GSF, points spent on equipment that isn't loaded on your ship is lost points.


Lost until you switch it back, of course. You can respec endlessly once you have unlocked the points. Want to be good at turning? Pick that. Want to be good at top speed? Pick that instead. That's your respec- you buy both and turn on the one you want in that game.

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I think there should be. I don't want to grind more req that I could use on my one and only ship I use. I want all the req I wasted on other ships to spend it all on one. I have a Mastered S-13 Sting, but I want to unlock EVERYTHING to give me more things to play with.


And there is exactly why they shouldn't, and probably won't give a way to get your reqs back to use differently.

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GSF shall hold people engaged for many month to come, what point is their if you can switch horses when mastered one ship by simply reinvesting you req if you feel like it? If you are having an Abo you get thrown with Req just by doing your daylies and weeklys. Plus those weekly and dayly mission reqs go on all ships you have unlocked even those not in your active rooster.


Components are like gear, so you are just unlocking stronger gear for your ship. Their are hidden achievments for having maxed out EVERY Component on a Ship, guess what I am gooing for on my Starguard. I like the Grind it keeps me engaged. When I like to try the Concussion Missile I buy it grind it to the top in a week test it for another and maybe I will test something else the next week. I am still far from having all components avaible I want on my primary Strikefighter and only have about half mastered my favourite Scout. Ask me next december if I will have "finished" my two favourite ships, but wait we will get more ships till then i believe;)

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Before buying a new ship ability, ask people (friends, not fleet trolls) what it does, how it compares to what you have, and if it's worth buying. Someone should know. It's how I avoided buying power dive for my scout.


off topic but... whats wrong with power dive? i use it on my nova and quite like it.:D


i can understand how OP feels. when i 1st started last month i wasted alot of my early req on some poor choices. i never got around to trying the beta at all so everything was new :rolleyes: that said, spending 2000 + 1000 testing out a different laser cannon or missile is a mere 2-4 matches compared to the 25k you will spend on the last 2 upgrades. there's even an achievement for getting at least 1 upgrade on each component available so consider it an early investment in your achievement grind! ;)


i would have really liked it if the components were more like traditional items that we could buy and slot into our ships. it would allow one to really improve a single ship quickly at the expense of the rest, while leaving them weaker if one needs to change rolls on the fly. Any item you upgraded but found lacking for your particular playstyle could be uninstalled and reinstalled into another (assuming they are compatible, of course! no sensor beacons for gunships!). it's another great currency sink for the game, too, since most of us would be constantly fiddling with our components and the engineers would (of course) charge us ridiculous credits for their services.


and as an afterthought... fleet requisition should be just that, wouldn't you think? should not all our Republic Characters share the same pool? :cool:

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I don't think we need any respec at all...


...But i think we may have a little "requisition cost reduction" when buying a component or upgrade when the said component slot is already mastered. (Maybe in replacement of the 10% of bonus requisitions when the ship is fully mastered)


Exemple : you master Shields by having the shield quick recharge mastered (and nothing else is mastered). You want to unlock/upgrade distortion field to try it, and as Shields are mastered and it is a Shield component, you spend less requisitions. Unlocking/upgrading anything else non mastered, let's say a blaster, will have its cost unchanged unless you mastered a blaster first.


What do you think of that ?

Edited by Altheran
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off topic but... whats wrong with power dive? i use it on my nova and quite like it.:D


i can understand how OP feels. when i 1st started last month i wasted alot of my early req on some poor choices. i never got around to trying the beta at all so everything was new :rolleyes: that said, spending 2000 + 1000 testing out a different laser cannon or missile is a mere 2-4 matches compared to the 25k you will spend on the last 2 upgrades. there's even an achievement for getting at least 1 upgrade on each component available so consider it an early investment in your achievement grind! ;)


i would have really liked it if the components were more like traditional items that we could buy and slot into our ships. it would allow one to really improve a single ship quickly at the expense of the rest, while leaving them weaker if one needs to change rolls on the fly. Any item you upgraded but found lacking for your particular playstyle could be uninstalled and reinstalled into another (assuming they are compatible, of course! no sensor beacons for gunships!). it's another great currency sink for the game, too, since most of us would be constantly fiddling with our components and the engineers would (of course) charge us ridiculous credits for their services.


and as an afterthought... fleet requisition should be just that, wouldn't you think? should not all our Republic Characters share the same pool? :cool:

It's just a personal preference, I don't like what it does. The idea was to separate GSF completely from credits, like warzones are. All you can get for credits are ships that other people are selling, and customization items.

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Derp. Of course you need to respec your MMO character. There would be no need if you could simply continue getting every talent point- then a misspent talent point wouldn't hurt you at all, you'd just buy them all eventually anyway.


There's no need in this game, because every single thing you buy is still yours. You just continue buying the things you WANT.


Respec is silly and unneeded in this game. Just keep earning req, and buy every component eventually!


No need to respec your Character then and just assume your play style and mistakes.


Saying that spending spoints on stupid equipment and weapons is not a backward of your fighter, and thus your "skills" is simply false. There's a real world of difference between a lvl 1 weapon and a lvl 3/4 weapon. And if you spend points wrongly you'll have a hard time closing the gap, because the other one will always have an edge over you and you'll be farmed all the way. Because you'll have that difference from the beginning until the end.


Both are all alike.

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