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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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Hey folks -


Thought I'd pop into the thread again, as it's been a long time. My wife and friends have been discussing alot of things involving available outfits and such for the game for quite a while now, so thought I'd toss up some ideas again.


First, we'd love to see a 'longcoat' that didn't have the leather duster look. Something like the Grammaton Clerics from the film 'Equilibrium' would be amazing! And, dyed white, could work for a 'lab coat' look similar to Dr. Horrible. :)


Another thing we'd discussed is some more sexy but classy looks in the manner of dresses, with the 'sensual dress' being a perfect example. We (and others) have been asking about higher heeled shoes and boots, or a 'stockings' look for legs. I admit, if you'd have asked me "What do you think will be released first? Stockings or Elvis hair?" My answer would have been dead wrong. There are people walking around in panties, stockings and heels are not much of a stretch at this point. Also - No more hoods for dresses! Who wears those?


On the subject of hoods - a way to make a hood 'toggle-able' would be incredibly epic. As good? Headgear that doesn't instantly make you bald the second it is donned. There are a very few pieces that don't, but not many.


'Shortsword' lightsabers for Marauders would be insanely cool, or even variable blade length sabers would be amazing! Also - we're up to 500 crafting now. Artificers should be able to make most of the 'standard' hilts at this point. Being a 500 Artificer and being able to make 6-7 hilt styles in total is kind of silly and makes no sense at all. If you want to limit them for some reason, make them require a rare material or some such.


Profession 'Themed' outfits would be fantastic. We now have speeders that reflect every profession, some outfits for things like archaeologists or biochemists would be cool too! (Whip and Fedora void where prohibited.)


Anyway, just our two credits from House Blackthorne over on Ebon Hawk!

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I desperately want the Series 505, Series 512, and Series 808 armor but with droid arms and legs for both sides on each armor...Also, i would love some more Droid like helmets with similar neck details to the helmets from the 505, 512, and 808 armor. I basically want my toon to be a droid...but i know we will never get a droid as a race option.
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I would love such an outfit but I would especially love the intricate lekku headwear with those ribbons! My twi'leks would be so happy!

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Maybe the new Shae Vizla set? We have Beniko, both Shan, Darth Marr but not the new mandalorian armor she wear. The blue mandalorian hunter set with an heavy helmet and a jetpack would be cool too. And a Neocrusader amor from KOTOR ! (we already have Cassus fett armor, but the torso, gloves and boots are not like those in KOTOR)



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No, it has not. The Jedi Knight's Character Creation armor is the same model as the Jedi Battlelord's Armor set, only with the hood down in the back and colored differently.

The armor on the cartel market, while similar, has a different cloak and no shoulder pads. The leg model is different, too. It would be really great to have the Knight character creation armor so one can use it together with the Jedi Battlelord's Armor for hood up/down simulation.


Yeah, I know, but that's what they gave us that was 'supposed' to be it. Same with the other character creation outfits - they don't all match up right either, in some degrees.

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I would like some that looks like the furious sets. Proberly not exactly as that wouldn't be fair to those that worked for it (im just sad i missed out, and didnt think of it in time). But something in that way.I especialy like the Furious Mystic, but maybe also something with a more "robe'ish" look. I do like the fire aspect. Its the only set I have seen in quite some time, that i want.
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Some Jedi robes that are not loose. Just that. Would really love if they came with a hoodie down as well.


We had Jolee Bindo's set, but I managed to miss it and it's unbuyable right now. The only parts I have seen were boots and pants. And the tunic, the tunic is priceless design wise. It's unique and therefore something in a similar fashion would be much appreciated.

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Helmet already exists, http://tor-fashion.com/marauders-foundry/

Revan's armor already exists, but if that's not what you're looking for the exterminator armor is probably closer.

Edited by killerfgs
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Helmet already exists, http://tor-fashion.com/marauders-foundry/

Revan's armor already exists, but if that's now what you're looking for the exterminator armor is probably closer.


There is quite a difference between the one i suggested, and the one you did. My suggestion has a hood. Yours has some stuff around the neck. The stuff going down over the shoulder is also different. my suggestion is more like the Furious Infiltrator or Furious Mystic where yours is more just a plate on it. I dont see a big similarity between yours and my suggestion, besides they both have a cloak and are black


But i did found out that the furious look, is the end-game gear, minus the flame

Edited by ibervang
missed something
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There is quite a difference between the one i suggested, and the one you did. My suggestion has a hood. Yours has some stuff around the neck. The stuff going down over the shoulder is also different. my suggestion is more like the Furious Infiltrator or Furious Mystic where yours is more just a plate on it. I dont see a big similarity between yours and my suggestion, besides they both have a cloak and are black


But i did found out that the furious look, is the end-game gear, minus the flame


I linked that for the helmet, my suggestion for the actual robe is the Exterminator armor.

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I was wondering if you could please add some more civilian-style armor and also some more dress/ elegant pieces too. I also thought giving that short cape, like in this set: http://tor-fashion.com/skilled-hunter/ but maybe a tad bit longer with some normal long sleeved chest piece. Also a versin of http://tor-fashion.com/energetic-combatant/ without the flaps, that thingy on the back and without the collar or whatever that thing is. http://tor-fashion.com/muse-imp/ without the hood and in a variant with sleeves for female characters would be also cool. ;)

Edited by Alleema
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