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how will new 2.6 gunship compare with old?


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Maybe it will have different secondary than railgun. Cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. Or something. Maybe it will have some sensor dampening system that would give it like 15k dampening for 5s. Maybe it will shoot repair bot projectiles so you will snipe your allies.
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I doubt they'll change the class "loadout" of 3 weapons, but I'd say missiles rather than 2 railguns would quite help.


Otherwise, I'd say either a new railgun, access to quad laser as primary rather than just burst/light laser cannons. Perhaps different shield choice (like directionnal, fortress and hopefully NOT charged plating).


I don't see how you could change secondary system tough, unless they take out dampening and make it a scout all-you-can-eat free food.

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The VX-9 will have one railgun and one missile.




It will be interesting, because it allows the quick killing of high evasion targets. First ion AoE something near your target to strip their shields, prevent regen and most importantly prevent the use of maneuvers to break lock, then follow with a missile to the bare hull. Proton Torps would be the ideal choice given their long range already.

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I heard that it's going to be more oriented towards dogfighting, which makes me think it'll be kinda like the gunship version of a Flashfire/Sting (missiles? dunno).



If so then expect missiles and possibly losing sensor or magazine for engine secondary.


Imo I'd say not trying to be a scout is a good idea. You'll never beat them at dogfighting, play your game.


We'll see at any rate. If all else fails, I still get a nice nearly mastered mangler :)

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The VX-9 will have one railgun and one missile.




It will be interesting, because it allows the quick killing of high evasion targets. First ion AoE something near your target to strip their shields, prevent regen and most importantly prevent the use of maneuvers to break lock, then follow with a missile to the bare hull. Proton Torps would be the ideal choice given their long range already.


Oh boy, they are designing the new gunships to counter the only counter gunships have. :rak_06:

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First ion AoE something near your target to strip their shields, prevent regen and most importantly prevent the use of maneuvers to break lock,


Thus far, the Pike has a choice of torps, and is the only ship with ion torp. And the Starguard has a choice of blasters, and is the only ship with ion blasters. And the Quarrel has a choice of railguns, and is the only ship with ion railgun.


I believe the new gunship won't have an ion option, period.


then follow with a missile to the bare hull. Proton Torps would be the ideal choice given their long range already.


No, actually, concussion would be ideal. Concussion does far more damage than proton and locks on faster, his whole trick is that he ignores shields. With your strat, shields aren't an issue.



That being said, I'm excited to be able to switch between railgun and missile- that would be great.

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The VX-9 will have one railgun and one missile.




It will be interesting, because it allows the quick killing of high evasion targets. First ion AoE something near your target to strip their shields, prevent regen and most importantly prevent the use of maneuvers to break lock, then follow with a missile to the bare hull. Proton Torps would be the ideal choice given their long range already.


They said only one new gunship is coming out 2.6 so is it VX-9 or K-52?

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Yeah, I'm skeptical of the value of railgun/missile. Very skeptical. I could see railgun/system as forcing a painful (but good!) choice - do I want both ion AND slug, or slug + system? But missiles? Screw that.


Also, burst cannon is the only tool a gunship needs for dogfighter.


That said, I am looking forward to the cartel gunship just so I can get 2 gunship loadouts on my selection screen.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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Yeah, I'm skeptical of the value of railgun/missile. Very skeptical. I could see railgun/system as forcing a painful (but good!) choice - do I want both ion AND slug, or slug + system? But missiles? Screw that.


Also, burst cannon is the only tool a gunship needs for dogfighter.


That said, I am looking forward to the cartel gunship just so I can get 2 gunship loadouts on my selection screen.


Just imagine those ion love taps that stop you dead with a fully upgraded missle up your tailpipe

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Honestly the new Gunship sounds like it's going to play more like a Strike Fighter, with the only difference is that it gets a Railgun instead, with the trade-off of slightly weaker hull, shields, speed and turn rate compared to a actual Strike.


I doubt you'll be able to use Ion Railguns as it isn't a fully "Specialized" craft but more towards being a Hybrid between Gunship/Strike. For example, the Strike with two blasters is the only one that can use Ion Cannons, the Strike with two missiles is the only one that can use Ion Missiles, i'm pretty sure that the Gunship with two railguns will be the only one that can use the Ion railgun.

Edited by Dr_Kid
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Just imagine those ion love taps that stop you dead with a fully upgraded missle up your tailpipe


Yes, and I am underwhelmed compared to my actual experience of following up an ion shot with a fully charged slug railgun, which charges faster and does substantially more damage.

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No reason to think they'd make a "missile gunship" when we have the Pike/Quell already. And why would you make some awful hybrid gunship-dogfighter? It'll be worse than a pure in either role (or it's broken).



Not dogfighting, but certainly not as vulnerable close range if they give it cluster missiles.

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No reason to think they'd make a "missile gunship" when we have the Pike/Quell already. And why would you make some awful hybrid gunship-dogfighter? It'll be worse than a pure in either role (or it's broken).


I really don't see the new Gunner having the same missiles as a strike. Maybe an AOE sabotage torp or something?

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Unless the missiles on the new gunship have the range of railguns I do not see the value of them.


Some may argue that they may become useful to deter avoidance stacking targets but if that missile will have the lock on time / range of current missiles the trading flexibility provided by a second railgun off just does not seem worth it.


The proposed strategy of ion taps followed by missiles to kill shieldless targets seem like a good way to deal with high evasion scouts with or without their distortion field activated. However we have to take into consideration ion taps have to hit the scout in the first place for this tactic to work.


A reverse situation of locking on with ion missiles to strip shields and finishing the target with your blasters could work if ion missiles did not have such short lock on range.


If your target is boosting towards you, crossing your fingers and hoping to shoot them down is more or less the same as crossing your fingers and hoping you can get a missile off before the target reaches blaster range & does not use barrel roll while flying towards you.


Against strikes flying towards you with missile lock you can score some ion hits with your railgun before starting your own missile lock. They may not have enough engine ability to get out of the missile you send but unless they are using missiles with shorter range than you they will still force you to use your own missile breaking ability to avoid theirs. If you were on a 2 railgun gunship you could just switch to slug or use slug from the beginning with bypass to eliminate the strike without them not even shooting proton unless that strike was using a certain setup.


Do not also forget that a gunship flying closer to missile lock on range with even proton torpedoes will be more vulnerable to fire from enemy gunships.


Then again this is just my views based on my own gunship playstyle. People with different playstyles may disagree because they see something I can not see.

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No reason to think they'd make a "missile gunship" when we have the Pike/Quell already. And why would you make some awful hybrid gunship-dogfighter? It'll be worse than a pure in either role (or it's broken).


You trade your offensive variety for defensive power against scouts and Strikes that hunt you. Just as Scouts can trade their maneuverability and speed for offensive capability.


Playing it as a "missile boat" like a Pike would be silly, but at least by trading your second railgun for missiles you have more options when people come after you (which, if you're a good gunship and covering a point they want badly, they may just do from time to time).


We, of course, have no idea how it'll be implemented, but if it's implemented as I and others believe, you're always free (and better off) playing the ship style you like.

Edited by Queen_Ultima
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Yes, and I am underwhelmed compared to my actual experience of following up an ion shot with a fully charged slug railgun, which charges faster and does substantially more damage.


Wouldn't plasma be better follow up to ion than slug, since slug is just a shield bypass attack?

Edited by Sadishist
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We don't even know what the missiles will look like. I for one highly doubt they will just be strike fighter copy overs, most likely they will be long range cruise missiles.




Whether you're a sat guard, or assigned to shoot down guards, the gunship would probably benefit from a long-range missile option.

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