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Turret Dogfighting (Hitting X to Kill Throttle ) Needs a Penalty


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About evasion (and more specifically the distortion field) why is it so hard to imagine a system that fools your targeting system into thinking it is 50m to the left... you shoot... 50m to the target's side... and miss.
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Now that I know what "they" are doing. I see this quite frequently. Sure, get an angle on the person. Sounds great in theory, but in practice it is difficult when 2 people chasing you.. Parking under a satellite is a cheap tactic. Too bad I can't get credit for making my tailer "self-destruct". :rolleyes:
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So it does take a few seconds to go from full speed to zero by hitting X. I eat those people up so by all means keep doing it. My complaint is when a gunship can right click and go from full boost to zero instantly...


Not sure about gunships being able to do that. But the point of X seems to be to make your opponent waste time positioning for the kill while you easily take pot shots at them. Been using it more and more. Hitting X is a great way to exit a dogfight and just take shots at your opponent. You know how in a turning fight, slower speed is better? X is slower than your slowest speed. The availability of the tactic does not mean it's good for the game, however.


BTW, and for the record, LOS is not the issue here. If you want to run under the node, get cover, hit LOS and cap, that's fine. Good luck not getting shot by approaching enemies. I's when peeps do it in the middle of a dogfight because it's better/easier than doing a turning fight or getting a more advantageous position that it's cheap.

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if there was gravity then yes BUT YOUR IN SPACE, and there ARE retro thrusters in the game under engineering currently (and you dont die when you use them)


Air resistance has nothing to do with gravity.


Dude. Take a high school physics class. Draw a force body diagram or two. You are talking nonsense.

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You haven't encountered this enough to know that you're wrong.


The reduced-turning-speed-while-stationary is still fast enough to allow you to line up a shot when your enemy zooms out and turns back to hit you. In other words, turning speed while stationary needs to be slower.


So you've come to just flat out calling people wrong? How would you know I've not encountered it enough? I certainly have and I can tell you if you have any skill it will not be a problem when you encounter it. The only times it becomes a problem is when someone lodges themselves right next to a point, hidden inside part of the point so it's hard to attack them.

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So you've come to just flat out calling people wrong? How would you know I've not encountered it enough? I certainly have and I can tell you if you have any skill it will not be a problem when you encounter it. The only times it becomes a problem is when someone lodges themselves right next to a point, hidden inside part of the point so it's hard to attack them.


I see the over-use of X in every match I play. That's why I think you're wrong. The example you noted is the most common, though hiding under the node to cap it is legit. It's the starting and stopping and starting and stopping that dogfighting has turned into that I find no fun. I played a few matches today and it was really prevalent. In one match, I went for north and kept to guys from capping it for the first third of the match. I could keep them off my tail and even attack, but then one just decided to camp out and hit X. With one my tail, I didn't have the luxury to focus the guy that was completely stopped. That's how they took me out. One example only.


Another example. I hid under the node, capped it and waited for a gut to come around the corner. I had cover and the luxury of lining up a shot. Totally destroyed him. It felt pretty cheap. X replaces the dogfight. This is a dogfighting game, not a turret jousting game.


Another thing I observed today, you can get around the turning speed penalty because after you hit X, you have a couple of moments before you momentum ends. In that time, you can line up the shot and never have to deal with the turning penalty while stationary.


No fun.

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The basic fix is to make evasion 0% when standing still. I have seen people abuse the stop mechanic for about a week now. It's the new thing.


As much as they are a bit over-tuned right now, I wouldn't want to penalize gunships for playing their designed playstyle but some type of fix is necessary.


Just ran another match. Use of X by the other side was rampant. "Let me just park here while you do circles." We won, for the record, but that game play is no fun.

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If people are concerned about someone stopping in one spot and using the Evasion ability , why not fly past them and let them burn their cooldown on evasion, then return 20 sec. later to fight it out? Its all a matter of timing and using your abilitys in the proper moment. Edited by Bloodybones
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I see the over-use of X in every match I play. That's why I think you're wrong. The example you noted is the most common, though hiding under the node to cap it is legit. It's the starting and stopping and starting and stopping that dogfighting has turned into that I find no fun. I played a few matches today and it was really prevalent. In one match, I went for north and kept to guys from capping it for the first third of the match. I could keep them off my tail and even attack, but then one just decided to camp out and hit X. With one my tail, I didn't have the luxury to focus the guy that was completely stopped. That's how they took me out. One example only.


Another example. I hid under the node, capped it and waited for a gut to come around the corner. I had cover and the luxury of lining up a shot. Totally destroyed him. It felt pretty cheap. X replaces the dogfight. This is a dogfighting game, not a turret jousting game.


Another thing I observed today, you can get around the turning speed penalty because after you hit X, you have a couple of moments before you momentum ends. In that time, you can line up the shot and never have to deal with the turning penalty while stationary.


No fun.


DD, I love you, and I never stop in dogfights myself ... but both of the scenarios you describe are due to other factors, not stopping.


If two pilots have you outnumbered 2-to-1, then of course one is going to shoot at you whenever you fly straight long enough to shoot at the other one. 90% of kills in GSF come from person A killing person B while person B is focused on shooting at person C. Whether anyone is stopped or started makes no difference.


For the second example, it's pretty clear the other guy did not have you targeted or just had bad spatial awareness. I target and identify stopped/nestled fighters all the time. My solution is always to fly a short distance away and be ready to line up the shot before I come around cover. Once I (and my target) are exposed to another, it all comes down to skill, build and cooldown use. If I have Distortion Field I'll activate it. Directional Shield I'll put double-front. I'll turn on Feedback shield. I'll spam Rocket Pods. I'll use Targeting Telemetry or Blaster Overcharge or Wingman or Bypass or Concentrated Fire. Anything to make me tougher to kill and my shots more deadly.


And if my target is an Evasion-build and I see none of my shots hitting, I immediately turn perpendicular to him, moving out of his line of fire. Because he is stopped, he turns too slowly to track me. Meanwhile I circle around to do another pass on him, and now his Evasion is on cooldown. A smart sat-sitter will know I'm coming back around and start moving. A dumb one will die.

Edited by Nemarus
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