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What is the most satisfying thing in GSF?


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The one I like the most is oneshotting a fully upgraded gunship with full hp with a crit Proton Torpedo. Nothing beats that :D


Another great in has to be tricking an opponent to fly in a wall, while you survive, as you backed off with retro thrusters. Priceless


What are yours?

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My most satisfying moment was the one 1000:999 win that I had. It was 2 weeks ago, my scout wasn't even maxxed back then and the match turned tables so often. In the end we managed to win by 2 sats against 1... along with the points for destruction and it obviously cannot get any closer than that.

This was far more satisfying than any 1000:0 or 1000:100 could ever be.


Another very satisvying thing is to see sworn enemies in the setup list and getting at them, while the rookiees take the objectives ;)

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So much to chose from:


--Dogged dogfights most of all. Turning fights that meld into jousting runs that turn into chase scenes around the node until one guy wins or the other guy crashes. I have had the BEST dogfights of my ENTIRE gaming history in GSF.


--I really enjoy charging a node, fighting off the bad guys, taking it and holding it against wave after wave of attackers.


--Tying up so many enemies on one node that your alies cap the other two nodes.


--Killing X-hitting scrubs.


--Using LOS and speed to close the gap on a gunship and then opening up on them.

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i have to agree with a couple others, it has to be those close wins with like only a max of 100 points separating the teams...


after the newness of Gunships wears off and people start flying what ships they really prefer instead of the new toy, close matches will return in a greater frequency... but right now everyone's playing with the new shiny, so close aint gonna happen as often for a week or two... but that makes the close matches even sweeter at the moment, the rarity of them... even if i'm on the losing side, a close match is way more fun than a landslide victory either direction...

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I like the close matches too but only if they were actually close. It's frustrating when the match is lost by less than 30 points and people weren't working the objectives. A little more attention to objective-based play instead of piddly duels would have made the difference. But the close matches can really be exciting for sure.
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I like the close matches too but only if they were actually close. It's frustrating when the match is lost by less than 30 points and people weren't working the objectives. A little more attention to objective-based play instead of piddly duels would have made the difference. But the close matches can really be exciting for sure.


Imo, if a match ends and the score is within 30 points, there's no way people 'weren't working the objectives' sometimes what looks like a duel on your mini-map is actually someone keeping a gunship away from a sat... which is important enough that I consider it working the objectives.

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i agree with you Sirdannik, his post only makes sense if you reword it to say: "It's frustrating when the match is lost and our team has less than 30 points and people weren't working the objectives."... assuming the final score was 30:1000... otherwise ppl were working those objectives if the final score was 970:1000...
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To crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.


Naaah, tight comeback wins of course. No one can hear you lament in space.


oh, you're evil... now i have the Crush Your Enemies

stuck in my head from Robot Chicken's Conan sketch... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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When enemy team tunnels / hates you so much that a swarm of strikes, scouts chase you to capital ship and even a gunship ignores the satellite to fly close to your capital ship just to get a shot at you. :D



So far my record for getting chasers killed by capital ship is 4 :D



Another satisfying thing is getting red hull early on in the game and flying the rest of the game feeling that someone has drawn a huge bulls-eye on you. It contributes to the first phenomenon while forcing you to be aware of your surroundings to the level of being paranoid since even a small glow in the distance can spell doom for you if you are not fast enough to react.


Also watching people slowly drift towards obstacles while under the affect of improved sabotage probe is so satisfying as well.:jawa_evil:

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my fav thing would be something that actually happened to me rather than what i did,


normally im a gunship vet, but been trying scout recently and was dog fighting with another scout we were neck and neck close flying most of time then next thing another scout swooped in drop me with a sabitarge probe just metres from a astorid, funny as hell and yeah i went splat lol credit to his team mate though was perfectly done.

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The most satisfying thing for me is sat chases. There is nothing better than having two people come in on my six as I'm capping a sat and start chasing me, going full throttle a mere tens of meters off the satellite, hitting the boost in a tight turn up and over the top/bottom of the sat, back through and falling in right behind them with great line to open up the bursts.


