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  1. Hello my fellow star wars players. Im interested in purchasing the star wars the old republic collectors edition digital expansions for the vendors and all that stuff for the imperial armor. Ill pay 55-60 dollars for the digital content. So if you have them and not using them and want to sell them please shoot me a message or comment on this thread hank you .
  2. same here even after the patches there on December 9th i am still unable to use a lot of my mounts as decorations within my stronghold. Hopefully this gets fixed.
  3. ya they fixed some of it on december 9 but i am still unable to use alot of my mounts and pets as decorations.
  4. i would like to see a version of the agile reconnaissance jacket armor with two shoulder paldrons instead of the one. that would be awsome.
  5. Hi there i friggin love this game favorite game ever. I wanted to throw some ideas out there for the cartel market. One idea was that i like the Agile Reconnaissances jacket a lot but i was wondering if you could make a version that has two shoulder pads instead of just having that one shoulder pad that would be awsome. that is about it actually. if you guys would make that armor that would be greatly appreciated.
  6. hi there i was looking at the armor database for old republic and i found that there was armors similar to the entropic assault armor but it needed a lower level requirement the names of these armors were (juggernauts elite body, khem vals durasteel jacket, warlord elite chestguard and battle armor). so my question is that i was wondering where these armors are located. if someone can help me itd be greatly appreciated. heres a link to these armors. http://www.torhead.com/items/catg/2/subcatg/3/slot/7/level/0-35/page/4
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