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Well tbh each of us have every right to label fellow players. There is no mandate that we have to respect every member of the forum(my post would suck if it is in the rules though lol). If you find a specific person to be disgusting and devoid of character you have the right to not treat that person with respect(though that doesn't give someone the right to attack them in ways that disregard the rules). It isn't the job of participants of the forum to be concerned with the well being of everyone else. Not that we should disregard them, but personally there are plenty of people on these forums who I detest. I don't want the game to appeal to them because I don't want them in the game or the forums. That is a selfish perspective and is one I will happily champion! Let Bioware worry about appealing the masses. I'm their biggest fan, but they are grown ups and can handle things like that.

Wow...I don't even know where to begin Raisin....


I can truly say that there is NOBODY on these forums, nor will there EVER be that I "detest". I have a difference of opinion with plenty of people, but it's far from anything personal. Don't take things so personal...my god man...wow.

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Wow...I don't even know where to begin Raisin....


I can truly say that there is NOBODY on these forums, nor will there EVER be that I "detest". I have a difference of opinion with plenty of people, but it's far from anything personal. Don't take things so personal...my god man...wow.


Sorry that you took the word so strongly lol. Detest is a good word. On the internet saying dislike is kind of meaningless so to add oomph I use detest. I am hardly on these forums and usually observe and throw in a comment here and there so I don't care much personally. I just like using different words. You're taking my comment too personally...my god man...wow.


But honestly man look above your post, hell at the whole thread. You got like three different people attacking the same person which they do in every thread. Why shouldn't said someone view the forumites as a detestable group. Oh see how I used the word. It's like my word of the week. :D


Oh and it is Rasen! Jeez. I'm not a raisin nor do I like their taste good sir. I bid you adieu.

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Sorry that you took the word so strongly lol. Detest is a good word. On the internet saying dislike is kind of meaningless so to add oomph I use detest. I am hardly on these forums and usually observe and throw in a comment here and there so I don't care much personally. I just like using different words. Your taking my comment too personally...my god man...wow.


But honestly man look above your post, hell at the whole thread. You got like three different people attacking the same person which they do in every thread. Why shouldn't someone view the forumites as a detestable group. Oh see how I used the word. It's like my word of the week. :D


Oh and it is Rasen! Jeez. I'm not a raisin nor do I like their taste good sir. I bid you adieu.


Detest is a good word...but a very strong word too...I can accept that it was an "oomph" word and move on.


I didn't ask anyone else to comment on what another person said and, while opinions may be being expressed, nobody is attacking anyone.


But...lemme answer your question "Why shouldn't someone view the forumites as a detestable group"?

Because we're all customers, we all support the game financially, we all share a common interest, we are all part of the same community (like it or not ;)). There's no reason to view ANYONE here as an enemy, nor with disdain. Disagreement is fine...but we're all playing the same game, we all contribute in some form to what you enjoy in it and I really dislike the increased hostility from people lately and I find it very counter productive to enjoying the game.

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Detest is a good word...but a very strong word too...I can accept that it was an "oomph" word and move on.


I didn't ask anyone else to comment on what another person said and, while opinions may be being expressed, nobody is attacking anyone.


But...lemme answer your question "Why shouldn't someone view the forumites as a detestable group"?

Because we're all customers, we all support the game financially, we all share a common interest, we are all part of the same community (like it or not ;)). There's no reason to view ANYONE here as an enemy, nor with disdain. Disagreement is fine...but we're all playing the same game, we all contribute in some form to what you enjoy in it and I really dislike the increased hostility from people lately and I find it very counter productive to enjoying the game.


That's a fair point to stand on and I could agree to it on many merits, but I feel it is not true in some minor points. Yes we are all customers and all support the game financially, but we do not all always share a common interest. That I believe is why we all end up getting into word brawls. I also believe the absolute desire to not be reasonable lends to why we all end up not on the same page. Yes we all want the game to succeed(hopefully) and see it flourish. But the road to get there is fraught with disagreements. Desire for PvP to be the focus, for PvE to be the focus, etc... Many here also tend to think every topic is a battle for the forum's soul. That whichever side wins a useless argument in a single thread Bioware will listen to and appeal to. There are many reasons to not like members of the community especially when their logic flies in the face of everything you were raised to believe in and whatnot.


The in game community I love. The people in chat on Jedi Covenant I respect(even those that are trolls and whatnot) because they actually are playing the same game as me. Wiping in the same raids. Whining in the same warzones. The people in the forums? Yeah no thanks. Many of them don't even seem like they are playing the same game with some of their issues. Sentinels potentially being underpowered? Operatives being overpowered? I mean in game it is the total opposite and it is why the ability to emphathize and relate to fellow forumites is difficult. The last time I saw a dps operative in one of my 16 man pug groups was 6 months ago and he asked if he could switch to heals lol.


