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What is considered 'good' for PvP Carnage?


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I play Carnage spec and I consistently hit 250k-300k damage in every PuG warzone I do. However, I am finding that 99 times out of 100 I cannot break the 360k mark, which I do with ease when playing rage spec. I was wondering what is considered to be the average damage for a carnage marauder in PvP?
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^^Yeah what Helig said.


To elaborate, I've had matches where I was surprised I *only* ended up with 200k because it just felt like even when I looked at someone the wrong way they just melted. If you're on a good team and everyone is focusing well, you're not going to pile up the huge numbers in a single target spec (don't compare to the aoe specs, it's deceiving). Those are the matches where with that 200k I probably had 20-30 kills.


Other matches where I've done 500K+, I sucked. Those are the matches where the other team is doing a good job of cross healing and our team is a collection of nubs (myself included) all doing their own thing. With that 500+ I may have only killed 4 people because each of us is on a different healer and none of us are good enough to take them out solo. This is why focus fire is important.


Not even mentioning the 'down time' in objective WZ's. Like time spent rotating to another node, instances where it's better to slow and go rather than kill (VS for example), node guarding for a short bit, etc and so on.

Edited by Ridickilis
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As Carnage I averaged what 250 to 300k when I was stacking Accuracy and Crit. I min/maxed, swapped all Accuracy and Crit out for Power/Surge. It was a DRAMATIC difference, the dramatic in caps does not do it justice.


You can check out my youtube videos in my signature, I literally recorded a video of me just going all out in a WZ with accuracy/crit only to see under 300k, was desperately after advice. Now I see 800k+ (900k+ once or twice) damage (average 600 to 700k+).


Smash will net you more over all damage as you know because of the aoe.


Hope that helps man, good luck, was in the same boat.


EDIT: This thread, the first person that replied linked his min/max gear, I followed it.



Edited by SVTCarnage
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DMG in wz is completely situational, sorting out your gear is one thing but it doesnt change overall dmg as much as people think.. its more about your play. As you gear you play more so it'll improve. Any dramatic increases will be as a result of both combined.. Edited by AngusFTW
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DMG in wz is completely situational, sorting out your gear is one thing but it doesnt change overall dmg as much as people think.. its more about your play. As you gear you play more so it'll improve. Any dramatic increases will be as a result of both combined..


Yea this

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People have already covered it, but I'll throw in that 30k can be good if you are going for objs. I've had huttball games before where I didn't get the 90k medal, but scored every goal and finished in less than 5 minutes.


Long story short, depends on your team, the other team, the map, if you focus objs, etc.

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