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SW canon will now be unified & include the EU!!!


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Think it will be a good move. We have always had too many people argue that the books were not canon and that the films topped the books. This way they can have an overall canon where the books, films are all on equal footing. My opinion.


Well they already were on equal footing if people actually read what was there. But yeah...that is annoying anyway.

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Considering that the Star Wars extended universe is often wildly inconsistent and occasionally devolves into a pissing match between authors trying to make their characters to specialist snowflakes of them all, uh, yeah. Good luck, I guess?
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The big news? Wookieepedia has been doing this since the website was created. Wookieepedia has already brought together all the books video games movies tv shows etc. and shown how they are all fit together. Don't let Disney try to take credit for something Wookieepedia has done for years.
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The big news? Wookieepedia has been doing this since the website was created. Wookieepedia has already brought together all the books video games movies tv shows etc. and shown how they are all fit together. Don't let Disney try to take credit for something Wookieepedia has done for years.

LucasArts' Holocron database was doing that a lot longer than Wookieepedia's been in existence. The point of the new development is that once the new canon is established, future movies will treat the novels/comics/video games, etc. that take place in that new canon as having the same "level" of canon as other movies. So you won't get situations like the Prequels disregarding the timeline for the Clone Wars alluded to in the Thrawn trilogy.


It does not mean that the new movies will respect anything in the current EU, though, so we could still see Jacen and Jaina, Mara Jade, the Yuuzhan Vong, the Imperial Remnant, etc., etc., etc., all disappear once Ep. VII comes out.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I think overall it's a great idea. Now they can fine tune the canon. Get rid of the bs (I'm talking about YOU "Crystal Star"), And make the Thrawn Trilogy official so they can MAKE THESE MOVIES! Lol

My new ideal future for the EU:

Existing EU kept intact post-ROTJ up until around Children of the Jedi;

Everything from Children of the Jedi to just before the Hand of Thrawn becomes some weird fever dream Luke had after drinking too much Blue Milk;

The new movies tell the story of what was really happening in those years;

Things in the EU pick back up with the Hand of Thrawn onward being intact.


...hey, a guy can hope :p

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My new ideal future for the EU:

Existing EU kept intact post-ROTJ up until around Children of the Jedi;

Everything from Children of the Jedi to just before the Hand of Thrawn becomes some weird fever dream Luke had after drinking too much Blue Milk;

The new movies tell the story of what was really happening in those years;

Things in the EU pick back up with the Hand of Thrawn onward being intact.


...hey, a guy can hope :p



INDEED! I'm with ya on this one.....I'd also stop & erase almost EVERYTHING after "survivors quest". I say ALMOST because they CAN'T erase Barabels....barabels rule! LOL

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My new ideal future for the EU:

Existing EU kept intact post-ROTJ up until around Children of the Jedi;

Everything from Children of the Jedi to just before the Hand of Thrawn becomes some weird fever dream Luke had after drinking too much Blue Milk;

The new movies tell the story of what was really happening in those years;

Things in the EU pick back up with the Hand of Thrawn onward being intact.


...hey, a guy can hope :p

Include Dark Empire in that fever dream and you've got yourself a deal, pyjak.

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