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Lack of matchmaking


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I'm not giving up ( yet), but I really dislike the idea, that I need to grind daylies in order to become at least somewhat useful im fights.


I don't disagree that the tutorial is absolutely awful, but I do strongly disagree that you have to grind dailies in order to be useful.


See my post here for my experiences after rerolling and taking names with no upgrades.

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My server is now dead when it comes to matchmaking for GSF. Queue times used to be seconds at launch, but now they can last hours, and I often just end up doing a Flashpoint or regular PvP instead because I'm tired of waiting.


What GSF needs is more variety. Have maps where the goal is to rack up the most kills (a ticket system like Battlefield. Each team starts with X amount of tickets, and the first team to burn the other down wins). This will help alleviate the sniping issue because snipers like to camp satellite holders because they're easy prey. Remove satellites from the equation and turn it into a team deathmatch, and watch how fast gunships become the easy prey.


I had a blast when it came out, but now it's just boring. All we do is slowly fly around the "satellite" to hold it, occasionally fighting off anyone who wants to take it, and constantly get sniped by gunships who just park and shoot at anyone defending.


A more aggressive style map would prevent gunship camping all together rather than making anyone who dares to try to hold an objective simply fodder for the gunships to rack their kill count up with.


Also, if they are going to start matching premades with premades, they NEED to open up cross realm queuing. There is literally ONE guild on my server/faction that does premade GSF on a regular basis (its become that unpopular). If they match premades, they will never get to play.

Edited by TrooperRCH
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i find your claim of Dead Que's rather suspect, Trooper... but, i will let ya in on something, there will be a Death-match mode where they do remove the Satellites from the equation, when the game launches... so no need for major exaggeration to get your point across about a mode you want, it's already coming...
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Ok, this is getting absurd.

I do not want to butcher down preferred players with 2 ships, I do not want to kill them in a few seconds again and again.

I do not want to win 1000-0, I do not want to be a reason they stop playing.


I hate this situation, I can imagine how they feel. I would truely understand if they never launched Starfighter again.

Postponing the access of prefered players in a game with low PVP population was a bad decision as well

Also, there is no excuse for the lack of matchmaking, there is already a great irreversible damage done.

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While this is certainly happening I think it is slowly improving.


Matches were one team is dominated by players with only two ships are happening less frequently to me. The preferred are starting to spend requisition. Of course this is just my perception. I could be wrong and even if I'm right this will likely start all over again next month then the FTP players get started.

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To be honest some of the more experienced players out there recognize that the gap in skill can be daunting for the newer players and to combat this we use ships that are less upgraded when playing against people with 2 or 3 ships. We take it easy on the newer guys, we still win of course, but we don't try to stomp them into a 1000:0 loss.


We understand that it is no fun to get dominated every single match so we try and let you have some fun. If you hate GSF or it is no fun for you then you won't come back. That alone is incentive to keep you interested, let you live long enough to get better. Until you are good enough that we have to actually try to kill you instead of just assuming you are dead when you come into our zones of control.



As I reread this post I should kind of like an a-hole, but that is not my intention. It is no fun for anyone to be in an incredibly lopsided match, so some of us give the newer players time to work out all the little tricks and tweaks to their playstyle so that they will stick around and become challenging opponents down the road.

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  • 2 months later...

I can confirm that this game needs some kind of matchmaking. This just happened. Republic are generally terrible, I've accepted that fact, but a completely geared out Imperial premade against...whatever this was is ridiculous:




I'm fairly new, in my first week, and I'm frequently finding myself in the top three of most random matches. That said, throwing us to the e-sports wolves every second game is not the way to get people to stick around.

Edited by SidisAran
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To be honest some of the more experienced players out there recognize that the gap in skill can be daunting for the newer players and to combat this we use ships that are less upgraded when playing against people with 2 or 3 ships. We take it easy on the newer guys, we still win of course, but we don't try to stomp them into a 1000:0 loss.


We understand that it is no fun to get dominated every single match so we try and let you have some fun. If you hate GSF or it is no fun for you then you won't come back. That alone is incentive to keep you interested, let you live long enough to get better. Until you are good enough that we have to actually try to kill you instead of just assuming you are dead when you come into our zones of control.



As I reread this post I should kind of like an a-hole, but that is not my intention. It is no fun for anyone to be in an incredibly lopsided match, so some of us give the newer players time to work out all the little tricks and tweaks to their playstyle so that they will stick around and become challenging opponents down the road.


