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Quads vs. Burst Flashfire/Sting


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Hi all,

I just started using the Burst cannons on my Flashfire over the Light cannon and i'm loving it!

I hear that the Quads are also quite good.

My question is which one is better?




They are for two entirely different styles of play. Burst Cannons are best for close up fighting under satellites, especially where line of sight comes in short windows of opportunity. However they are poor at long range fighting.


Quad Cannons are good for long range combat, and are best used by engaging a foe at just-short-of-max-range. At that distance, their evasive maneuvers will be easy to track, and you can lay down long periods of sustained fire. It's even easier if you use a Range capacitor.

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They are for two entirely different styles of play. Burst Cannons are best for close up fighting under satellites, especially where line of sight comes in short windows of opportunity. However they are poor at long range fighting.


Quad Cannons are good for long range combat, and are best used by engaging a foe at just-short-of-max-range. At that distance, their evasive maneuvers will be easy to track, and you can lay down long periods of sustained fire. It's even easier if you use a Range capacitor.


Alright. I'm not sure if those fit my playstyle, should I just stick to Light cannons?

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In addition to easily giving you the best damage, Bursts allow you to deal that damage in quick shots, which compliments the Flashfire nicely. You generally don't want to spend any more time than absolutely necessary flying in straight lines to get kills. More often that not, that's when another Scout with Bursts will kill you.


Personally, I feel like quads are a crippling downgrade from bursts, but obviously your mileage may vary.

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If you want to look at things from a pure numbers standpoint, burst cannons give the highest damage output over the course of a game given realistic situations (enemies dodging, satellites existing, etc). They also require the most skill to use effectively.


I would honestly recommend getting burst lasers, burning the 1k req to upgrade them to t1, and trying them out. You get four digit numbers with crits (from concentrated fire or the t2 upgrade).

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kind of like recommending every knight play smash monkey spec isn't it?


When I give advice, it's not sneaky. I'm not trying to improve the metagame, or save the effing whales. I give advice that I believe will help people if they follow it. If your goal is to encourage diversity of guns, then you can say whatever you want. I assume people want to win.



And I certainly recommend every maurader play that smash move in pvp, but not with as much emphasis. Marauders have three specs, and I think the other two excel at something else. So a good maurader could maybe benefit from one of the other specs in some situations or comps- I don't know. But Burst Laser Cannon I can speak to with more authority. If boost was 200% instead of 320%, the other ranges would be more meaningful. If a Pike had access to burst laser cannon, I would say, that's conditional. But right now it's gunships and scouts, who have far superior long range options (the gunship rails, and the scout boosts). These ships should take BLC in all cases I have seen.

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Quads are for fps people who are good at keeping the mouse pointer on a target. Bursts are for pilots who have good spacial awareness and can dogfight.


Exactly, like Scrab from ToFN, he prefers a heavy crit/quad build. He actually made a YT channel for GS, here's the link http://m.youtube.com/channel/UCJ9g7xNbDN5cTMTSVuLKdFw?desktop_uri=%2Fchannel%2FUCJ9g7xNbDN5cTMTSVuLKdFw


I highly recommend watching it, as Scrab's one of the best scouts, if not the best, on ToFN, he's a really nice guy, and the advice and matches on his channel are a good showcase of how one can play a scout.

Edited by ToMyMa
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