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This only happens when the scout has burst lasers and is good enough to get most of his shots at close range.


Skill more, I guess.

Indeed. 500 meters+overcharge+bypass. But that's totally easy to avoid if you aren't flying in a straight line.

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Gunship - providing cover for strikers and scouts (ranged dps)

Striker - front line assault (tank)

Sting/ Flashfire - support for strikers (dps)

Blackbolt/ NovaDive - hunting gunships and enemies on the sides (counter ranged dps)


Your problem is not op ships but no team play. In full 12vs12 the game divides you in 3 squadrons with 4 ships for each satellite. You need to select your ship according to the squadron you are in (that's why some of your teammates are highlighted on the map, that is your squadron). If you don't follow the rules of the game, don't complain about loosing.

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Indeed. 500 meters+overcharge+bypass. But that's totally easy to avoid if you aren't flying in a straight line.


Don't need cooldowns to two shot a guy. (That said, terrible UI design doesn't tell me how much hull I have left except in quarters or something.)

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I don't see how the gunship's ability to fairly consistently be able to 1 shot or very easily 2 shot an opponent is any different from the scout's not nearly as easy method of getting 1 shot or 2 shot kills. If you've ever played a scout you know that it requires a tremendous amount of primary weapon accuracy and maneuvering skill. The gunship is literally a sit still and shoot class.


Secondly, more people complain about Gunships and their railguns than people who complain about scouts. Because it's a skill-less task in comparison with a dogfight with any pilot worth their wings.


Thirdly, your argument about the needs of the many is a bad argument in favor of nerfing scouts, because if you polled the community, I'd guarantee more people would want a GS nerf before a scout nerf.


On a side note: I've NEVER heard of anyone complaining about a scout. They have less powerful weapons, and to kill anything with them you either need to have a bad opponent or be extremely skillful. I can't get into a match where i don't hear a gunship complaint.


As a Striker pilot I've already stated that I've not had problems with the GS therefore choose to not make it my crusade. I don't really post on the GS nerf threads, I've flown GS here and there and yes it's pretty eastmode too hit someone and get kills. However GS escape and evasion is such a pathetic joke that I see this as the balance out point.


Nobody said we only get one nerf spend it wisely.

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Your problem is not op ships but no team play. In full 12vs12 the game divides you in 3 squadrons with 4 ships for each satellite. You need to select your ship according to the squadron you are in (that's why some of your teammates are highlighted on the map, that is your squadron). If you don't follow the rules of the game, don't complain about loosing.


Actually 12 ships is the squadron, 4 ships is a "Flight Group" See: Star Wars Lore.


Gunship - providing cover for strikers and scouts (ranged dps)

Striker - front line assault (tank)

Sting/ Flashfire - support for strikers (dps)

Blackbolt/ NovaDive - hunting gunships and enemies on the sides (counter ranged dps)


Somewhat disagree


Gunship - providing cover for strikers and scouts (ranged dps) Agreed

Striker - front line assault (tank) as long as you think PvP tank not PvE tank

Sting/ Flashfire - support for strikers (dps) errr sort of

Blackbolt/ NovaDive - hunting gunships and enemies on the sides (counter ranged dps) Wrong


Gunship: Extreme range, Long range, medium range, and short range DPS


Striker: Long range, medium range, close range DPS though certain builds will limit or remove long range capability.

Designed to survive among hostiles for extended periods (Tank),

Designed to attack stationary targets from a safe range (long range dps) build dependent.

Designed to have multiple skill sets to respond to changing events.


Blackbolt/novadive: True Scout

- response fighter uses it massive flight range to attack the enemy where they are week and/or where immediate response is necessary.

- Control point softener

- Gunship response and harassment, not the same as GS hunterkiller as there are much more efficient classes for killing them. Novadive only needs to make GS stop attacking the squad, in fact it's better to not kill the GS from a purely objective standpoint as you know where it is but won't if you kill it. You simply need to force a GS into constant evasion.


Sting/Flashfire: Interceptor

These ships are meant for killing other ships, if your going after objectives like turrets you doing someone elses job and should go find some tail and chase it. Same goes for GS it seems logical that you be the GS attacker but that is wrong, again your doing someone elses job. Your prey is Strikers and Scouts any other killing and even control point capture is someone elses job. Flashfire is an Interceptor if you play that role then other roles can play theirs. If you clear out the fighters from a control point let the strikers hold it and go after the reinforcements that are coming to stop the capture.


I've learned more then anything that Scouts can perform all roles, however they are often not the best at it. It's like when a healer starts to dps and the dps need to heal themselves even though they dps better, and heal poorly. It works better when people play their own roles and not someone elses.

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How the hell is it possible to be literally 2shot by scouts in a starfighter almost fully upgraded?? Its pathetic and stupid. Scouts running around from end of the map to the other doing as much as 100k dmg a fight IS BEYOND stupid.


How is it possible for strikes to two-shot scouts? Seriously both ships can do it to each other.

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How the hell is it possible to be literally 2shot by scouts in a starfighter almost fully upgraded?? Its pathetic and stupid. Scouts running around from end of the map to the other doing as much as 100k dmg a fight IS BEYOND stupid.


I quit reading and caring when you said "as much as 100k". You have no clue what you are talking about and your gross exaggeration does nothing but show that you are whining about getting owned.

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couldnt care less what u say mr ignorant. and its not me thats complaining, its a really bad game mechanic. the strikers missile lock on takes more time than required for th escout to kill em, so go figure. during missile lock on. btw the striker has to fly pretty much in a straight line. and the 100k is no fairy tale, seen it happen 3-4 times with 25+ kills.
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couldnt care less what u say mr ignorant. and its not me thats complaining, its a really bad game mechanic. the strikers missile lock on takes more time than required for th escout to kill em, so go figure. during missile lock on. btw the striker has to fly pretty much in a straight line. and the 100k is no fairy tale, seen it happen 3-4 times with 25+ kills.


>relying on missile locks to get kills in a head to head as strike vs scout


Missile locks shine when you're behind the target and will likely prove invaluable in future game modes (capital vs capital, for example).

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>relying on missile locks to get kills in a head to head as strike vs scout.


Yes and No you should try a missile lock any time but you should focus on blaster attacks when going head to head.


Missile locks shine when you're behind the target and will likely prove invaluable in future game modes (capital vs capital, for example).



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Yes and No you should try a missile lock any time but you should focus on blaster attacks when going head to head.


I'd say mostly no, since how many scouts are just going to sit there and let you get a concussion missile lock on them in a head to head? Between evasion cooldowns, the population that takes Distortion Field with break missile lock, and simply mashing the afterburners to fly underneath you and break the lock... not many, I think.


Of course, if both of you are holding the decelerate button and flinging lasers at each other, that missile lock is going to wreck him. Also, psychological warfare. People seem to panic when you paint a lock on them, no matter what the situation.

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