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Ebon Hawk Link Collection


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Last Update: Feb 6th, 2014

If you like this thread please rate it. Making this thread sticky will help all Ebon Hawkers. :)


This thread is a collection of several useful links to Ebon Hawk players, including but not limited to community enjin page, server leaderboards and guild websites. I found it hard sometimes to find all the threads and links on my own, especially since some very important threads might actually be placed in a lower priority because of no new recent posts, so I figured I might construct a meta thread collecting all the useful links.


This thread is being constantly updated and is currently under construction. If you gave any suggestions, feel free to post. I'd love to hear about how I can improve this thread or what more content I can add to it.


Hopefully this thread will be made a sticky.


If you wish to place your guild on the list, please post with a valid and active link of your guild website in your reply. I will post your guild websites to the link when I am updating the thread.


Constructing this thread is certainly not as easy as making a nice looking word document, and it is hard to completely avoid mistakes. While I try my best to minimizes mistakes, I do ask my fellow Ebon Hawkers for patience and understanding in case I do derp.


- If you find your website somehow removed without notifications, please don't hesitate to tell me to put it back, because it is likely I accidentally removed the link when I am updating it.

- If I mismatch the link with the name, please reply to the thread so I can fix it as soon as possible.


Ebon Hawk Server Leaderboards:




Ebon Hawk PVP Thraeds:




Ebon Hawk Crafters:




Ebon Hawk Guild Summit:




Ebon Hawk Enjin Community



Here are guild websites for both factions.


Republic Guilds:




Imperial Guilds:






Special tribute to Greenspan. May the server never forgets you:



Edited by Azurestone
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Jan.7th, 2014 Update:


Added the following to community thread section:

1. Guild Summit Meeting Notes

2. PVP Server Leaderboard


Added the following to guild website section:

1. Saberwing

2. Thirteenth Legion

3. Army of Light

4. Maan Ade Mandalore

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Maybe separate the guild websites by factions? Just a suggestion. Excellent idea.


This is a great idea. I am working on it atm. I can either make two different sections for imp and pub guilds respectively, or I can simply make an alphabetical list of guilds, and then blue the pub guilds and red the imp guilds. Thanks for the advice! I will probably work something out this weekend.

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Please add Ebon Hawk Subreddit to the list.


I am updating this thread at the moment but this link doesn't seem to be working. I clicked it the it says "page not found, the page you requested does not exist." Is the reddit site under maintenance?


The guild website of Isolated Incident is at http://www.isolatedincident.shivtr.com.


Apologies but I haven't added your website yet. I'd love to but I am not sure if Isolated Incident is an imp side guild or a pub side guild. I have separated the guilds in two factions, so I can't add your guild to the list on this update, but I will be happy to add it as soon as I've been informed if this is a pub or imp guild. Thank you!

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