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Were plans to make "Same sex companion romances" canned?


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I'm starting to wonder whether Theron and Lana won't be becoming companions after all in the new expansion later this year. I originally dismissed them because of Theron being a character from the novels and comics, but that hasn't really stopped Bioware before. (Scourge being a good example, and just about every Dragon Age character) :p


I noticed my male Shadow had the option to flirt with Theron, so I'm guessing female characters will get to do the same with Lana.

Both genders had an option to flirt with them I think, but the flirts have been one-way so far with polite 'thank you that's nice' from Lana and Theron so this doesn't really confirm anything yet at this point. I do agree though that they do seem to be potentially groomed for companions in 3.0, would make sense.

Edited by Pietrastor
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Both genders had an option to flirt with them I think, but the flirts have been one-way so far with polite 'thank you that's nice' from Lana and Theron so this doesn't really confirm anything yet at this point. I do agree though that they do seem to be potentially groomed for companions in 3.0, would make sense.


even if they in particular don't become companions, I am almost certain the next humanoid companions we do get will be romance-able by both genders. I think the issue more lies with should they introduce a character per faction i.e. lana and theron or chose 1 gender for both factions to romance (which then ud have to decide to introduce either a gay or lesbian romance) or add both genders at the same time thus introducing 2 new companions (which isn't likely).

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I'm when I was doing missions on makeb my male bounty hunter had flirt options with the Sith Lord dude... Not that I hate peole like that but its not my cup of tea. I quit playing mekab after I saved him and it have me the option to kiss him... Yeah it ruined the rothc expan for me


...An option you DIDN'T CHOOSE ruined the content, simply because it was an option? Wow dude. Just... Wow.

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...An option you DIDN'T CHOOSE ruined the content, simply because it was an option? Wow dude. Just... Wow.


That is not unheard of. I have a hard time playing on the Sith side at all. Even when choosing "Light Side" options, you end up being an unscrupulous jerk for the most part. Not that the sort of conduct is unexpected out of the Sith, but it rubs me wrong.


Sometimes certain options can push people away. Different strokes for different folks.

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Let's hope so, wasting valuable developer resources on something that would only make 1-3% of the population somewhat happy is bad business.


On a lighter note, Capital ships are coming, and same sex enthusiasts can enjoy those as much as opposite sex enthusiasts.

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Reading this thread made me laugh quite a few times, you people are too sensitive. You refer to not being able to romance same gender companions using word like "discrimination" as though not allowing same sex romances is a product of bigotry. This game is rated teen after all, and while it does happen homosexual romances are less frequent in teen games than M rated games. And bioware paid attention and gave you guys same sex flirts and that whole Cytharat debacle, and I strongly suspect that lana beniko may be a companion in the future or at the very least be greatly expanded upon as a character, and she's a same sex option.


P.S I'm all for LGB rights, but you people who say that the male on male romance was in the empire because the empire and therefore bioware considers being gay evil are hilarious and delusional.

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Let's hope so, wasting valuable developer resources on something that would only make 1-3% of the population somewhat happy is bad business.


I think you are underestimating the numbers of people who would be interested in any romantic content, including SGR, providing it is actual content, not a single option tacked in somewhere. First, you have female gamer who have so little choice that any additions would be tried, particularly if available to characters like F!Knight and F!Warrior who are stuck with the worst prospects. And there are also plenty of people who simply love experiencing new content. Plus, if it is added after Chapter 3 concludes on Corellia, any additions to companions who are now all silent would be welcome. Finally, there are companions, that an individual player would romance regardless of gender of the PC required, 'cause their dialogue is simply very good - and a few of those companions did not get the romances in the OC.


Honestly, I am easily seeing at least 50% of the players trying out the SGR options. :)


Capital ships are coming, and same sex enthusiasts can enjoy those as much as opposite sex enthusiasts.


Heh, let's say I want different kind of ships added in :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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So, they should scrap NiM modes too right? Or Ranked PVP?




If it were my choice, yes. We don't need anything beyond HM and frankly ranked PVP is boring I imagine, seeing as it only consists arenas. :rak_03:

Edited by Nickious
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IHonestly, I am easily seeing at least 50% of the players trying out the SGR options. :)


That's because we have no choice. :( Mass Effect 3 drowned me in female-female romances, but I'd much rather have a better ending. And as a female gamer, I'd rather see a male romance option, especially with Darth Arkous around(why can't our female Sith romance a fellow Sith?)


But what I really want is more class stories. :)

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Can't recall ever seeing that in a Star Wars movie. And last I checked this is a Star Wars game. Star Wars! Please leave your political agenda at the door please.


Sexual identity isn't apolitical issue, its a biological one. Bigots have made it a political issue.

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That's because we have no choice. :( Mass Effect 3 drowned me in female-female romances, but I'd much rather have a better ending. And as a female gamer, I'd rather see a male romance option, especially with Darth Arkous around(why can't our female Sith romance a fellow Sith?)


But what I really want is more class stories. :)


well darth Arkous is being set up as a antagonist to you so that might be why

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So, they should scrap NiM modes too right? Or Ranked PVP?




Ranked Warzones dont take dev time to make.


