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Rage/Annihilation Hybrid Spec and Guide by Kolgard 11/8/27


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LOG: http://www.torparse.com/a/538474


AMR: swtor.askmrrobot.com/characte...d-e23915c4b428


PVE Spec: http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/marauder/9/?build=022300120010000000000000000000000320300000000000000000000000000003222211010202301021020000000000&ver=20


PVP Spec: http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/marauder/9/?build=012300220010000000000000000000000320300000000000000000000000000002222201012202301021020000000000&ver=20


After playing extensively with each of the three trees, and after months of parsing I've found what I believe to be the only viable Hybrid spec for Marauders which I've been running in Ops/Parsing/Pvping with for the past week. I'm not as geared some of the Elite HM Raiders, but I wanted to put this out there. I have been breaking 3k DPS on a standard 5 Minute Parse, and have broken 3.2k on a TTK Dummy with 1 Million HP/Armor Debuff/Attack Adrenals. I'd really like to see what someone with Dread Forged Relics and a Mainhand can do with this. (NOTE: This Thread is a work in progress, and I'll keep updating as I fine-tune the rotation.)


The tricky part about this Spec is implementing Deadly Saber without ruining your resource management. As a result there is an absurd number of sets that you rotate through. The bottom line is, you need to be flexible and sharp enough to recognize the proper time to proc Deadly Saber. Thus the reason for 6 different sets in the rotation.


The general rule is to activate Deadly Saber whenever it is up, there are exceptions however.




Bloodthirst (if possible) > Frenzy > Force Charge > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault > Rupture > Obliterate >


Set 1


Berserk > Smash > Ravage > Force Scream > Vicious Slash > Deadly Saber > Vicious Slash x3 > Battering Assault


> Rupture > Obliterate > Vicious Slash


Set 2


Berserk > Smash > Deadly Saber > Dual Saber Throw > Force Scream > Vicious Slash x4 > Rupture > Battering


Assault > Deadly Saber > Obliterate


Set 3


Berserk > Smash > Ravage > Force Scream > Vicious Slash x3 > Deadly Saber > Vicious Slash > Battering Assault


> Rupture > Obliterate > Vicious Slash


Set 4


Berserk > Smash > Dual Saber Throw > Force Scream > Deadly Saber > Vicious Slash x4 > Battering Assault


> Rupture > Obliterate > Vicious Slash >


Set 5


Berserk > Smash > Deadly Saber > Ravage > Force Scream > Vicious Slash x4 > Rupture > Battering Assault


> Deadly Saber > Obliterate


Set 6


Berserk > Smash > Dual Saber Throw > Force Scream > Vicious Slash x4 > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault


> Rupture > Obliterate > Vicious Slash


Repeat Set 1


Things To Remember


1. Force Scream cannot be used if it is not building Fury.


I.E. When you hit Berserk > Smash you always follow it up with one of the following. . .


1. Ravage > Force Scream


2. Dual Saber Throw > Force Scream


3. Deadly Saber > Dual Saber Throw > Force Scream


4. Deadly Saber > Ravage > Force Scream


Fury cannot be built while your six charges from Berserk in Shii-Cho Form are ticking down. So you use free abilities (excluding Deadly Saber) to counter this.


2. Activating Bloodthirst


A. In Standard Smash Spec it is difficult to time Bloodthirst mid fight without ruining your momentum. The recent patch has made it a bit easier at least. The best place to activate it is right after you have activated Berserk and Smash. Hit your Frenzy and then your Bloodthirst, and you lose no Fury, and your Rotation continues on as normal.


3. Deadly Saber


A. I'll admit, an absurd amount of awareness is required to know when it is appropriate to activate Deadly Saber. If you do make a mistake, it can typically be fixed quickly with a few Assaults, and Vicious Slashes. The trickiest part is when you have just popped Berserk, and your rage meter is filling up.


If Deadly Saber is off cooldown, and your Berserk Charges are ticking down, ALWAYS ACTIVATE DEADLY SABER. Even though you waste Fury and Rage, the math still works out, and you are able to generate enough Fury to proc Berserk again.


4. Berserk/Smash


A. These two abilities always need to be used together, as it is virtually pointless to Smash without three charges of Shockwave which is granted by Berserk. This is one of the most important parts of your rotation, as a large portion of your damage comes from Smash.


5. Vicious Slash/Vicious Throw


A. If you EVER have excess Rage, spam Vicious Slash, or if target is below 30% Alternate between Vicious Throw and Vicious Slash.


6. Try to deplete your Rage to exactly 0.


A. If the Set Pattern overwhelms you, make a game out of it. If you have two rage left, your options are Obliterate or Rupture.


If you have 3 Rage, you're SOL, and you should use Vicious Slash, or Vicious Throw if available. These abilities cost 3 rage a piece, but refund 1 rage.


Spend as much of your Rage as you can before using Battering Assault. If done properly, the Rage granted from Battering Assault will allow you to generate enough Fury to proc Berserk.


My Logic Behind The Spec


As much as I love Rage and Carnage, the main issue that I have with them is their lack of a powerful DoT. I've always gotten my best Parses, and had the best results in Ops in Annihilation Spec.


The Buildup required for Annihilator, and lack of a decent Crit Rate on Annihilate led me initially to Carnage, and then to Rage. Not to mention the lack of a solid AOE in Annihilation and Carnage.


