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More debate on Matchmaking - will be essential now that prefs and F2P can join up


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I've been playing GSF fairly frequently and have had great fun. Now, not so much fun anymore. The reason being that the hard-core fanatics are running around in hi-spec'd ships with extra topping. I've had several encounters where I've gone space-chicken-race against someone and got shot to pieces instantly, despite having fairly heavy shields and armor. After investigation, = asking the players what spec they have, I've come to the conclusion that we're now having a situation where we basically PvP in space with lvl 22 ships against lvl 55 ships. The results are predictable.


There has to be some kind of matchmaking, unless we're going to see heavy nerfing of the "high-level" ships. There's no way to beat someone who's flying with all the extensions, regardless of skill, unless you have the same level of extensions.


I once found another player with same class ship (a scout in this case). I followed him around and emptied my magazines twice, without killing him. Finally, he managed to turn in behind me and shot me down with a 5 second-burst. That's the difference between someone with all the extensions installed, compared to my ship, with just a few extensions.


What is now going to happen is that there will be lots of fun for us who have played a while, when newbies come in to become laser fodder. Not so much for the others. Also, not so much fun for us after a while, when there are no more people to fight.


Conclusion: There has to be some kind of matchmaking in GSF, or a few people with heavily equipped ships will exterminate all others and thus also the GSF player base.


And, no, this is not an issue about my lack of skill, I usually park somewhere at the top half of the board, despite focussing on the team victory. I can just see that skill is not longer essential, equipment is.

Edited by Shawleen
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Well, I joined couple of games with my alt with no upgrades, was against some imps I often fight with my main so I know they are good and they are mastered or close to mastered, and yet my perfaromance was not that much worse with the stock NovaDive than with my mastered one.


That said, I don't say that matchmaking is not needed, of course it is, I just want to point out that upgrades don't make that huge difference. It is more about experience here.


Secondly, prefs will be let in next Tuesday, not today, afaik. Freeloaders even later.

Edited by Slivovidze
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Well, I joined couple of games with my alt with no upgrades, was against some imps I often fight with my main so I know they are good and they are mastered or close to mastered, and yet my perfaromance was not that much worse with the stock NovaDive than with my mastered one.


That said, I don't say that matchmaking is not needed, of course it is, I just want to point out that upgrades don't make that huge difference. It is more about experience here.


Secondly, prefs will be let in next Tuesday, not today, afaik. Freeloaders even later.


I did the same thing on a brand new alt. First fight got me #2 on the boards while flying against guildies I know are right at my skill level, if not better...Knowing how to fly is lot better than being clueless in a mastered ship!

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I don't see how you can say gear doesn't matter. It is the difference between having to hit someone 10 times as compared to 2 or 3 times. Or how many hits you can take. Sure skill plays a part, but it's sure easier if you have to hit someone less times and can take more hits.


Gear "can" matter. However, look at it this way.


Someone with stronger or more powerful gear will tend to rely on the gear. He tells himself, "I can take more shots, therefore I'm just going to take them and keep firing instead of getting out of someone's gun sights."


You might get more damage and/or be able to have fewer deaths. But you're forming bad habits. If you've read the other threads you know that with certain buffs/debuffs/abilities and a lucky or unlucky roll here and there that one-shots happen. The more you let the enemy hit you, the more likely you will be killed and it will be more quickly than it should be. If you let yourself master the plane with fewer upgrades, you'll end up a smarter and better pilot as you learn. Then when you do upgrade, you'll be unstoppable.

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I don't see how you can say gear doesn't matter. It is the difference between having to hit someone 10 times as compared to 2 or 3 times.


Who said gear doesn't matter?


Thankfully, it does matter, but It's more like 10 times compared to 7 times.

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Yea it took me a couple weeks of playing to get my ship upgrades.


They MAKE a big difference. Just like PVP Gear did before. You will wipe the other team out if they are not.




F2P go live soon and they are going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. Sad, very sad. So I'm going to be the good guy and go help kill them in less 5 seconds. (yea.. I'm Sith so that is the good guy approach).


Bottom line: Yea matchmaking QQ will rapidly increase in the near future I'm sure.

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The F2P and Preferred players won't get gunships either right? Not for awhile at least....


They'll have access to them. Not sure if they need to purchase their first gunship with fleet req or not. Guess we'll find out next week.


And yes, while gear makes some difference, it's more like a level 40 picking a fight with a level 50. If the level 40 knows what they are doing(moreso than the level 50 who may have coasted to that level), it is possible for them to win. I probably underestimate the value of upgrades a lot of time, but in most cases skill trumps gear in almost any case in GSF.


And honestly? I'm not sure how well matchmaking will work unless they implement some kind of cross server queuing. I'm torn on that. While it is a more balanced experience against premades, I'll probably miss seeing a lot of familiar allies/opponents during matches.

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When joining a match and finding that I am getting 7 teammates who only have the 2 default ships, while the other team only has 1 of their 8 players with anything less than 4 ships, we have a HUGE problem. The matchmaking sucks... Honestly, if you want this to take off, you need to focus here immediately.


Take a quick lesson from the games you are competing with/ripping off. (Mechwarrior Online, World of Tanks, etc)... You cannot, without external factors, continue to put low level players with top level from the get go. Do you plan for people to hang around if they can't even level?


Rock, Paper, Scissors arguments only work if they can take out one another. A light tank can never take out a heavy in World of Tanks, just as a low level ship cannot take out a max level ship here.


NOTE: I like this aspect of SWTOR very much, but if you continue on this jacked up matchmaking, you will not retain players or gain new ones. Sure you will have those who only do it, but who will want to play them to try and scrounge up enough points to level up some to complete even close to a level that can actually achieve some success.