Copy same exact warzone, give different reward. NO dev time.


Same thing with NiM



But with class story writing, voice acting, and programming of this sort of thing takes TONS of time and money to do. JUST to make the LBGT community happy for 2 minutes that the conversation is there? Not worth it. Waste of time and resources. As an aside, there are many customers who find this sort of thing annoying or offensive. So you run the risk of angering them over it.

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Ranked Warzones dont take dev time to make.


Copy same exact warzone, give different reward. NO dev time.


Same thing with NiM



But with class story writing, voice acting, and programming of this sort of thing takes TONS of time and money to do. JUST to make the LBGT community happy for 2 minutes that the conversation is there? Not worth it. Waste of time and resources. As an aside, there are many customers who find this sort of thing annoying or offensive. So you run the risk of angering them over it.

BUL****. Ranked Warzones have had new rewards and arenas added. NIM modes still require at least some dev time for new machanics, it's not just health bar increase. As for SGR romances - you mention it yourself in your very own post - 2 minutes of extra dialogues. That will be about 30 minutes more for voice actor in the studio and an hour for writer to do. And all this takes place in static ship dialgue senes with fade-to-blacks. There's no coding here, elaborate animations, just assigning stuff (including pre-existing animations from the library) in dialogue editor Bioware and modders known for over a decade. Tons of money and time in your dreams Edited by Pietrastor
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I think it's safe to say all future story content is canned....


Also remember all the promises we got from Bioware was from employees that no longer work for Bioware... They pretty much all jumped shipped along with the original owners of Bioware...


The talent that made Bioware so great is no longer here, EA pretty much gutted Bioware and only uses it's name, it will toss the Bioware name once they milk it for everything they can, and then EA will look for the next company to buy so they can do the same thing all over again...


lol Im the farthest thing from a EA fanboi but wow talk about doom and gloom statements


I LEFT before in large part to the rigid and obnoxious veiwpoints and statements of the original devs who made so many unforgivable mistakes with this game.


I came back because the new devs started to correct some of those mistakes (housing, more events, and more).


EA very well might be the devil when it comes to corporate greed but the new devs making the calls in SW:TOR are finally on the right track and have properly ignored many of the statements made by the old tunnel vision crowd.


The ONLY NAME I regret seeing leave this game is Drew K.

But he also left Bioware as well

His writing was clearly heads and shoulders over anyone else left (at the time) in SW:TOR or Bioware.


Lets not pretend the previous Bioware group that made SW:TOR hit a home run because they simply did not.

They were obnoxiously arrogant in how they approached game and players and I will never forgive them for the draconian way they mishandled the forums, punishing people who disagreed with their choices in the early days.


The new team has earned its chance and opportunity by correcting some of the more blatant issues plaguing SW:TOR. But there is much more to address so they dont just get a free pass. They need to deliver the goods each time out.


So far this critic gives them a thumbs up


As for the homosexual stuff, I think its of very low importance and the OP and crowd will be disappointed going forward having to settle for one off flirting lines like seen in Makeb planet story lines. I truly doubt we will get any new companions with indept romance options going forward as that part of design is costly and detailed and we probably never getting a fully fleshed out companion like that again.

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We have at least 5 perfectly good companions with plenty of content that have no or next to no romances - Zenith, Scourge, Rusk, Pierce and Tharan (and I think one mow, in Inq crew, right?). Plus there are Ashara, Kalyio, Kira, Quinn and Jaesa who can be reasonably and cheaply added as FemSlash.


That's because we have no choice. Mass Effect 3 drowned me in female-female romances, but I'd much rather have a better ending. And as a female gamer, I'd rather see a male romance option [...]


Yeah, of course, but knowing Bio, it is the imaginary colt-shy male gamer who openly and loudly says that he has no use for them darn romances at all EVAR that will always be catered to first and foremost, and I have lost hope that I will live to see the day when a female PC gets more than one full-fledged straight romance. I only have at best 50 years left on this Earth...

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, I am still waiting for that same gender companion romance possibility for like... oh well I don't know 3 years? And I still get nothing of my interest, just one planet... it feels quite discriminate... like putting all 'gay' people on one planet and just forget about them... I was expecting for them to twitch here and there the original companions, for example right now I am dying to romance Corso with my male captain, but that not possible... because he was one of the first companions and they probably have no plans on changing them... that a shame and I was expecting so much more from a company like Bioware and EA... Edited by ChristieZhivkova
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"Companion" was never part of the equation. Same-sex romances do exist, however. I guess the disappointing part is that they don't follow through past their initial establishment.


If I am reading this quote correctly, Jeff Hickman confirms that there will be same-gender romances with companions, but it will take a while longer... and if I am reading correctly the date on which this article was written, which is at the beginning of the last year... this means that they probably working on it... the question is... how much longer it will take...?


"First of all, I want to apologize that this is taking so long to get in the game. I realize that we promised [same Gender Romance] to you guys and that many of you believed that this would be with a companion character. Unfortunately, this will take a lot more work than we realized at the time and it (like some other pieces of content we talked about earlier in the year) has been delayed as we focused on the changes required to take the game Free-to-Play. As we have said in the past, allowing same gender romance is something we are very supportive of."

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