Annihilation/Carnage is not viable since it is pointless to spec into Ataru Form without having Massacre, and at that point you're a full Carnage Spec. As tempting as it was to go up to Gore and sacrifice points as necessary, it just wasn't efficient.


I'll admit that Rage Spec is my weapon of choice, I simply enjoy playing it the most. Like Carnage though, you only do one attack at a time, and it isn't enough to compete with an onslaught of melee attacks with a few DoTs ticking in the background.


The Bulk of my damage comes from spamming Vicious Slash, which I have spammed upwards of 5 times in an Op before to avoid wasting Rage/Fury. It gets a little redundant at times, but results are results.


I have considered stacking a bit more Crit to see how it affects my DoTs.


Another note, I did not form this Spec with the expectation of getting decent Self-Heals, which leads me into another topic, Berserk.


Of the three specs, I'd say Annihilation has the least useful versions of Berserk. Yes you get six guaranteed crits on your bleeds which bounce some health back your way, but I'd much rather hit up to five targets for upwards of 7.3k


I'm hoping those who take interest in this spec will post and offer their own insight. Enjoy!

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3.4k DPShttp://www.torparse.com/a/543916/1/0/Overview


AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/e291d26d-2355-44fc-8239-5d5d4e1a669b


Only just seen this post and thought i'd give it a go :) swapped the spec to http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/marauder#10210322-2230-31201322011122223 for the extra 5% bonus crit damage.


I really like how fluid the spec is on a dummy parse and how it isnt reliant on procs at all :) going to try it in Dread Fortress HM later in the week to see how it does in an actual raid setting(and with adds to hit ;))

Edited by ShakeableCoyote
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I occasionally play this on my sent for some months now and I really like it. It works awesome because of the double proccing relics and has more single target DPS than focus.

Actually I use this. Gives me more DPS. Actually, 1 point in cascading power gives you as much average DPS as the 3% precision from narrow hatred, so that one point is debatable.

Things I do different:

I try to time deadly saber with smash for extra DPS during the 6 seconds after smash. This has some ridiculous burst during that time. You should not miss out on the last 4 points in the right tree IMHO. Plus, when triggering berserk, you get so much rage that you can easily use deadly saber without ever having to resort to auto attack.

I still use smash on cooldown, so every 2nd smash is without any stacks of shockwave, only to get the 6 sec of damage boost.


Great fun spec to play! People should really give this a try instead of dismissing it immediately just because it is a hybrid.


Nice writeup BTW!

Edited by atschai
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I occasionally play this on my sent for some months now and I really like it. It works awesome because of the double proccing relics and has more single target DPS than focus.

Actually I use this. Gives me more DPS. Actually, 1 point in cascading power gives you as much average DPS as the 3% precision from narrow hatred, so that one point is debatable.

Things I do different:

I try to time deadly saber with smash for extra DPS during the 6 seconds after smash. This has some ridiculous burst during that time. You should not miss out on the last 4 points in the right tree IMHO. Plus, when triggering berserk, you get so much rage that you can easily use deadly saber without ever having to resort to auto attack.

I still use smash on cooldown, so every 2nd smash is without any stacks of shockwave, only to get the 6 sec of damage boost.


Great fun spec to play! People should really give this a try instead of dismissing it immediately just because it is a hybrid.


Nice writeup BTW!


Interesting. Thx for bringing this up. I will give it a try. But not having defensive roll is a bad thing though. Why no point in interceptor?


I mean with that spec u posted there is no slow else than the standard one, is that enough?

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Interesting. Thx for bringing this up. I will give it a try. But not having defensive roll is a bad thing though. Why no point in interceptor?


I mean with that spec u posted there is no slow else than the standard one, is that enough?


I dunno, my spec usually is for PvE. For PvP, you are right, I would put the points from cloak of rage either into interceptor or strangulate and on the left, points in cloak of annihilation and seeping wounds are debatable, too. And, like I said, cascading power and narrow hatred are about even in damage.


Sadly, in this spec, there is nothing left for defensive roll :(

Edited by atschai
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I was just debating this build yesterday with my new league.



With a 11/2/33 build I keep parsing an extra 120 dps over carnage ( granted I am 72-78ish geared ). The whole point of deadly saber is supplementing the rage tree with a filler between attacks. Actually if you think of it, it's like annihilation tree but with smash instead of annihilate and weaker dots but with no up ramp time.


I use the following priority: Smash-deadly saber-vicous throw-obliterate-vicous slash-battering assault-force scream-assault.

This way every attack triggers overpower to reduce smash cool down ( deadly saber is off GCD )

I'm not using rupture since it seems like a dps loss on a 5 min parse.


Currently parsing 2650 or so with warrior self buff, stim. No adrenals or or other class buffs. 510 power serendipitous and 280 internal damage relic. I'll see what 3/3 dual wield mastery does tonight.

Edited by OM-AR
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After playing extensively with each of the three trees, and after months of parsing I've found what I believe to be the only viable Hybrid spec for Marauders


Unfortunately for you, I have a thread coming up in a second which does away with that claim :D

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Do share!!!


Also as far as Augments I stick with Might as I'm a Might > Power kind of person. I've considered Crit Augs to see how it helps with my DoT's, but since they're more there for supplemental reason's I'd shy away from it. End of the day I always go Mainstat Augs, and let Adrenals cover Crit/Surge/Alacrity

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