Regardless of that you won't see me personally attacking an individual because I do believe in a social contract. But I will not offer a modicrum of respect to those who do not deserve it. Yes we are all members of the same overall community, but my respect and potential adoration goes as far as my server and those who earn it.

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You are ever the jerk.


There wasn't a complaint when they did it for summer, and again for winter that THOSE roadmaps "weren't roadmappy enough".


People just want information. And for the record, I've seen Eric respond to posts both snarky and not - more likely is they weren't ready to publicly say anything yet on a roadmap style discussion for whatever reason, and now they are - likely Eric has to get approval from marketing to say as much as he did, or possibly even run it by legal first - whatever department it is that tells them what they can and can't disclose.


But hey, you stay up there on your high horse - not like you ever come off it.


Oh that is certainly not true. Let's not act like we have short term mermory loss and think everybody loved the Summer of SWTOR updates. Andryah has a point There was an outcry from PvPers simply because they added the 2 operations and oricon to 2.4. And when the summer of SWTOR was first announced they were complaints that there was no real content until 2.3 with the Czerka missions

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Oh that is certainly not true. Let's not act like we have short term mermory loss and think everybody loved the Summer of SWTOR updates. Andryah has a point There was an outcry from PvPers simply because they added the 2 operations and oricon to 2.4. And when the summer of SWTOR was first announced they were complaints that there was no real content until 2.3 with the Czerka missions


Strawman. some groups complained about the roadmaps, but never that they weren't "roadmappy" enough.

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Strawman. some groups complained about the roadmaps, but never that they weren't "roadmappy" enough.


Its happened before though. Way back in August of '12 we had quite a few debates over whether Bioware's state of the game really constituted a state of the game. Back then however, we had a bunch of crazy people on the forums who would've chewed Bioware out for saying the sky was blue. Some complaints are inevitable, but I doubt we'll see anything as inane as we have in the past.

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I would be treating everything as a "do over" if I were you. Stuff the previous team promised might not even be known to the current team.


I mean, take a look at the Rakghoul event - the previous team promised that people who missed out on those armors would be given another chance next time the event comes around. However, I doubt the current team even knew that, as they created all new rewards for the event, which left those who hadn't gotten all the containment armor feeling left out in the cold.


Treat it all as new, and just keep asking. Don't assume that just because someone said yes 2 years ago, that the current team knows about it - almost entirely different staffs now.


You must have taken a break , the new yes "NEW" team said in a recent ( 2 months ago or so ) cantina tour that chat bubbles are on the wall of crazy. So keep up with the news please , save you a lot of time typing for no reason.


Now as to the other post from people about what's new etc. You forgot about Oricon and cz-198 , also GSF was been worked on by one person in his spare time back in the day and let's not forget all or most content was put on hold for about 8 months to change the games model. So a lot of those listed things are in fact new and very new.


Also thanks for the update Eric!





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Its happened before though. Way back in August of '12 we had quite a few debates over whether Bioware's state of the game really constituted a state of the game. Back then however, we had a bunch of crazy people on the forums who would've chewed Bioware out for saying the sky was blue. Some complaints are inevitable, but I doubt we'll see anything as inane as we have in the past.


Yeah.. the reality is that the player base is a large group of special interests. Special interests that are very often in natural conflict with each other. They all feel special and think that Biowares attention should be focused on their special interests. Which is human nature. But when you inject it via a gaming discussion forum, it takes on a hydra like quality a lot of the time. Happily, we have some players who take it all in, try to talk some sense to the chaos, and encourage looking at both sides of a topic and thinking beyond just emotional outbursts.


Whatever Eric does post, it will be applauded by some, enjoyed by some, and railed upon and attacked for it's "glaring gaps" and "lack of listening" and very likely with a few well placed "slaps in the face" by some. Like every other time information has been shared.. we will see a full range of responses, debate, etc. etc. And I'm sure we will also see some of the usual obligatory dismissals along the lines of "that's NOT a roadmap! that's a <insert your favorite pejorative here>.


But at least it's generally a more healthy string of positive and negavtive discussion then last year this time.. even if we get a resurgence of some drive-by accounts dropping in. At least it's not all negative these days.


AND... we will all survive.....and short attention spans will move on to the next tragedy presented in the forum. :)

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You must have taken a break , the new yes "NEW" team said in a recent ( 2 months ago or so ) cantina tour that chat bubbles are on the wall of crazy. So keep up with the news please , save you a lot of time typing for no reason.


Now as to the other post from people about what's new etc. You forgot about Oricon and cz-198 , also GSF was been worked on by one person in his spare time back in the day and let's not forget all or most content was put on hold for about 8 months to change the games model. So a lot of those listed things are in fact new and very new.


Also thanks for the update Eric!






Ok, I missed that. However, historically, the wall of crazy are ideas they would like to implement but may never get to. Just because its on the wall doesn't mean it will happen - just that it is something on their radar.

