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how will new 2.6 gunship compare with old?


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well unless it is the only gs out there that can drop a well played pike solo I wouldn't worry about it

I fly a pike and to be honest nothing on the batte field 1 v 1 scares me except the pilots most gs's can be delt with insanely fast as can scouts if you keep them at arms length and play the pike for what it is a missle boat

Edited by Lytewraith
misss spelll
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(posted this in another thread but it matches this thread more)


Looking at the datamined text descriptions of the Republic and Imperial Dogfighting Gunship Variant, they contain phrases such as:

* basic railgun

* sensor range and ammunition capacity is less than that of similar ships

* dogfighting missiles

* more powerful short-range laser cannons

* faster and more maneuverable than its counterparts

* variety of shields and engines

* survivability

* ship-to-ship missiles

* unleash volleys from enhanced close-range laser cannons

* additional speed, maneuverability and equipment options


Going by all of this, my guess is that the Dogfighting Gunship Variant will only have access to the slug railgun. It will still have Armor and Reactor Minor Components, but it will not have the Magazine or Sensor Minor Components. Instead it will get Thrusters and (by process of elimination) a Capacitor (which lets it "enhance" its primary weapons to be "more powerful").


Additionally, it will likely have access to more "traditional dogfighting" shield and engine selections than the Double-Railgun Gunship Variant, such as Directional Shield, Retro Thrusters, etc. Look at the Sting compared to the Blackbolt for guidance of what to expect.


What really puzzles me is the reference to "enhanced close-range laser cannons". The "enhanced" part likely refers to the buff rom the Capacitor Minor Component, but Burst Laser Cannons are the gold-standard for close-up fighting, and the original Gunship Variant already has those. It's possible that "close range" refers to any non-railgun weapons, in which case it might have access to Quad Cannons, which are what the "dogfighting" Scout Variant got exclusive access to.


All that being said, I agree that at present, the new Gunship variant does not look very appealing compared to the current Gunship. For it to really be worth trying out, I think three things would have to happen:


1) Correct the Ion Railgun so that "love taps" do not deliver full magnitude debuffs

2) Give the Dogfighting Gunship Variant Burst Laser Cannons and Cluster Missiles to emphasize its versatility as both a long-range artillery and short-range satellite capper/guarder

3) Remove Burst Laser Cannons from the Double-Railgun Gunship Variant to reinforce its purpose as long-range artillery and decrease its ability to fight up-close


If all that happened, I'd probably at least have a serious try at making the Dogfighter Gunship work, as I do enjoy getting close with my Gunship to wreck people with Burst Laser Cannons to cap/guard satellites.

Edited by Nemarus
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The current gunship already works just fine in a scrap. Burst lasers and distortion are all you need. Still underwhelmed.


That's my point. I think the current Gunship would have to lose some of its more "dogfightery" versatility in order to make the new Gunship variant appealing.

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The VX-9 will have one railgun and one missile.




It will be interesting, because it allows the quick killing of high evasion targets. First ion AoE something near your target to strip their shields, prevent regen and most importantly prevent the use of maneuvers to break lock, then follow with a missile to the bare hull. Proton Torps would be the ideal choice given their long range already.


I saw all the ships in your albums. Most of those look ridiculously cool. I also can't wait to see the weapons on some of those models..... I never got to test the bomber, unfortunately.

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I saw all the ships in your albums. Most of those look ridiculously cool. I also can't wait to see the weapons on some of those models..... I never got to test the bomber, unfortunately.


I tested GSF before Bombers came in. It was great then (much as it is now).


Then Bombers were added, and they absolutely ruined GSF. Twice, the devs attempted to balance them, and twice they failed. I'd say 95% of testers wanted them delayed/removed, and that's likely why they were.


While I like the visual designs (at least for the Imperial Bombers) and am eager for new ships, I am very wary of Bombers returning. If they have not been drastically nerfed/redesigned, then the GSF we all love may once again be ruined.


What was so bad about Bombers, you ask? They completely destroyed the need for good piloting/dogfighting/power management skill and rewarded boring, simple play.


The minelayer variant could drop seismic mines which ignored shields and armor, doing enough damage to one-shot most Scouts and some Strikes. These mines didn't require any lock-on time, and would automatically hit anyone who came within 1500m of them.


The drone carrier could deploy missile or railgun sentry drones which would proceed to rack up insane DPS/kills without any required skill from the pilot (nor any power devoted to lasers). The drone carrier could also deploy a Repair Drone that would repair shields (and if upgraded enough, hull!).


Both bombers could drop seeker mines, which would lock onto any target that came within 3000m and then do more damage than a concussion missile.


Mines and drones had no ammo limitation (for some unfathomable reason)--just a brief cooldown and a limit on how many could be deployed at once.


Both Bombers had super strong shields and hull, and what's worse, they could just put all power to shields while their mines an drones did damage and got kills for them. And don't forget the Repair Drone, healing them.


It wasn't long before novices and experts alike just loaded up on Bombers and turtled at satellites.


Scouts couldn't go anywhere near a node without being vaporized by mines and drones. Strike fighters could survive for a while, but didn't have the firepower to get through Bomber defenses before succumbing to the Bombers' "pets". One Bomber you might take out--but two of them made a Fortress, especially if one or both had Repair Drones.


Gunships were the only possible counter to Bombers, but they weren't very effective at the time (though admittedly, Gunship damage was much less back then). Most Gunships couldn't do enough damage to a Bomber before it retreated behind the satellite and fully regened its shields.


Nodes never switched ownership after the initial land grab. Matches were decided early and then either boring or frustrating, depending on which side you were on. Many people just started ignoring objectives so that they could go back to having fun dogfighting in open space with Scouts and Strikes.

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Isn't fortress shield better? Lasts longer than distortion.


Bypass, lol you dead. Fortress shield gives you 100% more shield power but... doesnt make you immune to shield piercing, not to mention that you have to stay idle while you use it (otherwise you lose it and goes on cd). Distorsion shield on the other hand is 3s + No lock or 6s (depending on what Tier 3 you pick) which can be a nice advantage to run out or faceroll someone.


Back to gunship talk, IF this is going to be a hybrid Gunship/Strike, with 1 missile and 1 railgun... I think it will use:

Missiles: Concussion, Thermite and Proton torpedoes because are the longest range missiles in GSF (7k max for Concussion and Thermite, 10k max for Proton), and maybe the Ion missile (with no Ion railgun). Clusters maybe, maybe not... depends if Bioware plans an all-distance gunship or a ranged one.

Railguns: will be limited to Slug, Plasma for sure, maybe Ion (but same as missiles, if we get Ion railgun, no Ion missiles)

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Don't see much of a point with railgun/missile, except to troll people circling the satellite at long range with constant Ion debuff/proton lock tone at 10km. For close range work, burst is all you need, as others have pointed out.


Railgun/systems combo, now that would be something to consider. Actually, if I could trade the 2nd railgun for a systems slot, I'd take that in a gosh darn second.


EDIT: really, bioware, auto-editing for language?

Edited by Fractalsponge
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IMO it'll just be a cartel reskin, main focus of the patch will be the bombers.


Cartel "Reskisn" aren't "Reskins". Go ahead and look at the current one, they have different loadout options than the current vehicles (they're a combination of the other two fighters/scouts when it comes to options).

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