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What the...my SWTOR Screen Shot Captures folder is empty...


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It was there last night, now it's...poof...gone. The folder is there, but ALL the images are gone.


Nothing is in my Recycle Bin. I've followed the path back to the source, but nada. It's a technical mystery.


Okay, I admit it, I might have made one or two disparaging remarks about NSA surveillance in a few political blogs, but would they really stoop to wiping my screen captures?


Fortunately I keep an archive of all files on a separate HD (in an undisclosed location). Still, it's a bit of a mystery as to how the folder remains but the contents are wiped.



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Sorry, I was in there looking for pr0n. When I didn't find any I figured that you just couldn't find any space for it on your HD. I took the liberty of cleaning out some unnecessary files for you. You should be able to fit enough for this month now.


Enjoy :jawa_smile:


I'm sorry, but as a Catholic it is a mortal sin to even *contemplate* pr0n. I do not wish to burn in the flames of Hell for all eternity for possessing impure thoughts.


Now would you be so kind as to return my files?


Thanking you in advance,


Januaria (pure as the driven snow).



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Did the system perhaps make an scheduled "there are unused files on your desktop" maintenance ? I think I remember havong read the Windows system moving them all elsewhere ...


Funny you should mention that. I did have that message pop up on my laptop two nights ago, but my game files are on my desktop. Still, it might be worth looking into...



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I ran into this before too. I found it was just a matter of how I was pulling up the folder with the screenshots in it. Opening my computer and clicking Libraries/Documents/Star Wars - The Old Republic/Screenshots was empty.


I had to go through the C:/Users path the find the Screenshots folder with actual screenshots in it.


Not sure if this will help in your case but hopefully it will be something easy like this.

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It hit me last night: the culprit is "do-no-evil" Google.


I use Google's Picasa 3 to create selected albums of photos or downloaded JPEGs. But it turns out that Picasa's default setting is to import ALL images on your HD and create albums whether you want them or not. So a few nights ago when I launched Picasa I saw that all my SWTOR screen shots had been imported. If you right-click on that album a menu box pops up with many options one of which is to delete the imported album ("Remove from Picasa"). But there is also the option to delete the album AND the source images ("Delete Folder") in the imported folder. I obviously hit the wrong delete option.


So yeah, it's my fault -- I hit the Delete Folder option. But Picasa doesn't provide any warning that hitting the wrong delete option will wipe out your files. You know, something like "Are you sure you want to delete the Source images?"


This only confirms my suspicion that Google is the personification of evil in the Modern World. It's like Satan with infinite bandwidth.


Some intrepid adventurer needs to drive a stake through its heart.

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