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Hey everyone!


I wanted to let you know that I am actively working with Bruce to get you guys a "roadmap" style post. No info on when it will happen yet, but I will give you any updates as I have them. I know you are all eager to hear about what you can expect in 2014. It will be an exciting year and I can't wait for you guys to hear about it!


To your second point Projawa, that isn't exactly correct. Certainly there are designs and systems that can take a while to design and implement, but we definitely have fresh and new designs coming into the game all the time! An example would be the "Tactical" flashpoint design you can see in 2.6. There are always new ideas and designs that we are moving towards.




Can't wait to see this post Roadmap 2014 thing!



Maybe drop a hint during patches 2.7 - 2.9 as a tease for what'll come in 3.0 perhaps :rak_03:


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Ok, I missed that. However, historically, the wall of crazy are ideas they would like to implement but may never get to. Just because its on the wall doesn't mean it will happen - just that it is something on their radar.


Yeah I know but at least it is now up on there well as of 3 months ago , there is some hope , not much but some.


Edit - O I nearly forgot , they did say that something better and more exciting is on the way before speech bubbles at that time of being questioned about speech bubbles.


Link - read this page and the next for more information - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=41864&highlight=chat+bubbles&page=149





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Ok, I missed that. However, historically, the wall of crazy are ideas they would like to implement but may never get to. Just because its on the wall doesn't mean it will happen - just that it is something on their radar.


Wall of Crazy ideas are generally treated as "things that would be cool to add, but there are craploads of problems with them".


Chat bubbles for example, the evergreen of these forums. While they are not technically problematic (Hero Engine can do them since some really early version, if I recall correctly, it might have been even be before the version that BioWare modified), but they do cause a lots of unnecessary hardware loads for some reason, which makes them very unfeasible, as they would just cause more troubles than they are worth.

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Hey everyone!


I wanted to let you know that I am actively working with Bruce to get you guys a "roadmap" style post. No info on when it will happen yet, but I will give you any updates as I have them. I know you are all eager to hear about what you can expect in 2014. It will be an exciting year and I can't wait for you guys to hear about it!



Sounds good, I appreciate those myself.


If significant delay seems likely I'd settle for a short note or illustration. Like this or this for example.

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Wall of Crazy ideas are generally treated as "things that would be cool to add, but there are craploads of problems with them".


Chat bubbles for example, the evergreen of these forums. While they are not technically problematic (Hero Engine can do them since some really early version, if I recall correctly, it might have been even be before the version that BioWare modified), but they do cause a lots of unnecessary hardware loads for some reason, which makes them very unfeasible, as they would just cause more troubles than they are worth.


No just keep the amount of customisation to a minimum and use the same tech that they used to fix the same problem with the name plates. It's not that difficult. Obviously it is slightly more complicated as people would write more that what a name plate can show but come on , it isn't too dissimilar. Just have plain chat bubbles it's better than nothing at all and have them default off.





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Is that the only way you view forum goers? With utter contempt? I'm certain people will be disappointed, and they have every right to say so if they are. That's the nature of building a game that appeals to 400k+ people...you won't please everyone. I suggest you not take their comments so personally...they aren't attacking you and you have no right to insult/label/mock/belittle players who do express a difference of opinion.


I couldn't agree with you more.


There's no controversy in someone expressing their opinion.


The controversy, and thus the poor forum environment, comes when Andr.....people come in and make it personal, turning opinions into right and wrong, and using bully-tactics to condescend and mock everyone they don't agree with.


Remember when the person you were talking to was telling people to unsub and leave the game because they complained about something? Bully-tactics.


Should they really be called "white-knights"? That's not an appropriate moniker for what they do.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey everyone!


I wanted to let you know that I am actively working with Bruce to get you guys a "roadmap" style post. No info on when it will happen yet, but I will give you any updates as I have them. I know you are all eager to hear about what you can expect in 2014. It will be an exciting year and I can't wait for you guys to hear about it!



Any news ? :D

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Doomsaying about the death of the game? Check


Saying BW does not care about players? Check


If you said it was a 'slap in the face' I could have finished my forum bingo card.


LOL, one more though: saying the rakghoul event was horribly implemented.


THEN you could have finished your forum bingo card.

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Hey everyone!


I wanted to let you know that I am actively working with Bruce to get you guys a "roadmap" style post. No info on when it will happen yet, but I will give you any updates as I have them. I know you are all eager to hear about what you can expect in 2014. It will be an exciting year and I can't wait for you guys to hear about it!


To your second point Projawa, that isn't exactly correct. Certainly there are designs and systems that can take a while to design and implement, but we definitely have fresh and new designs coming into the game all the time! An example would be the "Tactical" flashpoint design you can see in 2.6. There are always new ideas and designs that we are moving towards.




Hi Eric, Any news ? :D

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