Try turning off the voice comm and see how well you all do. It's nice that you are willing to counterbalance whats more a less a cheat though.

Edited by General_Brass
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I can confirm that this game needs some kind of matchmaking. This just happened. Republic are generally terrible, I've accepted that fact, but a completely geared out Imperial premade against...whatever this was is ridiculous:




I'm fairly new, in my first week, and I'm frequently finding myself in the top three of most random matches. That said, throwing us to the e-sports wolves every second game is not the way to get people to stick around.


Unfortunately, this is nothing new, and it happens all the time. If you don't like it, you have four options:


-Play at a different time when the premades aren't, for some more fun, closer games


-Get better, get to know other good players, and group with them to attempt to counter a premade for epic close matches (far easier said than done....incredibly difficult and near impossible to accomplish....in the hundreds of games I've played, I've seen less than 10 premade vs premade games)


-Get better and join a premade to be on the winning side of a blowout (still not fun, unless you're a masochist or just like bragging about your combat record..."My W/L ratio owns!!")


-Quit playing

Edited by Kalphitis
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I can confirm that this game needs some kind of matchmaking. This just happened. Republic are generally terrible, I've accepted that fact, but a completely geared out Imperial premade against...whatever this was is ridiculous:




I'm fairly new, in my first week, and I'm frequently finding myself in the top three of most random matches. That said, throwing us to the e-sports wolves every second game is not the way to get people to stick around.


OK, so I was in the match that you posted about on the winning side. (Not going to say who I was as it doesn't really matter). And I can't speak for the other 7 pilots on my team, but I fly solo. ALL the time. Haven't been in a premade since Dec. with 2 of my guildies. I think you just ran into a couple of the more experienced pilots with upgraded ships. And although it's nice to have those kinds of matches if your just trying to get your daily done asap, it's certainly not anywhere near as fun as a balanced match. But I do agree the matchmaking system leaves something to be desired. Shooting down new(er) pilots isn't anywhere as satisfying as shooting down the likes of some the top pilots on the JC server.


Now I fly both Imp and Pub. It's been my experience (1500 matches played roughly) that the Pub side wins much more often than the Imp side. (Actually Imp side has gotten better over the past few months) You said you were in your first week. Unfortunately, its going to be rough out there for you till you get more experience and find a ship(s) that fits your play style and upgrade it fully. I have been on both ends of the aforementioned match, (well not quite as bad as that....lol), but all you can do is persevere, learn, and keep at it. I know many have said the very same thing, but with the way matchmaking is currently there is only one thing I can think of doing. Try flying at different times of the day/night. And like was mentioned above, find out who the best pilots are on the faction you want to fly and ask to group up to fly together. Although I fly solo, I certainly wouldn't turn anyone down. And lastly hope matchmaking gets improved in some form or fashion. Good luck out there.

Edited by Sithwallker
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My mistake with the pre-made assumption, apologies. I can confirm that I was the top damage for the Republic by a sizable margin, but that was a pretty pathetic showing for all of us. I've been in PvP Guilds before and rolling over random groups is nowhere near as engaging as a competitive match between similar teams.


Hopefully they'll figure it out sooner than later; this expansion has some great aspects and I don't want to see it go the way of MWO. Some kind of bracket system, ratings, and fresh content every so often will only make it better.

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My mistake with the pre-made assumption, apologies. I can confirm that I was the top damage for the Republic by a sizable margin, but that was a pretty pathetic showing for all of us. I've been in PvP Guilds before and rolling over random groups is nowhere near as engaging as a competitive match between similar teams.


Hopefully they'll figure it out sooner than later; this expansion has some great aspects and I don't want to see it go the way of MWO. Some kind of bracket system, ratings, and fresh content every so often will only make it better.


lol just because one guy was not part of the premade doesn't mean you weren't fighting one.

Edited by General_Brass
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My mistake with the pre-made assumption, apologies. I can confirm that I was the top damage for the Republic by a sizable margin, but that was a pretty pathetic showing for all of us. I've been in PvP Guilds before and rolling over random groups is nowhere near as engaging as a competitive match between similar teams.


Hopefully they'll figure it out sooner than later; this expansion has some great aspects and I don't want to see it go the way of MWO. Some kind of bracket system, ratings, and fresh content every so often will only make it better.


No apologies needed. I'm sure it was just frustrating. But like the previous poster stated, I can't speak for the other 7 guys on the team......so maybe there were a couple grouped up and on voice comms. Who knows? I wouldn't have any idea. Good luck to ya and happy hunting.

Edited by Sithwallker
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