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Lack of matchmaking


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When there's 16 imps and 5 pugs queueing, matchmaking is hard.


It's actually only a question of weeks until the problem is fixed - by allowing preferred etc to play.


If there aren't enough subscribers on a server to provide sufficient player pool and x-server is not applicable, then PVP is going to die quite soon.

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matchmaking is a moot point anyway considering you choose your ship after you get in... and, you can change it at any time during a re-spawn...


I'd just base it on total wins across your legacy. Of course, you're going to be at a disadvantage flying a weaker ship, but that's insignificant compared to the gap between someone playing their first game and someone with hundreds of wins.

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When there's 16 imps and 5 pugs queueing, matchmaking is hard.


It's actually only a question of weeks until the problem is fixed - by allowing preferred etc to play.


Allowing more players in will only temporarily fix the issue. It won't take them long to realize that it is no fun being farmed over and over.


What Bioware needs to do is to make the group and solo queues actually separate, and add more maps where so much direct PvP is not as important.

Edited by ptwonline
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Heres what you do if you want matchmaking to kick in.



Get more players to play GSF.


it really is that simple. Right now, on the majority of servers, you are lucky to get 2 battles going on at once. On others there are 5-6 battles regularly happening, so matchmaking can kick in and do its job. If it kicked in on the lower servers, you would NEVER get a pop.

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Heres what you do if you want matchmaking to kick in.



Get more players to play GSF.


it really is that simple. Right now, on the majority of servers, you are lucky to get 2 battles going on at once. On others there are 5-6 battles regularly happening, so matchmaking can kick in and do its job. If it kicked in on the lower servers, you would NEVER get a pop.


Which is why it was short-sighted of Bioware to launch this without cross-server queues. if they don't fix that or else make maps where there is much less focus on direct PvP, GSF will be great for a few months and then become fairly barren.

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Which is why it was short-sighted of Bioware to launch this without cross-server queues. if they don't fix that or else make maps where there is much less focus on direct PvP, GSF will be great for a few months and then become fairly barren.


I really think that their servers ( not the game) arent set up for cross server queues. The infrastructure they use would most likely have to be radically changed in the data centres for it to happen.

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matchmaking is a moot point anyway considering you choose your ship after you get in... and, you can change it at any time during a re-spawn...


Sigh, you missed the point. The problem is not a larger variety of ships to chose from. Whover has unlocked five ships with fleet requestion must have played a game a lot and have far more experience and geared ships compared to players having only 2 or 3.

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Sigh, you missed the point. The problem is not a larger variety of ships to chose from. Whover has unlocked five ships with fleet requestion must have played a game a lot and have far more experience and geared ships compared to players having only 2 or 3.


That's actually not true at all. I have six ships unlocked, but only two of them are mastered. I also have upwards of 130k requisition sitting around because I see no reason to upgrade the other ships (I only use them for daily and weekly bonuses).


Likewise, I've known people with seven stock ships and I'm sure someone out there has only the two "base" ships but has them both mastered.

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Sigh, you missed the point. The problem is not a larger variety of ships to chose from. Whover has unlocked five ships with fleet requestion must have played a game a lot and have far more experience and geared ships compared to players having only 2 or 3.


that's rather presumptuous, considering it assumes that number of games played equals level of skill gained... sorry but there's some people that can't learn anything, they could play the same thing everyday 365 days a year and still not get any better... now that player with no skill and an inability to learn from their mistakes gets pitted against stronger and better waves as time progresses getting stomped worse and worse as days go by, and thus will become just like the people that whine about "premades" ruining their game experience... and the snake comes back around to eat it's own tail...


what i'm trying to say is, that's faux matchmaking that assumes a lot that may or may not be factual about an individuals skill level based on arbitrary metrics...

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Yes, fast queue times are more important than anything else, 10 preferred players with 2 ships on the left, none got even close to 10k damage; everyone with 3+ ships on the right, all had more than 10k. While number of ships is probably not the best way to foretell the outcome of a match, but it is still a good indicator.
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I just was in a match which started like this and ended like this. To be honest, the outcome was obvious in the moment when I reached the satellite while all my teammates were still in the starting position. And without any false modesty, I don't want to know how the scoreboard would look like if my spot would be taken by another newbie.


Please, matches like this should not happen. I understand the limitation with the player pool and faction imbalance. But - unless such functionality is already implemented - in cases like above, delay the start of the match as much as possible, and try to only pair newbies against newbies. Personally, I don't mind longer waiting, and certainly prefer it over afore displayed "fights".

