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Brooding For All Marauders


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Brooding allows Carnage Marauders to build 30 Fury as they use Channel Hatred.


It is a common thing for a Marauder to spec up the Carnage tree into this ability so they can build their fury without having to use their Frenzy.


My question is, why Carnage Marauders? Why do they alone get this ability? It is easy enough to take advantage of this loophole, if it can even be called that.


Why not give it to all Marauders when all they need to do is a quick Field Respec? Could it be made a passive ability?


This is not to say that something like Acid Blade should be made accessible to all Operative Specs as it grants a buff, and is a top-tree activation ability that costs energy.


I don't see it making Marauders OP. Thoughts?

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That would be a huge quality of life buff for Annihilation. However, I can see issues with the Smash spec, because Shii-cho Berserk essentially fills the rage bar, as well as provides a full stack of Singularity in one button push.


That, or they could just reduce the cooldown on Frenzy to something more accessible, like 60 seconds, and make it give 3-4 Rage on activation.

Edited by Helig
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I absolutely love it. It's extremely helpful for most PVP scenarios to start. Predation helps to get to the ball quicker in Huttball or to the nodes in Novare, Alderaan, and Hypergates. If you're a Carnage Mara and not using this at the start of every match for some reason, then you're not helping your team as best you can. If there are two of you on a team, coordinate. Particularly in Huttball. One hit it to start the match and get to the ball, the other hit it once you have the ball to help speed the team to the endzone.


It's also very helpful when you're guarding a node. It allows you to keep 30 stacks of fury ready to go in the event your node is attacked.

Edited by AMulls
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That would be a huge quality of life buff for Annihilation. However, I can see issues with the Smash spec, because Shii-cho Berserk essentially fills the rage bar, as well as provides a full stack of Singularity in one button push.


That, or they could just reduce the cooldown on Frenzy to something more accessible, like 60 seconds, and make it give 3-4 Rage on activation.


I don't think the rage Tree needs its rage management dumbed down even more...it's already pathetically easy, not to mention how with short fuse, those 30 stacks of fury fill up in around 7.5seconds if you're constantly attacking and getting attacked (as it should be). Now Annihilation, I agree, they should be able to further reduce the CD of Frenzy in my opinion.

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Would be nice. Sad thing is the amount of carn maras that don't use it before a pvp match.


The sad thing is the borked buff reset at the start of the 4v4 arenas.. I know that you can only brood when the clock is running (30s) but sometimes it simply doesn't even work. Sometimes brooding does nothing. :mad:

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The sad thing is the borked buff reset at the start of the 4v4 arenas.. I know that you can only brood when the clock is running (30s) but sometimes it simply doesn't even work. Sometimes brooding does nothing. :mad:


That'll be the 30 second icd. Don't brood until the timer is at 15.

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