Second most satisfying thing is killing scouts with blasters while flying a gship.

Edited by RCSlyman
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When enemy team tunnels / hates you so much that a swarm of strikes, scouts chase you to capital ship and even a gunship ignores the satellite to fly close to your capital ship just to get a shot at you. :D



So far my record for getting chasers killed by capital ship is 4 :D



Another satisfying thing is getting red hull early on in the game and flying the rest of the game feeling that someone has drawn a huge bulls-eye on you. It contributes to the first phenomenon while forcing you to be aware of your surroundings to the level of being paranoid since even a small glow in the distance can spell doom for you if you are not fast enough to react.


Also watching people slowly drift towards obstacles while under the affect of improved sabotage probe is so satisfying as well.:jawa_evil:


lol, I seem to do my best when I'm a flaming ball of shooting smoke. The wounded always seems to have the nastiest bite, watch them.

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I have to say the close wins are my favorite.

Personally I like trick flying. I spend a little bit of time each match trying to see if I can speed through tight spaces while avoiding enemy fire. I know my teammates see "Nikolete self-destructed pretty often. That is usually because I am trying to fly between the supports at Node B in Mesa or do something funky around the superstructure at C in Ship yards.

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1. When you are on a streak. I love that rare game (for me anyway good players probably experience it often) when you are just "unkillable", holding a sat solo even though 2-3 guys are actively trying to take it and keep coming back for you after respawn. All the sweeter when they're in scouts (I've only had matches like this in my strike fighter).


2. Some may see this is a dick move but I find it to be hilarious in a cheese sort of way. If I know there's no way I can hold the sat "legitimately" due to being outnumbered/outgeared I just go under it and fly in as a tight a circle as possible as high up and in as possible to the sat. I've held satellites for several minutes on end doing this before with as many as three ships getting in the circle to follow suit.......every couple seconds you see each other briefly and they usually shoot (and always miss) but the cycle just keeps repeating. The first time I did this was on B at Kuat Mesas.........my team had a few 2 ship players we weren't doing very well but a few of the better players were holding on to C while they had A and B kept changing hands. I went to B in a stock Flashfire and realized instantly there was no way I could defend it against the 5 or 6 guys swarming around in there and got to it just before they started trying to take it from us. I went on to hold it by flying in those tight circles for over 5 minutes. As more ships joined in the chase the whole situation just seemed so absurd I couldn't stop laughing.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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When enemy team tunnels / hates you so much that a swarm of strikes, scouts chase you to capital ship and even a gunship ignores the satellite to fly close to your capital ship just to get a shot at you. :D



One hundred percent this. I normally take a path near asteroids or pillars (it is easier on the Mesa) that ends with them looking at the ceiling or floor of the map, with the goal of guiding them into the ship- but sometimes even good players will just follow me over there, their bloodlust unslaked. When you kill another ship, you understand that they might not have been into being killed by you, despite taking the obvious action of dressing up in a sexy little scout and dancing around under your sites. But when they follow you back to your cap ship, you know it's consensual- they understand that their purpose in life is to suffer for your amusement. Much hotter.

Edited by Verain
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One hundred percent this. I normally take a path near asteroids or pillars (it is easier on the Mesa) that ends with them looking at the ceiling or floor of the map, with the goal of guiding them into the ship- but sometimes even good players will just follow me over there, their bloodlust unslaked. When you kill another ship, you understand that they might not have been into being killed by you, despite taking the obvious action of dressing up in a sexy little scout and dancing around under your sites. But when they follow you back to your cap ship, you know it's consensual- they understand that their purpose in life is to suffer for your amusement. Much hotter.


So turned on right now.

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Being able to joust with an equally good pilot without others trying to get involved. I had a great 1 on 1 tonight in my Strike Fighter against another Strike Fighter. We were straffing and curving around mountain ridges like top gun on crack.


That rush of swerving around a corner that is under 5m away dodging fire is like a high

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