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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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I would like to add this armor in the game i think it will look really amazing. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-4...psmdtul1ki.jpg Thank you for taking your time of reading this I hope you consider adding it.




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am a Jedi! I will never be sith like you!


-Luke Skywalker :csw_bluesaber::sy_republic::csw_redsaber::sy_empire:


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The only armor set I'd like to see added, is the set worn by Overseer Kryos, a Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor Advanced Trainer on the Imperial Fleet.


It is essentially the Thermoweave set, except it doesn't have the bulky ring around the neck, nor the inflated chest. It has a hood that is down, as opposed to no hood, as well as the flare of the Zeyd set, without all the hot pink. (a color theme of the Zeyd set that cannot be altered by dyes)


It has pretty much been my favorite variation of the style since the game launched. I'd really enjoy seeing this brought to the players; particularly me :D

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  • "Outlander armor", as shown on the character depicted in the trailer and gameplay demos. This means it uses the chestpiece model with the lowered hood.


Seeing the twitchcon livestreams, that armor is what boosted lvl60 Jedi Knights get as starting gear. Legacy bound, so if you really want it... :p (although it should require lvl 60 to equip).

(it's also Operations dropped gear, but I'm currently not sure if the "hood down" version can still be obtained or not. I'm positive the "hood up" version can be looted).

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More variations on the Havoc Squad trooper armor recently released. Just an amazing set I am sure many trooper fans like me like. I would like to see all kinds of versions with various widgets and addons, different backpacks, belt accessories, ect.
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More variations on the Havoc Squad trooper armor recently released. Just an amazing set I am sure many trooper fans like me like. I would like to see all kinds of versions with various widgets and addons, different backpacks, belt accessories, ect.


Jace Malcom's trailer armor from "Hope"


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I would like to see Arcann's armor set since they already added Thaxons armor set.


Arcann's was added too. You see, what you do is buy Thexan's armor. Buy a white dye module. Insert it. Voila. Thexan's armor is now Arcann's armor.



Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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The Underworld (Verpine) armor sets for Trooper and Smuggler (specifically the chest pieces and the Trooper boots) (The HM operation set bonuses armors from TFB and SnV and the last two bosses of DF and DP SM from game updates 2.0-4.0) The Arkanian (Black Market) Bounty Hunter set (specifically the boots). As these are being removed form the game day after tomorrow on the 20th and I really wanted to get the RE schematic for them but no such luck. Hopefully in this next series of packs that starts soon they can be in there, also I would love for them to stay the colors they are at the moment, but if not I really don't care what color they come in as I can just put the many many many black+<insert any other color> dyes I have. I see that the armor sets from Pre 2.0 have come out, so hopefully soon these ones from Pre 4.0 are soon to be out also. Thanks and keep up the good work:D
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...pretty sure he meant POST-mauling Arcann's armor...


Okay, if he means that then maybe the 'mask' and one hand is different, so a cyborg glove piece then. Arcann's mask, okay. If they actually put "Arcann's armor" up as a full set and the only difference between Thexan's and Arcann's was the mask and gloves... Come on, people would start foaming at the mouth and ranting and raving about EA greed in seconds, you know it's true.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Will we ever see the Jedi Knight armor from the character creation screen? All the other classes has gotten their armors except us. And the funny thing is that people have been asking for that exact armor ever since launch and somehow they just ignored that plea and just never added it.


And before people does the mistake of thinking that we already have gotten it. No, the Jedi Valiant armor is not the one from the Character Creation screen, it is similar, but that armor is from the CGI trailers. I would love, just love to have that armor from the character creation screen.

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Something I'd love to see more of is armor with built-in jetpacks. I love the jetpack vehicles, but I'm really missing good armor with a jetpack visible on the back.


One thing I'd really love to see with that are some more high-tech designs, which could visually also fit on a Republic or Imperial trooper as well as a bounty hunter.

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Really BioWare? They put this NPC in the Supplies section of the fleet, in front of the closed door of the old coms vendors room. We've been asking for this set since launch, please, just put avalaible to players.





That's a recolor of the Jedi Battlelord set for Guardians, complete with the cloak that refuses to dye. You can get that from random drops throughout the game as it is.
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That's a recolor of the Jedi Battlelord set for Guardians, complete with the cloak that refuses to dye. You can get that from random drops throughout the game as it is.


Hood up/Hood down. See the difference? This set is not avalaible for players right now, and it is the same gear as the character creation screen for Jedi Knights.

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Hood up/Hood down. See the difference? This set is not avalaible for players right now, and it is the same gear as the character creation screen for Jedi Knights.
The hood is down because of the visor. The original Jedi Battlelord set's visor does the same thing.


(I can provide photos of my Guardian for reference.)

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