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Bergeron Colony pvp...


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Emmm dominat faction i think the pub side has a little advantage but you still find a lot of dumb players :c if you are looking for pub side pvp guilds i would say Infamous , Dead on Arrival , Company for pve i dont know i do pvp mostly all the time but it think Dead on Arrival , Order of Elyon are hte dominats on the pve aspec , for the imp side for pvp id say Grim Determination, Remants , Bushido for pve i really dont know my marauder only do pvp c; hope this helps!
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Infamous are the dominant PVP guild pub side.

Imp side is made up of a lot of PVP players spread out amongst guilds, Grim still being probably the biggest although lost a lot of good players to transfers.


Typically the PVP state is that there are usually 1-2 good imp players in most WZs and they dominate the WZ. When pre-mades start coming on later at night the situation usually reverses in favor of the pubs.


Over the last 6 months most of the strong PVP guilds have lost members to other servers, be it Bastion or POT5, or people just getting tired of the game. Ironically, pre-transfer despite all the drama, this server boasted some of the best PVP players in all the servers I have seen (some are still around but they are like Yeti's so if you spot one you have to take a photo).

Edited by bsbrad
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Typically the PVP state is that there are usually 1-2 good imp players in most WZs and they dominate the WZ. When pre-mades start coming on later at night the situation usually reverses in favor of the pubs.


This is a pretty accurate description.


The Empire have a massive advantage when it comes to numbers. The Republic have more organised pre-mades, though, which leads inexperienced PvPers to believe that Reps are actually the dominant faction. Which they aren't. They are absolutely hopeless outside of the times when Infamous/Company/DoA/REIGN/Dawn/Nimbus pre-mades are queuing. In fact, Republic PvP is often non-existent outside of the peak hours.


The Empire is less-organised when it comes to PvP. There are more solo-queuers, although still just as many skilled players as there are on the Republic side. Probably more, actually (because of the higher participation rate). The only guilds that have been active in PvP on the Empire side of late are Grim Determination and Eclipse (Bushido).


Overall, the scene is pretty poor I'd say. There are some great people who are trying to improve it, but most of the time it just feels like a backwater server where those looking to feed their E-Peen will come and stomp casual RPers for a few hours before returning to a proper PvP server.

Edited by BuzzingFridge
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The Republic and Empire probably have about equal numbers of good PVP'ers, however the Empire has far more of everything else. Right now Infamous (Rep) is the most dominant guild, and almost exclusively run 4-man premades at varying hours of the day. They beat most imp premades and destroy pugs without relent, usually 3-capping or pushing the pug team back to spawn. Dead on Arrival, Company, and Reign are not PVP guilds like Infamous, but are also seen frequently either solo queueing or forming groups.


Imp side there's really only Grim Determination left that can field a decent team on any regular basis. There's a lot of good PVP'ers scattered across several other guilds or even guildless. The biggest issue is that the Empire is loaded with new players and casuals and your chances of getting into a good team unless you're in a full premade are slim. The good news is most matches are Imp vs Imp.


You rarely have to worry about getting a pop in reg queue, however ranked is non-existent unless organized ahead of time. Currently Juniormonk is heading up "kickball" nights where teams are made and evened out basically for fun, not for competition.

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Pub side is bout to hit hard times again lots of bad players bout to hit 55 soon been leveling my commando and it is just terrible. It's worse then when I leveled Shajeed and all those commando healers showed up out if nowhere. Pvp wise guild and player wise there isn't really a dominating faction. Infamous runs premades a lot and against pugs that might look good but they still are about tied when people on imp side run premades. If you are really interested in pvp on our server make sure to do kickball with us on Wednesday I'll get you on my team. :)
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The Republic and Empire probably have about equal numbers of good PVP'ers, however the Empire has far more of everything else. Right now Infamous (Rep) is the most dominant guild, and almost exclusively run 4-man premades at varying hours of the day. They beat most imp premades and destroy pugs without relent, usually 3-capping or pushing the pug team back to spawn. Dead on Arrival, Company, and Reign are not PVP guilds like Infamous, but are also seen frequently either solo queueing or forming groups.