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My matches this morning actually felt a lot more balanced than in recent days.


The scores usually ended no more than 200 points apart and most were much closer. Could have just been a lucky streak. Who knows?


Haven't really been looking at the ships in the initial roster. I'll have to start doing that. I know there were new players in there though just from their behavior. One asked how to fire his missiles. :rolleyes:

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The match making system seems even more broken than before. Its really bad, I feel sorry for premiums that are coming in and have no chance and often getting totally owned and only making 4 points in an entire match is not much fun. Not that GSF is anything to write home about for all the time and the hype its not achieved much but when the sides are so poorly matched it goes from boring to being down right tragic. It would be akin to putting a new level 55 area that was balanced for level 60's but with the gear reward only useful in that area. A few people might work through the wipes and the unbalanced combat but why bother and thats pretty much like GSF I don't see why people will bother and BW don't seem to want to fix it.
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My matches this morning actually felt a lot more balanced than in recent days.


The scores usually ended no more than 200 points apart and most were much closer. Could have just been a lucky streak. Who knows?


Haven't really been looking at the ships in the initial roster. I'll have to start doing that. I know there were new players in there though just from their behavior. One asked how to fire his missiles. :rolleyes:


I flew about 5 or 6 matches this morning and it did seem a little more balanced. We had a lot of new players which is good. I found myself holding back a bit when I had some new players in my sights. My fear is if too many vets blow them out of the water, they may feel frustrated and not queue as much....which is a bad thing.

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This morning I had a match where it was 12v12 anf I had the most overgeared ship compaired to the other 23 people that it was a landslide slaughter. Tonight it seemed alot closer with both sides having decent enough pilots, so maybe it depends on the time of day you try to play. I know that this morning definately seemed a bit unfair to the opponents and probally had some re-think getting me against them because the next closes person to me had 2 kills 4 assists and 6 deaths, while I had 12 kills, 15 assists and 0 deaths.
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One asked how to fire his missiles.

You know, with the tutorial like ours it's hardly a surprise. It was not helpful ( to put it mildly). As someone who enjoys PVE space-missions and had my share of good old space fighters, I should say that 'learning curve' does not exist within current SF design.


Tutorial barely gives controls basics. Which, combined with lack of reasonable matchmaking makes first few games a real trial by frustration. I renewed my sub to try out SF. Well, it's good that I have 'rise of the hutt cartel' to play too.

I'm not giving up ( yet), but I really dislike the idea, that I need to grind daylies in order to become at least somewhat useful im fights.

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I completely agree. I did try and help the guy with how to fire the missiles, at least as much as I could mid match.


Tried to find him post match to give him more details but he logged off.


We have to be willing to answer questions like this if we want the game to grow.

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Tutorial barely gives controls basics. Which, combined with lack of reasonable matchmaking makes first few games a real trial by frustration. I renewed my sub to try out SF. Well, it's good that I have 'rise of the hutt cartel' to play too.

I'm not giving up ( yet), but I really dislike the idea, that I need to grind daylies in order to become at least somewhat useful im fights.


I would personally amend that to 'more useful' rather than 'somewhat useful'. GSF has a learning curve, it's just really steep. And the upgrades on components don't matter anywhere near as much as favored components to match your style. I just started some new characters on another server today. My performance isn't anywhere what it could be, but that's because I'm using weapon and ability components I'm not that used to. I'm still doing pretty well with a non-upgraded ship and contributing. Just not as much as I feel I could since I have to adjust my tactics to a manner I'm not as familiar with.

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I do not know why, but on Red Eclipse the difference in mentality of republic and imperial PVP players is almost unbelievable. It seems that every regular player goes for rep, while all the casuals for the imp, which in practise usually means that in lev55 PVP reps win most of the times (more experience, co-ordination, better gear and overall knowledge).


I hoped Starfighter would be different, but no, it is all the same.

Republic players on right side with at least 3, but in general 4-5 upgraded ships by now and all the preferred players with only 2 without upgrades want to play the imperial side, therefore more and more matches become a devastating loss.


Matchmaking is a must.

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It seems to matchmake groups of four together, then match those together in a combination that's fair. When it's working you can see because there is typically one group that has 4-5 ships, then one or two groups with 2-3, and it's roughly the same on both sides. Having queues popping quickly definitely defeats some of that though, it decides to go with unbalanced teams rather than wait longer.


I don't think there's any solution to that other than cross-server queues.

Edited by XavinNydek
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