FINAL NOTE: Waiting 15 - 20 minutes to queue is crap. In that time I can go play 1-3 games short skirmishes in any of the above games. Those of us who are maxed on mutliple characters have no reason to sit in game for times like this....

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When joining a match and finding that I am getting 7 teammates who only have the 2 default ships, while the other team only has 1 of their 8 players with anything less than 4 ships, we have a HUGE problem. The matchmaking sucks... Honestly, if you want this to take off, you need to focus here immediately.




Rock, Paper, Scissors arguments only work if they can take out one another. A light tank can never take out a heavy in World of Tanks, just as a low level ship cannot take out a max level ship here.


NOTE: I like this aspect of SWTOR very much, but if you continue on this jacked up matchmaking, you will not retain players or gain new ones. Sure you will have those who only do it, but who will want to play them to try and scrounge up enough points to level up some to complete even close to a level that can actually achieve some success.




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matchmaking IS in. There just arent enough people queuing on the servers for it to be noticed. Bioware NEED to get cross server queues sorted.

Actually, I don't think matchmaking is in, and if, then it's not working all the time/it's based on wrong or insufficient seed. This opinion of mine comes from a personal experience in (I admit, few) Imperial vs. Imperial matches, where one side always utterly crushed the other. With working matchmaking, I would expect more balanced battles (or, exercises).

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Actually, I don't think matchmaking is in, and if, then it's not working all the time/it's based on wrong or insufficient seed. This opinion of mine comes from a personal experience in (I admit, few) Imperial vs. Imperial matches, where one side always utterly crushed the other. With working matchmaking, I would expect more balanced battles (or, exercises).


I agree with you. I've been flying at least four matches a day for a while now and there's a wide variety of matches. Some are fairly well balanced (ends 1000-800), where I recognize several familiar names with hi-spec ships (Rosy and others) where I get my butt kicked quite firmly, some are total disasters (that never goes the total time and ends 1000-300) where I can use my non-modified ships and end up at third-fourth place on the kill list.


Regardless if matchmaking is in or not, it's not working well.

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Actually, I don't think matchmaking is in, and if, then it's not working all the time/it's based on wrong or insufficient seed. This opinion of mine comes from a personal experience in (I admit, few) Imperial vs. Imperial matches, where one side always utterly crushed the other. With working matchmaking, I would expect more balanced battles (or, exercises).


Unbalanced imp vs imp matches come from the good imp pilots forming and joining as a group. There is nothing matchmaking can do in this case. It has to put all 4 of them on the same side. And then it faces the dilemma "shall i postpone next match indefinitely until another premade queues so i can put it against the first one? Or shall i start a match when enough players are available even if it is unbalanced?".


My guess is that it postpones the match for a while, but then gives it a green light with the reasoning that an unbalanced match is better than no match.

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There's no way to beat someone who's flying with all the extensions, regardless of skill, unless you have the same level of extensions.

No, I've been shooting people down in a near-stock (like bought core components without upgrades) Blackbolt - people with good upgrades, too.


All it takes is optimizing what you have. To fight enemies with Distortion (the Scout you meantioned), get Telemetry or Beacon (if you fight near sats a lot), companion with Accuracy bonus. Don't shoot them while they're on the edge of your targeting area. Best accuracy is achieved while they're at the center. To fight enemies with strong lock-on missiles, abuse line of sight, like debris, antennae, curved surfaces (ship pitches faster than it yaws, so rotate this baby for max agility). Against Gunships, approach in a broad arc, or use obstacles to block their railgun and get them from up close.


Never fly in straight lines - even the most powerful upgrades will only delay the inevitable by 2-3 seconds if you can't evade enemy fire properly. Manage your ship power, it'll save your life and earn you kills.


Anything can be beaten with the right strategy and the right (and pretty much stock) equipment. Might want to take a look at this, and the "see also" section - with this basic knowledge, you'll have a decent chance to outmaneuver even a ship with better turn speed.


If you really don't want to get into all this stuff, you can always build an "objectives scout" (speed, booster pool) and blow up static turrets in one quick sweep (100% rocket armour penetration, burst cannon, too, if you use Flashfire/Sting for this role, but I like Nova/Blackbolt better because of Dampening - they won't see you coming unless you're already close), zoom across the entire map in 1 booster pool with booster recharge system, and act as a wingman assistant to shake enemies off the tails of your buddies, zap off to another sat if you feel that it's getting ugly.

Edited by Helig
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I agree with you. I've been flying at least four matches a day for a while now and there's a wide variety of matches. Some are fairly well balanced (ends 1000-800), where I recognize several familiar names with hi-spec ships (Rosy and others) where I get my butt kicked quite firmly, some are total disasters (that never goes the total time and ends 1000-300) where I can use my non-modified ships and end up at third-fourth place on the kill list.


Regardless if matchmaking is in or not, it's not working well.


You're on Progenitor I take it? I was talking with Rosy yesterday, she (he?) is very knowledgeable about the game and a great flyer. I got my butt kicked by players of her (his?) caliber quite often on my imp char.


On the topic of matchmaking, seeing certain names on my team roster (Rosy's among others) is like an "OK, we just won the match" statement before it even starts... They're really good and the upgraded ships they're flying only bolsters their skill. I predict many preferred ragequitting after a match or two against them if matchmaking doesn't kick in properly

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Unbalanced imp vs imp matches come from the good imp pilots forming and joining as a group.

That's a possible explanation, yes. Very well. I'm eager to see what 14th will bring, and if groups vs. single queueing players (which I also perceive as a matchmaking problem) will be dealt with or not.

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Dont expect regular queues for a while after preferred/f2p get access. Theyre still going to get destroyed by skilled players playing on alts or simply those that have good skills. The poor players will then ease off playing or stop altogether. Same as what is happening now.
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