Imp side there's really only Grim Determination left that can field a decent team on any regular basis. There's a lot of good PVP'ers scattered across several other guilds or even guildless. The biggest issue is that the Empire is loaded with new players and casuals and your chances of getting into a good team unless you're in a full premade are slim. The good news is most matches are Imp vs Imp.


You rarely have to worry about getting a pop in reg queue, however ranked is non-existent unless organized ahead of time. Currently Juniormonk is heading up "kickball" nights where teams are made and evened out basically for fun, not for competition.


Oh didn't notice you covered kickball haha

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Over the last 6 months most of the strong PVP guilds have lost members to other servers, be it Bastion or POT5, or people just getting tired of the game. Ironically, pre-transfer despite all the drama, this server boasted some of the best PVP players in all the servers I have seen (some are still around but they are like Yeti's so if you spot one you have to take a photo).

ITK got wrecked for like a month in everything but huttball. But overall I would say that's completely accurate. We have shaped some amazing players but most aren't the best.
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Emmm dominat faction i think the pub side has a little advantage but you still find a lot of dumb players :c if you are looking for pub side pvp guilds i would say Infamous , Dead on Arrival , Company for pve i dont know i do pvp mostly all the time but it think Dead on Arrival , Order of Elyon are hte dominats on the pve aspec , for the imp side for pvp id say Grim Determination, Remants , Bushido for pve i really dont know my marauder only do pvp c; hope this helps!


Remnants* . Thank you for mentioning us. It's true that most pvp'ers on our server are split into guilds. The cool thing about our community is that no one seems to really care. Just come and be friendly. Get your name out there in the right groups and you'll do fine. I mean all you need is three others for any night.


Overall, the scene is pretty poor I'd say. There are some great people who are trying to improve it, but most of the time it just feels like a backwater server where those looking to feed their E-Peen will come and stomp casual RPers for a few hours before returning to a proper PvP server.


Thanks for the shout out.

is all about getting all pvp'ers together in one big group. There are a lot of clicks on this server and this is a good night to break those up into groups.


Which side you planning on playing?

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Wow didn't even expect this much feedback, but thanks to everyone. I'm not really into ranked as I run a sage healer mostly these days and I find 8v8 objective based pvp infinitely more fun, but I do a lot of solo queueing and I just wanted to know if I'd be wanting to slit my wrists after doing so.








Come join MCB ;D


Me and Liz have toons both sides we've leveled <3


Also pvp is about the same on JC...The good/bad/and terribad. http://i.imgur.com/z6Nr01q.jpg



WTH??! I thought you guys all went to bastion? JC people are everywhere. We're like the roaches in this ratchet *** swtor apartment.


Which side you guys playing the most?





"Taunts don't work."



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Brought my sage over and got my feet wet in a few games and had some fun. I did run into and played with and against some <Infamous> guys. Good games. Mostly pub v pub tho. One match vs Imps we had all night we 3 capped in CW. Topped dps or heals in every match i played which was kinda cool i guess. (not sure if bad *** or just playing bad pugs)


Wasn't during your "prime time" I'm sure so ill withhold judgement for now.


If any of you see K'senia on fleet, shoot me an invite. I'm more than likely queueing solo still.

Edited by ace_boogie
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Brought my sage over and got my feet wet in a few games and had some fun. I did run into and played with and against some <Infamous> guys. Good games. Mostly pub v pub tho. One match vs Imps we had all night we 3 capped in CW. Topped dps or heals in every match i played which was kinda cool i guess. (not sure if bad *** or just playing bad pugs)


Wasn't during your "prime time" I'm sure so ill withhold judgement for now.


If any of you see K'senia on fleet, shoot me an invite. I'm more than likely queueing solo still.



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